Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Maria Alice Pinto

Coordinating Professor
Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303389
ORCID: 0000-0001-9663-8399
Scopus Author ID: 8085507800


  • Since 2021: Coordinator Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1997 - 2021: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1990 - 1997: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2024: Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in "Science and Technology of Biosystems" at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2020: Coordinator of the topic Socio-Ecological Resilience of Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2020: Member of the Permanent Committee of Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • 2017 - 2023: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Masters in "Management of Forest Resources" at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2013 - 2017: Program director of the Master in Management of Forest Resources at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2012: Member of the Single Commission for the Accreditation of Competences in the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2008 - 2009: Vice-Head of Department in the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2005 - 2009: Program director of the Degree "Forest Engineering" at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1991 - 1992: Head of Department in the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • 2003 - PhD. Entomology, Texas A&M University, United States of America
  • 1996 - MSc. in Integrated Pest Management, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • 1990 - Bachelor degree in Forest Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal


  • M. Alice Pinto developed a keen interest in honey bees during her PhD research while studying a fascinating feral population living in oak tree cavities. For her PhD dissertation, she examined the genetic changes in this population undergoing Africanization. Currently, her main research interests involve uncovering the processes that shape extant genetic diversity patterns in honey bee populations worldwide, with a particular focus on understanding the molecular basis of local adaptation. Pinto’s research projects have dealt with a wide array of subjects: (i) from the genomics of Apis mellifera to the genetics of its predators (Vespa velutina) and diseases (viruses and nosemosis), and (ii) from the development of SNP-based assays from whole genomes and Machine Learning-based software for honey bee identification to the botanical identification of bee-collected pollen via ITS2-metabarcoding.


BETTER-B - Improving bees' resilience to stressors by restoring harmony and balance
Funding body: HORIZON EUROPE
Reference: HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-02-03-two-stage, Nº 101081444
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2023-06-01
End: 2027-05-31
TOPRA B - Association between genotypes and phenotypic responses of honeybee subspecies under stresses posed by xenobiotics: applications in pesticide risk assessments
Funding body: HORIZON EUROPE
Reference: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01, Nº 101109748
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2024-09-01
End: 2026-08-31
POIROT - Novel methods and approaches for detecting the illegal addition of Pharmaceutical drugs and bOtanIcal adulteRatiOn in planT food supplements
Funding body: FCT
Reference: PTDC/SAU-PUB/3803/2021
Principal Investigator:Joana Amaral
Start: 2022-01-01
End: 2024-12-31
INSIGNIA-EU - Preparatory action for monitoring of environmental pollution using honey bees
Funding body: DG Environment, European Comission
Reference: ENV/2021/OP/0014
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2021-12-01
End: 2024-07-31
MITE - Varroa e vírus transmitidos: MonItorização de muTações e dEsenvolvimento de ferramentas moleculares inovadoras
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2023-2027
Principal Investigator:Dora Sofia Martins Henriques
Start: 2023-10-01
End: 2024-06-30
MEDIBEES - Monitoring the Mediterranean honey bee subspecies and their resilience to climate change for the improvement of sustainable agro-ecosystems
Funding body: PRIMA
Reference: MEDIBEES-2011-PRIMA S1 2020 FARMING SYSTEMS (RIA) sub topic A
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2021-05-01
End: 2024-04-30
GesVespa - Sustainable management strategies of Vespa velutina
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000164
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2021-10-11
End: 2023-06-30
IPoIERA - Development of roadmaps for action on: LOT-1-Advancing the environmental risk assessment of chemicals for insect pollinators
Funding body: EFSA Grants
Reference: OC/EFSA/ED/2021/01
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2022-09-07
End: 2023-06-06
- SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Northeast of Portugal: developing knowledge and tools towards a better management of the disease
Funding body: FCT
Principal Investigator:Rodrigues, Carina
Start: 2020-01-01
End: 2023-04-30
AUTENT+ - Desenvolvimento de abordagens inovadoras com vista à valorização e exploração do potencial de mercado do mel Português
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2020-2022
Principal Investigator:Joana Amaral
Start: 2019-08-01
End: 2022-07-31
BEEHAPPY - Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Health in the Azores: comparing ePidemiological Patterns in a unique natural laboratory
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029871
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2018-06-01
End: 2022-05-31
INSIGNIA - Pilot study on environmental monitoring of pesticide use through honeybees
Funding body: European Comission: PPPA-AG Pilot Project & Preparation Action Grant
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2018-11-01
End: 2021-03-30
BEEHEAL - Promoting the Bee Health for Sustainable Agriculture
Funding body: FCT
Reference: ARIMNET2/0002/2016
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2017-09-27
End: 2020-09-27
ApisCibus - Artificial food for honeybees: quality survey, digestibility and performance on the bee hive
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2020-2022
Principal Investigator:Vilas-Boas, Miguel
Start: 2017-03-01
End: 2020-08-30
SUPER-B - Sustainable pollination in Europe - joint research on bees and other pollinators
Funding body: COST - European Cooperation in Science & Technology
Reference: FA COST Action FA1307
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2018-12-31
BEEHOPE - Honeybee conservation centres in Western Europe - an innovative strategy using sustainable beekeeping to reduce honeybee decline
Funding body: ERA-NET
Reference: BiodivERsa/0002/2014
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2015-01-01
End: 2018-09-30
OliveOld - Identificação e caracterização de oliveiras centenárias para a obtenção de produtos diferenciados
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Baptista, Paula
Start: 2014-04-01
End: 2017-12-15
- Portuguese Lavander Honey: a functional food and a source of nutraceuticals
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2014-2016
Principal Investigator:Vilas-Boas, Miguel
Start: 2014-01-31
End: 2016-08-31
- The use of biological indicators as tools for assessing the impact of agriucultural practices in sustainability of olive grove
Funding body: FCT
Principal Investigator:Santos, Sónia A.P.
Start: 2011-04-01
End: 2014-04-30
- Increasing functional biodiversity in olive groves to enhance conservation biological control of insect pests
Funding body: FCT
Principal Investigator:Santos, Sónia A.P.
Start: 2010-04-15
End: 2013-10-14
- Efeitos do fungo Hypholoma fasciculare na Sustentabilidade de Soutos de Castanea sativa
Funding body: FCT
Principal Investigator:Baptista, Paula
Start: 2010-04-01
End: 2013-09-30
- Padrões geográficos de diversidade genética da abelha melífera em Portugal (continente e Ilhas): a história contada pelo ADN mitocondrial
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional 2008-2010
Principal Investigator:Maria Alice Pinto
Start: 2009-09-01
End: 2010-08-30

Total results: 74
Yadró C.A.,Lopes A.R.,Henriques D.,Musin E.,Wegener J.,Pinto M.A.
Genomic DNA extraction from honey bee (Apis mellifera) queen spermathecal content
Journal of Apicultural Research, 64, 198-201, 2025

Rodríguez-León D.S.,Uzunov A.,Costa C.,Elen D.,Charistos L.,Galea T.,Gabel M.,Scheiner R.,Pinto M.A.,Schmitt T.
Deciphering the variation in cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of six European honey bee subspecies
BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24, , 2024

Quaresma A.,Ankenbrand M.J.,Garcia C.A.Y.,Rufino J.,Honrado M.,Amaral J.,Brodschneider R.,Brusbardis V.,Gratzer K.,Hatjina F.,Kilpinen O.,Pietropaoli M.,Roessink I.,van der Steen J.,Vejsnæs F.,Pinto M.A.,Keller A.
Semi-automated sequence curation for reliable reference datasets in ITS2 vascular plant DNA (meta-)barcoding
Scientific Data, 11, , 2024

Shantal Rodríguez-Flores M.,Lopes A.R.,Diéguez-Antón A.,Carmen Seijo M.,Alice Pinto M.
Honey bee viruses in the yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina (Lepelieter 1836): Prevalence, loads, and detection of replicative DWV and LSV forms
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 207, , 2024

Lopes A.R.,Low M.,Martín-Hernández R.,de Miranda J.R.,Alice Pinto M.
Varroa destructor shapes the unique viral landscapes of the honey bee populations of the Azores archipelago
PLoS Pathogens, 20, , 2024

Lopes A.R.,Low M.,Martín-Hernández R.,Pinto M.A.,De Miranda J.R.
Origins, diversity, and adaptive evolution of DWV in the honey bees of the Azores: the impact of the invasive mite Varroa destructor
Virus Evolution, 10, , 2024

Aguado-López D.,Bartolomé C.,Lopes A.R.,Henriques D.,Segura S.K.,Maside X.,Pinto M.A.,Higes M.,Martín-Hernández R.
Frequent Parasitism of Apis mellifera by Trypanosomatids in Geographically Isolated Areas with Restricted Beekeeping Movements
Microbial Ecology, 86, 2655-2665, 2023

Oleksa A.,Cǎuia E.,Siceanu A.,Puškadija Z.,Kovačić M.,Pinto M.A.,Rodrigues P.J.,Hatjina F.,Charistos L.,Bouga M.,Prešern J.,Kandemir I.,Rašić S.,Kusza S.,Tofilski A.
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) wing images: A tool for identification and conservation
GigaScience, 12, , 2023

Lopes A.R.,Martín-Hernández R.,Higes M.,Segura S.K.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.
First detection of Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) of the Macaronesian archipelago of Madeira
Journal of Apicultural Research, 62, 514-517, 2023

Capela N.,Dupont Y.L.,Rortais A.,Sarmento A.,Papanikolaou A.,Topping C.J.,Arnold G.,Pinto M.A.,Rodrigues P.J.,More S.J.,Tosi S.,Alves T.S.,Sousa J.P.
High accuracy monitoring of honey bee colony development by a quantitative method
Journal of Apicultural Research, 62, 741-750, 2023

García C.A.Y.,Rodrigues P.J.,Tofilski A.,Elen D.,McCormak G.P.,Oleksa A.,Henriques D.,Ilyasov R.,Kartashev A.,Bargain C.,Fried B.,Pinto M.A.
Using the Software DeepWings© to Classify Honey Bees across Europe through Wing Geometric Morphometrics
Insects, 13, , 2022

Borges V.,Isidro J.,Trovão N.S.,Duarte S.,Cortes-Martins H.,Martiniano H.,Gordo I.,Leite R.,Vieira L.,Lira A.J.S.,Sousa Fernandes A.M.,Estrada A.,Nunes A.,Rodrigues A.,Caldas A.,Constança A.,Henriques A.M.,Matos A.M.,Oliveira A.,Dias A.P.,Pelerito A.,Couto A.R.,Vilares A.,Albuquerque A.,Nunes B.,Gouveia B.R.,de Fátima Rodrigues C.,Feliciano C.,Roque C.,Cardoso C.,Sousa C.,Paulino C.,Bettencourt C.R.,Branco C.C.,dos Santos C.N.,Godinho C.,Caetano C.P.,Correia C.,Toscano C.,Veríssimo C.,Silva D.,da Silva D.P.P.,Costa E.,Pádua E.,Martins F.,Vale F.,Vilarinho F.,Branca F.,Caldeira F.,Lacerda F.,Rocha F.,Andrade G.,Ribeiro H.,Rodrigues H.,Jesus H.,Sousa H.,Ferreira I.,Baldaque I.,Costa I.,Gomes I.,Slobidnyk I.,Albergaria I.,Dias I.,Fernandes I.,de Carvalho I.L.,Água-Doce I.,Armas J.B.,Ramos J.,Sousa J.C.,Costa J.,Dias J.,Rodrigues J.,Sobral J.,Machado J.,Meneses J.,Alves J.,Constantino J.V.,Brum L.,Silveira L.,Zé-Zé L.,Santos L.,Freitas L.,Silva L.,Mota-Vieira L.,Lopes L.,Monteiro L.,Faria M.,Farinha M.,Vaz M.,Pinto M.A.,Pessanha M.A.,Tomaz M.B.,Vellés M.C.,Maciel de Soveral M.d.G.,Ramos M.H.,Veiga M.I.,Gargate M.J.,Peres M.J.,Borrego M.J.,Figueiredo M.M.
SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal
Communications Medicine, 2, , 2022

Claeys Bouuaert D.,De Smet L.,Brunain M.,Dahle B.,Blacquière T.,Dalmon A.,Dezmirean D.,Elen D.,Filipi J.,Giurgiu A.,Gregorc A.,Kefuss J.,Locke B.,de Miranda J.R.,Oddie M.,Panziera D.,Parejo M.,Pinto M.A.,de Graaf D.C.
Virus Prevalence in Egg Samples Collected from Naturally Selected and Traditionally Managed Honey Bee Colonies across Europe
Viruses, 14, , 2022

Wragg D.,Eynard S.E.,Basso B.,Canale-Tabet K.,Labarthe E.,Bouchez O.,Bienefeld K.,Bieńkowska M.,Costa C.,Gregorc A.,Kryger P.,Parejo M.,Pinto M.A.,Bidanel J.P.,Servin B.,Le Conte Y.,Vignal A.
Complex population structure and haplotype patterns in the Western European honey bee from sequencing a large panel of haploid drones
Molecular Ecology Resources, 22, 3068-3086, 2022

Jabal-Uriel C.,Barrios L.,Bonjour-Dalmon A.,Caspi-Yona S.,Chejanovsly N.,Erez T.,Henriques D.,Higes M.,Le Conte Y.,Lopes A.R.,Meana A.,Pinto M.A.,Reyes-Carreño M.,Soroker V.,Martín-Hernández R.
Epidemiology of the Microsporidium Nosema ceranae in Four Mediterranean Countries
Insects, 13, , 2022

Lopes A.R.,Martín-Hernández R.,Higes M.,Segura S.K.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.
Colonisation Patterns of Nosema ceranae in the Azores Archipelago
Veterinary Sciences, 9, , 2022

Quaresma A.,Henriques D.,Godinho J.,Maside X.,Bortolotti L.,Pinto M.A.
Invasion genetics of the Asian hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax in Southern Europe
Biological Invasions, 24, 1479-1494, 2022

Henriques D.,Costa C.,Rufino J.,Pinto M.A.
The mitochondrial genome of Apis mellifera siciliana
Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 7, 828-830, 2022

Henriques D.,Lopes A.R.,Chejanovsky N.,Dalmon A.,Higes M.,Jabal-Uriel C.,Le Conte Y.,Reyes-Carreño M.,Soroker V.,Martín-Hernández R.,Pinto M.A.
Mitochondrial and nuclear diversity of colonies of varying origins: contrasting patterns inferred from the intergenic tRNAleu-cox2 region and immune SNPs
Journal of Apicultural Research, 61, 305-308, 2022

Quaresma A.,Brodschneider R.,Gratzer K.,Gray A.,Keller A.,Kilpinen O.,Rufino J.,van der Steen J.,Vejsnæs F.,Pinto M.A.
Preservation methods of honey bee-collected pollen are not a source of bias in ITS2 metabarcoding
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193, , 2021

Henriques D.,Lopes A.R.,Chejanovsky N.,Dalmon A.,Higes M.,Jabal-Uriel C.,Le Conte Y.,Reyes-Carreño M.,Soroker V.,Martín-Hernández R.,Pinto M.A.
A SNP assay for assessing diversity in immune genes in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)
Scientific Reports, 11, , 2021

Momeni J.,Parejo M.,Nielsen R.O.,Langa J.,Montes I.,Papoutsis L.,Farajzadeh L.,Bendixen C.,Căuia E.,Charrière J.D.,Coffey M.F.,Costa C.,Dall’Olio R.,De la Rúa P.,Drazic M.M.,Filipi J.,Galea T.,Golubovski M.,Gregorc A.,Grigoryan K.,Hatjina F.,Ilyasov R.,Ivanova E.,Janashia I.,Kandemir I.,Karatasou A.,Kekecoglu M.,Kezic N.,Matray E.S.,Mifsud D.,Moosbeckhofer R.,Nikolenko A.G.,Papachristoforou A.,Petrov P.,Pinto M.A.,Poskryakov A.V.,Sharipov A.Y.,Siceanu A.,Soysal M.I.,Uzunov A.,Zammit-Mangion M.,Vingborg R.,Bouga M.,Kryger P.,Meixner M.D.,Estonba A.
Authoritative subspecies diagnosis tool for European honey bees based on ancestry informative SNPs
BMC Genomics, 22, , 2021

Yañez O.,Chávez-Galarza J.,Tellgren-Roth C.,Pinto M.A.,Neumann P.,de Miranda J.R.
The honeybee (Apis mellifera) developmental state shapes the genetic composition of the deformed wing virus-A quasispecies during serial transmission
Scientific Reports, 10, , 2020

Mondet F.,Parejo M.,Meixner M.D.,Costa C.,Kryger P.,Andonov S.,Servin B.,Basso B.,Bieńkowska M.,Bigio G.,Căuia E.,Cebotari V.,Dahle B.,Dražić M.M.,Hatjina F.,Kovačić M.,Kretavicius J.,Lima A.S.,Panasiuk B.,Pinto M.A.,Uzunov A.,Wilde J.,Büchler R.
Evaluation of suppressed mite reproduction (Smr) reveals potential for varroa resistance in european honey bees (apis mellifera l.)
Insects, 11, 1-17, 2020

Henriques D.,Lopes A.R.,Ferrari R.,Neves C.J.,Quaresma A.,Browne K.A.,McCormack G.P.,Pinto M.A.
Can introgression in M-lineage honey bees be detected by abdominal colour patterns?
Apidologie, 51, 583-593, 2020

Groeneveld L.F.,Kirkerud L.A.,Dahle B.,Sunding M.,Flobakk M.,Kjos M.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.,Berg P.
Conservation of the dark bee (Apis mellifera mellifera): Estimating C-lineage introgression in Nordic breeding stocks
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A: Animal Sciences, 69, 157-168, 2020

Ferreira H.,Henriques D.,Neves C.J.,Machado C.A.S.,Azevedo J.C.,Francoy T.M.,Pinto M.A.
Historical and contemporaneous human-mediated processes left a strong genetic signature on honey bee populations from the Macaronesian archipelago of the Azores
Apidologie, 51, 316-328, 2020

Alves T.S.,Pinto M.A.,Ventura P.,Neves C.J.,Biron D.G.,Junior A.C.,De Paula Filho P.L.,Rodrigues P.J.
Automatic detection and classification of honey bee comb cells using deep learning
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 170, , 2020

Browne K.A.,Hassett J.,Geary M.,Moore E.,Henriques D.,Soland-Reckeweg G.,Ferrari R.,Mac Loughlin E.,O’Brien E.,O’Driscoll S.,Young P.,Pinto M.A.,McCormack G.P.
Investigation of free-living honey bee colonies in Ireland
Journal of Apicultural Research, 60, 229-240, 2020

Breeze T.D.,Boreux V.,Cole L.,Dicks L.,Klein A.M.,Pufal G.,Balzan M.V.,Bevk D.,Bortolotti L.,Petanidou T.,Mand M.,Pinto M.A.,Scheper J.,Stanisavljević L.,Stavrinides M.C.,Tscheulin T.,Varnava A.,Kleijn D.
Linking farmer and beekeeper preferences with ecological knowledge to improve crop pollination
People and Nature, 1, 562-572, 2019

Pérez-Rodríguez F.,Neves C.J.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.
A note to transfer a generic database pseudocode for storing chronological data from research in apiaries
Journal of Apicultural Research, 58, 486-488, 2019

Soares S.,Grazina L.,Mafra I.,Costa J.,Pinto M.A.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Amaral J.S.
Towards honey authentication: Differentiation of Apis mellifera subspecies in European honeys based on mitochondrial DNA markers
Food Chemistry, 283, 294-301, 2019

Henriques D.,Chávez-Galarza J.,Quaresma A.,Neves C.J.,Lopes A.R.,Costa C.,Costa F.O.,Rufino J.,Pinto M.A.
From the popular tRNAleu-COX2 intergenic region to the mitogenome: insights from diverse honey bee populations of Europe and North Africa
Apidologie, 50, 215-229, 2019

Eouzan I.,Garnery L.,Pinto M.A.,Delalande D.,Neves C.J.,Fabre F.,Lesobre J.,Houte S.,Estonba A.,Montes I.,Sime-Ngando T.,Biron D.G.
Hygroregulation, a key ability for eusocial insects: Native Western European honeybees as a case study
PLoS ONE, 14, , 2019

Henriques D.,Wallberg A.,Chávez-Galarza J.,Johnston J.S.,Webster M.T.,Pinto M.A.
Whole genome SNP-associated signatures of local adaptation in honeybees of the Iberian Peninsula
Scientific Reports, 8, , 2018

Henriques D.,Browne K.A.,Barnett M.W.,Parejo M.,Kryger P.,Freeman T.C.,Muñoz I.,Garnery L.,Highet F.,Jonhston J.S.,McCormack G.P.,Pinto M.A.
High sample throughput genotyping for estimating C-lineage introgression in the dark honeybee: An accurate and cost-effective SNP-based tool
Scientific Reports, 8, , 2018

Henriques D.,Parejo M.,Vignal A.,Wragg D.,Wallberg A.,Webster M.T.,Pinto M.A.
Developing reduced SNP assays from whole-genome sequence data to estimate introgression in an organism with complex genetic patterns, the Iberian honeybee (Apis mellifera iberiensis)
Evolutionary Applications, 11, 1270-1282, 2018

Parejo M.,Henriques D.,Pinto M.A.,Soland-Reckeweg G.,Neuditschko M.
Empirical comparison of microsatellite and SNP markers to estimate introgression in Apis mellifera mellifera
Journal of Apicultural Research, 57, 504-506, 2018

Martín-Hernández R.,Bartolomé C.,Chejanovsky N.,Le Conte Y.,Dalmon A.,Dussaubat C.,García-Palencia P.,Meana A.,Pinto M.A.,Soroker V.,Higes M.
Nosema ceranae in Apis mellifera: a 12 years postdetection perspective
Environmental Microbiology, 20, 1302-1329, 2018

Soares S.,Grazina L.,Mafra I.,Costa J.,Pinto M.A.,Duc H.P.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Amaral J.S.
Novel diagnostic tools for Asian (Apis cerana) and European (Apis mellifera) honey authentication
Food Research International, 105, 686-693, 2018

Chávez-Galarza J.,Garnery L.,Henriques D.,Neves C.J.,Loucif-Ayad W.,Jonhston J.S.,Pinto M.A.
Mitochondrial DNA variation of Apis mellifera iberiensis: further insights from a large-scale study using sequence data of the tRNAleu-cox2 intergenic region
Apidologie, 48, 533-544, 2017

Rangel J.,Giresi M.,Pinto M.A.,Baum K.A.,Rubink W.L.,Coulson R.N.,Johnston J.S.
Africanization of a feral honey bee (Apis mellifera) population in South Texas: Does a decade make a difference?
Ecology and Evolution, 6, 2158-2169, 2016

Chávez-Galarza J.,Henriques D.,Johnston J.S.,Carneiro M.,Rufino J.,Patton J.C.,Pinto M.A.
Revisiting the Iberian honey bee (Apis mellifera iberiensis) contact zone: Maternal and genome-wide nuclear variations provide support for secondary contact from historical refugia
Molecular Ecology, 24, 2973-2992, 2015

Muñoz I.,Henriques D.,Johnston J.S.,Chávez-Galarza J.,Kryger P.,Pinto M.A.
Reduced SNP panels for genetic identification and introgression analysis in the dark honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera)
PLoS ONE, 10, , 2015

Pinto M.A.d.S.,Gonçalves A.P.S.,Santos S.A.P.,de Almeida M.R.L.,de Azevedo J.C.M.
Biological invasion of Corythucha ciliata in green urban spaces in Portugal: A niche modeling approach using maximum entropy
Ciencia Florestal, 24, 597-607, 2014

Pinto M.A.,Henriques D.,Chávez-Galarza J.,Kryger P.,Garnery L.,Van Der Zee R.,Dahle B.,Soland-Reckeweg G.,De La Rúa P.,Dall'Olio R.,Carreck N.L.,Johnston J.S.
Genetic integrity of the Dark European honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera) from protected populations: A genome-wide assessment using SNPs and mtDNA sequence data
Journal of Apicultural Research, 53, 269-278, 2014

Muñoz I.,Pinto M.A.,De La Rúa P.
Effects of queen importation on the genetic diversity of Macaronesian island honey bee populations (Apis mellifera Linneaus 1758)
Journal of Apicultural Research, 53, 296-302, 2014

Azevedo J.C.,Perera A.H.,Pinto M.A.
Forest Landscapes and Global Change: Challenges for Research and Management, v-vi, 2014

Azevedo J.C.,Pinto M.A.,Perera A.H.
Forest landscape ecology and global change: An introduction
Forest Landscapes and Global Change: Challenges for Research and Management, 1-27, 2014

Azevedo J.C.,Perera A.H.,Pinto M.A.
Forest landscapes and global change: Challenges for research and management
Forest Landscapes and Global Change: Challenges for Research and Management, 1-262, 2014

Azevedo J.C.,Pinto M.A.,Perera A.H.
Forest landscape ecology and global change: What are the next steps?
Forest Landscapes and Global Change: Challenges for Research and Management, 249-260, 2014

Muñoz I.,Cepero A.,Pinto M.A.,Martín-Hernández R.,Higes M.,De la Rúa P.
Presence of Nosema ceranae associated with honeybee queen introductions
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 23, 161-168, 2014

Chávez-Galarza J.,Henriques D.,Johnston J.S.,Azevedo J.C.,Patton J.C.,Muñoz I.,De La Rúa P.,Pinto M.A.
Signatures of selection in the Iberian honey bee (Apis mellifera iberiensis) revealed by a genome scan analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms
Molecular Ecology, 22, 5890-5907, 2013

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