Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Joana Amaral

Group: Sustainable Processes and Products
Phone: 273303138
ORCID: 0000-0002-3648-7303
Scopus Author ID: 7006641513


  • Since 2009: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2006 - 2019: Member of the Associated Laboratory Chemistry and Technology Network (REQUIMTE)
  • 2000 - 2009: Assistant Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2023: Coordinator of the Laboratory of Chemical Processes (LPQ) at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2020: Editor-in-Chief of section Food Physics and (Bio)Chemistry of journal Foods
  • Since 2020: Chair of the Food Chemistry Division – European Chemical Society (EuChemS)
  • Since 2019: Member of the Pedagogic Council at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2017 - 2019: Secretary General of the Food Chemistry Division – European Chemical Society (EuChemS)
  • 2013 - 2016: Member of the MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Total Food Supply Chain) Association
  • Since 2012: Portuguese representative of SPQ in the Food Chemistry Division of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS)
  • 2009 - 2013: Member of the Scientific Council at the School of Management and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal
  • 2009 - 2012: President of the Food Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ)


  • 2006 - PhD. in Nutrition and Food Chemistry, PhD Pharmacy Faculty, University of Porto (UP), Portugal
  • 2000 - Graduation in Pharmacy, University of Porto (UP), Portugal

Awards and Honors

  • 2018 - "HoneyOrigin", 2nd honorable mention, FoodAwards 2018, Research & Development category
  • 2015 - Best poster award at the III Meeting of Young Researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal
  • 2005 - Scholarship covering the registration atributed to the best submitted abstracts, Conference Euroanalysis XIII, EFFoST 2005
  • 2000 - Award Order of Pharmacists - Porto Regional Section, Order of Pharmacists
  • 1997 - Award Prof. Doutor Nunes de Oliveira from the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Porto (FFUP), Portugal
  • 1995 - Award Prof. Marques de Carvalho from the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Porto (FFUP), Portugal


  • Food authenticity: molecular biology approaches applied to food authentication
  • Nutraceutical and bioactive compounds in foods and natural products
  • Bioactivity of natural products
  • Development of analytical methods in food quality and authenticity


Naturing - Ingredientes naturais para o desenvolvimento de produtos alimentares inclusivos
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PL24-00152
Principal Investigator:Arantzazu Santamaria-Echart
Start: 2024-09-01
End: 2027-08-30
TRANSCOLAB PLUS - Laboratorio Colaborativo Transfronterizo para la transicion verde del sector Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
Funding body: POCTEP 2021-2027 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0112_TRANSCOLAB_PLUS_2_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2023-10-01
End: 2026-12-31
BIOSHOES4ALL - Inovação e Capacitação da Fileira do Calçado para a Bieconomia Sustentável
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR - 000011
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-10-01
End: 2025-12-31
NET4FOOD - Red de INVESTIGACION e innovacion para el sector alimentario en la region transfronteriza
Funding body: POCTEP 2021-2027 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0033_NET4FOOD_1_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2023-04-01
End: 2025-12-31
BEONNAT - Innovative value chains from tree & shrub species grown in marginal lands as a source of biomass for bio-based industries
Funding body: HORIZON 2020
Reference: BBI-2019-SO1-R1 - 887917 – BEONNAT
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2025-06-30
NutriPick3D - Development of 3D-printable Pickering Emulsions foreseeing customized nutrition
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Arantzazu Santamaria-Echart
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
POIROT - Novel methods and approaches for detecting the illegal addition of Pharmaceutical drugs and bOtanIcal adulteRatiOn in planT food supplements
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/SAU-PUB/3803/2021
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2022-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
Aquavitae - Thermal water as a source of life and health
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PD20-00003
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-09-01
End: 2024-05-31
OliveBIOextract - Aproveitamento sustentável do bagaço de azeitona numa cadeia de valorização integrada utilizando processos inovadores
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-049865
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-02-01
End: 2023-06-30
RevestCAST - Otimização dos processos industriais de aplicação de revestimentos comestíveis para a conservação pós-colheita da castanha (Castanea sativa)
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049276
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-01-31
End: 2023-06-30
HealthyPETFOOD - Formulações PetFood para promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047073
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-30
RARISS - Raças Autóctones, Rastreabilidade, Inovação e Soluções Sustentáveis
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
Bio4drinks - Obtenção de Ingredientes Naturais Multifuncionais para a Indústria de Bebidas
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-113508
Principal Investigator:Sandrina Alves Heleno
Start: 2021-09-01
End: 2023-06-30
BIOma - Soluções integradas de BIOeconomia para a Mobilização cadeia Agroalimentar
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-1-0247-FEDER-046112
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-03
AUTENT+ - Desenvolvimento de abordagens inovadoras com vista à valorização e exploração do potencial de mercado do mel Português
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2020-2022
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2019-08-01
End: 2022-07-31
BEEHAPPY - Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Health in the Azores: comparing ePidemiological Patterns in a unique natural laboratory
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029871
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2018-06-01
End: 2022-05-31
INSIGNIA - Pilot study on environmental monitoring of pesticide use through honeybees
Funding body: European Comission: PPPA-AG Pilot Project & Preparation Action Grant
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2018-11-01
End: 2021-03-30
- Development of new diagnostic tools to assess argan oil authenticity
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2017-01-01
End: 2019-12-31
FOODINTEGRITY - Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain
Funding body: European Commission
Reference: FP7-KBBE-2013-single-stage, No 613688
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2018-12-31
- Tracing genetically modified organisms in honey
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2015-01-01
End: 2016-12-31
BIOMIMETIC - A biomimetic microdevice for the diagnosis of erythrocytes diseases based on their deformability
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/SAU-ENB/116929/2010
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2012-03-05
End: 2015-11-04
- Safety of Plant Food Supplements: searching for adulterant pharmaceutical drugs and plants
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2014-03-01
End: 2015-08-31
NEWALK - Materials, Components and Technologies for Shoes of the Future
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Reference: QREN-ADI-13850
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2011-09-30
End: 2015-03-31
- DNA barcodes for Hypericum species identification in herbal teas
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Start: 2012-10-01
End: 2013-12-31
- Detection of soybean addition in meat processed products by a real-time PCR approach
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Joana Andrêa Soares Amaral
Start: 2010-01-01
End: 2011-12-31
ADVANCEDSHOE - Integração de soluções avançadas de materiais e de desenvolvimento de produto em calçado de elevado desempenho
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Reference: QREN nº. 1585
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Filipe Barreiro
Start: 2008-09-01
End: 2011-08-31

Total results: 113
Honrado M.,Quaresma A.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.,Amaral J.S.
COI Metabarcoding as a Novel Approach for Assessing the Honey Bee Source of European Honey
Foods, 14, , 2025

Spréa R.M.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Prieto M.A.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.
Comprehensive analysis of soybean (Glycine max L.) by-products: Nutritional value, phenolic composition, and bioactive properties
Food Bioscience, 62, , 2024

Quaresma A.,Ankenbrand M.J.,Garcia C.A.Y.,Rufino J.,Honrado M.,Amaral J.,Brodschneider R.,Brusbardis V.,Gratzer K.,Hatjina F.,Kilpinen O.,Pietropaoli M.,Roessink I.,van der Steen J.,Vejsnæs F.,Pinto M.A.,Keller A.
Semi-automated sequence curation for reliable reference datasets in ITS2 vascular plant DNA (meta-)barcoding
Scientific Data, 11, , 2024

Almeida H.H.S.,Fernandes I.P.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues A.E.,Barreiro M.F.
Unlocking the Potential of Hydrosols: Transforming Essential Oil Byproducts into Valuable Resources
Molecules, 29, , 2024

Gomes C.P.,Duarte C.N.,Martins C.D.,Amaral J.S.,Igrejas G.,Pereira M.J.V.,Costa M.R.P.F.N.,Dias R.C.S.
Scale-up of a sorption process working with molecularly imprinted adsorbents for enrichment of winemaking residues and improvement of bioactivity
Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 8, , 2024

Spréa R.M.,Caleja C.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Amaral J.S.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Chemical and Bioactive Evaluation of Essential Oils from Edible and Aromatic Mediterranean Lamiaceae Plants
Molecules, 29, , 2024

Fetsch V.T.,Kalschne D.L.,Canan C.,Flores É.L.d.M.,Viegas M.C.,Peiter G.C.,Zara R.F.,Amaral J.S.,Corso M.P.
Coffee Extract as a Natural Antioxidant in Fresh Pork Sausage—A Model Approach
Foods, 13, , 2024

Dimitrijević A.,Marić S.,Jocić A.,Tekić D.,Mušović J.,Amaral J.S.
Green Extraction Strategy Using Bio-Based Aqueous Biphasic Systems for Polyphenol Valorization from Grape By-Product
Foods, 13, , 2024

Grazina L.,Mafra I.,Monaci L.,Amaral J.S.
Mass spectrometry-based approaches to assess the botanical authenticity of dietary supplements
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 22, 3870-3909, 2023

Lopes A.R.,B.M.V. Moura M.,Grazina L.,Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Alice Pinto M.,Mafra I.
Authentication of incense (Pittosporum undulatum Vent.) honey from the Azores (Mel dos Açores) by a novel real-time PCR approach
Food Chemistry, 411, , 2023

Esteban L.S.,Mediavilla I.,Xavier V.,Amaral J.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,López C.,Barros L.
Yield, Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Essential Oils from Common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) from Different Spanish Origins
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Mediavilla I.,Bados R.,Barros L.,Xavier V.,Finimundy T.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Amaral J.S.,Rizzo A.M.,Casini D.,Lombardi G.,Chiaramonti D.,Cámara M.,Suárez A.,Ardid T.,Esteban L.S.
Assessment of the Use of Common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) Foliage following the Cascade Principle
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Xavier V.,Spréa R.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 107-156, 2023

Marques M.P.,Neves B.G.,Varela C.,Zuzarte M.,Gonçalves A.C.,Dias M.I.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.,Magalhães M.,Cabral C.
Essential Oils from Côa Valley Lamiaceae Species: Cytotoxicity and Antiproliferative Effect on Glioblastoma Cells
Pharmaceutics, 15, , 2023

Afonso I.S.,Duarte C.,Ribeiro A.,Amaral J.S.,Ribeiro J.
Didactic Analysis of Olive Mill Wastewaters Antimicrobial Activity
Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 457-465, 2023

Cavichi L.V.,Liberal Â.,Dias M.I.,Mandim F.,Pinela J.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Kalschne D.L.,Fernandes Â.,Canan C.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Commelina erecta: An Edible Wild Plant Consumed in Brazil
Foods, 12, , 2023

Bloot A.P.M.,Kalschne D.L.,Amaral J.A.S.,Baraldi I.J.,Canan C.
A Review of Phytic Acid Sources, Obtention, and Applications
Food Reviews International, 39, 73-92, 2023

Mascoloti Spréa R.,Caleja C.,Pinela J.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Kostić M.,Sokovic M.,Prieto M.A.,Pereira E.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.
Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family
Food Research International, 161, , 2022

Afonso I.S.,Pereira J.,Ribeiro A.E.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues N.,Gomes J.R.,Lima R.,Ribeiro J.
Analysis of a Vegetable Oil Performance in a Milling Process by MQL Lubrication
Micromachines, 13, , 2022

Grazina L.,Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Garino C.,Arlorio M.,Mafra I.
Authentication of carnaroli rice by HRM analysis targeting nucleotide polymorphisms in the Alk and Waxy genes
Food Control, 135, , 2022

Mafra I.,Honrado M.,Amaral J.S.
Animal Species Authentication in Dairy Products
Foods, 11, , 2022

Bloot A.P.M.,Kalschne D.L.,Nogues D.R.N.,Amaral J.S.,Flores E.L.M.,Colla E.,Habu S.,Baraldi I.J.,Canan C.
Phytic Acid against Clostridium perfringens Type A: A Food Matrix Study
Foods, 11, , 2022

Grazina L.,Batista A.,Amaral J.S.,Costa J.,Mafra I.
Botanical authentication of globe artichoke-containing foods: Differentiation of Cynara scolymus by a novel HRM approach
Food Chemistry, 366, , 2022

Xavier V.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Amaral J.S.,Calhelha R.C.,Vaz J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mediavilla I.,Esteban L.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical and bioactive characterization of the essential oils obtained from three mediterranean plants
Molecules, 26, , 2021

Garcia-Perez P.,Xiao J.,Munekata P.E.S.,Lorenzo J.M.,Barba F.J.,Rajoka M.S.R.,Barros L.,Mascoloti Sprea R.,Amaral J.S.,Prieto M.A.,Simal-Gandara J.
Revalorization of almond by-products for the design of novel functional foods: An updated review
Foods, 10, , 2021

Grazina L.,Amaral J.S.,Costa J.,Mafra I.
Tracing Styphnolobium japonicum (syn: Sophora japonica) as a potential adulterant of ginkgo-containing foods by real-time PCR
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 100, , 2021

Coimbra M.A.,Oliveira B.,Amaral J.S.
XX EuroFoodChem conference
Food Research International, 143, , 2021

Grazina L.,Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.
High-Resolution Melting Analysis as a Tool for Plant Species Authentication
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2264, 55-73, 2021

Fernandes T.J.R.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.
DNA barcode markers applied to seafood authentication: an updated review
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61, 3904-3935, 2021

Grazina L.,Rodrigues P.J.,Igrejas G.,Nunes M.A.,Mafra I.,Arlorio M.,Oliveira M.B.,Amaral J.S.
Machine learning approaches applied to GC-FID fatty acid profiles to discriminate wild from farmed salmon
Foods, 9, , 2020

Amrani Zerrifi S.E.,Khalloufi F.E.,Mugani R.,Mahdi R.E.,Kasrati A.,Soulaimani B.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Amaral J.S.,Finimundy T.C.,Abbad A.,Oudra B.,Campos A.,Vasconcelos V.
Seaweed essential oils as a new source of bioactive compounds for cyanobacteria growth control: Innovative ecological biocontrol approach
Toxins, 12, , 2020

Silva V.,Peirone C.,Amaral J.S.,Capita R.,Alonso-Calleja C.,Marques-Magallanes J.A.,Martins Â.,Carvalho Á.,Maltez L.,Pereira J.E.,Capelo J.L.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
High efficacy of ozonated oils on the removal of biofilms produced by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from infected diabetic foot ulcers
Molecules, 25, , 2020

Spréa R.M.,Fernandes Â.,Finimundy T.C.,Pereira C.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Canan C.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Lovage (Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch) roots: A source of bioactive compounds towards a circular economy
Resources, 9, , 2020

Coelho J.,Barros L.,Dias M.I.,Finimundy T.C.,Amaral J.S.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Santos P.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Echinacea purpurea (L.) moench: Chemical characterization and bioactivity of its extracts and fractions
Pharmaceuticals, 13, 1-16, 2020

Grazina L.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.
Botanical origin authentication of dietary supplements by DNA-based approaches
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 19, 1080-1109, 2020

Majdi C.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Frih B.,Charrouf Z.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phytochemical characterization and bioactive properties of cinnamon basil (Ocimum basilicum cv. ‘cinnamon’) and lemon basil (ocimum x citriodorum)
Antioxidants, 9, , 2020

Silva V.,Singh R.K.,Gomes N.,Soares B.G.,Silva A.,Falco V.,Capita R.,Alonso-Calleja C.,Pereira J.E.,Amaral J.S.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Comparative insight upon chitosan solution and chitosan nanoparticles application on the phenolic content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of individual grape components of Sousão variety
Antioxidants, 9, , 2020

Spréa R.M.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Alves M.J.,Canan C.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical and bioactive characterization of the aromatic plant: Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch: a comprehensive study
Food and Function, 11, 1292-1303, 2020

Silva V.,Falco V.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Silva A.,Capita R.,Alonso-Calleja C.,Amaral J.S.,Igrejas G.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Poeta P.
Evaluation of the phenolic profile of Castanea sativa mill. By-products and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity against multiresistant bacteria
Antioxidants, 9, , 2020

de Melo P.F.,Kalschne D.L.,da Silva-Buzanello R.A.,Amaral J.S.,Torquato A.S.,Corso M.P.,Falcão H.G.,Colla E.,Ida E.I.,Canan C.
Cereal bars functionalised with tempeh: nutritional composition, isoflavone content and consumer acceptance
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55, 397-405, 2020

Harumi Iyda J.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira F.D.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Nutritional composition and bioactivity of Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.)Dandy: An underexploited edible wild plant
Food Chemistry, 295, 341-349, 2019

Faustino V.,Rodrigues R.O.,Pinho D.,Costa E.,Santos-Silva A.,Miranda V.,Amaral J.S.,Lima R.
A microfluidic deformability assessment of pathological red blood cells flowing in a hyperbolic converging microchannel
Micromachines, 10, , 2019

Iyda J.H.,Fernandes Â.,Ferreira F.D.,Alves M.J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical composition and bioactive properties of the wild edible plant Raphanus raphanistrum L
Food Research International, 121, 714-722, 2019

Soares S.,Grazina L.,Mafra I.,Costa J.,Pinto M.A.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Amaral J.S.
Towards honey authentication: Differentiation of Apis mellifera subspecies in European honeys based on mitochondrial DNA markers
Food Chemistry, 283, 294-301, 2019

Falcão S.,Bacém I.,Igrejas G.,Rodrigues P.J.,Vilas-Boas M.,Amaral J.S.
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of hydrodistilled oil from juniper berries
Industrial Crops and Products, 124, 878-884, 2018

Silva V.,Igrejas G.,Falco V.,Santos T.P.,Torres C.,Oliveira A.M.P.,Pereira J.E.,Amaral J.S.,Poeta P.
Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of phenolic compounds extracted from wine industry by-products
Food Control, 92, 516-522, 2018

Soares S.,Grazina L.,Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Botanical authentication of lavender (Lavandula spp.) honey by a novel DNA-barcoding approach coupled to high resolution melting analysis
Food Control, 86, 367-373, 2018

Soares S.,Grazina L.,Mafra I.,Costa J.,Pinto M.A.,Duc H.P.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Amaral J.S.
Novel diagnostic tools for Asian (Apis cerana) and European (Apis mellifera) honey authentication
Food Research International, 105, 686-693, 2018

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
A Comprehensive Review on the Main Honey Authentication Issues: Production and Origin
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 16, 1072-1100, 2017

Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Grazina L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Matrix-normalised real-time PCR approach to quantify soybean as a potential food allergen as affected by thermal processing
Food Chemistry, 221, 1843-1850, 2017

Paíga P.,Rodrigues M.J.E.,Correia M.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Delerue-Matos C.
Analysis of pharmaceutical adulterants in plant food supplements by UHPLC-MS/MS
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 99, 219-227, 2017

Amaral J.S.,Santos G.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Quantitative detection of pork meat by EvaGreen real-time PCR to assess the authenticity of processed meat products
Food Control, 72, 53-61, 2017

Fernandes I.P.,Barbosa M.,Amaral J.S.,Pinto V.,Rodrigues J.L.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.
Biobased additives as biodegradability enhancers with application in TPU-based footwear components
Journal of Renewable Materials, 4, 47-56, 2016

Amaral J.,Meira L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Advances in authenticity testing for meat speciation
Advances in Food Authenticity Testing, 369-414, 2016

Rocha T.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Adulteration of Dietary Supplements by the Illegal Addition of Synthetic Drugs: A Review
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 15, 43-62, 2016

Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Fernandes T.J.R.,Batista A.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
DNA extraction from plant food supplements: Influence of different pharmaceutical excipients
Molecular and Cellular Probes, 29, 473-478, 2015

Rodrigues R.O.,Costa H.,Lima R.,Amaral J.S.
Simple Methodology for the Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Acids in Human Red Blood Cells
Chromatographia, 78, 1271-1281, 2015

Costa H.,Mafra I.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Amaral J.S.
Game: Types and Composition
Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 177-183, 2015

Plácido A.,Amaral J.S.,Costa J.,Fernandes T.J.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Delerue-Matos C.,Mafra I.
Novel Strategies for Genetically Modified Organism Detection
Genetically Modified Organisms in Food: Production, Safety, Regulation and Public Health, 119-131, 2015

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Improving DNA isolation from honey for the botanical origin identification
Food Control, 48, 130-136, 2015

Amaral J.S.,Soares S.,Mafra I.,Beatriz Pp Oliveira M.
Assessing the variability of the fatty acid profile and cholesterol content of meat sausages
Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse, 91, 261-272, 2014

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Quantitative detection of soybean in meat products by a TaqMan real-time PCR assay
Meat Science, 98, 41-46, 2014

Amaral J.S.,Santos C.G.,Melo V.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Authentication of a traditional game meat sausage (Alheira) by species-specific PCR assays to detect hare, rabbit, red deer, pork and cow meats
Food Research International, 60, 140-145, 2014

Fernandes T.J.R.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
A survey on genetically modified maize in foods commercialised in Portugal
Food Control, 35, 338-344, 2014

Igrejas G.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues P.J.S.
Fall detection systems to be used by elderly people
Handbook of Research on ICTs for Human-Centered Healthcare and Social Care Services, 449-473, 2013

Silva N.,Alves S.,Gonçalves A.,Amaral J.S.,Poeta P.
Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from mediterranean aromatic plants against several foodborne and spoilage bacteria
Food Science and Technology International, 19, 503-510, 2013

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
A SYBR Green real-time PCR assay to detect and quantify pork meat in processed poultry meat products
Meat Science, 94, 115-120, 2013

Fernandes I.P.,Amaral J.S.,Pinto V.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.
Development of chitosan-based antimicrobial leather coatings
Carbohydrate Polymers, 98, 1229-1235, 2013

Amaral J.S.,Sepúlveda M.,Cateto C.A.,Fernandes I.P.,Rodrigues A.E.,Belgacem M.N.,Barreiro M.F.
Fungal degradation of lignin-based rigid polyurethane foams
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97, 2069-2076, 2012

Igrejas G.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues P.J.
Fall detection system for elderly people: A Neural Network approach
BIODEVICES 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, 355-358, 2012

Santos C.G.,Melo V.S.,Amaral J.S.,Estevinho L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Mafra I.
Identification of hare meat by a species-specific marker of mitochondrial origin
Meat Science, 90, 836-841, 2012

Barros M.C.,Fernandes I.P.,Pinto V.,Ferreira M.J.,Barreiro M.F.,Amaral J.S.
Chitosan as an antimicrobial agent for footwear leather components
Biodegradable Polymers and Sustainable Polymers (BIOPOL-2009), 151-166, 2011

Costa J.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Refining of Roundup Ready® soya bean oil: Effect on the fatty acid, phytosterol and tocopherol profiles
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 113, 528-535, 2011

Mafra I.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in Olive Oils and Other Vegetable Oils; Potential for Carcinogenesis
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention, 489-498, 2010

Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Characterization of Three Portuguese Varietal Olive Oils Based on Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols, Phytosterols and Vitamin E Profiles: Application of Chemometrics
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention, 581-589, 2010

Soares S.,Mafra I.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
A PCR assay to detect trace amounts of soybean in meat sausages
International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 45, 2581-2588, 2010

Amaral J.S.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Martins R.C.,Seabra R.M.
Phenolic composition of hazelnut leaves: Influence of cultivar, geographical origin and ripening stage
Scientia Horticulturae, 126, 306-313, 2010

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Quantitative detection of poultry meat adulteration with pork by a duplex PCR assay
Meat Science, 85, 531-536, 2010

Costa J.,Mafra I.,Amaral J.S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Detection of genetically modified soybean DNA in refined vegetable oils
European Food Research and Technology, 230, 915-923, 2010

Soares S.,Amaral J.S.,Mafra I.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
The use of model samples to estimate the level of fraudulent addition of pork meat in poultry meat by real-time PCR
6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010, FOODSIM 2010, 171-174, 2010

Alasalvar C.,Amaral J.S.,Satir G.,Shahidi F.
Lipid characteristics and essential minerals of native Turkish hazelnut varieties (Corylus avellana L.)
Food Chemistry, 113, 919-925, 2009

Amaral J.S.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.B.,Martins R.C.,Seabra R.M.
Do cultivar, geographical location and crop season influence phenolic profile of walnut leaves?
Molecules, 13, 1321-1332, 2008

Matos L.C.,Cunha S.C.,Amaral J.S.,Pereira J.A.,Andrade P.B.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Chemometric characterization of three varietal olive oils (Cvs. Cobrançosa, Madural and Verdeal Transmontana) extracted from olives with different maturation indices
Food Chemistry, 102, 406-414, 2007

Alasalvar C.,Amaral J.S.,Shahidi F.
Functional lipid characteristics of Turkish Tombul hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 10177-10183, 2006

Cunha S.C.,Amaral J.S.,Fernandes J.O.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.
Quantification of tocopherols and tocotrienols in Portuguese olive oils using HPLC with three different detection systems
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 3351-3356, 2006

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Rui Alves M.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Tocopherol and tocotrienol content of hazelnut cultivars grown in Portugal
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 1329-1336, 2006

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Effects of roasting on hazelnut lipids
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 1315-1321, 2006

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Citová I.,Santos A.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Characterization of several hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars based in chemical, fatty acid and sterol composition
European Food Research and Technology, 222, 274-280, 2006

Amaral J.S.,Cunha S.C.,Santos A.,Alves M.R.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Influence of cultivar and environmental conditions on the triacylglycerol profile of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.)
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 449-456, 2006

Alves M.R.,Cunha S.C.,Amaral J.S.,Pereira J.A.,Oliveira M.B.
Classification of PDO olive oils on the basis of their sterol composition by multivariate analysis
Analytica Chimica Acta, 549, 166-178, 2005

Amaral J.S.,Alves M.R.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Vitamin E composition of walnuts (Juglans regia L.): A 3-year comparative study of different cultivars
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 5467-5472, 2005

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Oliveira B.P.P.,Seabra R.M.
Development and evaluation of a normal phase liquid chromatographic method for the determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols in walnuts
Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, 28, 785-795, 2005

Amaral J.S.,Ferreres F.,Andrade P.B.,Valentão P.,Pinheiro C.,Santos A.,Seabra R.
Phenolic profile of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) leaves cultivars grown in Portugal
Natural Product Research, 19, 157-163, 2005

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Torres D.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Simultaneous determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols in hazelnuts by a normal phase liquid chromatographic method
Analytical Sciences, 21, 1545-1548, 2005

Amaral J.S.,Cunha S.C.,Alves M.R.,Pereira J.A.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Triacylglycerol composition of walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars: Characterization by HPLC-ELSD and chemometrics
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 7964-7969, 2004

Amaral J.S.,Seabra R.M.,Andrade P.B.,Valentão P.,Pereira J.A.,Ferreres F.
Phenolic profile in the quality control of walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves
Food Chemistry, 88, 373-379, 2004

Amaral J.S.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Seabra R.M.,Oliveira B.P.P.
Determination of Sterol and Fatty Acid Compositions, Oxidative Stability, and Nutritional Value of Six Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Cultivars Grown in Portugal
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 7698-7702, 2003

Areias F.,Valentão P.,Andrade P.,Moreira M.,Amaral J.,Seabra R.
HPLC/DAD analysis of phenolic compounds from lavender and its application to quality control
Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies, 23, 2563-2572, 2000

Valentao P.,Areias F.,Amaral J.,Andrade P.,Seabra R.
Tetraoxygenated xanthones from Centaurium erythraea
Natural Product Letters, 14, 319-323, 2000