Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Ermelinda Pereira

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303384
ORCID: 0000-0002-9431-5059
Scopus Author ID: 35222107200


  • Since 1998: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1994 - 1998: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1983 - 1994: Nurse at Vila Real District Hospital, Portugal


  • Since 2023: Member of the Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal
  • 2021 - 2023: Vice-head of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2019 - 2023: Member of Image and Student Support Office of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal
  • 2018 - 2019: Member of the Scientific Council of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2013 - 2015: Member of Scientific Council of the Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • 2006 - 2023: Member of the Food Safety Services team
  • 2002 - 2004: Vice-head of the Department of Geosciences of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2001 - 2009: Member of the Scientific Council of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2002: Head of Department of Geosciences of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • 2005 - PhD. in Agronomic Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1998 - MSc. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal
  • 1993 - Graduation in Zootechnical Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal


  • Food microbiology, microbial ecology, food quality and safety
  • Environmental microbiology (air, water and soil): monitoring and evaluation


3Rs - Regenerar, Reformular e Reinventar: culturas esquecidas para alimentos saudáveis e sustentáveis
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PD24-00012
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2024-09-01
End: 2027-08-30
Arbo-Innova - Regenerative Intensive Almonds & Olive Pilots
Funding body: Avina Stiftung
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-07-01
End: 2027-06-30
BioComp_3.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para controlo do jacinto-de-água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000224
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-04-01
End: 2025-09-30
- Ethical Food Enterpreneurship
Funding body: Erasmus +
Principal Investigator:Elsa Cristina Dantas Ramalhosa
Start: 2022-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
BIOCOMP_2.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para o controlo do jacinto de água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070123
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2021-04-01
End: 2023-06-30
Go_ClimCast - Os novos desafios para o souto no contexto de alterações climáticas
Funding body: PDR 2020 - Programa de desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020 - 1.0.1 - Grupos operacionais
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-032060
Principal Investigator:Maria do Sameiro Ferreira Patrício
Start: 2017-09-01
End: 2022-12-31
- Novas práticas em olivais de sequeiro: estratégias de mitigação e adaptação às alterações climáticas
Funding body: PDR 2020 - Programa de desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020 - 1.0.1 - Grupos operacionais
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-032117
Principal Investigator:Margarida Maria Pereira Arrobas Rodrigues
Start: 2016-11-30
End: 2022-12-31
ValNuts - Valorização dos frutos secos de casca rija (FSCR)
Funding body: PDR 2020 - Programa de desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020 - 1.0.1 - Grupos operacionais
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-030756
Principal Investigator:Elsa Cristina Dantas Ramalhosa
Start: 2017-04-01
End: 2022-12-31
EGIS - Estratégias para uma gestão integrada do solo e da água em espécies produtoras de frutos secos
Funding body: PDR 2020 - Programa de desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020 - 1.0.1 - Grupos operacionais
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-030981
Principal Investigator:Margarida Maria Pereira Arrobas Rodrigues
Start: 2016-11-30
End: 2020-12-31
- Integrated strategies for increasing the productivity of almond trees in Trás-os-Montes
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:António Castro Ribeiro
Start: 2014-11-16
End: 2017-12-31
OliveOld - Identificação e caracterização de oliveiras centenárias para a obtenção de produtos diferenciados
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Paula Cristina dos Santos Baptista
Start: 2014-04-01
End: 2017-12-15
TRADEIT - Traditional Food: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer
Funding body: FP7- KBBE Knowledge Based Bio-Economy
Principal Investigator:Elsa Cristina Dantas Ramalhosa
Start: 2013-11-01
End: 2016-10-31
- Florestas Mistas. Modelação, dinâmica e distribuição geográfica da produtividade e da fixação do carbono nos ecossistemas florestais mistos em Portugal
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Maria do Sameiro Ferreira Patrício
Start: 2007-09-01
End: 2011-04-30
BioPast - Uma Abordagem Integrada às Pastagens Permanentes Biodiversas Ricas em Leguminosas
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Carlos Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar
Start: 2007-08-01
End: 2011-01-31
- Optimização das Condições de Produção de Hidromel
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2007-01-31
End: 2010-01-01
VITISREGA - Distribución e identificación de variedades autóctonas de vid y evaluación de su respuesta al riego en las zonas portuguesa y castellano-leonesa del Duero
Funding body: INTERREG III A – Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal -Espanha
Principal Investigator:Paula Cristina dos Santos Baptista
Start: 2006-01-01
End: 2008-01-01

Total results: 31
Afonso M.J.,Ramalhosa E.,del Río P.G.,Martins F.,Baptista P.,Pereira E.L.,Guerra N.P.
Production of nondairy fermented products with chestnut puree as substrate and milk kefir grains or two lactic acid bacteria
Journal of Food Science, 90, , 2025

Leal L.,Yamanaka V.,Pereira E.,Theodoro J.,Domingues M.d.F.,Fernandes I.,Gabriel M.F.,Feliciano M.
Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases Throughout Surgical Interventions: A Case Study in a Portuguese Local Health Unit
Atmosphere, 15, , 2024

Pereira E.L.,Choupina A.,Patrıćio M.S.
Metagenomic characterization of soil bacterial communities in young chestnut orchards in northern Portugal
Acta Horticulturae, 1, 349-355, 2024

Martins S.,Brito C.,Gonçalves A.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Pereira E.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.,Nunes F.,Correia C.M.
Differential responses of photosynthesis, yield and soil properties 4 years after a single application of zeolites and biochar in a rainfed olive orchard
Soil Use and Management, 40, , 2024

Martins S.,Brito C.,Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Arrobas M.,Pereira E.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Nunes F.M.,Correia C.M.
Synergy between Zeolites and Leguminous Cover Crops Improved Olive Tree Performance and Soil Properties in a Rainfed Olive Orchard
Agronomy, 13, , 2023

Arrobas M.,Conceição N.,Pereira E.,Martins S.,Raimundo S.,Brito C.,Correia C.M.,Rodrigues M.Â.
Dolomitic limestone was more effective than calcitic limestone in increasing soil pH in an untilled olive orchard
Soil Use and Management, 39, 1437-1452, 2023

Rodrigues P.,Jelassi A.,Kanoun E.,Sulyok M.,Correia P.,Ramalhosa E.,Pereira E.L.
Effect of different storage conditions on the stability and safety of almonds
Journal of Food Science, 88, 848-859, 2023

Fernandes L.,Graeff F.,Jelassi A.,Sulyok M.,Garcia C.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Bento A.,Kanoun A.,Rodrigues P.,Pereira E.L.,Ramalhosa E.
Effect of relative humidity on the quality and safety of peeled almond kernels (Prunus dulcis Mill.) during simulated maritime transport/storage
Journal of Food Science, 87, 5363-5374, 2022

D’ávila L.,Feliciano M.,Agustini M.,Baptista P.,Ribeiro T.,de Fátima Domingues M.,Pereira E.L.
Assessment of thermal comfort and indoor air quality in an operating theatre environment
Progress in Industrial Ecology, 15, 183-205, 2022

Afonso S.,Arrobas M.,Pereira E.L.,Rodrigues M.Â.
Recycling nutrient-rich hop leaves by composting with wheat straw and farmyard manure in suitable mixtures
Journal of Environmental Management, 284, , 2021

Pereira E.L.,Madacussengua O.,Baptista P.,Feliciano M.
Assessment of indoor air quality in geriatric environments of southwestern Europe
Aerobiologia, 37, 139-153, 2021

Fernandes L.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Pereira E.L.,Saraiva J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
Freezing of edible flowers: Effect on microbial and antioxidant quality during storage
Journal of Food Science, 85, 1151-1159, 2020

Fernandes L.,Pereira E.L.,do Céu Fidalgo M.,Gomes A.,Ramalhosa E.
Physicochemical properties and microbial control of chestnuts (Castanea sativa) coated with whey protein isolate, chitosan and alginate during storage
Scientia Horticulturae, 263, , 2020

Fernandes L.,Pereira E.L.,Fidalgo M.D.C.,Gomes A.,Ramalhosa E.
Effect of Modified Atmosphere, Vacuum and Polyethylene Packaging on Physicochemical and Microbial Quality of Chestnuts (Castanea sativa) during Storage
International Journal of Fruit Science, 20, S785-S801, 2020

Fernandes L.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Pereira E.L.,Saraiva J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
Physicochemical, antioxidant and microbial properties of crystallized pansies (Viola × wittrockiana) during storage
Food Science and Technology International, 25, 472-479, 2019

Arrobas M.,Ribeiro A.,Barreales D.,Pereira E.L.,Rodrigues M.Â.
Soil and foliar nitrogen and boron fertilization of almond trees grown under rainfed conditions
European Journal of Agronomy, 106, 39-48, 2019

Fernandes L.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Pereira E.L.,Saraiva J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
Effect of alginate coating on the physico-chemical and microbial quality of pansies (Viola × wittrockiana) during storage
Food Science and Biotechnology, 27, 987-996, 2018

Oliveira T.,Ramalhosa E.,Nunes L.,Pereira J.A.,Colla E.,Pereira E.L.
Probiotic potential of indigenous yeasts isolated during the fermentation of table olives from Northeast of Portugal
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 44, 167-172, 2017

Fernandes L.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Pereira E.L.,Ramalhosa E.,Saraiva J.A.
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of four edible flowers: Viola × wittrockiana, Centaurea cyanus, Borago officinalis and Camellia japonica
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 2455-2462, 2017

Rodrigues M.Â.,Dimande P.,Pereira E.L.,Ferreira I.Q.,Freitas S.,Correia C.M.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Arrobas M.
Early-maturing annual legumes: an option for cover cropping in rainfed olive orchards
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 103, 153-166, 2015

Pereira E.L.,Ramalhosa E.,Borges A.,Pereira J.A.,Baptista P.
YEAST dynamics during the natural fermentation process of table olives (Negrinha de Freixo cv.)
Food Microbiology, 46, 582-586, 2015

Patrício M.S.,Nunes L.F.,Pereira E.L.
Evaluation of soil organic carbon storage in a sustainable forest chestnut management context
Acta Horticulturae, 1043, 161-165, 2014

Pereira E.L.,Rodrigues A.,Ramalhosa E.
Influence of working conditions and practices on fresh-cut lettuce salads quality
Food Control, 33, 406-412, 2013

Patricio M.S.,Nunes L.F.,Pereira E.L.
Litterfall and litter decomposition in chestnut high forest stands in northern Portugal
Forest Systems, 21, 259-271, 2012

Pereira E.L.,Santos S.A.P.,Arrobas M.,Patricio M.S.
Microbial biomass and N mineralization in mixed plantations of broadleaves and nitrogen-fixing species
Investigacion Agraria Sistemas y Recursos Forestales, 20, 516-524, 2011

Patrício M.S.,Fernandes M.J.,Pereira E.,Lopes D.
Aboveground production and C flux in three chestnut high forest stands in Northern Portugal
Acta Horticulturae, 866, 711-717, 2010

Pires S.,Pereira E.,Lopes-Da-Silva M.
Ceramic packaging for mineral waters: A preliminary study
6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010, FOODSIM 2010, 191-194, 2010

Patrício M.S.,Pereira E.,Nunes L.F.,Monteiro M.L.
Carbon and nutrient inputs by litterfall into three chestnut high forest stands in Northern Portugal
Acta Horticulturae, 815, 69-74, 2009

Estevinho L.,Pereira A.P.,Moreira L.,Dias L.G.,Pereira E.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of phenolic compounds extracts of Northeast Portugal honey
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 3774-3779, 2008