Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Maria Filomena Barreiro

Group: Sustainable Processes and Products
Phone: 273330909
ORCID: 0000-0002-6844-333X
Scopus Author ID: 57218611679


  • Since 2014: Coordinator Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2014: Adjunt Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2000: Member of the research staff of LSRE
  • 1995 - 2000: Assistant Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal


  • 2013 - 2017: Scientific Council Member at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2013: Coordinator of the Chemical and Biological Technology Department at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2011 - 2015: Pedagogical Council Member at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2011 - 2015: Head of the Masters in Chemical Engineering at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2003 - 2005: Coordinator of the Chemical and Biological Technology at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2010: Coordinator of the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (LQA) at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2009: Scientific Council Member at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal


  • 2000 - PhD. in Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal
  • 1990 - Graduation in Chemical Engineering, University of Porto (UP), Portugal


  • Biobased products
  • Natural functional ingredients and applications
  • Nano-and Microencapsulation
  • Polyurethane chemistry
  • Hybrid and composite materials


Naturing - Ingredientes naturais para o desenvolvimento de produtos alimentares inclusivos
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PL24-00152
Principal Investigator:Arantzazu Santamaria-Echart
Start: 2024-09-01
End: 2027-08-30
CyChest - Gestão integrada do ciclo do castanheiro no Parque Natural de Montesinho
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2023-10-01
End: 2026-09-30
- Obtención y evaluación de colorantes estabilizados por procesos de encapsulación y recurriendo a las tecnologías de emulsión a partir del aguacate (Persea americana) y su posterior incorporación en una matriz alimentícia
Funding body: Proyectos de investigación científica, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación (FONDOCYT) del Ministerio de Educación Superir, Ciencia y Tecnología (MESCYT) - Republica Dominicana
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2023-01-03
End: 2026-06-30
BIOSHOES4ALL - Inovação e Capacitação da Fileira do Calçado para a Bieconomia Sustentável
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR - 000011
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-10-01
End: 2025-12-31
- Ethical Food Enterpreneurship
Funding body: Erasmus +
Principal Investigator:Elsa Cristina Dantas Ramalhosa
Start: 2022-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
ENVABIO100 - Obtenção de filmes biodegradáveis de origem 100% natural para a indústria alimentar
Funding body: CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Reference: CYTED-121RT0108
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
NutriPick3D - Development of 3D-printable Pickering Emulsions foreseeing customized nutrition
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Arantzazu Santamaria-Echart
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
UID PUAuto - Poliuretano para a Indústria automóvel
Funding body: TMG Automotive
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2023-07-01
End: 2024-06-30
Acorn4Med - Enhancement of acorn forest waste for application in biomedicine
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PV20-00038
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-04-01
End: 2024-03-31
GreenHealth - Estratégias digitais baseadas em ativos biológicos para melhorar o bem-estar e promover a saúde verde
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-10-01
End: 2023-09-30
RARISS - Raças Autóctones, Rastreabilidade, Inovação e Soluções Sustentáveis
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
HiFireDoor - Desenvolvimento de Portas Decorativas Corta-Fogo de Madeira com Elevado Desempenho
Funding body: POCI-FEDER
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
GreenShoes 4.0 - Footwear, Leather Goods, Advanced Materials, Equipment and Software Technoloy
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046082
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2020-06-30
End: 2023-06-30
BIOma - Soluções integradas de BIOeconomia para a Mobilização cadeia Agroalimentar
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-1-0247-FEDER-046112
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-03
LignoCOST - Establishment of a Pan-European Network on the Sustainable Valorization of Lignin
Funding body: COST - European Cooperation in Science & Technology
Reference: CA17128
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2018-10-01
End: 2022-09-30
VALORNATURAL - Valorização de Recursos Naturais através da Extração de Ingredientes de Elevado Valor Acrescentado para Aplicações na Indústria Alimentar
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-024479
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-09-01
End: 2022-08-31
AllNat - Using natural deep eutectic solvents for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant material
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030463
Principal Investigator:Maria Olga de Amorim e Sá Ferreira
Start: 2018-06-01
End: 2022-05-31
FAMEST - Footwear, Advanced Materials, Equipment’s and Software Technologies
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024529
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2017-11-01
End: 2021-11-30
Shoe@Future - Soluções tecnológicas para calçado profissional
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-033835
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2018-07-16
End: 2021-07-30
NoMic2Bone - Antimicrobial Structures based on nanoXIM® for bone regeneration
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-017905
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2017-07-01
End: 2020-12-31
VALORCOMP - Valorisation of compost and other residues resulting from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0119_VALORCOMP_2_P
Principal Investigator:Hélder Teixeira Gomes
Start: 2017-06-01
End: 2020-12-30
BIORRECER - Valorisation of residues from the industrialization of grains to obtain chemicals and energy
Funding body: CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Reference: CYTED P315RT0134
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2016-01-01
End: 2019-12-31
AIProcMat@N2020 - Advanced Industrial Processes and Materials for a Sustainable North Region of Portugal2020
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000006
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2016-06-01
End: 2019-10-31
ExtraLight SafeShoe - Development of polymer solutions for technical footwear
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017905
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2016-10-01
End: 2019-04-02
BIOBLOCKS - Design of bio-based products as precursors for the bio-industry of chemical synthesis and biomaterials
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Reference: SI IDT - 33969/2012 F2
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2013-07-01
End: 2015-12-31
NEWALK - Materials, Components and Technologies for Shoes of the Future
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Reference: QREN-ADI-13850
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2011-09-30
End: 2015-03-31
OLIVPOL - Polyurethane foams and thermoplastic composites from oxypropylated olive-stones
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/CTM/71491/2006
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2009-06-01
End: 2012-12-31
ADVANCEDSHOE - Integração de soluções avançadas de materiais e de desenvolvimento de produto em calçado de elevado desempenho
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Reference: QREN nº. 1585
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2008-09-01
End: 2011-08-31
SHOEMAT - Footwear advanced materials
Funding body: PRIME
Reference: 03/2003/00114/181
Start: 2004-09-01
End: 2007-08-31
- Measurement of competitive adsorption isotherms for preparative chromatographic chiral separations
Funding body: POCTI - Programa operacional Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Reference: POCTI/EQU/38811/2001
Principal Investigator:Luís Manuel Santos Pais
Start: 2001-10-01
End: 2006-10-31
CYTED IV.17 - Obtención de macromoleculas biodegradables a partir de ligninas
Funding body: CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Reference: CYTED IV.17
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2002-01-01
End: 2005-12-31

Total results: 166
Pinho S.P.,Barreiro M.F.
Special issue CHEMPOR 2023 – 14th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference
Separation and Purification Technology, 362, , 2025

Crugeira P.J.L.,Khelifa H.,Barreira L.M.d.S.,Halla N.,Peres A.M.,Schreiner T.B.,Barreiro M.F.F.,Rodrigues P.
Bacterial cellulose biosynthesis in the presence of raw moist olive pomace: A green sustainable approach that enhances biopolymer production and properties
Biomass and Bioenergy, 197, , 2025

Colucci G.,Ribeiro A.,Figueirêdo M.B.,Charmillot J.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Lignin from aldehyde-assisted fractionation can provide light-colored Pickering emulsions through colloidal particles formed using alkaline antisolvent
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 302, , 2025

Kessler J.C.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Lopes J.C.B.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.,Dias M.M.
Optimised model microcapsules of Arabic gum and gelatin a for functional cosmetic applications: From formulation to scale-up using a mesostructured reactor
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 215, 108-121, 2025

Plasencia P.,Finimundy T.C.,Carocho M.,Calhelha R.C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Barreiro F.,Garcia P.A.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Rubus Idaeus Bioresidues: A Full Screening on Phenolic Composition and Bioactive Potential
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 16, 737-747, 2025

Delvar E.,Oliveira I.,Brito M.S.C.A.,Silva C.G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro M.F.,Santos R.J.
Literature Review on Single and Twin-Screw Extruders Design for Polymerization Using CFD Simulation
Fluids, 10, , 2025

Lopretti Correa M.I.,Batista-Menezes D.,Rezende S.C.d.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro M.F.,Vega-Baudrit J.R.
Biorefinery of Lignocellulosic and Marine Resources for Obtaining Active PVA/Chitosan/Phenol Films for Application in Intelligent Food Packaging
Polymers, 17, , 2025

de Rezende S.C.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Almeida H.H.S.,Marcet I.,Carpintero M.,Rendueles M.,Lopretti M.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Solid dispersions as effective curcumin vehicles to obtain k-carrageenan functional films for olive oil preservation
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 286, , 2025

Gracher-Teixeira L.,Pituco S.C.S.,Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Peres A.M.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Developing High-Coloring Natural Systems Using Double Emulsions with Daucus carota L. Extract to Meet High-Performance Requirements
Foods, 13, , 2024

Kessler J.C.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.,Dias M.M.
Advancements in conventional and supercritical CO2 extraction of Moringa oleifera bioactives for cosmetic applications: A review
Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 214, , 2024

Colucci G.,Gigli M.,Sgarzi M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Crestini C.,Barreiro M.F.
Modulation of physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Pickering emulsions using colloidal lignin particles based on kraft softwood and hardwood acetone fractions
Separation and Purification Technology, 347, , 2024

Relvas M.E.,Ghirro L.C.,Martins I.M.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ribeiro A.
Nano-hydroxyapatite Pickering emulsions as edible mayonnaise-like food sauce templates: A novel approach for food design
Journal of Food Engineering, 381, , 2024

Almeida H.H.S.,Fernandes I.P.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Unlocking the Potential of Hydrosols: Transforming Essential Oil Byproducts into Valuable Resources
Molecules, 29, , 2024

Martins F.,Ramalhosa E.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Baptista P.,Barreiro M.F.F.,Crugeira P.J.L.
Effect of photostimulation through red LED light radiation on natural fermentation of table olives: An innovative case study with Negrinha the Freixo variety
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 256, , 2024

de Rezende S.C.,Ferreira O.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Evaluating the potential of natural polymers for water-dispersible curcumin-based solid dispersion colourant systems for food applications
Journal of Food Engineering, 371, , 2024

Lamas S.,Ruano D.,Dias F.,Barreiro F.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.,Rodrigues N.
Application of the FTIR technique as a non-invasive tool to discriminate Portuguese olive oils with Protected Designation of Origin
Chemistry and Biodiversity, 21, , 2024

Larraza I.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Barreiro F.,Arbelaiz A.,Eceiza A.
Bioinks Functionalized with Natural Extracts for 3D Printing
Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 32, 982-999, 2024

Des Bouillons-Gamboa R.E.,Montes de Oca G.,Baudrit J.R.V.,Ríos Duarte L.C.,Lopretti M.,Rentería Urquiza M.,Zúñiga-Umaña J.M.,Barreiro F.,Vázquez P.
Synthesis of chitosan nanoparticles (CSNP): effect of CH-CH-TPP ratio on size and stability of NPs
Frontiers in Chemistry, 12, , 2024

Schreiner T.B.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Peres A.M.,Dias M.M.,Pinho S.P.,Barreiro M.F.
Study of binary mixtures of Tribulus terrestris extract and Quillaja bark saponin as oil-in-water nanoemulsion emulsifiers
Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 27, 123-133, 2024

Schreiner T.B.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Colucci G.,Plasencia P.,Santos Costa P.,Dias M.M.,Pinho S.P.,Filomena Barreiro M.
Saponin-based natural nanoemulsions as alpha-tocopherol delivery systems for dermal applications
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 391, , 2023

Silva S.C.,Dias M.M.,Filomena Barreiro M.
What is next in microalgae research
Microalgae-Based Systems: Process Integration and Process Intensification Approaches, 81-106, 2023

Alves M.,Andrade D.,Mesquita L.,Barreira L.,Manhique J.,Echart S.,Barreiro M.F.,Mofreita F.
Thermomechanical behaviour of bonding joints of wood and wood-based panels at room temperature and elevated temperatures
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2928, , 2023

Crugeira P.J.L.,Almeida H.H.S.,Marcet I.,Rendueles M.,Pires M.G.,Rafael H.M.,Rodrigues A.I.G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro M.F.
Biosynthesis of antioxidant xanthan gum by Xanthomonas campestris using substrates added with moist olive pomace
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 141, 210-218, 2023

Plasencia P.,Heleno S.A.,Finimundy T.,Carocho M.,Calhelha R.C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Alves M.J.,Oludemi T.,Quidiongo N.,Barreiro F.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Recovery of High Valuable Bioactive Molecules from Vaccinium myrtillus L. Bioresidues
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 2873-2884, 2023

Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Silva S.C.,Teixeira L.G.,Ribeiro A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of colloidal lignin particles through particle design strategies and screening of their Pickering stabilizing potential
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 666, , 2023

Kessler J.C.,Manrique Y.A.,Martins I.M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.,Dias M.M.
Moringa oleifera L. Screening: SFE-CO2 Optimisation and Chemical Composition of Seed, Leaf, and Root Extracts as Potential Cosmetic Ingredients
Separations, 10, , 2023

Ribeiro A.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Pickering Emulsions Based in Inorganic Solid Particles: From Product Development to Food Applications
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Crugeira P.J.L.,Almeida H.H.S.,Teixeira L.G.,Barreiro M.F.
Photodynamic inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus by ecological antibacterial solutions associating LED (ʎ 450 ± 10 nm) with curcumin and olive leaf extracts
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 238, , 2023

Rodrigues N.,Peres F.,Casal S.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro F.,Peres A.M.,Alberto Pereira J.
Geographical discrimination of olive oils from Cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’
Food Chemistry, 398, , 2023

Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro F.
Why Natural-Based Bioactive Coatings?
Coatings, 12, , 2022

Silva S.C.,Almeida T.,Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Manrique Y.A.,Dias M.M.,Barros L.,Fernandes Â.,Colla E.,Barreiro M.F.
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) protein-rich extract as a natural emulsifier for oil-in-water emulsions: Optimization through a sequential experimental design strategy
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 648, , 2022

Vieira D.M.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Petrovic J.,Sokovic M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Castro M.C.R.,Rodrigues P.V.,Machado A.V.
Evaluation of plant extracts as an efficient source of additives for active food packaging
Food Frontiers, 3, 480-488, 2022

Ribeiro A.,Manrique Y.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.
Effect of temperature, pH and ionic strength on hydroxyapatite stabilised Pickering emulsions produced in batch and continuous mode
Food Biophysics, 17, 422-436, 2022

De Carli C.,Aylanc V.,Mouffok K.M.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro F.,Tomás A.,Pereira C.,Rodrigues P.,Vilas-Boas M.,Falcão S.I.
Production of chitosan-based biodegradable active films using bio-waste enriched with polyphenol propolis extract envisaging food packaging applications
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 213, 486-497, 2022

Schreiner T.B.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Pinho S.P.
Saponins as Natural Emulsifiers for Nanoemulsions
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 6573-6590, 2022

Ribeiro A.,Manrique Y.A.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of water-in-oil Pickering emulsions from sodium oleate surface-modified nano-hydroxyapatite
Surfaces and Interfaces, 29, , 2022

Vega-Aguilar C.A.,Costa C.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Microwave-Assisted Lignin Wet Peroxide Oxidation to C4Dicarboxylic Acids
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, 3570-3581, 2022

Ghirro L.C.,Rezende S.,Ribeiro A.S.,Rodrigues N.,Carocho M.,Pereira J.A.,Barros L.,Demczuk B.,Barreiro M.F.,Santamaria-Echart A.
Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Curcumin-Based Solid Dispersion Particles as Mayonnaise-like Food Sauce Alternatives
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Ribeiro A.,Gonçalves R.F.S.,Pinheiro A.C.,Manrique Y.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.
In vitro digestion and bioaccessibility studies of vitamin E-loaded nanohydroxyapatite Pickering emulsions and derived fortified foods
LWT, 154, , 2022

Teixeira L.G.,Rezende S.,Fernandes A.,Fernandes I.P.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Leimann F.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Water-in-Oil-in-Water Double Emulsions as Protective Carriers for Sambucus nigra L. Coloring Systems
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Ribeiro A.,Manrique Y.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.
Nanohydroxyapatite (n-HAp) as a pickering stabilizer in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions: a stability study
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43, 814-826, 2022

Sharkawy A.,Silva A.M.,Rodrigues F.,Barreiro F.,Rodrigues A.
Pickering emulsions stabilized with chitosan/collagen peptides nanoparticles as green topical delivery vehicles for cannabidiol (CBD)
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 631, , 2021

Vega-Aguilar C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Lignin conversion into C4 dicarboxylic acids by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation using titanium silicalite-1
Industrial Crops and Products, 173, , 2021

Carvalho A.S.d.,Rezende S.C.d.,Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Barros L.,Fernandes I.,Manrique Y.A.,Gonçalves O.H.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
β-Carotene colouring systems based on solid lipid particles produced by hot melt dispersion
Food Control, 129, , 2021

Lamas S.,Rodrigues N.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-chemometric approach as a non-destructive olive cultivar tool for discriminating Portuguese monovarietal olive oils
European Food Research and Technology, 247, 2473-2484, 2021

Schreiner T.B.,Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.P.,Dias M.M.,Pinho S.P.,Barreiro M.F.
Evaluation of saponin-rich extracts as natural alternative emulsifiers: A comparative study with pure Quillaja Bark saponin
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 623, , 2021

Pinto J.A.,Fernandes I.P.,Pinto V.D.,Gomes E.,Oliveira C.F.,Pinto P.C.R.,Mesquita L.M.R.,Piloto P.A.G.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Valorization of lignin side-streams into polyols and rigid polyurethane foams—a contribution to the pulp and paper industry biorefinery
Energies, 14, , 2021

Vega E.N.,Molina A.K.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Heleno S.A.,Rodrigues P.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Carocho M.,Barreira J.C.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Anthocyanins from rubus fruticosus l. And morus nigra l. applied as food colorants: A natural alternative
Plants, 10, , 2021

Sharkawy A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
New Pickering emulsions stabilized with chitosan/collagen peptides nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and tracking of the nanoparticles after skin application
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 616, , 2021

Ribeiro A.,Manrique Y.A.,Barreiro F.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.
Continuous production of hydroxyapatite Pickering emulsions using a mesostructured reactor
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 616, , 2021

Sorita G.D.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Gozzo A.M.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.,Bona E.,Manrique Y.,Fernandes I.P.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Lipid composition optimization in spray congealing technique and testing with curcumin-loaded microparticles
Advanced Powder Technology, 32, 1710-1722, 2021

Correa R.F.,Colucci G.,Halla N.,Pinto J.A.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Blanco S.P.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of chitosan microspheres through a green dual crosslinking strategy based on tripolyphosphate and vanillin
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Rodrigues A.E.,Vega-Aguilar C.A.,Filomena Barreiro M.
Effect of methoxy substituents on wet peroxide oxidation of lignin and lignin model compounds: Understanding the pathway to c4 dicarboxylic acids
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, 3543-3553, 2021

Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Barreiro F.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Advances in waterborne polyurethane and polyurethane-urea dispersions and their eco-friendly derivatives: A review
Polymers, 13, 1-32, 2021

Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Ugarte L.,Barreiro F.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Green nanocomposites from Salvia-based waterborne polyurethane-urea dispersions reinforced with nanocellulose
Progress in Organic Coatings, 150, , 2021

Sharkawy A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Chitosan-based Pickering emulsions and their applications: A review
Carbohydrate Polymers, 250, , 2020

Backes E.,Leichtweis M.G.,Pereira C.,Carocho M.,Barreira J.C.M.,Kamal Genena A.,José Baraldi I.,Filomena Barreiro M.,Barros L.,C.F.R. Ferreira I.
Ficus carica L. and Prunus spinosa L. extracts as new anthocyanin-based food colorants: A thorough study in confectionery products
Food Chemistry, 333, , 2020

Roriz C.L.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Rodrigues P.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Morales P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L. flowers: Incorporation in cookies as natural colouring agents
Food Chemistry, 329, , 2020

Rojas V.M.,Inácio A.G.,Martins Fernandes I.P.,Leimann F.V.,Gozzo A.M.,Barros Fuchs R.H.,Filipe Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Coelho Tanamati A.A.,Gonçalves O.H.
Whey protein supplement as a source of microencapsulated PUFA-rich vegetable oils
Food Bioscience, 37, , 2020

Pinto J.A.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Belgacem M.N.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Analysis of the oxypropylation process of a lignocellulosic material, almond shell, using the response surface methodology (RSM)
Industrial Crops and Products, 153, , 2020

Silva S.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Dias M.M.,Filomena Barreiro M.
Microalgae-derived pigments: A 10-year bibliometric review and industry and market trend analysis
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Vega-Aguilar C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of vanillic acid as a lignin model compound towards the renewable production of dicarboxylic acids
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 159, 115-124, 2020

Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Silva S.C.,Fernandes I.P.M.,Sipoli C.C.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of water-in-oil emulsions as delivery vehicles and testing with a natural antimicrobial extract
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Sharkawy A.,Casimiro F.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Enhancing trans-resveratrol topical delivery and photostability through entrapment in chitosan/gum Arabic Pickering emulsions
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 147, 150-159, 2020

Schreiner T.B.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Ribeiro A.,Peres A.M.,Dias M.M.,Pinho S.P.,Barreiro M.F.
Formulation and optimization of nanoemulsions using the natural surfactant saponin from Quillaja bark
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Kurańska M.,Pinto J.A.,Salach K.,Barreiro M.F.,Prociak A.
Synthesis of thermal insulating polyurethane foams from lignin and rapeseed based polyols: A comparative study
Industrial Crops and Products, 143, , 2020

Da Silva T.B.V.,Moreira T.F.M.,De Oliveira A.,Bilck A.P.,Gonçalves O.H.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,Yamashita F.,Shirai M.A.,Leimann F.V.
Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze extract as a source of phenolic compounds in TPS/PBAT active films
Food and Function, 10, 7697-7706, 2019

de Campos S.S.,de Oliveira A.,Moreira T.F.M.,da Silva T.B.V.,da Silva M.V.,Pinto J.A.,Bilck A.P.,Gonçalves O.H.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Yamashita F.,Valderrama P.,Shirai M.A.,Leimann F.V.
TPCS/PBAT blown extruded films added with curcumin as a technological approach for active packaging materials
Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 22, , 2019

Taofiq O.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.,González-Paramás A.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
A comparative study between conventional and non-conventional extraction techniques for the recovery of ergosterol from Agaricus blazei Murrill
Food Research International, 125, , 2019

Pilipenko N.,Gonçalves O.H.,Bona E.,Fernandes I.P.,Pinto J.A.,Sorita G.D.,Leimann F.V.,Barreiro M.F.
Tailoring swelling of alginate-gelatin hydrogel microspheres by crosslinking with calcium chloride combined with transglutaminase
Carbohydrate Polymers, 223, , 2019

Lopes S.,Afonso C.,Fernandes I.,Barreiro M.F.,Costa P.,Rodrigues A.E.
Chitosan-cellulose particles as delivery vehicles for limonene fragrance
Industrial Crops and Products, 139, , 2019

Leimann V.F.,Gonçalves O.H.,Sorita G.D.,Rezende S.,Bona E.,Fernandes I.P.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Heat and pH stable curcumin-based hydrophylic colorants obtained by the solid dispersion technology assisted by spray-drying
Chemical Engineering Science, 205, 248-258, 2019

Casimiro F.M.,Costa C.A.E.,Botelho C.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Kinetics of Oxidative Degradation of Lignin-Based Phenolic Compounds in Batch Reactor
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 16442-16449, 2019

Molina A.K.,Vega E.N.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Heleno S.A.,Rodrigues P.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Barreira J.C.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Promising antioxidant and antimicrobial food colourants from Lonicera caerulea L. var. Kamtschatica
Antioxidants, 8, , 2019

da Silva S.C.,Fernandes I.P.,Barros L.,Fernandes Â.,José Alves M.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Barreira J.C.M.,Manrique Y.,Colla E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Filomena Barreiro M.
Spray-dried Spirulina platensis as an effective ingredient to improve yogurt formulations: Testing different encapsulating solutions
Journal of Functional Foods, 60, , 2019

Taofiq O.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Fernandes I.P.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,González-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Phenolic acids, cinnamic acid, and ergosterol as cosmeceutical ingredients: Stabilization by microencapsulation to ensure sustained bioactivity
Microchemical Journal, 147, 469-477, 2019

Taofiq O.,Rodrigues F.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Mushroom ethanolic extracts as cosmeceuticals ingredients: Safety and ex vivo skin permeation studies
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 127, 228-236, 2019

Carocho M.,Heleno S.,Rodrigues P.,Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
A novel natural coating for food preservation: Effectiveness on microbial growth and physicochemical parameters
LWT, 104, 76-83, 2019

Rudke A.R.,Heleno S.A.,Fernandes I.P.,Prieto M.A.,Gonçalves O.H.,Rodrigues A.E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Microencapsulation of ergosterol and Agaricus bisporus L. extracts by complex coacervation using whey protein and chitosan: Optimization study using response surface methodology
LWT, 103, 228-237, 2019

Silva de Sá I.,Peron A.P.,Leimann F.V.,Bressan G.N.,Krum B.N.,Fachinetto R.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Gonçalves O.H.,Ineu R.P.
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of enzymatic and antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of curcumin-loaded solid dispersions
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 125, 29-37, 2019

Pinela J.,Prieto M.A.,Pereira E.,Jabeur I.,Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Optimization of heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces for natural food colorants
Food Chemistry, 275, 309-321, 2019

Rojas V.M.,Marconi L.F.d.C.B.,Guimarães-Inácio A.,Leimann F.V.,Tanamati A.,Gozzo Â.M.,Fuchs R.H.B.,Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Tanamati A.A.C.,Gonçalves O.H.
Formulation of mayonnaises containing PUFAs by the addition of microencapsulated chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and baru oils
Food Chemistry, 274, 220-227, 2019

Taofiq O.,Rodrigues F.,Barros L.,Peralta R.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Agaricus blazei Murrill from Brazil: An ingredient for nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications
Food and Function, 10, 565-572, 2019

Ruphuy G.,Lopes J.C.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
New insights into nanohydroxyapatite/chitosan nanocomposites for bone tissue regeneration
Materials for Biomedical Engineering: Nanobiomaterials in Tissue Engineering, 331-371, 2019

Ruphuy G.,Weide T.,Lopes J.C.B.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Preparation of nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan aqueous dispersions: From lab scale to continuous production using an innovative static mixer
Carbohydrate Polymers, 202, 20-28, 2018

de Rezende S.C.,Pinto J.A.,Fernandes I.P.,Leimann F.V.,Barreiro M.F.
Oxypropylation of brazilian pine-fruit shell evaluated by principal component analysis
Journal of Renewable Materials, 6, 715-723, 2018

Taofiq O.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Fernandes I.P.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,González-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Mushroom-based cosmeceutical ingredients: Microencapsulation and in vitro release profile
Industrial Crops and Products, 124, 44-52, 2018

Backes E.,Pereira C.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.,Genena A.K.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Recovery of bioactive anthocyanin pigments from Ficus carica L. peel by heat, microwave, and ultrasound based extraction techniques
Food Research International, 113, 197-209, 2018

López C.J.,Caleja C.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Optimization and comparison of heat and ultrasound assisted extraction techniques to obtain anthocyanin compounds from Arbutus unedo L. Fruits
Food Chemistry, 264, 81-91, 2018

Santos C.H.K.,Baqueta M.R.,Coqueiro A.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Gonçalves O.H.,Bona E.,da Silva M.V.,Leimann F.V.
Systematic study on the extraction of antioxidants from pinhão (araucaria angustifolia (bertol.) Kuntze) coat
Food Chemistry, 261, 216-223, 2018

Almeida H.H.S.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Calhelha R.C.,Heleno S.A.,Sayer C.,Miranda C.G.,Leimann F.V.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Bioactive evaluation and application of different formulations of the natural colorant curcumin (E100) in a hydrophilic matrix (yogurt)
Food Chemistry, 261, 224-232, 2018

Halla N.,Heleno S.A.,Costa P.,Fernandes I.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Boucherit K.,Rodrigues A.E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Chemical profile and bioactive properties of the essential oil isolated from Ammodaucus leucotrichus fruits growing in Sahara and its evaluation as a cosmeceutical ingredient
Industrial Crops and Products, 119, 249-254, 2018

Rocha F.,Yumi Sugahara L.,Leimann F.V.,De Oliveira S.M.,Da Silva Brum E.,Calhelha R.C.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Porto Ineu R.,Gonçalves O.H.
Nanodispersions of beta-carotene: effects on antioxidant enzymes and cytotoxic properties
Food and Function, 9, 3698-3706, 2018

Albuquerque B.R.,Prieto M.A.,Vazquez J.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Recovery of bioactive compounds from Arbutus unedo L. fruits: Comparative optimization study of maceration/microwave/ultrasound extraction techniques
Food Research International, 109, 455-471, 2018

Francisco C.R.L.,Heleno S.A.,Fernandes I.P.M.,Barreira J.C.M.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Gonçalves O.H.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Functionalization of yogurts with Agaricus bisporus extracts encapsulated in spray-dried maltodextrin crosslinked with citric acid
Food Chemistry, 245, 845-853, 2018

Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Barreiro F.,Retegi A.,Arbelaiz A.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Development of waterborne polyurethane-ureas added with plant extracts: Study of different incorporation routes and their influence on particle size, thermal, mechanical and antibacterial properties
Progress in Organic Coatings, 117, 76-90, 2018

Ruphuy G.,Souto-Lopes M.,Paiva D.,Costa P.,Rodrigues A.E.,Monteiro F.J.,Salgado C.L.,Fernandes M.H.,Lopes J.C.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Supercritical CO2 assisted process for the production of high-purity and sterile nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan hybrid scaffolds
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 106, 965-975, 2018

Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Ugarte L.,Barreiro F.,Arbelaiz A.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Waterborne polyurethane-urea dispersion with chain extension step in homogeneous medium reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals
Composites Part B: Engineering, 137, 31-38, 2018

De Freitas T.B.,Santos C.H.K.,da Silva M.V.,Shirai M.A.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.
Antioxidants extraction from Pinhão (Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze) coats and application to zein films
Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 15, 28-34, 2018

Ribeiro A.,Abreu R.M.V.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Antiangiogenic compounds: well-established drugs versus emerging natural molecules
Cancer Letters, 415, 86-105, 2018

Halla N.,Fernandes I.P.,Heleno S.A.,Costa P.,Boucherit-Otmani Z.,Boucherit K.,Rodrigues A.E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Cosmetics preservation: A review on present strategies
Molecules, 23, , 2018

Oludemi T.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.,Heleno S.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Extraction of triterpenoids and phenolic compounds from: Ganoderma lucidum: Optimization study using the response surface methodology
Food and Function, 9, 209-226, 2018

Taofiq O.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
UV-irradiated mushrooms as a source of vitamin D2: A review
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 70, 82-94, 2017

Silva M.,Martins I.,Barreiro F.,Dias M.,Rodrigues A.E.
Preparation and characterization of poly(urethane–urea) microcapsules containing limonene. Kinetic analysis
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 22, 709-724, 2017

Oliveira F.S.,Ribeiro A.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Barreira J.C.M.,Junior B.D.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Evaluation of Arenaria montana L. hydroethanolic extract as a chemopreventive food ingredient: A case study focusing a dairy product (yogurt)
Journal of Functional Foods, 38, 214-220, 2017

Roriz C.L.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Modern extraction techniques optimized to extract betacyanins from Gomphrena globosa L.
Industrial Crops and Products, 105, 29-40, 2017

Taofiq O.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,González-Paramás A.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
The potential of Ganoderma lucidum extracts as bioactive ingredients in topical formulations, beyond its nutritional benefits
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 108, 139-147, 2017

Pinela J.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Carvalho A.M.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Curran T.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Valorisation of tomato wastes for development of nutrient-rich antioxidant ingredients: A sustainable approach towards the needs of the today's society
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 41, 160-171, 2017

Sharkawy A.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Shoeib T.
Aroma-Loaded Microcapsules with Antibacterial Activity for Eco-Friendly Textile Application: Synthesis, Characterization, Release, and Green Grafting
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 56, 5516-5526, 2017

Caleja C.,Ribeiro A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phenolic compounds as nutraceuticals or functional food ingredients
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 23, 2787-2806, 2017

Silva M.,Martins I.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Dias M.M.,Rodrigues A.E.
Functionalized textiles with PUU/limonene microcapsules: effect of finishing methods on fragrance release
Journal of the Textile Institute, 108, 361-367, 2017

Taofiq O.,González-Paramás A.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,McPhee D.J.
Hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives: Cosmeceutical significance, challenges and future perspectives, a review
Molecules, 22, , 2017

Santamaria-Echart A.,Ugarte L.,Arbelaiz A.,Barreiro F.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Modulating the microstructure of waterborne polyurethanes for preparation of environmentally friendly nanocomposites by incorporating cellulose nanocrystals
Cellulose, 24, 823-834, 2017

Martin-Martinez M.,Barreiro M.F.F.,Silva A.M.T.,Figueiredo J.L.,Faria J.L.,Gomes H.T.
Lignin-based activated carbons as metal-free catalysts for the oxidative degradation of 4-nitrophenol in aqueous solution
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 219, 372-378, 2017

Caleja C.,Barros L.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Extraction of rosmarinic acid from Melissa officinalis L. by heat-, microwave- and ultrasound-assisted extraction techniques: A comparative study through response surface analysis
Separation and Purification Technology, 186, 297-308, 2017

Heleno S.A.,Rudke A.R.,Calhelha R.C.,Carocho M.,Barros L.,Gonçalves O.H.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Development of dairy beverages functionalized with pure ergosterol and mycosterol extracts: An alternative to phytosterol-based beverages
Food and Function, 8, 103-110, 2017

Albuquerque B.R.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Curran T.P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Catechin-based extract optimization obtained from Arbutus unedo L. fruits using maceration/microwave/ultrasound extraction techniques
Industrial Crops and Products, 95, 404-415, 2017

Taofiq O.,González-Paramás A.M.,Martins A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Mushrooms extracts and compounds in cosmetics, cosmeceuticals and nutricosmetics-A review
Industrial Crops and Products, 90, 38-48, 2016

Taofiq O.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,Barreiro M.F.,González-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Development of Mushroom-Based cosmeceutical formulations with Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Tyrosinase, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties
Molecules, 21, , 2016

Ribeiro A.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Carocho M.,Ćirić A.,Sokovic M.,Dias M.M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Tarragon phenolic extract as a functional ingredient for pizza dough: Comparative performance with ascorbic acid (E300)
Journal of Functional Foods, 26, 268-278, 2016

Heleno S.A.,Prieto M.A.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus L. by-products using response surface methodology
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 100, 25-35, 2016

Santamaria-Echart A.,Fernandes I.,Saralegi A.,Costa M.R.P.F.N.,Barreiro F.,Corcuera M.A.,Eceiza A.
Synthesis of waterborne polyurethane-urea dispersions with chain extension step in homogeneous and heterogeneous media
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 476, 184-192, 2016

Pinela J.,Prieto M.A.,Carvalho A.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Microwave-assisted extraction of phenolic acids and flavonoids and production of antioxidant ingredients from tomato: A nutraceutical-oriented optimization study
Separation and Purification Technology, 164, 114-124, 2016

Caleja C.,Ribeiro A.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Antonio A.L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Cottage cheeses functionalized with fennel and chamomile extracts: Comparative performance between free and microencapsulated forms
Food Chemistry, 199, 720-726, 2016

Ribeiro A.,Caleja C.,Barros L.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Rosemary extracts in functional foods: Extraction, chemical characterization and incorporation of free and microencapsulated forms in cottage cheese
Food and Function, 7, 2185-2196, 2016

Heleno S.A.,Diz P.,Prieto M.A.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction to obtain mycosterols from Agaricus bisporus L. by response surface methodology and comparison with conventional Soxhlet extraction
Food Chemistry, 197, 1054-1063, 2016

Taofiq O.,Martins A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Anti-inflammatory potential of mushroom extracts and isolated metabolites
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 50, 193-210, 2016

Pinela J.,Prieto M.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Carvalho A.M.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Vázquez J.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidants from a surplus tomato crop by response surface methodology
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 98, 283-298, 2016

Ruphuy G.,Saralegi A.,Lopes J.C.,Dias M.M.,Barreiro M.F.
Spray drying as a viable process to produce nano-hydroxyapatite/chitosan (n-HAp/CS) hybrid microparticles mimicking bone composition
Advanced Powder Technology, 27, 575-583, 2016

Rached I.,Barros L.,Fernandes I.P.,Santos-Buelga C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Ferchichi A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Ceratonia siliqua L. hydroethanolic extract obtained by ultrasonication: Antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds profile and effects in yogurts functionalized with their free and microencapsulated forms
Food and Function, 7, 1319-1328, 2016

Moreira A.C.G.,Martins I.M.,Fernandes I.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Microencapsulation of red and white thyme oil in poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid: Assessment of encapsulation efficiency and antimicrobial capacity of the produced microcapsules
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 94, 469-475, 2016

Barreiro F.,Machado A.V.
Journal of Renewable Materials, 4, 1, 2016

Fernandes I.P.,Barbosa M.,Amaral J.S.,Pinto V.,Rodrigues J.L.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.
Biobased additives as biodegradability enhancers with application in TPU-based footwear components
Journal of Renewable Materials, 4, 47-56, 2016

Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Fernandes I.P.,Ruphuy G.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
A bioactive formulation based on Fragaria vesca L. vegetative parts: Chemical characterisation and application in κ-carrageenan gelatin
Journal of Functional Foods, 16, 243-255, 2015

Ribeiro A.,Ruphuy G.,Lopes J.C.,Dias M.M.,Barros L.,Barreiro F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Spray-drying microencapsulation of synergistic antioxidant mushroom extracts and their use as functional food ingredients
Food Chemistry, 188, 612-618, 2015

Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Microencapsulation of bioactives for food applications
Food and Function, 6, 1035-1052, 2015

Martins I.M.,Barreiro M.F.,Coelho M.,Rodrigues A.E.
Microencapsulation of essential oils with biodegradable polymeric carriers for cosmetic applications
Chemical Engineering Journal, 245, 191-200, 2014

Barroso M.R.,Barros L.,Dueñas M.,Carvalho A.M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Exploring the antioxidant potential of Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench phenolic compounds for cosmetic applications: Chemical characterization, microencapsulation and incorporation into a moisturizer
Industrial Crops and Products, 53, 330-336, 2014

Carocho M.,Barreiro M.F.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Adding molecules to food, pros and cons: A review on synthetic and natural food additives
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13, 377-399, 2014

Martins A.,Barros L.,Carvalho A.M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phenolic extracts of Rubus ulmifolius Schott flowers: Characterization, microencapsulation and incorporation into yogurts as nutraceutical sources
Food and Function, 5, 1091-1100, 2014

Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Ottati C.,Lopretti M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Belgacem M.N.
Lignin-based rigid polyurethane foams with improved biodegradation
Journal of Cellular Plastics, 50, 81-95, 2014

Fernandes I.P.,Amaral J.S.,Pinto V.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of chitosan-based antimicrobial leather coatings
Carbohydrate Polymers, 98, 1229-1235, 2013

Amaral J.S.,Sepúlveda M.,Cateto C.A.,Fernandes I.P.,Rodrigues A.E.,Belgacem M.N.,Barreiro M.F.
Fungal degradation of lignin-based rigid polyurethane foams
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97, 2069-2076, 2012

Martins I.M.,Rodrigues S.N.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Release studies of thymol and p -cymene from polylactide microcapsules
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, 11565-11571, 2012

Teixeira C.S.N.R.,Martins I.M.D.,Mata V.L.G.,Filipe Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Characterization and evaluation of commercial fragrance microcapsules for textile application
Journal of the Textile Institute, 103, 269-282, 2012

Martins I.M.,Rodrigues S.N.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Release of thyme oil from polylactide microcapsules
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 13752-13761, 2011

Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Belgacem M.N.
Kinetic study of the formation of lignin-based polyurethanes in bulk
Reactive and Functional Polymers, 71, 863-869, 2011

Barros M.C.,Fernandes I.P.,Pinto V.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.,Amaral J.S.
Chitosan as an antimicrobial agent for footwear leather components
Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Polymers (BIOPOL-2009), 151-166, 2011

Martins I.M.,Rodrigues S.N.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Polylactide-based thyme oil microcapsules production: Evaluation of surfactants
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50, 898-904, 2011

Matos M.,Barreiro M.F.,Gandini A.
Olive stone as a renewable source of biopolyols
Industrial Crops and Products, 32, 7-12, 2010

Martins I.M.,Rodrigues S.N.,Barreiro F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Microencapsulation of thyme oil by coacervation
Journal of Microencapsulation, 26, 667-675, 2009

Silva E.A.B.d.,Zabkova M.,Araújo J.D.,Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Belgacem M.N.,Rodrigues A.E.
An integrated process to produce vanillin and lignin-based polyurethanes from Kraft lignin
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 87, 1276-1292, 2009

Rodrigues S.N.,Martins I.M.,Fernandes I.P.,Gomes P.B.,Mata V.G.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Scentfashion®: Microencapsulated perfumes for textile application
Chemical Engineering Journal, 149, 463-472, 2009

Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Belgacem M.N.
Optimization study of lignin oxypropylation in view of the preparation of polyurethane rigid foams
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 2583-2589, 2009

Jimenez L.,Sibaja M.,Alvarado P.,Vega J.,Jimenez G.,Barreiro M.F.,Cateto C.A.,Lopretti M.
Rigid composite materials from olive brush seed and unsaturated polyester resin
Technical Papers, Regional Technical Conference - Society of Plastics Engineers, 1, 585-588, 2008

Cateto C.,Barreiro F.,Rodrigues A.,Belgacem N.
Rigid polyurethane foams from lignin based-polyols
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1042, 243-245, 2008

Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Brochier-Salon M.C.,Thielemans W.,Belgacem M.N.
Lignins as macromonomers for polyurethane synthesis: A comparative study on hydroxyl group determination
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 109, 3008-3017, 2008

Rodrigues S.N.,Fernandes I.,Martins I.M.,Mata V.G.,Barreiro F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Microencapsulation of limonene for textile application
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47, 4142-4147, 2008

Cateto C.A.,Barreiro M.F.,Rodrigues A.E.
Monitoring of lignin-based polyurethane synthesis by FTIR-ATR
Industrial Crops and Products, 27, 168-174, 2008

Barreiro M.F.,Dias R.C.S.,Costa M.R.N.
Experimental Determination of Sequence Length Distribution of Hard Segments in Polyester-Polyurethanes
Macromolecules, 27, 7650-7653, 1994