Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Isabel Cristina Ferreira

Group: Sustainable Processes and Products
Phone: 273303219
ORCID: 0000-0003-4910-4882
Scopus Author ID: 57208043400


  • Since 2017: Full Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2012 - 2017: Associate Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2010 - 2012: Auxiliary Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2000 - 2010: Assistant Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal


  • Since 2018: Pro-president of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2017 - 2017: Member of the LEAP-Agri Independent International Review Panel (IRP)
  • Since 2017: Director of the Mountain Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • Since 2017: President of the Scientific Committee (Natural and Environmental Sciences) of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)
  • Since 2017: Member of the Steering Committee "Strategic Basic Research" Foundation Flanders (FWO)
  • Since 2016: President of the Chromatography Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry, Portugal
  • Since 2016: Member of the Advisory Board of the Portuguese Cooperative of Strawberry-tree fruits, Portugal
  • Since 2014: Associate Editor of Food & Function (Royal Society of Chemistry), Editor of the Topical collection "Bioactive Compounds", Molecules, and Member of the Editorial Board of Food Research International and Industrial Crops and Products (Elsevier)
  • Since 2014: Member of the evaluation committee of European projects and programs (EUROSTARS and ERA-NET)
  • Since 2013: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Higher School of Agriculture of Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
  • Since 2013: Member of the Scientific Committee of Portugal Foods
  • Since 2013: Member of the evaluation committee of FCT PhD grants (coordinator of Food Technology area)
  • Since 2012: Evaluator, International Research Projects (Science Foundations of Austria, South Africa, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland, Argentine and United Arab Emirates) and national projects from FCT, Portugal
  • Since 2011: Program director Master in Pharmacy and Chemistry of Natural Products


  • 2011 - "Agregação" in Chemistry, University of Minho, Portugal
  • 2003 - PhD. in Chemistry, University of Minho, Portugal
  • 1999 - MSc. in Environmental Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal
  • 1996 - Graduation in Biochemistry, University of Porto, Portugal

Awards and Honors

  • 2018 - Highly cited researchers 2018, Clarivate Analytics
  • 2017 - Spanish Association for Cancer Therapy, Academic work
  • 2017 - Merit Medal, Bragança City Hall, Portugal
  • 2017 - Award best communication, IX Congresso Ibérico de Agroengenharia
  • 2017 - Highly Cited Scientist Top 1%, Thomson Reuters
  • 2017 - Highly cited researchers 2017, Clarivate Analytics
  • 2016 - Royal Society of Chemistry. Top 10% of authors “highly cited” in biological journals portfolio
  • 2016 - Highly Cited Scientist Top 1%, Thomson Reuters
  • 2016 - Women in Science, National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, Portugal
  • 2015 - Highly Cited Scientist Top 1%, Thomson Reuters
  • 2015 - Prize of the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Valladolid, Spain
  • 2014 - International Cooperation Award, National Fruits and Vegetables Operative and Technological Center, Portugal
  • 2013 - ChemNat Intensive Program “Mobility projects and cooperation - good examples of PALV 2007-2012”, National Agency Program Lifelong
  • 2011 - Food I&DT Technology Award, INOVISA- Alimentaria & Horexpo, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 2001 - Prize of Scientific Research, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal


  • Chemistry of Natural Products: Extraction, identification, fractionation and isolation of chemical compounds in natural matrices
  • Nutraceuticals and functional foods: development of nutraceuticals and innovative food formulations with functional properties
  • Technology of Natural Products: Emerging technologies for conservation of food matrices; natural additives


MicoCoating - Valorização dos recursos florestais e micológicos para otimização de revestimentos
Funding body: PDR 2020 - Programa de desenvolvimento Rural 2014-2020 - 1.0.1 - Grupos operacionais
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-031472
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-05-01
End: 2022-12-31
VALORNATURAL - Valorização de Recursos Naturais através da Extração de Ingredientes de Elevado Valor Acrescentado para Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-024479
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-09-01
End: 2022-08-31
MicoBioExtract - Integral valorization of by-products resulting from the production of mushrooms in bio-extracts: quality improvement, safety and optimization of the economic metabolism of the production chain
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER- 033939
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-06-30
End: 2022-06-29
TRANSCoLAB - Laboratorio Colaborativo Transfronterizo para la sostenibilidad y innovación del sector Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-04-05
MAGLIDUO - MAGnetoLIposomes for DUal cancer therapy
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028020
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-07-01
End: 2021-12-31
MobFood - Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-12-01
End: 2021-09-30
INTERNOVAMARKET_FOOD_1_E - Programa acelerador INTERNOVAMARKET para aumentar la competitividad del sector alimentario de Galicia-Norte de Portugal
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-01-01
End: 2020-12-31
IBERPHENOL - Red cooperativa de investigación en el ámbito de polifenoles y sus aplicaciones industriales
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2020-12-31
Flavo-Pyra-Tech - Advanced natural food flavours based on sustainable technology of pyrazines
Funding body: EUREKA
Reference: Nº. 9547
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-04-02
End: 2020-04-01
Castwine - Pedido internacional de Patente relativo à aplicação de bio resíduos de Castanea sativa Mill como conservantes naturais de vinhos em alternativa à adição de sulfitos
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-024676
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-12-14
End: 2018-05-10
AROMAP - Preservation of aromatic condiment plants
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-05-01
End: 2016-10-31
- Portuguese Lavander Honey: a functional food and a source of nutraceuticals
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2014-2016
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2014-01-31
End: 2016-08-31
- Development of new products based on cheese from local goat breed Serrana
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Álvaro Luis Pegado Lemos de Mendonça
Start: 2014-04-01
End: 2016-07-31
- Influence of the radiation process in bioactive compounds in edible flowers
Funding body: Bilateral action FCT-CNP, Portugal/Brazil
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2015-12-31
PlantLact - New functional dairy products without synthetic preservatives
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2015-12-31
- Serrana goats selection according casein profile
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Álvaro Luis Pegado Lemos de Mendonça
Start: 2011-01-01
End: 2015-04-01
- Portuguese wild mushrooms: chemical characterization and functional study of antiproliferative and proapoptotic properties in cancer cell lines
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-ALI/110062/2009
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2010-12-24
End: 2013-12-24
CHESTNUTSRAD - Tratamento alternativo para a Conservação da Castanha
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Principal Investigator:Albino António Bento
Start: 2010-06-01
End: 2013-11-30
- Determination of microfungi metabolites with antimicrobial and antioxidative activity
Funding body: FCT - SAICT
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2012-08-31
- Eficácia da própolis no controlo de loque Americano: Avaliação em zonas controladas
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2008-2010
Reference: AFBControl
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2008-09-01
End: 2010-10-30
- Electronic and Bioelectronic Tongues for Environmental and Food Sensing
Funding body: FCT - Portugal-Sérvia 2011
Reference: POCI/QUI/58076/2004 and PPCDT/QUI/58076/2004
Principal Investigator:Luis Avelino Guimarães Dias
Start: 2005-01-02
End: 2010-04-30
- Optimização das Condições de Produção de Hidromel
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Maria Letícia Miranda Fernandes Estevinho
Start: 2007-01-31
End: 2010-01-01
- Bioactive properties of wild edible mushroomes
Funding body: FCT - POCI
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2005-10-01
End: 2008-09-30
- Rastreio nacional de antibioticos no Mel: avaliação das vias de contaminação dos Resíduos no Mel
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2005-2008
Principal Investigator:Luis Avelino Guimarães Dias
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2008-01-01
- Promoção e estímulo à  produção biológica de mel
Funding body: IFAP - Fundo Florestal Permanente
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2003-12-01
End: 2007-12-31
- Fostering E-beam Food Irradiation: Modelling and Validation
Funding body: C2TN/IST
Reference: 19220
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 0000-00-00
End: 0000-00-00

Total results: 943
Leichtweis M.G.,Molina A.K.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pavli O.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.,Pereira C.
Valorisation of pumpkin by-products: Chemical composition and bioactive properties of pumpkin seeds, peels, and fibrous strands from different local landraces of Greece
Food Chemistry, 475, , 2025

Fernandes F.A.,Roriz C.,Calhelha R.C.,Rodrigues P.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Valorization of natural resources - development of a functional plant-based beverage
Food Chemistry, 472, , 2025

Mateus C.,Alonso-Esteban J.I.,Finimundy T.C.,Mandim F.,Oliveira I.,Babo P.,Canadas R.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Exploring acorn shells: Phenolic composition and bioactive potential for sustainable valorization
Industrial Crops and Products, 226, , 2025

Baptista E.C.M.S.,Pereira C.S.G.P.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreira J.C.M.
Combined action of dietary-based approaches and therapeutic agents on cholesterol metabolism and main related diseases
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 66, 51-68, 2025

Almeida D.,Petropoulos S.A.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.
Exploring the Biochemical Profile of Beta vulgaris L.: A Comparative Study of Beetroots and Swiss Chard
Plants, 14, , 2025

Pascoalino L.A.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pinela J.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Reis F.S.
Foliar application of biostimulants improves nutritional and bioactive quality of walnuts
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 105, 1138-1146, 2025

da Silveira T.F.F.,Echegaray N.,Guimarães R.,Lemos A.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.
Unveiling the impact of thermal water in German chamomile infusions: effects on phenolic compounds, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties
Food Chemistry, 463, , 2025

Barkaoui S.,Madureira J.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Margaça F.M.A.,Boudhrioua N.,Cabo Verde S.
Phytochemical characterization and bioactive properties of strawberries treated by gamma radiation
European Food Research and Technology, , 2025

Pascoalino L.A.,Finimundy T.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pereira C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barreira J.C.M.,Reis F.S.
Investigating bioactive compounds in apple pomace: Potential to develop high added-value products from an industrial surplus
Food Bioscience, 63, , 2025

Fernandes F.A.,Oliveira P.A.,Pinto M.L.,Venâncio C.,Félix L.,Medeiros-Fonseca B.,Correia R.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Effects of a Cyperus esculentus L. plant-based beverage on FVB/n female mice
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 194, , 2024

Sagandyk A.T.,Liberal Â.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zhakupova G.N.,Makangali K.,Tultabayeva T.C.,Barros L.
Nutritional, phytochemical, and bioactive prospects of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and saskatoon berry (Amelanchier ovalis) grown in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Applied Food Research, 4, , 2024

Radhouane M.F.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Ribeiro J.,Rodrigues P.,Guimarães R.,Calhelha R.,Mandim F.,Charfi I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Development, characterization and stability of a novel sport drink based on thermal water, apple juice and hibiscus
Food Chemistry Advances, 5, , 2024

da Silveira T.F.F.,Hasni J.,Portelada N.,Fernandes F.A.,Rodrigues P.,Lemos A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Development and characterisation of gluten-free fresh pasta using teff, rice, and buckwheat flours enhanced with thermal waters: a mixture design approach
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59, 8351-8360, 2024

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Pinto C.A.,Heleno S.A.,Rodrigues P.,Dias M.I.,Saraiva J.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Pinela J.
Novel cold and thermally pasteurized cardoon-enriched functional smoothie formulations: A zero-waste manufacturing approach
Food Chemistry, 456, , 2024

Șen A.U.,Almeida D.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Pires T.S.P.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira H.,Fernandes Â.
Bioactivities of Waste Cork and Phloem Fractions of Quercus cerris Bark
Processes, 12, , 2024

Ferreira F.,Guimarães R.,Lemos A.,Milho C.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Ueda J.M.,Carocho M.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pintado M.,Alves M.J.
Harnessing the Power of Natural Mineral Waters in Bread Formulations: Effects on Chemical, Physical, and Physicochemical Properties
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14, , 2024

Correa V.G.,Garcia-Manieri J.A.A.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Peralta R.M.,Bracht A.
Gastrointestinal digestion of yerba mate, rosemary and green tea extracts and their subsequent colonic fermentation by human, pig or rat inocula
Food Research International, 194, , 2024

Polyzos N.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
Biochemical Composition of Pumpkin Seeds and Seed By-Products
Plants, 13, , 2024

Liava V.,Fernandes Â.,Reis F.,Finimundy T.,Mandim F.,Pinela J.,Stojković D.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
How Does Domestic Cooking Affect the Biochemical Properties of Wild Edible Greens of the Asteraceae Family?
Foods, 13, , 2024

Sen U.,Almeida D.,da Silveira T.F.F.,Pires T.S.P.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira H.,Fernandes Â.
Exploring the Bioactive Properties of Hydroethanolic Cork Extracts of Quercus cerris and Quercus suber
Processes, 12, , 2024

Añibarro-Ortega M.,López V.,Núñez S.,Petrović J.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.
Phenolic composition and in vitro bioactive and enzyme inhibitory properties of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plant extracts
Industrial Crops and Products, 214, , 2024

López-Calabozo R.,Liberal Â.,Fernandes Â.,Revilla I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.
Determination of Carbohydrate Composition in Lentils Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Sensors, 24, , 2024

Spréa R.M.,Caleja C.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Amaral J.S.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Chemical and Bioactive Evaluation of Essential Oils from Edible and Aromatic Mediterranean Lamiaceae Plants
Molecules, 29, , 2024

Fernandes F.A.,Carocho M.,Prieto M.A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Heleno S.A.
Nutraceuticals and dietary supplements: balancing out the pros and cons
Food and Function, 15, 6289-6303, 2024

Polyzos N.,Paschoalinotto B.H.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Calhelha R.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
The Impact of Deficit Irrigation on the Agronomic Performance and Chemical Composition of Scolymus hispanicus L.
Horticulturae, 10, , 2024

Baptista E.,Liberal Â.,Cardoso R.V.C.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreira J.C.M.
Chemical and Bioactive Properties of Red Rice with Potential Pharmaceutical Use
Molecules, 29, , 2024

Salvati D.,Paschoalinotto B.H.,Mandim F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Steinmacher N.C.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.
Exploring the Impacts of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germination on the Flour’s Nutritional, Chemical, Bioactive, and Technological Properties
Foods, 13, , 2024

Liberal Â.,Almeida D.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.,Barros L.
Nutritional, chemical, and antioxidant screening of selected varieties of lentils (Lens culinaris spp.) from organic and conventional agriculture
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104, 104-115, 2024

Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Reis F.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Value-Added Lipids from Plant Foods and Respective Applications
Food Byproducts Management and Their Utilization, 91-126, 2024

Plasencia P.,Heleno S.A.,Finimundy T.,Carocho M.,Calhelha R.C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Alves M.J.,Oludemi T.,Quidiongo N.,Barreiro F.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Recovery of High Valuable Bioactive Molecules from Vaccinium myrtillus L. Bioresidues
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 2873-2884, 2023

da Silva P.S.,Viell F.L.G.,Ineu R.P.,Bona E.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.,Cardozo-Filho L.
Determination of an optimum extraction region for the recovery of bioactive compounds from olive leaves (Olea europaea L.) using green dynamic pressurized liquid extraction
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 40, 843-861, 2023

Roriz C.L.,Carocho M.,Alves M.J.,Rodrigues P.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.
Betacyanins obtained from alternative novel sources as natural food colorant additives: incorporated in savory and sweet food products
Food and Function, 14, 8775-8784, 2023

Pires E.d.O.,Di Gioia F.,Rouphael Y.,García-Caparrós P.,Tzortzakis N.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.,Caleja C.
Edible flowers as an emerging horticultural product: A review on sensorial properties, mineral and aroma profile
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 137, 31-54, 2023

Liberal Â.,Almeida D.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.,Barros L.
Nutritional, chemical and antioxidant evaluation of Armuña lentil (Lens culinaris spp): Influence of season and soil
Food Chemistry, 411, , 2023

Brandão A.S.,Caleja C.,Dias M.I.,Ben Salha A.,Rezouga F.,Rodrigues P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Santos J.M.R.C.A.
Valorization of pomace from craft cider: Nutritional value, chemical composition, and phenolic and mineral profiles
eFood, 4, , 2023

Madureira J.,Gonçalves S.,Santos-Buelga C.,Margaça F.M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Cabo Verde S.
Microbiota Assessment of Fresh-Cut Apples Packaged in Two Different Films
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

Pinela J.,Montoya C.,Martins V.,Nunes M.E.,Rocha F.,Lopes V.R.,Barata A.M.,Carvalho A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Diversity assessment in the Portuguese genebank collection of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) accessions: Insights for breeding and sustainable conservation
Scientia Horticulturae, 313, , 2023

Dridi A.,Reis F.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Zaghdoudi K.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.
Aesculus hippocastanum L.: A Simple Ornamental Plant or a Source of Compelling Molecules for Industry?
Separations, 10, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Alves M.J.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Insights into the Chemical Composition and In Vitro Bioactive Properties of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pericarp
Foods, 12, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Calhelha R.C.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorization of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) peel: Chemical composition, biological activity, and optimized recovery of anthocyanins
Food Research International, 165, , 2023

Madureira J.,Albuquerque B.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Santos-Buelga C.,Margaça F.M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Cabo Verde S.,Barros L.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol from olive pomace treated by gamma radiation: process optimization and bioactivity assessment
Food and Function, 14, 3038-3050, 2023

Pereira E.,Fernandes F.A.,Mandim F.,Ayuso M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Non-alkaloid nitrogen containing compounds
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 331-362, 2023

de Oliveira I.,Albuquerque B.,Ueda J.M.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
New challenges and opportunities from secondary metabolites
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 925-965, 2023

Pedrosa M.C.,Lima L.,Aloso-Esteban J.I.,Roriz C.L.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Carocho M.
History of secondary metabolites: From ancient myths to modern scientific validation
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 3-18, 2023

Pascoalino L.A.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Taofiq O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Reis F.S.
Biochemistry of secondary metabolism of fungi
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 437-474, 2023

Calhelha R.C.,Shiraishi C.S.H.,Ribeiro L.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.,Coutinho P.,Barros L.,Vaz J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
New trends from fungi secondary metabolism in the pharmaceutical industry
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 823-850, 2023

Xavier V.,Spréa R.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 107-156, 2023

Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Reis F.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pintado M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Plant Extracts and SARS-CoV-2: Research and Applications
Life, 13, , 2023

Calheiros D.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernandes C.,Gonçalves T.
Antifungal Activity of Spent Coffee Ground Extracts
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

da Silva T.B.V.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Mandim F.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Seixas F.A.V.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Purple tea: chemical characterization and evaluation as inhibitor of pancreatic lipase and fat digestion in mice
Food and Function, 14, 1761-1772, 2023

Antonio A.L.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira E.,Barreira J.C.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Gamma and electron beam for food processing
Food Packaging and Preservation: Antimicrobial Materials and Technologies, 187-213, 2023

Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Editorial: Rediscovering local landraces: shaping horticulture for the future, volume II
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, , 2023

Ueda J.M.,Milho C.,Heleno S.A.,Soria-Lopez A.,Carpena M.,Alves M.J.,Pires T.,Prieto M.A.,Simal-Gandara J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Emerging Strategies to Combat Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Natural Agents with High Potential
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 29, 837-851, 2023

Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
High-added-value compounds from agro-food industry wastewater
Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment: Food Processing Industry, 1-24, 2023

Zaier M.M.,Heleno S.A.,Mandim F.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Achour L.,Kacem A.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.
Effects of the seasonal variation in the phytochemical composition and bioactivities of the wild halophyte Suaeda fruticosa
Food Bioscience, 50, , 2022

de Cássia Spacki K.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Uber T.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Peralta R.A.,de Fátima Peralta Muniz Moreira R.,Helm C.V.,de Lima E.A.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Full Exploitation of Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth): State of the Art and Perspectives
Plants, 11, , 2022

de la Fuente B.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Heleno S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barba F.J.,Berrada H.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata) head oils recovered by microwave-assisted extraction: Nutritional quality and biological properties
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 136, 97-105, 2022

Garcia-Manieri J.A.A.,Correa V.G.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Polyphenolic profile and pharmacological activities of whips horse (Luehea divaricata) bark extracts studied using in vitro and in vivo systems
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 45, , 2022

Kissanga R.,Liberal Â.,Diniz I.,Rodrigues A.S.B.,Baptista-Ferreira J.L.,Batista D.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Catarino L.
Biochemical and Molecular Profiling of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Huila, Angola
Foods, 11, , 2022

Othman S.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Dias M.I.,Ćirić A.,Mandim F.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pinela J.,Barros L.
Valorization of quince peel into functional food ingredients: A path towards “zero waste” and sustainable food systems
Heliyon, 8, , 2022

Molina A.K.,Gomes L.C.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.
Extraction of chlorophylls from Daucus carota L. and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme crop by-products
Food Chemistry Advances, 1, , 2022

Dias M.I.,Albiston C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pinela J.,Barros L.
Sonoextraction of phenolic compounds and saponins from Aesculus hippocastanum seed kernels: Modeling and optimization
Industrial Crops and Products, 185, , 2022

Moreira B.,Pereira E.,Finimundy T.C.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Carocho M.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Pineapple by-products as a source of bioactive compounds with potential for industrial food application
Food and Function, 13, 9959-9972, 2022

Ayuso M.,Carpena M.,Taofiq O.,Albuquerque T.G.,Simal-Gandara J.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Fig “Ficus carica L.” and its by-products: A decade evidence of their health-promoting benefits towards the development of novel food formulations
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 127, 1-13, 2022

Vieira D.M.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Petrovic J.,Sokovic M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Castro M.C.R.,Rodrigues P.V.,Machado A.V.
Evaluation of plant extracts as an efficient source of additives for active food packaging
Food Frontiers, 3, 480-488, 2022

de la Fuente B.,Pinela J.,Mandim F.,Heleno S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barba F.J.,Berrada H.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Nutritional and bioactive oils from salmon (Salmo salar) side streams obtained by Soxhlet and optimized microwave-assisted extraction
Food Chemistry, 386, , 2022

Rodrigues J.P.B.,Liberal Â.,Petropoulos S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.
Agri-Food Surplus, Waste and Loss as Sustainable Biobased Ingredients: A Review
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Ceccanti C.,Finimundy T.C.,Melgar B.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Sequential steps of the incorporation of bioactive plant extracts from wild Italian Plantago coronopus L. and Cichorium intybus L. leaves in fresh egg pasta
Food Chemistry, 384, , 2022

López-Hortas L.,Caleja C.,Pinela J.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Torres M.D.,Domínguez H.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Comparative evaluation of physicochemical profile and bioactive properties of red edible seaweed Chondrus crispus subjected to different drying methods
Food Chemistry, 383, , 2022

Fernandes F.A.,Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Ferreira E.,Rodrigues P.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Improving the physicochemical properties of a traditional Portuguese cake - “económicos” with chestnut flour
Food and Function, 13, 8243-8253, 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Effect of Harvesting Time on the Chemical Composition of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis Blades
Agronomy, 12, , 2022

Petropoulos S.A.,Fernandes Â.,Finimundy T.C.,Polyzos N.,Pinela J.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
The Bioactivities and Chemical Profile of Turnip-Rooted Parsley Germplasm
Horticulturae, 8, , 2022

Fernandes F.A.,Heleno S.A.,Pinela J.,Carocho M.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Recovery of Citric Acid from Citrus Peels: Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimized by Response Surface Methodology
Chemosensors, 10, , 2022

Ciudad-Mulero M.,Pinela J.,Carvalho A.M.,Barros L.,Fernández-Ruiz V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Sánchez-Mata M.d.C.,Morales P.
Bioaccessibility of Macrominerals and Trace Elements from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Farmers’ Varieties
Foods, 11, , 2022

Bortolini D.G.,Barros L.,Maciel G.M.,Brugnari T.,Modkovski T.A.,Fachi M.M.,Pontarolo R.,Pinela J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Haminiuk C.W.I.
Bioactive profile of edible nasturtium and rose flowers during simulated gastrointestinal digestion
Food Chemistry, 381, , 2022

Almeida D.,Cardoso R.V.C.,Pereira C.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zied D.C.,Vieira Junior W.G.,Caitano C.E.C.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.
Biochemical Approaches on Commercial Strains of Agaricus subrufescens Growing under Two Environmental Cultivation Conditions
Journal of Fungi, 8, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical composition of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) petioles as affected by plant growth stage
Food Research International, 156, , 2022

Mocan A.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Gavrilaş L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Ivanov M.,Sokovic M.,Barros L.,Babotă M.
Bioactive Compounds and Functional Properties of Herbal Preparations of Cystus creticus L. Collected From Rhodes Island
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Kostic M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barros L.
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxic, and Antimicrobial Activities of Cardoon Blades at Different Growth Stages
Biology, 11, , 2022

Ueda J.M.,Pedrosa M.C.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Food Additives from Fruit and Vegetable By-Products and Bio-Residues: A Comprehensive Review Focused on Sustainability
Sustainability (Switzerland), 14, , 2022

Bertéli M.B.D.,de Souza M.M.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Glamočlija J.,Soković M.,Dragunski D.C.,do Valle J.S.,de Souza Ferreira E.,Pinto L.C.,de Souza C.O.,Ruiz S.P.,Linde G.A.,Colauto N.B.
Basidiocarp structures of Lentinus crinitus: an antimicrobial source against foodborne pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38, , 2022

Alonso-Esteban J.I.,Pinela J.,Ćirić A.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Torija-Isasa E.,Sánchez-Mata M.d.C.
Chemical composition and biological activities of whole and dehulled hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds
Food Chemistry, 374, , 2022

Derbassi N.,C. Pedrosa M.,Heleno S.,Fernandes F.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Rodrigues P.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Arbutus unedo leaf extracts as potential dairy preservatives: case study on quark cheese
Food and Function, 13, 5442-5454, 2022

Besrour N.,Oludemi T.,Mandim F.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Soković M.,Stojković D.,Ferreira O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Article Valorization of Juglans regia Leaves as Cosmeceutical Ingredients: Bioactivity Evaluation and Final Formulation Development
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

Derbassi N.B.,Pedrosa M.C.,Heleno S.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Plant volatiles: Using Scented molecules as food additives
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 122, 97-103, 2022

Roriz C.L.,Heleno S.A.,Alves M.J.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Red pitaya (Hylocereus costaricensis) peel as a source of valuable molecules: Extraction optimization to recover natural colouring agents
Food Chemistry, 372, , 2022

Vieira Junior W.G.,Centeio Cardoso R.V.,Fernandes Â.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Pardo-Giménez A.,Mendel Soares D.M.,Stevani C.V.,Zied D.C.
Influence of strains and environmental cultivation conditions on the bioconversion of ergosterol and vitamin D2 in the sun mushroom
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102, 1699-1706, 2022

Novais C.,Molina A.K.,Abreu R.M.V.,Santo-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Natural Food Colorants and Preservatives: A Review, a Demand, and a Challenge
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 2789-2805, 2022

Silva B.N.,Cadavez V.,Ferreira-Santos P.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Teixeira J.A.,Gonzales-Barron U.
Correction: Silva et al. Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of Extracts from Edible Plants Readily Available in Portugal. Foods 2021, 10, 673
Foods, 11, , 2022

Babotă M.,Frumuzachi O.,Gâvan A.,Iacoviță C.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zhang L.,Lucini L.,Rocchetti G.,Tanase C.,Crișan G.,Mocan A.
Optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Thymus comosus Heuff. ex Griseb. et Schenk (wild thyme) and their bioactive potential
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 84, , 2022

Kessler J.C.,Vieira V.A.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Afonso A.,Ferreira P.,Mandim F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.E.,Dias M.M.
Obtaining Aromatic Extracts from Portuguese Thymus mastichina L. by Hydrodistillation and Supercritical Fluid Extraction with CO2 as Potential Flavouring Additives for Food Applications
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Silva A.R.,Ayuso M.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Kostić M.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Evaluation of parasite and host phenolic composition and bioactivities − The Practical Case of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. and Halimium lasianthum (Lam.) Greuter
Industrial Crops and Products, 176, , 2022

Adouni K.,Júlio A.,Santos-Buelga C.,González-Paramás A.M.,Filipe P.,Rijo P.,Costa Lima S.A.,Reis S.,Fernandes Â.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernández-Ruiz V.,Morales P.,Flamini G.,Achour L.,Fonte P.
Roots and rhizomes of wild Asparagus: Nutritional composition, bioactivity and nanoencapsulation of the most potent extract
Food Bioscience, 45, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Giannoulis K.D.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Queijo B.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical composition and biological activity of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) seeds harvested at different maturity stages
Food Chemistry, 369, , 2022

Teixeira V.M.C.,da Silva R.F.G.,Gonçalves O.H.,Pereira C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bona E.,Leimann F.V.
Chemometric approaches to evaluate the substitution of synthetic food dyes by natural compounds: The case of nanoencapsulated curcumin, spirulina, and hibiscus extracts
LWT, 154, , 2022

Stojković D.,Drakulić D.,Dias M.I.,Zengin G.,Barros L.,Ivanov M.,Gašić U.,Rajčević N.,Stevanović M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Soković M.
EXCLI Journal, 21, 387-399, 2022

Liberal Â.,Molina A.K.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Solid-liquid extraction of polyphenols
Technologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes, 73-112, 2022

Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pinela J.,Alexopoulos A.,Petropoulos S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
The powerful Solanaceae: Food and nutraceutical applications in a sustainable world
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 100, 131-172, 2022

Petrović J.,Fernandes Â.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Shekhar A.,Glamočlija J.
A Step Forward Towards Exploring Nutritional and Biological Potential of Mushrooms: A Case Study of Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk Wild Growing in Serbia
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 72, 17-26, 2022

Teixeira L.G.,Rezende S.,Fernandes A.,Fernandes I.P.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Leimann F.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Water-in-Oil-in-Water Double Emulsions as Protective Carriers for Sambucus nigra L. Coloring Systems
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Madureira J.,Margaça F.M.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Verde S.C.,Barros L.
Applications of bioactive compounds extracted from olive industry wastes: A review
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21, 453-476, 2022

Bortolucci W.d.C.,Raimundo K.F.,Fernandez C.M.M.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Gonçalves J.E.,Linde G.A.,Colauto N.B.,Gazim Z.C.
Cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory activities of Gallesia integrifolia (Phytolaccaceae) fruit essential oil
Natural Product Research, 36, 2878-2883, 2022

Ribeiro A.,Manrique Y.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.
Nanohydroxyapatite (n-HAp) as a pickering stabilizer in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions: a stability study
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43, 814-826, 2022

Nikolić M.,Marković T.,Marković D.,Calhelha R.C.,Fernandes Â.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Stojković D.,Ćirić A.,Glamočlija J.,Soković M.
Chemical composition and biological properties of Pelargonium graveolens, Leptospermum petersonii and Cymbopogon martinii var. motia essential oils and of Rosa centifolia absolute
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 86, 1291-1303, 2021

Mehdi I.E.,Falcão S.I.,Harandou M.,Boujraf S.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Anjos O.,Campos M.G.,Vilas-Boas M.
Chemical, cytotoxic, and anti-inflammatory assessment of honey bee venom from apis mellifera intermissa
Antibiotics, 10, , 2021

Xavier V.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Amaral J.S.,Calhelha R.C.,Vaz J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mediavilla I.,Esteban L.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical and bioactive characterization of the essential oils obtained from three mediterranean plants
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Phenolic composition and biological properties of cynara cardunculus l. Var. altilis petioles: Influence of the maturity stage
Antioxidants, 10, , 2021

da Silva T.B.V.,Castilho P.A.,Sá-Nakanishi A.B.d.,Seixas F.A.V.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
The inhibitory action of purple tea on in vivo starch digestion compared to other Camellia sinensis teas
Food Research International, 150, , 2021

Silva A.R.,Pinela J.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L.: Optimised heat/ultrasound-assisted extraction of tannins by response surface methodology
Separation and Purification Technology, 276, , 2021

Sampaio S.L.,Petropoulos S.A.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Fernandes Â.,Leme C.M.M.,Alexopoulos A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Phenolic composition and cell-based biological activities of ten coloured potato peels (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Food Chemistry, 363, , 2021

Semaoui R.,Ouafi S.,Machado S.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Infusion of aerial parts of Salvia chudaei Batt. & Trab. from Algeria: Chemical, toxicological and bioactivities characterization
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 280, , 2021

Pires E.d.O.,Di Gioia F.,Rouphael Y.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
The compositional aspects of edible flowers as an emerging horticultural product
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Rio I.S.R.,Rodrigues A.R.O.,Rodrigues J.M.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Almeida B.G.,Pires A.,Pereira A.M.,Araújo J.P.,Castanheira E.M.S.,Coutinho P.J.G.
Magnetoliposomes based on magnetic/plasmonic nanoparticles loaded with tricyclic lactones for combined cancer therapy
Pharmaceutics, 13, , 2021

Leichtweis M.G.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Sustainable recovery of preservative and bioactive compounds from food industry bioresidues
Antioxidants, 10, , 2021

Carvalho A.S.d.,Rezende S.C.d.,Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Barros L.,Fernandes I.,Manrique Y.A.,Gonçalves O.H.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
β-Carotene colouring systems based on solid lipid particles produced by hot melt dispersion
Food Control, 129, , 2021

Pires E.O.,Caleja C.,Garcia C.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Current status of genus Impatiens: Bioactive compounds and natural pigments with health benefits
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 117, 106-124, 2021

De Oliveira A.,Moreira T.F.M.,Pepinelli A.L.S.,Costa L.G.M.A.,Leal L.E.,Da Silva T.B.V.,Gonçalves O.H.,Porto Ineu R.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht L.,Leimann F.V.
Bioactivity screening of pinhão (: Araucaria Angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze) seed extracts: The inhibition of cholinesterases and α-amylases, and cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities
Food and Function, 12, 9820-9828, 2021

Petropoulos S.,Fernandes ,Karkanis A.,Ntasti G.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Antioxidant activity and chemical composition of Cichorium spinosum L. In relation to nitrogen rate
Acta Horticulturae, 1326, 59-65, 2021

Moldovan C.,Frumuzachi O.,Babotă M.,Menghini L.,Cesa S.,Gavan A.,Sisea C.R.,Tanase C.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Crișan G.,Mocan A.,Barros L.
Development of an optimized drying process for the recovery of bioactive compounds from the autumn fruits of berberis vulgaris L. and crataegus monogyna Jacq
Antioxidants, 10, , 2021

Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pinela J.,Ćirić A.,Lopes E.,Molina A.K.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,Ferreira O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Extraction of aloesin from aloe vera rind using alternative green solvents: Process optimization and biological activity assessment
Biology, 10, , 2021

Fernandes Â.,Liberal Â.,Pinela J.,Finimundy T.C.,Bancessi A.,Ćirić A.,Soković M.,Catarino L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Compositional features and biological activities of wild and commercial Moringa oleifera leaves from Guinea-Bissau
Food Bioscience, 43, , 2021

Lima J.F.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Steinmacher N.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Characterization of nonconventional food plants seeds guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) cass., panicum miliaceum l., and phalaris canariensis l. for application in the bakery industry
Agronomy, 11, , 2021

Pedrosa M.C.,Lima L.,Heleno S.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Food metabolites as tools for authentication, processing, and nutritive value assessment
Foods, 10, , 2021

Guimarães R.,Milho C.,Liberal Â.,Silva J.,Fonseca C.,Barbosa A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.
Antibiofilm potential of medicinal plants against Candida spp. Oral biofilms: A review
Antibiotics, 10, , 2021

Di Gioia F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Rosskopf E.N.
Microgreens: From trendy vegetables to functional food and potential nutrition security resource
Acta Horticulturae, 1321, 235-241, 2021

Pascoalino L.A.,Reis F.S.,Barros L.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.,Vieira A.L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreira J.C.M.
Effect of plant biostimulants on nutritional and chemical profiles of almond and hazelnut
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Pires E.d.O.,Pereira E.,Carocho M.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Ćirić A.,Soković M.,Garcia C.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Study on the potential application of impatiens balsamina l. Flowers extract as a natural colouring ingredient in a pastry product
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, , 2021

Backes E.,Kato C.G.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Peralta Muniz Moreira R.d.F.,Peralta R.A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zanin G.M.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Laccases in food processing: Current status, bottlenecks and perspectives
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 115, 445-460, 2021

Fernandes C.,Mota M.,Barros L.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Piedade A.P.,Casadevall A.,Gonçalves T.
Pyomelanin Synthesis in Alternaria alternata Inhibits DHN-Melanin Synthesis and Decreases Cell Wall Chitin Content and Thickness
Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, , 2021

Bertéli M.B.D.,Barros L.,Reis F.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Glamočlija J.,Soković M.,Valle J.S.D.,Linde G.A.,Ruiz S.P.,Colauto N.B.
Antimicrobial activity, chemical composition and cytotoxicity of: Lentinus crinitus basidiocarp
Food and Function, 12, 6780-6792, 2021

Madureira J.,Melgar B.,Santos-Buelga C.,Margaça F.M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Verde S.C.
Phenolic compounds from irradiated olive wastes: Optimization of the heat-assisted extraction using response surface methodology
Chemosensors, 9, , 2021

Arraibi A.A.,Liberal Â.,Dias M.I.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.
Chemical and bioactive characterization of spanish and belgian apple pomace for its potential use as a novel dermocosmetic formulation
Foods, 10, , 2021

Liberal Â.,Coelho C.T.P.,Fernandes Â.,Cardoso R.V.C.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Alves M.J.,Severino V.G.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical features and bioactivities of lactuca canadensis L., an unconventional food plant from Brazilian cerrado
Agriculture (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Giordano M.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Tavares D.,Cánepa A.L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of flavonoids from kiwi peel: Process optimization and bioactivity assessment
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Liberal Â.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Phytochemical and antioxidant profile of pardina lentil cultivars from different regions of Spain
Foods, 10, , 2021

Cardoso R.V.C.,Fernandes Â.,Barreira J.C.M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Mandim F.,Gonzaléz-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
A case study on surplus mushrooms production: Extraction and recovery of vitamin d2
Agriculture (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Fernandes Â.,Figueiredo S.,Finimundy T.C.,Pinela J.,Tzortzakis N.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.
Chemical composition and bioactive properties of purple french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) as affected by water deficit irrigation and biostimulants application
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13, , 2021

Petropoulos S.A.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Rouphael Y.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Antimicrobial properties, cytotoxic effects, and fatty acids composition of vegetable oils from purslane, linseed, luffa, and pumpkin seeds
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Alaya I.B.,Pereira E.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,Kostić M.,Prieto M.A.,Essid F.,Caleja C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Development of a natural preservative from chestnut flowers: Ultrasound-assisted extraction optimization and functionality assessment
Chemosensors, 9, , 2021

Carpena M.,Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Pereira C.,Ćirić A.,Soković M.,Soria-Lopez A.,Fraga-Corral M.,Simal-Gandara J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.
Red seaweeds as a source of nutrients and bioactive compounds: Optimization of the extraction
Chemosensors, 9, , 2021

Vega E.N.,Molina A.K.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Heleno S.A.,Rodrigues P.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Carocho M.,Barreira J.C.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Anthocyanins from rubus fruticosus l. And morus nigra l. applied as food colorants: A natural alternative
Plants, 10, , 2021

Cardoso R.V.C.,Carocho M.,Fernandes Â.,Barreira J.C.M.,Cabo Verde S.,Santos P.M.P.,Antonio A.L.,Gonzaléz-Paramás A.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Combined effects of irradiation and storage time on the nutritional and chemical parameters of dried Agaricus bisporus Portobello mushroom flour
Journal of Food Science, 86, 2276-2287, 2021

Bertéli M.B.D.,Oliveira Filho O.B.Q.,Freitas J.D.S.,Bortolucci W.C.,Silva G.R.,Gazim Z.C.,Lívero F.A.R.,Lovato E.C.W.,Valle J.S.,Linde G.A.,Barros L.,Reis F.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Paccola-Meirelles L.D.,Colauto N.B.
Correction to: Lentinus crinitus basidiocarp stipe and pileus: chemical composition, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity (European Food Research and Technology, (2021), 247, 6, (1355-1366), 10.1007/s00217-021-03713-1)
European Food Research and Technology, 247, 1367, 2021

Bertéli M.B.D.,Oliveira Filho O.B.Q.,Freitas J.D.S.,Bortolucci W.C.,Silva G.R.,Gazim Z.C.,Lívero F.A.R.,Lovato E.C.W.,Valle J.S.,Linde G.A.,Barros L.,Reis F.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Paccola-Meirelles L.D.,Colauto N.B.
Lentinus crinitus basidiocarp stipe and pileus: chemical composition, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity
European Food Research and Technology, 247, 1355-1366, 2021

Ceccanti C.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Guidi L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Differences in the phenolic composition and nutraceutical properties of freeze dried and oven-dried wild and domesticated samples of Sanguisorba minor Scop
LWT, 145, , 2021

Sampaio S.L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Fernandes Â.,Petropoulos S.A.,Alexopoulos A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Potato biodiversity: A linear discriminant analysis on the nutritional and physicochemical composition of fifty genotypes
Food Chemistry, 345, , 2021

Corrêa R.C.G.,Di Gioia F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Petropoulos S.A.
Halophytes for future horticulture: The case of small-scale farming in the Mediterranean Basin
Handbook of Halophytes: From Molecules to Ecosystems towards Biosaline Agriculture, 2367-2393, 2021

Babotă M.,Voştinaru O.,Păltinean R.,Mihali C.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Mocan A.,Crişan O.,Nicula C.,Crişan G.
Chemical Composition, Diuretic, and Antityrosinase Activity of Traditionally Used Romanian Cerasorum stipites
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12, , 2021

Moldovan C.,Babota M.,Mocan A.,Menghini L.,Cesa S.,Gavan A.,Sisea C.,Vodnar D.C.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Crisan G.,Barros L.
Optimization of the drying process of autumn fruits rich in antioxidants: A study focusing on rosehip (: Rosa canina L.) and sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus rhamnoides (L.) A. Nelson) and their bioactive properties
Food and Function, 12, 3939-3953, 2021

Ferreira T.,Nascimento-Gonçalves E.,Macedo S.,Borges I.,Gama A.,M. Gil Da Costa R.,Neuparth M.J.,Lanzarin G.,Venâncio C.,Félix L.,Gaivão I.,Alvarado A.,Pires M.J.,Bastos M.M.S.M.,Medeiros R.,Nogueira A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Rosa E.,Oliveira P.A.
Toxicological and anti-tumor effects of a linden extract (: Tilia platyphyllos Scop.) in a HPV16-transgenic mouse model
Food and Function, 12, 4005-4014, 2021

Milho C.,Silva J.,Guimarães R.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Alves M.J.
Antimicrobials from medicinal plants: An emergent strategy to control oral biofilms
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, , 2021

Torra M.,Belorio M.,Ayuso M.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Gómez M.
Chickpea and chestnut flours as non-gluten alternatives in cookies
Foods, 10, , 2021

Cardoso R.V.C.,Carocho M.,Fernandes Â.,Pinela J.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Zied D.C.,Cobos J.D.V.,González-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Antioxidant and antimicrobial influence on oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) from substrate supplementation of calcium silicate
Sustainability (Switzerland), 13, , 2021

Sorita G.D.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Gozzo A.M.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.,Bona E.,Manrique Y.,Fernandes I.P.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Lipid composition optimization in spray congealing technique and testing with curcumin-loaded microparticles
Advanced Powder Technology, 32, 1710-1722, 2021

Sampaio S.L.,Lonchamp J.,Dias M.I.,Liddle C.,Petropoulos S.A.,Glamočlija J.,Alexopoulos A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Anthocyanin-rich extracts from purple and red potatoes as natural colourants: Bioactive properties, application in a soft drink formulation and sensory analysis
Food Chemistry, 342, , 2021

Roriz C.L.,Xavier V.,Heleno S.A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical and bioactive features of amaranthus caudatus l. Flowers and optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction of betalains
Foods, 10, , 2021

Rodrigues J.P.B.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Carvalho A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Phenolic compounds and bioactive properties of Ruscus aculeatus L. (asparagaceae): The pharmacological potential of an underexploited subshrub
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Albuquerque B.R.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Calhelha R.C.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorization of sicana odorifera (Vell.) naudin epicarp as a source of bioactive compounds: Chemical characterization and evaluation of its bioactive properties
Foods, 10, , 2021

Marçal S.,Sousa A.S.,Taofiq O.,Antunes F.,Morais A.M.M.B.,Freitas A.C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pintado M.
Impact of postharvest preservation methods on nutritional value and bioactive properties of mushrooms
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 110, 418-431, 2021

García-Pérez P.,Ayuso M.,Lozano-Milo E.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Ivanov M.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Gallego P.P.
Phenolic profiling and in vitro bioactivities of three medicinal Bryophyllum plants
Industrial Crops and Products, 162, , 2021

Fernandes Â.,Bancessi A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Liberal Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Ćirić A.,Soković M.,Catarino L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Nutritional and phytochemical profiles and biological activities of Moringa oleifera Lam. edible parts from Guinea-Bissau (West Africa)
Food Chemistry, 341, , 2021

Alves Castilho P.,Bracht L.,Barros L.,Albuquerque B.R.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Comar J.F.,Barlati Vieira Da Silva T.,Peralta R.M.,Sá-Nakanishi A.B.D.,Bracht A.
Effects of a Myrciaria jaboticaba peel extract on starch and triglyceride absorption and the role of cyanidin-3- O -glucoside
Food and Function, 12, 2644-2659, 2021

Nascimento-Gonçalves E.,Seixas F.,Silva M.,Fardilha M.,Ferreira R.,Neuparth M.J.,Faustino-Rocha A.I.,Colaço B.,Venâncio C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.M.,Peixoto F.,Rosa E.,Oliveira P.A.
The influence of Castanea sativa Mill. flower extract on hormonally and chemically induced prostate cancer in a rat model
Food and Function, 12, 2631-2643, 2021

Novais C.,Pereira C.,Molina A.K.,Liberal Â.,Dias M.I.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Bioactive and nutritional potential of medicinal and aromatic plant (Map) seasoning mixtures
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Petropoulos S.A.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Ivanov M.,Sokovic M.D.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Effects of growing substrate and nitrogen fertilization on the chemical composition and bioactive properties of centaurea raphanina Ssp. Mixta (dc.) Runemark
Agronomy, 11, , 2021

Silva B.N.,Cadavez V.,Ferreira-Santos P.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Teixeira J.A.,Gonzales-Barron U.
Chemical profile and bioactivities of extracts from edible plants readily available in portugal
Foods, 10, , 2021

Ueda J.M.,Pedrosa M.C.,Fernandes F.A.,Rodrigues P.,Melgar B.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Ineu R.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Promising preserving agents from sage and basil: A case study with yogurts
Foods, 10, , 2021

Paschoalinotto B.H.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Alves M.J.,Mocan A.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Ineu R.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phytochemical characterization and evaluation of bioactive properties of tisanes prepared from promising medicinal and aromatic plants
Foods, 10, 1-26, 2021

Tejedor-Calvo E.,Amara K.,Reis F.S.,Barros L.,Martins A.,Calhelha R.C.,Venturini M.E.,Blanco D.,Redondo D.,Marco P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical composition and evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities of Tuber and Terfezia truffles
Food Research International, 140, , 2021

Ribeiro A.S.,Costa S.M.,Ferreira D.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fangueiro R.
Chitosan/nanocellulose electrospun fibers with enhanced antibacterial and antifungal activity for wound dressing applications
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 159, , 2021

Gómez-Mejía E.,Roriz C.L.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Rosales-Conrado N.,León-González M.E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorisation of black mulberry and grape seeds: Chemical characterization and bioactive potential
Food Chemistry, 337, , 2021

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Kostic M.,Soković M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Seasonal variation in bioactive properties and phenolic composition of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus var. altilis) bracts
Food Chemistry, 336, , 2021

Albuquerque B.R.,Heleno S.A.8.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phenolic compounds: Current industrial applications, limitations and future challenges
Food and Function, 12, 14-29, 2021

Ivanov M.,Kannan A.,Stojković D.S.,Glamočlija J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Sanglard D.,Soković M.
Camphor and eucalyptol—anticandidal spectrum, antivirulence effect, efflux pumps interference and cytotoxicity
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 1-14, 2021

Cardoso R.V.C.,Fernandes Â.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Carocho M.,Vasallo E.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorization of cereal by-products from the milling industry as a source of nutrients and bioactive compounds to boost resource-use efficiency
Agronomy, 11, , 2021

Pascoalino L.A.,Reis F.S.,Prieto M.A.,Barreira J.C.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorization of bio-residues from the processing of main portuguese fruit crops: From discarded waste to health promoting compounds
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Pires E.d.O.,Pereira E.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Ćirić A.,Soković M.,Hassemer G.,Garcia C.C.,Caleja C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical composition and bioactive characterisation of Impatiens walleriana
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Melgar B.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Heleno S.,da Silva A.B.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Preservation of chocolate muffins with Lemon Balm, Oregano, and Rosemary extracts
Foods, 10, , 2021

Câmara J.S.,Albuquerque B.R.,Aguiar J.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Gonçalves J.L.,Granato D.,Pereira J.A.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Food bioactive compounds and emerging techniques for their extraction: Polyphenols as a case study
Foods, 10, , 2021

Ivanov M.,Kannan A.,Stojković D.S.,Glamočlija J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Sanglard D.,Soković M.
Flavones, flavonols, and glycosylated derivatives—impact on candida albicans growth and virulence, expression of cdr1 and erg11, cytotoxicity
Pharmaceuticals, 14, 1-12, 2021

Pantuzza Silva G.F.,Pereira E.,Melgar B.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Eggplant fruit (Solanum melongena l.) and bio‐residues as a source of nutrients, bioactive compounds, and food colorants, using innovative food technologies
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 1-24, 2021

Silva A.R.,Taofiq O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Hypericum genus cosmeceutical application – A decade comprehensive review on its multifunctional biological properties
Industrial Crops and Products, 159, , 2021

Pires T.C.S.P.,Inês Dias M.,Calhelha R.C.,José Alves M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Development of new bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) based snacks: Nutritional, chemical and bioactive features
Food Chemistry, 334, , 2021

Albuquerque B.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Could fruits be a reliable source of food colorants? Pros and cons of these natural additives
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61, 805-835, 2021

Astray G.,Albuquerque B.R.,Prieto M.A.,Simal-Gandara J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Stability assessment of extracts obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits in powder and solution systems using machine-learning methodologies
Food Chemistry, 333, , 2020

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Giannoulis K.D.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical composition of cynara cardunculus l. Var. altilis bracts cultivated in central greece: the impact of harvesting time
Agronomy, 10, , 2020

Liberal Â.,Pinela J.,Vívar-Quintana A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Fighting iron-deficiency anemia: Innovations in food fortificants and biofortification strategies
Foods, 9, , 2020

Liberal Â.,Fernandes Â.,Polyzos N.,Petropoulos S.A.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Bioactive properties and phenolic compound profiles of turnip-rooted, plain-leafed and curly-leafed parsley cultivars
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Cardoso R.V.C.,Carocho M.,Fernandes Â.,Zied D.C.,Cobos J.D.V.,González-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Influence of calcium silicate on the chemical properties of pleurotus ostreatus var. Florida (Jacq.) P. Kumm
Journal of Fungi, 6, 1-16, 2020

Cruz L.R.O.,Polyzos N.,Fernandes Â.,Petropoulos S.A.,Gioia F.D.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Effect of saline conditions on chemical profile and the bioactive properties of three red-colored basil cultivars
Agronomy, 10, , 2020

Rocha R.,Pinela J.,Abreu R.M.V.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Saldanha A.L.,Alves M.J.,Nogueira A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Extraction of anthocyanins from red raspberry for natural food colorants development: Processes optimization and in vitro bioactivity
Processes, 8, 1-19, 2020

Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pinela J.,Ćirić A.,Martins V.,Rocha F.,Soković M.D.,Barata A.M.,Carvalho A.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Valorisation of table tomato crop by-products: Phenolic profiles and in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 124, 307-319, 2020

Gonzales-Barron U.,Dijkshoorn R.,Maloncy M.,Finimundy T.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Cadavez V.
Nutritional quality and staling of wheat bread partially replaced with Peruvian mesquite (Prosopis pallida) flour
Food Research International, 137, , 2020

Pereira E.,Cadavez V.,Barros L.,Encina-Zelada C.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Calhelha R.C.,Gonzales-Barron U.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (quinoa) grains: A good source of phenolic compounds
Food Research International, 137, , 2020

Kato-Schwartz C.G.,Corrêa R.C.G.,de Souza Lima D.,de Sá-Nakanishi A.B.,de Almeida Gonçalves G.,Seixas F.A.V.,Haminiuk C.W.I.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Potential anti-diabetic properties of Merlot grape pomace extract: An in vitro, in silico and in vivo study of α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition
Food Research International, 137, , 2020

Roriz C.L.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Rodrigues P.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Morales P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers: Incorporation in cookies as natural colouring agents
Food Chemistry, 329, , 2020