Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Maria Letícia Estevinho

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303342
ORCID: 0000-0002-9249-1948
Scopus Author ID: 6506577664


  • Since 2023: Full Professor at the the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2009: Coordinator Professor with “Agregação” at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1996 - 2009: Coordinator Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1989 - 1996: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1986 - 1989: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1985 - 1986: Teacher's Assistant at the University of Trás-os- Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal


  • 2009 - "Agregação" in Food Science, Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal
  • 1995 - PhD. in Sciences, University of Minho (UM), Portugal
  • 1989 - MSc. in Biotechnology, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1985 - Graduation in Zootechnical Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD),Portugal


  • Food Quality and Safety; Food Science and Technology
  • Natural Products Biology
  • Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance
  • Biological properties, among which antioxidant, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, anti-haemolytic and anti-cancer


PHARMAPITOX - Desenvolvimento de um colector inovador e protocolo para purificação da apitoxina para uso nas indústrias farmacêutica e cosmética
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-113540
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2021-05-01
End: 2023-03-30
- New products derived from sausage
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Reference: 020570056343
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2014-05-27
End: 2017-12-31
- Valuation sub beekeeping products - Production of mead and honey vinegar
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Reference: 020557054811
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2014-04-23
End: 2017-12-31
- Development of new products based on cheese from local goat breed Serrana
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Álvaro Luis Pegado Lemos de Mendonça
Start: 2014-04-01
End: 2016-07-31
QTradiSaus - Integral assessment of risk-based intervention strategies to improve the microbial safety of Portuguese traditional sausages
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-TEC/3107/2012
Principal Investigator:Joaquina Teresa Gaudêncio Dias
Start: 2013-07-01
End: 2015-06-30
MBP - Development of new apiculture products in biological production mode
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2011-02-01
End: 2015-03-31
- Obtenção produtos transformados de carne ovinos/caprino
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Reference: PRODER CMP026
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2010-01-01
End: 2012-12-31
- Identification, characterization and role of molecular factors associated with the mechanisms of infection of Fagaceae species by Phytophthora cinnamomi
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-AAM/67628/2006
Start: 2007-01-01
End: 2010-01-01
- Optimização das Condições de Produção de Hidromel
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2007-01-31
End: 2010-01-01
- Bioactive properties of wild edible mushroomes
Funding body: FCT - POCI
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2005-10-01
End: 2008-09-30
- Rastreio nacional de antibioticos no Mel: avaliação das vias de contaminação dos Resíduos no Mel
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2005-2008
Principal Investigator:Luis Avelino Guimarães Dias
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2008-01-01
- Promoção e estímulo à  produção biológica de mel
Funding body: IFAP - Fundo Florestal Permanente
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2003-12-01
End: 2007-12-31
- Caracterização dos Méis de Trás-os- Montes: Demonstração do Contributo do Meio Ambiente e da Acção dos Apicultores para a Qualidade do Produto
Funding body: AGRO - Programa Operacional Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
Reference: AGRO, projecto nº 242,
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2001-06-01
End: 2004-11-30
- Novos compostos glicosídicos de plantas etnofarmacêuticas: actividade biológica em leveduras patogénicas
Funding body: POCTI - Programa operacional Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Reference: POCTI/FCB/35863/1999
Start: 1999-01-01
End: 2000-12-31

Total results: 189
Faiz M.B.,Naeem F.,Irfan M.,Aslam M.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Ateşşahin D.A.,Alshahrani A.M.,Calina D.,Khan K.,Sharifi-Rad J.
Exploring the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in cancer by modulating signaling pathways and addressing clinical challenges
Discover Oncology, 15, , 2024

Gómez-Gaete C.,Avendaño-Godoy J.,Escobar-Avello D.,Campos-Requena V.H.,Rogel-Castillo C.,Estevinho L.M.,Martorell M.,Sharifi-Rad J.,Calina D.
Revolutionizing fruit juice: exploring encapsulation techniques for bioactive compounds and their impact on nutrition, flavour and shelf life
Food Production, Processing and Nutrition, 6, , 2024

Elamine Y.,Inácio P.M.C.,da Graça Miguel M.,Carlier J.D.,Costa M.C.,Estevinho L.M.,Gomes H.L.
Electrical impedance spectroscopy for potassium content analysis and botanical origin identification of honey
Food Chemistry, 453, , 2024

Freitas L.,Sousa-Dias M.,Paula V.B.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.
Fermented Grapevine Leaves: Potential Preserving Agent in Yogurt
Foods, 13, , 2024

Scepankova H.,Majtan J.,Estevinho L.M.,Saraiva J.A.
The High Pressure Preservation of Honey: A Comparative Study on Quality Changes during Storage
Foods, 13, , 2024

Boutoub O.,El-Guendouz S.,Matos I.,El Ghadraoui L.,Costa M.C.,Carlier J.D.,Faleiro M.L.,Figueiredo A.C.,Estevinho L.M.,Miguel M.G.
Chemical Characterization and Biological Properties Assessment of Euphorbia resinifera and Euphorbia officinarum Moroccan Propolis
Antibiotics, 13, , 2024

Elamine Y.,Machado A.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Lyoussi B.,Figueiredo A.C.,Miguel M.G.
Volatile characterization of honey with dominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen
Journal of Apicultural Research, 63, 988-996, 2024

Silva I.M.M.,Silva R.M.,Paula V.B.,Estevinho L.M.
Biological activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Annona muricata Linnaeus: a systematic review
Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84, , 2024

Coutinho S.,Matos V.,Seixas N.,Rodrigues H.,Paula V.B.,Freitas L.,Dias T.,Santos F.d.A.R.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.
Melipona scutellaris Geopropolis: Chemical Composition and Bioactivity
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

Ferreira P.,Chahed A.,Estevinho L.M.,Seixas N.,Costa R.,Choupina A.
Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing of Glucanase Inhibitor Protein in Phytophthora cinnamomi
Plants, 12, , 2023

Anjos O.,Seixas N.,Antunes C.A.L.,Campos M.G.,Paula V.,Estevinho L.M.
Quality of bee pollen submitted to drying, pasteurization, and high-pressure processing – A comparative approach
Food Research International, 170, , 2023

Scepankova H.,Galante D.,Espinoza-Suaréz E.,Pinto C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Saraiva J.
High Hydrostatic Pressure in the Modulation of Enzymatic and Organocatalysis and Life under Pressure: A Review
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Sousa-Pimenta M.,Estevinho M.M.,Sousa Dias M.,Martins Â.,Estevinho L.M.
Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in B-Cell Lymphomas
Antioxidants, 12, , 2023

Lima I.S.d.,Ferreira M.O.G.,Barros E.M.L.,Rizzo M.d.S.,Santos J.d.A.,Ribeiro A.B.,Anteveli Osajima Furtini J.,C. Silva-Filho E.,Estevinho L.M.
Antibacterial and Healing Effect of Chicha Gum Hydrogel (Sterculia striata) with Nerolidol
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, , 2023

Sousa-Pimenta M.,Estevinho L.M.,Szopa A.,Basit M.,Khan K.,Armaghan M.,Ibrayeva M.,Sönmez Gürer E.,Calina D.,Hano C.,Sharifi-Rad J.
Chemotherapeutic properties and side-effects associated with the clinical practice of terpene alkaloids: paclitaxel, docetaxel, and cabazitaxel
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, , 2023

Campos J.F.,Bonamigo T.,Rocha P.d.S.d.,Paula V.M.B.,Santos U.P.d.,Balestieri J.B.P.,Silva D.B.,Carollo C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,de Picoli Souza K.,Santos E.L.d.
Antimicrobial Activity of Propolis from the Brazilian Stingless Bees Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides and Scaptotrigona depilis (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini)
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

Pascoal A.,Chambó É.D.,Estevinho L.M.
Botanical origin, physicochemical characterization, and antioxidant activity of bee pollen samples from the northeast of Portugal
Journal of Apicultural Research, 62, 898-908, 2023

Habanova M.,Holovicova M.,Scepankova H.,Lorkova M.,Gazo J.,Gazarova M.,Pinto C.A.,Saraiva J.A.,Estevinho L.M.
Modulation of Lipid Profile and Lipoprotein Subfractions in Overweight/Obese Women at Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases through the Consumption of Apple/Berry Juice
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

Dias L.G.,Bruni A.R.S.,Anizelli C.P.,Zangirolami M.,Lima P.C.,Estevinho L.M.,Bona E.
Semi-Quantitative Discrimination of Honey Adulterated with Cane Sugar Solution by an ETongue
Chemistry and Biodiversity, 19, , 2022

Scepankova H.,Pinto C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Saraiva J.A.
High-Pressure-Based Strategies for the Inactivation of Bacillus subtilis Endospores in Honey
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Teixeira G.G.,Peres A.M.,Estevinho L.,Geraldes P.,Garcia-Cabezon C.,Martin-Pedrosa F.,Rodriguez-Mendez M.L.,Dias L.G.
Enose Lab Made with Vacuum Sampling: Quantitative Applications
Chemosensors, 10, , 2022

Ferreira M.O.G.,Ribeiro A.B.,Rizzo M.S.,Oliveira A.C.d.J.,Osajima J.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Silva-Filho E.C.
Potential Wound Healing Effect of Gel Based on Chicha Gum, Chitosan, and Mauritia flexuosa Oil
Biomedicines, 10, , 2022

Paula V.,Pedro S.I.,Campos M.G.,Delgado T.,Estevinho L.M.,Anjos O.
Special Bioactivities of Phenolics from Acacia dealbata L. with Potential for Dementia, Diabetes and Antimicrobial Treatments
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12, , 2022

Dos Santos Da Rocha P.,Orué S.L.,Leite D.F.,De Toledo Espindola P.P.,Cassemiro N.S.,Da Silva D.B.,Carollo C.A.,Nunes-Souza V.,Rabelo L.A.,Campos J.F.,Estevinho L.M.F.,Dos Santos E.L.,De Picoli Souza K.
Beneficial Effects of Bauhinia rufa Leaves on Oxidative Stress, Prevention, and Treatment of Obesity in High-Fat Diet-Fed C57BL/6 Mice
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022, , 2022

Da Silva R.M.,Da Silva I.D.M.M.,Estevinho M.M.,Estevinho L.M.
Anti-bacterial activity of Annona muricata Linnaeus extracts: a systematic review
Food Science and Technology (Brazil), 42, , 2022

do Nascimento A.S.,Silva F.d.L.,Machado C.S.,Cavalcante da Silva S.M.P.,Estevinho L.M.,Dias L.G.,Carvalho C.A.L.d.
Use of the electronic tongue as a tool for the characterization of Melipona scutellaris Latreille honey
Journal of Apicultural Research, 61, 79-90, 2022

Mena García M.,Paula V.B.,Olloqui N.D.,García D.F.,Combarros-Fuertes P.,Estevinho L.M.,Árias L.G.,Bañuelos E.R.,Fresno Baro J.M.
Effect of different cooking methods on the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and sensory properties of wild Boletus edulis mushroom
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 26, , 2021

Scepankova H.,Pinto C.A.,Paula V.,Estevinho L.M.,Saraiva J.A.
Conventional and emergent technologies for honey processing: A perspective on microbiological safety, bioactivity, and quality
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 20, 5393-5420, 2021

Scepankova H.,Combarros-Fuertes P.,Fresno J.M.,Tornadijo M.E.,Dias M.S.,Pinto C.A.,Saraiva J.A.,Estevinho L.M.
Role of honey in advanced wound care
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Boutoub O.,El-Guendouz S.,Manhita A.,Dias C.B.,Estevinho L.M.,Paula V.B.,Carlier J.,Costa M.C.,Rodrigues B.,Raposo S.,Aazza S.,Ghadraoui L.E.,Miguel M.G.
Comparative study of the antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activities of two types of moroccan euphorbia entire honey and their phenolic extracts
Foods, 10, , 2021

Elamine Y.,Imtara H.,Miguel M.G.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.,Alaiz M.,Girón-Calle J.,Vioque J.,Martín J.,Lyoussi B.
Antibacterial activity of moroccan zantaz honey and the influence of its physicochemical parameters using chemometric tools
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Elamine Y.,Lyoussi B.,Miguel M.G.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.,Alaiz M.,Girón-Calle J.,Martín J.,Vioque J.
Physicochemical characteristics and antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of Moroccan Zantaz honey rich in methyl syringate
Food Chemistry, 339, , 2021

Campos M.G.,Anjos O.,Chica M.,Campoy P.,Nozkova J.,Almaraz-Abarca N.,Barreto L.M.R.C.,Nordi J.C.,Estevinho L.M.,Pascoal A.,Paula V.B.,Chopina A.,Dias L.G.,Tešić Ž.L.j.,Mosić M.D.,Kostić A.,Pešić M.B.,Milojković-Opsenica D.M.,Sickel W.,Ankenbrand M.J.,Grimmer G.,Steffan-Dewenter I.,Keller A.,Förster F.,Tananaki C.H.,Liolios V.,Kanelis D.,Rodopoulou M.A.,Thrasyvoulou A.,Paulo L.,Kast C.,Lucchetti M.A.,Glauser G.,Lokutova O.,de Almeida-Muradian L.B.,Szczęsna T.,Carreck N.L.
Standard methods for pollen research
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 1-109, 2021

Teixeira A.,Domínguez R.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Estevinho L.,Rodrigues S.,Lorenzo J.M.
Effect of nacl replacement by other salts on the quality of bísaro pork sausages (Pgi chouriça de vinhais)
Foods, 10, , 2021

Sousa-Dias M.L.,Paula V.B.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.
Mead production using immobilized cells of saccharomyces cerevisiae: Reuse of sodium alginate beads
Processes, 9, , 2021

Anjos O.,Guiné R.P.F.,Santos A.J.A.,Paula V.B.,Pereira H.,Estevinho L.M.
Evaluation of FT-Raman and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy for the quality evaluation of Lavandula spp. Honey
Open Agriculture, 6, 47-56, 2021

Soares de Arruda V.A.,Vieria dos Santos A.,Figueiredo Sampaio D.,da Silva Araújo E.,de Castro Peixoto A.L.,Estevinho L.M.,de Almeida-Muradian L.B.
Brazilian bee pollen: phenolic content, antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 775-783, 2021

Silva I.P.,Caldas M.J.M.,Machado C.S.,Nascimento A.S.d.,Lordêlo M.S.,Bárbara M.F.S.,Evangelista-Barreto N.S.,Estevinho L.M.,Carvalho C.A.L.d.
Antioxidants activity and physicochemical properties of honey from social bees of the Brazilian semiarid region
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 797-806, 2021

Boutoub O.,El-Guendouz S.,Estevinho L.M.,Paula V.B.,Aazza S.,El Ghadraoui L.,Rodrigues B.,Raposo S.,Carlier J.,Costa M.C.,Miguel M.G.
Antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibitory potential of Euphorbia resinifera and E. officinarum honeys from Morocco and plant aqueous extracts
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 503-517, 2021

Oliveira D.d.J.,Rodrigues dos Santos D.,Andrade B.R.,Nascimento A.S.d.,Oliveira da Silva M.,da Cruz Mercês C.,Lucas C.I.S.,Cavalcante da Silva S.M.P.,Dib de Carvalho P.,Silva F.d.L.,Estevinho L.M.,Carvalho C.A.L.d.
Botanical origin, microbiological quality and physicochemical composition of the Melipona scutellaris pot-pollen (“samburá”) from Bahia (Brazil) Region
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 457-469, 2021

Santa Bárbara M.F.,Moreira M.M.,Machado C.S.,Chambó E.D.,Pascoal A.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,da Silva Sodré G.,Delerue-Matos C.,Estevinho L.M.
Storage methods, phenolic composition, and bioactive properties of Apis mellifera and Trigona spinipes pollen
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 99-107, 2021

Combarros-Fuertes P.,Fresno J.M.,Estevinho M.M.,Sousa-Pimenta M.,Tornadijo M.E.,Estevinho L.M.
Honey: Another alternative in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
Antibiotics, 9, 1-21, 2020

Santos P.C.d.,Nascimento A.S.d.,Sodré G.d.S.,Carvalho C.A.L.d.,Alves R.M.d.O.,Ferreira M.A.,Andrade B.R.,Caldas M.J.M.,Nunes L.A.,Estevinho L.M.
Pollen spectrum of honey of Apis mellifera L. and stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil
Grana, 59, 377-388, 2020

Estevinho L.M.,Combarros-Fuertes P.,Paula V.B.
Recent advances in applied microbiology: Editorial
Microorganisms, 8, 1-4, 2020

Elamine Y.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.,Lyoussi B.,Aazza S.,Miguel M.G.
Effect of extreme heat processing on the Moroccan Zantaz’ honey antioxidant activities
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 3323-3333, 2020

Leite N.R.,de Araújo L.C.A.,da Rocha P.D.S.,Agarrayua D.A.,Ávila D.S.,Carollo C.A.,Silva D.B.,Estevinho L.M.,Souza K.d.P.,Santos E.L.D.
Baru pulp (Dipteryx alata vogel): Fruit from the Brazilian savanna protects against oxidative stress and increases the life expectancy of caenorhabditis elegans via sod-3 and daf-16
Biomolecules, 10, 1-22, 2020

Lucas C.I.S.,Ferreira A.F.,de Carvalho Costa M.A.P.,de Lima Silva F.,Estevinho L.M.,de Carvalho C.A.L.
Phytochemical study and antioxidant activity of Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Rodriguesia, 7, , 2020

da Rocha P.D.S.,Paula V.M.B.,Olinto S.C.F.,Dos Santos E.L.,Souza K.d.P.,Estevinho L.M.
Diversity, chemical constituents and biological activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Schinus terebinthifolius raddi
Microorganisms, 8, 1-13, 2020

Ferreira M.O.G.,Sá Lima I.,Ribeiro A.B.,Lobo A.O.,Rizzo M.S.,Osajima J.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Silva-Filho E.C.
Biocompatible gels of chitosan-buriti oil for potential wound healing applications
Materials, 13, , 2020

Combarros-Fuertes P.,Estevinho L.M.,Teixeira-Santos R.,Rodrigues A.G.,Pina-Vaz C.,Fresno J.M.,Eugenia Tornadijo M.
Antibacterial action mechanisms of honey: Physiological Effects of Avocado, Chestnut, and Polyfloral Honey upon Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Silva I.P.,Dias L.G.,da Silva M.O.,Machado C.S.,Paula V.M.B.,Evangelista-Barreto N.S.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,Estevinho L.M.
Detection of biogenic amines in mead of social bee
LWT, 121, , 2020

Santos M.S.,Estevinho L.M.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,da Silva Conceição A.L.,de Castro Almeida R.C.
Rheological and sensorial evaluation of yogurt incorporated with red propolis
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 1080-1089, 2020

Salehi B.,Azzini E.,Zucca P.,Varoni E.M.,Kumar N.V.A.,Dini L.,Panzarini E.,Rajkovic J.,Fokou P.V.T.,Peluso I.,Mishra A.P.,Nigam M.,Rayess Y.E.,Beyrouthy M.E.,Setzer W.N.,Polito L.,Iriti M.,Sureda A.,Quetglas-Llabrés M.M.,Martorell M.,Martins N.,Sharifi-Rad M.,Estevinho L.M.,Sharifi-Rad J.
Plant-derived bioactives and oxidative stress-related disorders: A key trend towards healthy aging and longevity promotion
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, , 2020

Anjos O.,Santos R.,Estevinho L.M.,Caldeira I.
FT-RAMAN methodology for the monitoring of honeys' spirit distillation process
Food Chemistry, 305, , 2020

Santos M.S.,Estevinho L.M.,Carvalho C.A.L.,Morais J.S.,Conceição A.L.S.,Paula V.B.,Magalhães-Guedes K.,Almeida R.C.C.
Probiotic Yogurt with Brazilian Red Propolis: Physicochemical and Bioactive Properties, Stability, and Shelf Life
Journal of Food Science, 84, 3429-3436, 2019

Pascoal A.,Estevinho M.M.,Choupina A.B.,Sousa-Pimenta M.,Estevinho L.M.
An overview of the bioactive compounds, therapeutic properties and toxic effects of apitoxin
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 134, , 2019

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Dias L.G.,Oliveira J.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Volatile composition and sensory properties of mead
Microorganisms, 7, , 2019

Combarros-Fuertes P.,Estevinho L.M.,Teixeira-Santos R.,Rodrigues A.G.,Pina-Vaz C.,Fresno J.M.,Tornadijo M.E.
Evaluation of physiological effects induced by manuka honey upon staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli
Microorganisms, 7, , 2019

Anjos O.,Fernandes R.,Cardoso S.M.,Delgado T.,Farinha N.,Paula V.,Estevinho L.M.,Carpes S.T.
Bee pollen as a natural antioxidant source to prevent lipid oxidation in black pudding
LWT, 111, 869-875, 2019

dos Santos da Rocha P.,de Araújo Boleti A.P.,do Carmo Vieira M.,Carollo C.A.,da Silva D.B.,Estevinho L.M.,dos Santos E.L.,de Picoli Souza K.
Microbiological quality, chemical profile as well as antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 220, 36-46, 2019

Elamine Y.,Lyoussi B.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.,Aazza S.,Carlier J.D.,Costa M.C.,Miguel M.G.
Zantaz honey “monoflorality”: Chemometric applied to the routinely assessed parameters
LWT, 106, 29-36, 2019

Elamine Y.,Inácio P.M.C.,Lyoussi B.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.,da Graça Miguel M.,Gomes H.L.
Insight into the sensing mechanism of an impedance based electronic tongue for honey botanic origin discrimination
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 285, 24-33, 2019

Paula V.B.,Delgado T.,Campos M.G.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.
Enzyme inhibitory potential of ligustrum lucidum aiton berries
Molecules, 24, , 2019

Estevinho L.M.,Dias T.,Anjos O.
Influence of the Storage Conditions (Frozen vs. Dried) in Health-Related Lipid Indexes and Antioxidants of Bee Pollen
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 121, , 2019

Combarros-Fuertes P.,Estevinho L.M.,Dias L.G.,Castro J.M.,Tomás-Barberán F.A.,Tornadijo M.E.,Fresno-Baro J.M.
Bioactive Components and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Different Varieties of Honey: A Screening Prior to Clinical Application
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 688-698, 2019

de Morais D.V.,Moreira M.M.,Silva F.d.L.,de Carvalho Costa M.A.P.,Delerue-Mato C.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,Estevinho M.L.M.
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum leaf extracts: In vitro inhibitory potential against enzymes related to metabolic syndrome, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases
Acta Scientiarum - Biological Sciences, 41, , 2019

Imran M.,Salehi B.,Sharifi-Rad J.,Gondal T.A.,Saeed F.,Imran A.,Shahbaz M.,Fokou P.V.T.,Arshad M.U.,Khan H.,Guerreiro S.G.,Martins N.,Estevinho L.M.
Kaempferol: A key emphasis to its anticancer potential
Molecules, 24, , 2019

Anjos O.,Paula V.,Delgado T.,Estevinho L.
Influence of the storage conditions on the quality of bee pollen
Zemdirbyste, 106, 87-94, 2019

Pascoal A.,Anjos O.,Feás X.,Oliveira J.M.,Estevinho L.M.
Impact of fining agents on the volatile composition of sparkling mead
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 125, 125-133, 2019

Combarros-Fuertes P.,Valencia-Barrera R.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Dias L.G.,Castro J.M.,Tornadijo M.E.,Fresno J.M.
Spanish honeys with quality brand: a multivariate approach to physicochemical parameters, microbiological quality, and floral origin
Journal of Apicultural Research, 58, 92-103, 2019

Delgado T.,Paula V.B.,Campos M.G.,Farinha N.,Caeiro A.,Estevinho L.M.,Anjos O.
Screening of biological activities of ligustrum lucidum berries: A comparative approach
Natural Product Communications, 13, 1685-1690, 2018

Pascoal A.,Estevinho L.M.,Martins I.M.,Choupina A.B.
REVIEW: Novel sources and functions of microbial lipases and their role in the infection mechanisms
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 104, 119-126, 2018

Scepankova H.,Martins M.,Estevinho L.,Delgadillo I.,Saraiva J.A.
Enhancement of Bioactivity of Natural Extracts by Non-Thermal High Hydrostatic Pressure Extraction
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 73, 253-267, 2018

Gonçalves P.J.S.,Estevinho L.M.,Pereira A.P.,Sousa J.M.C.,Anjos O.
Computational intelligence applied to discriminate bee pollen quality and botanical origin
Food Chemistry, 267, 36-42, 2018

De Morais D.V.,De Carvalho Costa M.A.P.,Bárbara M.F.S.,De Lima Silva F.,Moreira M.M.,Delerue-Mato C.,Dias L.A.G.,Estevinho M.L.M.,De Carvalho C.A.L.
Antioxidant, photoprotective and inhibitory activity of tyrosinase in extracts of Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
PLoS ONE, 13, , 2018

De-Melo A.A.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Moreira M.M.,Delerue-Matos C.,Freitas A.d.S.d.,Barth O.M.,Almeida-Muradian L.B.d.
A multivariate approach based on physicochemical parameters and biological potential for the botanical and geographical discrimination of Brazilian bee pollen
Food Bioscience, 25, 91-110, 2018

De-Melo A.A.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Moreira M.M.,Delerue-Matos C.,de Freitas A.d.S.,Barth O.M.,de Almeida-Muradian L.B.
Phenolic profile by HPLC-MS, biological potential, and nutritional value of a promising food: Monofloral bee pollen
Journal of Food Biochemistry, 42, , 2018

Veloso A.C.A.,Sousa M.E.B.C.,Estevinho L.,Dias L.G.,Peres A.M.
Honey evaluation using electronic tongues: An overview
Chemosensors, 6, , 2018

Moreira M.M.,Barroso M.F.,Porto J.V.,Ramalhosa M.J.,Švarc-Gajić J.,Estevinho L.,Morais S.,Delerue-Matos C.
Potential of Portuguese vine shoot wastes as natural resources of bioactive compounds
Science of the Total Environment, 634, 831-842, 2018

Estevinho L.M.
Editorial-special issue “nutraceuticals in human health and disease”
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, , 2018

Cavalcante da Silva S.M.P.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,Sodré G.d.S.,Estevinho L.M.
Production and characterization of mead from the honey of Melipona scutellaris stingless bees
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 124, 194-200, 2018

Aazza S.,Elamine Y.,El-Guendouz S.,Lyoussi B.,Antunes M.D.,Estevinho L.M.,Anjos O.,Carlier J.D.,Costa M.C.,Miguel M.G.
Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of honey with Eragrostis spp. pollen predominance
Journal of Food Biochemistry, 42, , 2018

Anjos O.,Santos A.J.A.,Paixão V.,Estevinho L.M.
Physicochemical characterization of Lavandula spp. honey with FT-Raman spectroscopy
Talanta, 178, 43-48, 2018

Dos Santos U.P.,Tolentino G.S.,Morais J.S.,De Picoli Souza K.,Estevinho L.M.,Dos Santos E.L.
Physicochemical characterization, microbiological quality and safety, and pharmacological potential of Hancornia speciosa gomes
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2018, , 2018

Elamine Y.,Aazza S.,Lyoussi B.,Dulce Antunes M.,Estevinho L.M.,Anjos O.,Resende M.,Faleiro M.L.,Miguel M.G.
Preliminary characterization of a Moroccan honey with a predominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen
Journal of Apicultural Research, 57, 153-165, 2018

Paula V.B.,Estevinho L.M.,Dias L.G.
Quantification of three phenolic classes and total phenolic content of propolis extracts using a single UV-vis spectrum
Journal of Apicultural Research, 56, 569-580, 2017

Pascoal A.,Oliveira J.M.,Pereira A.P.,Féas X.,Anjos O.,Estevinho L.M.
Influence of fining agents on the sensorial characteristics and volatile composition of mead
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 123, 562-571, 2017

Scepankova H.,Saraiva J.A.,Estevinho L.M.
Honey health benefits and uses in medicine
Bee Products - Chemical and Biological Properties, 83-96, 2017

Anjos O.,Santos A.J.A.,Dias T.,Estevinho L.M.
Application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy on the bee pollen characterization
Journal of Apicultural Research, 56, 210-218, 2017

de Arruda V.A.S.,Vieria dos Santos A.,Figueiredo Sampaio D.,da Silva Araújo E.,de Castro Peixoto A.L.,Estevinho M.L.F.,Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian L.
Microbiological quality and physicochemical characterization of Brazilian bee pollen
Journal of Apicultural Research, 56, 231-238, 2017

dos Santos H.F.,Campos J.F.,dos Santos C.M.,Balestieri J.B.P.,Silva D.B.,Carollo C.A.,Souza K.d.P.,Estevinho L.M.,dos Santos E.L.
Chemical profile and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and antimicrobial activities of geopropolis from the stingless bee Melipona orbignyi
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, , 2017

Araújo J.S.,Chambó E.D.,Costa M.A.P.d.C.,da Silva S.M.P.C.,de Carvalho C.A.L.,Estevinho L.M.
Chemical composition and biological activities of mono- and heterofloral bee pollen of different geographical origins
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, , 2017

Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.,Dias T.,Estevinho L.
Sheep and goat fermented meat products-health aspects
Fermented Meat Products: Health Aspects, 78-94, 2017

Dos Santos C.M.,Campos J.F.,Dos Santos H.F.,Balestieri J.B.P.,Silva D.B.,De Picoli Souza K.,Carollo C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Dos Santos E.L.
Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Effects of Geopropolis Produced by Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2017, , 2017

Pereira A.P.,Oliveira J.M.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Mead and Other Fermented Beverages
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Food and Beverages Industry, 407-434, 2017

Tolentino G.S.,Estevinho L.M.,Pascoal A.,Rodrigues S.S.,Teixeira A.J.
Microbiological quality and sensory evaluation of new cured products obtained from sheep and goat meat
Animal Production Science, 57, 391-400, 2017

Dias L.G.,Tolentino G.,Pascoal A.,Estevinho L.M.
Effect of processing conditions on the bioactive compounds and biological properties of bee pollen
Journal of Apicultural Research, 55, 357-365, 2016

Santos U.P.,Campos J.F.,Torquato H.F.V.,Paredes-Gamero E.J.,Carollo C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,De Picoli Souza K.,Dos Santos E.L.
Antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties as well as the phenolic content of the extract from Hancornia speciosa gomes
PLoS ONE, 11, , 2016

Estevinho L.M.,Chambó E.D.,Pereira A.P.R.,De Carvalho C.A.L.,De Alencar Arnaut De Toledo V.
Characterization of lavandula spp. honey using multivariate techniques
PLoS ONE, 11, , 2016

Anjos O.,Santos A.J.A.,Estevinho L.M.,Caldeira I.
FTIR-ATR spectroscopy applied to quality control of grape-derived spirits
Food Chemistry, 205, 28-35, 2016

Campos J.F.,De Castro D.T.H.,Damiaõ M.J.,Vieira Torquato H.F.,Paredes-Gamero E.J.,Carollo C.A.,Estevinho L.M.,De Picoli Souza K.,Santos E.L.D.
The Chemical Profile of Senna velutina Leaves and Their Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Effects
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, , 2016

De-Melo A.A.M.,Estevinho M.L.M.F.,Sattler J.A.G.,Souza B.R.,Freitas A.d.S.,Barth O.M.,Almeida-Muradian L.B.
Effect of processing conditions on characteristics of dehydrated bee-pollen and correlation between quality parameters
LWT, 65, 808-815, 2016

Gonzales-Barron U.,Cadavez V.,Pereira A.P.,Gomes A.,Araújo J.P.,Saavedra M.J.,Estevinho L.,Butler F.,Pires P.,Dias T.
Relating physicochemical and microbiological safety indicators during processing of linguiça, a Portuguese traditional dry-fermented sausage
Food Research International, 78, 50-61, 2015

De-Melo A.A.M.,Estevinho M.L.M.F.,de Almeida-Muradian L.B.
A diagnosis of the microbiological quality of dehydrated bee-pollen produced in Brazil
Letters in Applied Microbiology, 61, 477-483, 2015

Bárbara M.S.,Machado C.S.,Sodré G.D.S.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.,De Carvalho C.A.L.
Microbiological assessment, nutritional characterization and phenolic compounds of bee pollen from Mellipona mandacaia Smith, 1983
Molecules, 20, 12525-12544, 2015

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Improvement of mead fermentation by honey-must supplementation
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 121, 405-410, 2015

Gomes T.,Dias T.,Cadavez V.,Verdial J.,Morais J.S.,Ramalhosa E.,Estevinho L.M.
Influence of sweetness and ethanol content on mead acceptability
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 65, 137-142, 2015

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Oliveira J.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Mead production: Effect of nitrogen supplementation on growth, fermentation profile and aroma formation by yeasts in mead fermentation
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 121, 122-128, 2015

Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Sousa M.E.B.C.,Estevinho L.,Machado A.A.S.C.,Peres A.M.
A novel approach for honey pollen profile assessment using an electronic tongue and chemometric tools
Analytica Chimica Acta, 900, 36-45, 2015

Campos J.F.,Das Santos U.P.,Da Rocha P.D.S.,Damião M.J.,Balestieri J.B.P.,Cardoso C.A.L.,Paredes-Gamero E.J.,Estevinho L.M.,De Picoli Souza K.,Dos Santos E.L.
Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, and Cytotoxic Activities of Propolis from the Stingless Bee Tetragonisca fiebrigi (Jataí)
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015, , 2015

Faria-Ramos I.,Tavares P.R.,Farinha S.,Neves-Maia J.,Miranda I.M.,Silva R.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Pina-Vaz C.,Rodrigues A.G.
Environmental azole fungicide, prochloraz, can induce cross-resistance to medical triazoles in Candida glabrata
FEMS Yeast Research, 14, 1119-1123, 2014

Sousa M.E.B.C.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Estevinho L.,Peres A.M.,Machado A.A.S.C.
Practical procedure for discriminating monofloral honey with a broad pollen profile variability using an electronic tongue
Talanta, 128, 284-292, 2014

Martins I.M.,Matos M.,Costa R.,Lopes-da-Silva F.,Pascoal A.,Estevinho L.M.,Choupina A.B.
Transglutaminases: Recent achievements and new sources
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98, 6957-6964, 2014

Feás X.,Pacheco L.,Iglesias A.,Estevinho L.M.
Use of propolis in the sanitization of lettuce
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15, 12243-12257, 2014

Faria-Ramos I.,Farinha S.,Neves-Maia J.,Tavares P.R.,Miranda I.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Pina-Vaz C.,Rodrigues A.G.
Development of cross-resistance by Aspergillus fumigatus to clinical azoles following exposure to prochloraz, an agricultural azole
BMC Microbiology, 14, , 2014

Pascoal A.,Feás X.,Dias T.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.
The Role of Honey and Propolis in the Treatment of Infected Wounds
Microbiology for Surgical Infections: Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment, 221-234, 2014

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Mead production: Fermentative performance of yeasts entrapped in different concentrations of alginate
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 120, 575-580, 2014

Iglesias A.,Pascoal A.,Choupina A.B.,Carvalho C.A.,Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.
Developments in the fermentation process and quality improvement strategies for mead production
Molecules, 19, 12577-12590, 2014

Choupina A.B.,Estevinho L.,Martins I.M.
Scientifically advanced solutions for chestnut ink disease
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98, 3905-3909, 2014

de Almeida-Muradian L.B.,Stramm K.M.,Estevinho L.M.
Efficiency of the FT-IR ATR spectrometry for the prediction of the physicochemical characteristics of Melipona subnitida honey and study of the temperature's effect on those properties
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49, 188-195, 2014

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Oliveira J.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells immobilisation on mead production
LWT, 56, 21-30, 2014

Xavier C.,Gonzales-Barron U.,Paula V.,Estevinho L.,Cadavez V.
Meta-analysis of the incidence of foodborne pathogens in Portuguese meats and their products
Food Research International, 55, 311-323, 2014

Pascoal A.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.,Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.
Biological activities of commercial bee pollens: Antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 63, 233-239, 2014

Gomes T.,Barradas C.,Dias T.,Verdial J.,Morais J.S.,Ramalhosa E.,Estevinho L.M.
Optimization of mead production using Response Surface Methodology
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 59, 680-686, 2013

De Almeida-Muradian L.B.,Stramm K.M.,Horita A.,Barth O.M.,Da Silva de Freitas A.,Estevinho L.M.
Comparative study of the physicochemical and palynological characteristics of honey from Melipona subnitida and Apis mellifera
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48, 1698-1706, 2013

Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.,Salinero C.,Vela P.,Sainz M.J.,Vázquez-Tato M.P.,Seijas J.A.
Triacylglyceride, antioxidant and antimicrobial features of virgin camellia oleifera, C. reticulata and C. sasanqua oils
Molecules, 18, 4573-4587, 2013

Estevinho M.,Vázquez-Tato M.,Seijas J.,Feás X.
Palynological, physicochemical, and microbiological attributes of organic lavender (Lavandula stoechas) honey from Portugal
Acta Alimentaria, 42, 36-44, 2013

Pereira A.P.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Oliveira J.M.,Estevinho L.M.,Mendes-Faia A.
High-cell-density fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the optimisation of mead production
Food Microbiology, 33, 114-123, 2013

de Arruda V.A.S.,Santos Pereira A.A.,Estevinho L.M.,de Almeida-Muradian L.B.
Presence and stability of B complex vitamins in bee pollen using different storage conditions
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 51, 143-148, 2013

Feas X.,Vazquez-Tato M.P.,Estevinho L.,Seijas J.A.,Iglesias A.
Organic bee pollen: Botanical origin, nutritional value, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and microbiological quality
Molecules, 17, 8359-8377, 2012

Iglesias A.,Feás X.,Rodrigues S.,Seijas J.A.,Vázquez-Tato M.P.,Dias L.G.,Estevinho L.M.
Comprehensive study of honey with protected denomination of origin and contribution to the enhancement of legal specifications
Molecules, 17, 8561-8577, 2012

Silva J.C.,Rodrigues S.,Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.
Antimicrobial activity, phenolic profile and role in the inflammation of propolis
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 1790-1795, 2012

Estevinho M.L.,Feás X.,Seijas J.A.,Vázquez-Tato M.P.
Physicochemical and pollen analysis of Local honeys from the Lima Valley (Portugal)
Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 11, 214-221, 2012

Santos C.G.,Melo V.S.,Amaral J.S.,Estevinho L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Identification of hare meat by a species-specific marker of mitochondrial origin
Meat Science, 90, 836-841, 2012

Estevinho L.M.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira A.P.,Feás X.
Portuguese bee pollen: Palynological study, nutritional and microbiological evaluation
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47, 429-435, 2012

Estevinho L.M.,Feás X.,Seijas J.A.,Pilar Vázquez-Tato M.
Organic honey from Trás-Os-Montes region (Portugal): Chemical, palynological, microbiological and bioactive compounds characterization
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 258-264, 2012

Nogueira C.,Iglesias A.,Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.
Commercial bee pollen with different geographical origins: A comprehensive approach
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13, 11173-11187, 2012

Gomes T.,Barradas C.,Dias T.,Verdial J.,Sá Morais J.,Ramalhosa E.,Estevinho L.
Mead production improvements after using a factorial design
6th International CIGR Technical Symposium - Towards a Sustainable Food Chain: Food Process, Bioprocessing and Food Quality Management, , 2011

Feás X.,Estevinho M.L.
A Survey of the in vitro antifungal activity of heather (Erica Sp.) Organic honey
Journal of Medicinal Food, 14, 1284-1288, 2011

Estevinho M.L.,Afonso S.E.T.,Feás X.
Antifungal effect of lavender honey against Candida albicans, Candida krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48, 640-643, 2011

Gomes T.,Feás X.,Iglesias A.,Estevinho L.M.
Study of organic honey from the northeast of Portugal
Molecules, 16, 5374-5386, 2011

Moreira L.L.,Dias T.,Dias L.G.,Rogão M.,Da Silva J.P.,Estevinho L.M.
Propolis influence on erythrocyte membrane disorder (hereditary spherocytosis): A first approach
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 520-526, 2011

Ramalhosa E.,Delgado T.,Estevinho L.,Pereira J.A.
Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Cultivars and Antimicrobial Activity
Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention, 627-636, 2011

Ramalhosa E.,Gomes T.,Pereira A.P.,Dias T.,Estevinho L.M.
Mead production: Tradition versus modernity
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 63, 101-118, 2011

Valente M.J.,Baltazar A.F.,Henrique R.,Estevinho L.,Carvalho M.
Biological activities of Portuguese propolis: Protection against free radical-induced erythrocyte damage and inhibition of human renal cancer cell growth in vitro
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 86-92, 2011

Feás X.,Pires J.,Iglesias A.,Estevinho M.L.
Characterization of artisanal honey produced on the Northwest of Portugal by melissopalynological and physico-chemical data
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 3462-3470, 2010

Feás X.,Pires J.,Estevinho M.L.,Iglesias A.,de Araujo J.P.P.
Palynological and physicochemical data characterisation of honeys produced in the Entre-Douro e Minho region of Portugal
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, 1255-1262, 2010

Gomes S.,Dias L.G.,Moreira L.L.,Rodrigues P.,Estevinho L.
Physicochemical, microbiological and antimicrobial properties of commercial honeys from Portugal
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 544-548, 2010

Falcão S.I.,Vilas-Boas M.,Estevinho L.M.,Barros C.,Domingues M.R.M.,Cardoso S.M.
Phenolic characterization of Northeast Portuguese propolis: Usual and unusual compounds
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 396, 887-897, 2010

Pires J.,Estevinho M.L.,Feás X.,Cantalapiedra J.,Iglesias A.
Pollen spectrum and physico-chemical attributes of heather (Erica sp.) honeys of north Portugal
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89, 1862-1870, 2009

Pereira A.P.,Dias T.,Andrade J.,Ramalhosa E.,Estevinho L.M.
Mead production: Selection and characterization assays of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47, 2057-2063, 2009

Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Aires E.,Barreira J.C.M.,Estevinho L.M.
Antioxidant activity of Portuguese honey samples: Different contributions of the entire honey and phenolic extract
Food Chemistry, 114, 1438-1443, 2009

Estevinho L.,Pereira A.P.,Moreira L.,Dias L.G.,Pereira E.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of phenolic compounds extracts of Northeast Portugal honey
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 3774-3779, 2008

Moreira L.,Dias L.G.,Pereira J.A.,Estevinho L.
Antioxidant properties, total phenols and pollen analysis of propolis samples from Portugal
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 3482-3485, 2008

Sousa C.,Taveira M.,Valentão P.,Fernandes F.,Pereira J.A.,Estevinho L.,Bento A.,Ferreres F.,Seabra R.M.,Andrade P.B.
Inflorescences of Brassicacea species as source of bioactive compounds: A comparative study
Food Chemistry, 110, 953-961, 2008

Dias L.A.,Peres A.M.,Vilas-Boas M.,Rocha M.A.,Estevinho L.,Machado A.A.S.C.
An electronic tongue for honey classification
Microchimica Acta, 163, 97-102, 2008

Barros L.,Cruz T.,Baptista P.,Estevinho L.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Wild and commercial mushrooms as source of nutrients and nutraceuticals
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 2742-2747, 2008

Pereira A.P.,Pereira J.A.,Bento A.,Estevinho M.L.
Microbiological characterization of table olives commercialized in Portugal in respect to safety aspects
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 2895-2902, 2008

Oliveira I.,Sousa A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bento A.,Estevinho L.,Pereira J.A.
Total phenols, antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity of walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husks
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 2326-2331, 2008

Pereira J.A.,Oliveira I.,Sousa A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bento A.,Estevinho L.
Bioactive properties and chemical composition of six walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 2103-2111, 2008

Barros L.,Venturini B.A.,Baptista P.,Estevinho L.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical composition and biological properties of Portuguese wild mushrooms: A comprehensive study
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 3856-3862, 2008

Oliveira I.,Sousa A.,Morais J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bento A.,Estevinho L.,Pereira J.A.
Chemical composition, and antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of three hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 1801-1807, 2008

Correia C.,Costa E.,Peres A.,Alves M.,Pombo G.,Estevinho L.
Etiology of urinary tract infections: And antimicrobial susceptibility of urinary pathogens
Acta Medica Portuguesa, 20, 543-549, 2007

Pereira J.A.,Oliveira I.,Sousa A.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Ferreres F.,Bento A.,Seabra R.,Estevinho L.
Walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves: Phenolic compounds, antibacterial activity and antioxidant potential of different cultivars
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 45, 2287-2295, 2007

Barros L.,Baptista P.,Estevinho L.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Effect of fruiting body maturity stage on chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Lactarius sp. mushrooms
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55, 8766-8771, 2007

Oliveira I.,Sousa A.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Ferreres F.,Bento A.,Seabra R.,Estevinho L.,Pereira J.A.
Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) leaves as source of antimicrobial and antioxidative compounds
Food Chemistry, 105, 1018-1025, 2007

Barros L.,Baptista P.,Estevinho L.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Bioactive properties of the medicinal mushroom Leucopaxillus giganteus mycelium obtained in the presence of different nitrogen sources
Food Chemistry, 105, 179-186, 2007

Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Vaz J.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Baptista P.,Estevinho L.M.
Antimicrobial activity and bioactive compounds of Portuguese wild edible mushrooms methanolic extracts
European Food Research and Technology, 225, 151-156, 2007

Pereira A.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Marcelino F.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Seabra R.,Estevinho L.,Bento A.,Pereira J.A.
Phenolic compounds and antimicrobial activity of olive (Olea europaea L. Cv. Cobrançosa) leaves
Molecules, 12, 1153-1162, 2007

Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Calhelha R.C.,Estevinho L.M.
Synthesis and antioxidant activity evaluation of new 7-aryl or 7-heteroarylamino-2,3-dimethylbenzo[b]thiophenes obtained by Buchwald-Hartwig C-N cross-coupling
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 1788-1794, 2007

Sousa A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Calhelha R.,Andrade P.B.,Valentão P.,Seabra R.,Estevinho L.,Bento A.,Pereira J.A.
Phenolics and antimicrobial activity of traditional stoned table olives 'alcaparra'
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 14, 8533-8538, 2006

Pereira J.A.,Pereira A.P.G.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Seabra R.,Estevinho L.,Bento A.
Table olives from Portugal: Phenolic compounds, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activity
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 8425-8431, 2006

Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Gaetano Y.D.,Kirsch G.,Calhelha R.C.,Estevinho L.M.
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity studies of ortho-chlorodiarylamines and heteroaromatic tetracyclic systems in the benzo[b]thiophene series
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 14, 6827-6831, 2006

Calhelha R.C.,Andrade J.V.,Ferreira I.C.,Estevinho L.M.
Toxicity effects of fungicide residues on the wine-producing process
Food Microbiology, 23, 393-398, 2006

Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Vilas-Boas M.,Estevinho L.M.,Begouin A.,Kirsch G.
Evaluation of the antioxidant properties of diarylamines in the benzo[b]thiophene series by free radical scavenging activity and reducing power
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 16, 1384-1387, 2006

Abreu A.S.,Ferreira P.M.T.,Monteiro L.S.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Calhelha R.C.,Estevinho L.M.
Synthesis of pure stereoisomers of benzo[b]thienyl dehydrophenylalanines by Suzuki cross-coupling. Preliminary studies of antimicrobial activity
Tetrahedron, 60, 11821-11828, 2004

Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Calhelha R.C.,Estevinho L.M.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.
Screening of antimicrobial activity of diarylamines in the 2,3,5-trimethylbenzo[b]thiophene series: A structure-activity evaluation study
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 14, 5831-5833, 2004

Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Begouin A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Kirsch G.,Calhelha R.C.,Barbosa S.,Estevinho L.M.
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