Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Nuno Rodrigues

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303261
ORCID: 0000-0002-9305-0976
Scopus Author ID: 55258560600


  • Since 2021: Auxiliary researcher at the Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2019: Junior Researcher at the Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • 2010 - 2014: Research Project Grant at the AgroBioTechnology Lab. at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2015: Co-Panel Leader of the 1st Portuguese Panel Taste of Table Olive
  • Since 2013: Professional taster of olive oil and table olives


  • 2018 - PhD. in AgroBioTechnology, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal
  • 2016 - Graduation in Agronomic Engineering
  • 2012 - MSc. in Quality and Food Safety
  • 2010 - Graduation in Food Engineering

Awards and Honors

  • 2022 - Award for best communication in the form of a poster in Food Engineering, with the work presented by: Bortoluzzi, L., Baptista, P., Rodrigues, N., 2022. Richness in total phenols and antioxidant activity of oils from centenarian olive trees of the Côa Valley. IV National Congress of Agricultural Schools, which took place on November 3rd and 4th at the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Portugal
  • 2022 - Award for best oral communication with work presented by: Ruano, D., Pereira, J.A., Dias, F., Rodrigues, N., 2022. Antioxidant activity of olive oils from PDO “Trás-os-Montes”, “Beira Interior” and “Alentejo Interior”: comparative study. IV National Congress of Agricultural Schools, which took place on November 3rd and 4th at the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Portugal
  • 2021 - Award for best communication in the form of a poster in Thematic Room 4, with the work presented by: Rodrigues, N., Oliveira, C., Casal, S., Ramalhosa, E., Pereira, J.A, 2021. Table olive fruit of the past, but with great potential in the future. at the 1st Congress of the Network of Education Institutions for the Safeguard of the Mediterranean Diet, which took place on the 1st and 2nd of July 2021, at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
  • 2020 - Second prize in the 9th edition of the competition "CAP University & Polytechnic Competition - Cultivate your future" with the Fruits4Health project, 20 October 2020, Santarém, Portugal
  • 2016 - Second prize for better communication in the Iberian Meeting of Oliviculture "V National Conference of the Group of Oliviculture of the Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences (SECH)"


  • Sensory characterization of olive oils and table olives
  • Characterization of fruit varieties (olives, almonds)
  • Chemical characterization and quality of olive products (olive oils, table olives and olive pastes)
  • Effect of agronomic practices on the composition of vegetal origin products and its influence on consumer’s preference (mainly plant infusions)


MiOlive3 - Desenvolvimento de variedades de oliveira micropropagadas, micorrizadas e microenxertadas
Funding body: Compete 2030
Principal Investigator:Paula Cristina dos Santos Baptista
Start: 2024-10-01
End: 2027-09-30
OLIVOTEC - Valorização Tecnológica de Azeites de Territórios do Interior de Portugal
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Reference: PD24-00014
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2024-09-01
End: 2027-08-30
OliveCoFree - Estratégias inovadoras para reduzir o Cobre na proteção da oliveira contra doenças
Funding body: Promove LA CAIXA
Principal Investigator:Paula Cristina dos Santos Baptista
Start: 2023-10-01
End: 2026-09-30
OLIVE4FUTURE - Centenarian olive trees as a source of resilience in the face of climate change
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: 2022.07247.PTDC
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-03-01
End: 2026-02-28
Sustainolive - Azeite Biológico: implementação de estratégias inovadoras para a produção, valorização e consumo sustentáveis
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000187
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2025-12-30
OLIVECOA - Centenarian olive trees of Côa Valley region: rediscovering the past to valorise the future
Funding body: FCT - COA
Reference: COA/BRB/0035/2019
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-30
PRE-HLB - Preventing HLB epidemics for ensuring citrus survival in Europe
Funding body: HORIZON 2020
Reference: 917526
Principal Investigator:José Alberto Cardoso Pereira
Start: 2019-05-01
End: 2023-04-30
- Concurso de Azeites de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2020-01-01
End: 2022-12-31
- Caraterização e valorização dos azeites do Douro
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2020-01-01
End: 2022-12-31

Total results: 80
Lamas S.,Rodrigues N.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Palu I.,Manhique J.R.,Herrero B.,López-Cortés I.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Potential use of the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy as an almond cultivar recognition tool: impact of sample and spectral pre-treatments
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, , 2025

Araújo M.,Rodrigues N.,Santos C.,Pinto D.C.G.A.,Pereira J.A.,Silva A.M.S.,Dias M.C.
Effects of Summer Water Deficit Stress on Olive Fruits and Oil Quality
Horticulturae, 10, , 2024

Mendes J.,Lima J.,Costa L.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira A.I.
Deep learning networks for olive cultivar identification: A comprehensive analysis of convolutional neural networks
Smart Agricultural Technology, 8, , 2024

Martins F.,Ramalhosa E.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Baptista P.,Barreiro M.F.F.,Crugeira P.J.L.
Effect of photostimulation through red LED light radiation on natural fermentation of table olives: An innovative case study with Negrinha the Freixo variety
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 256, , 2024

Rodrigues N.,Ferreiro N.,Ruano D.,Dias F.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Electronic nose: a tool to verify the PDO declaration of Portuguese olive oils
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18, 2952-2964, 2024

Lamas S.,Ruano D.,Dias F.,Barreiro F.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.,Rodrigues N.
Application of the FTIR technique as a non-invasive tool to discriminate Portuguese olive oils with Protected Designation of Origin
Chemistry and Biodiversity, 21, , 2024

Sánchez L.,Cunha A.E.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Baptista P.
Exogenous systemin peptide treatment in olive alters Bactrocera oleae oviposition preference
Journal of Pest Science, , 2024

Mendes J.,Lima J.,Costa L.A.,Rodrigues N.,Leitão P.,Pereira A.I.
An Artificial Intelligence-Based Method to Identify the Stage of Maturation in Olive Oil Mills
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1982 CCIS, 63-77, 2024

Bortoluzzi L.,Casal S.,Cruz R.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Rodrigues N.
Influence of Interannual Climate Conditions on the Composition of Olive Oil from Centenarian Olive Trees
Agronomy, 13, , 2023

Silva S.,da Costa H.,Lopes T.,Ramos V.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Lino-Neto T.,Baptista P.
Potential of the endophyte Penicillium commune in the control of olive anthracnose via induction of antifungal volatiles in host plant
Biological Control, 187, , 2023

Rodrigues N.,Peres F.,Casal S.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Barreiro F.,Peres A.M.,Alberto Pereira J.
Geographical discrimination of olive oils from Cv. ‘Galega Vulgar’
Food Chemistry, 398, , 2023

Fernandes L.,Graeff F.,Jelassi A.,Sulyok M.,Garcia C.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Bento A.,Kanoun A.,Rodrigues P.,Pereira E.L.,Ramalhosa E.
Effect of relative humidity on the quality and safety of peeled almond kernels (Prunus dulcis Mill.) during simulated maritime transport/storage
Journal of Food Science, 87, 5363-5374, 2022

Murillo-Cruz M.C.,Rodrigues N.,Dias M.I.,Bermejo-Román R.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Monovarietal olive oils fortified with carotenoids: Physicochemical and sensory trends and taste sensor evaluation
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 99, 1113-1126, 2022

Marx Í.M.G.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Cruz R.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Does water addition during the industrial milling phase affect the chemical-sensory quality of olive oils? The case of cv. Arbequina oils
Food Chemistry, 395, , 2022

Marx Í.M.G.,Baptista P.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Cruz R.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Inoculation of cv. Arbequina olives with fungi isolated from leaves and its effect on the extracted oils’ stability and health-related composition
European Food Research and Technology, 248, 2799-2808, 2022

Marx Í.M.G.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Cruz R.,Peres F.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Impact of fresh olive leaves addition during the extraction of Arbequina virgin olive oils on the phenolic and volatile profiles
Food Chemistry, 393, , 2022

Afonso I.S.,Pereira J.,Ribeiro A.E.,Amaral J.S.,Rodrigues N.,Gomes J.R.,Lima R.,Ribeiro J.
Analysis of a Vegetable Oil Performance in a Milling Process by MQL Lubrication
Micromachines, 13, , 2022

Lamas S.,Rodrigues N.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Flavoured and fortified olive oils - Pros and cons
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 124, 108-127, 2022

Rodrigues I.,Benhadi-Marín J.,Rodrigues N.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Olfactory responses to volatile organic compounds and movement parameters of Philaenus spumarius and Cicadella viridis
Journal of Applied Entomology, 146, 486-497, 2022

Murillo-Cruz M.ª.,Rodrigues N.,Bermejo-Román R.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
An electronic tongue as a tool for assessing the impact of carotenoids’ fortification on cv. Arbequina olive oils
European Food Research and Technology, 248, 1287-1298, 2022

Sdiri Y.,Lopes T.,Rodrigues N.,Silva K.,Rodrigues I.,Pereira J.A.,Baptista P.
Biocontrol Ability and Production of Volatile Organic Compounds as a Potential Mechanism of Action of Olive Endophytes against Colletotrichum acutatum
Microorganisms, 10, , 2022

Ghirro L.C.,Rezende S.,Ribeiro A.S.,Rodrigues N.,Carocho M.,Pereira J.A.,Barros L.,Demczuk B.,Barreiro M.F.,Santamaria-Echart A.
Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Curcumin-Based Solid Dispersion Particles as Mayonnaise-like Food Sauce Alternatives
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Rodrigues N.,Oliveira C.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
“Table Olive Flours”: An Ingredient Rich in Bioactive Compounds?
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12, , 2022

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Rodrigues A.I.,Cruz R.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Impact of Frost on the Morphology and Chemical Composition of cv. Santulhana Olives
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12, , 2022

Rodrigues N.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Olive Oil Sensory Analysis as a Tool to Preserve and Valorize the Heritage of Centenarian Olive Trees
Plants, 11, , 2022

Mendes J.,Lima J.,Costa L.,Rodrigues N.,Brandão D.,Leitão P.,Pereira A.I.
Machine Learning to Identify Olive-Tree Cultivars
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1754 CCIS, 820-835, 2022

Ferreiro N.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Fernandes C.,Paiva H.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Impact of the Covering Vegetable Oil on the Sensory Profile of Canned Tuna of Katsuwonus pelamis Species and Tuna’s Taste Evaluation Using an Electronic Tongue
Chemosensors, 10, , 2022

Marx Í.M.G.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Cruz R.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Impact of incorporating olive leaves during the industrial extraction of cv. Arbequina oils on the physicochemical–sensory quality and health claim fulfillment
European Food Research and Technology, 248, 171-183, 2022

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Pinho T.,Cruz R.,Baptista P.,Martín H.,Asensio-S.-Manzanera M.C.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Olive oil characteristics of eleven cultivars produced in a high-density grove in Valladolid province (Spain)
European Food Research and Technology, 247, 3113-3122, 2021

Cherif M.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Kinetic study of the microwave-induced thermal degradation of cv. Arbequina olive oils flavored with lemon verbena essential oil
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 98, 1021-1032, 2021

Lamas S.,Rodrigues N.,Fernandes I.P.,Barreiro M.F.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-chemometric approach as a non-destructive olive cultivar tool for discriminating Portuguese monovarietal olive oils
European Food Research and Technology, 247, 2473-2484, 2021

Teixeira G.G.,Dias L.G.,Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Application of a lab-made electronic nose for extra virgin olive oils commercial classification according to the perceived fruitiness intensity
Talanta, 226, , 2021

Cherif M.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Zaghdoudi K.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Kinetic-thermodynamic study of the oxidative stability of Arbequina olive oils flavored with lemon verbena essential oil
LWT, 140, , 2021

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Pinho T.,Cruz R.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Fatty acid composition from olive oils of portuguese centenarian trees is highly dependent on olive cultivar and crop year
Foods, 10, 1-13, 2021

Marx Í.M.G.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Pinho T.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Impact of the malaxation temperature on the phenolic profile of cv. Cobrançosa olive oils and assessment of the related health claim
Food Chemistry, 337, , 2021

Marx Í.M.G.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Volatile-Olfactory Profiles of cv. Arbequina Olive Oils Extracted without/with Olive Leaves Addition and Their Discrimination Using an Electronic Nose
Journal of Chemistry, 2021, , 2021

Guilherme R.,Aires A.,Rodrigues N.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Phenolics and antioxidant activity of green and red sweet peppers from organic and conventional agriculture: A comparative study
Agriculture (Switzerland), 10, 1-13, 2020

Martín-Vertedor D.,Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Impact of thermal sterilization on the physicochemical-sensory characteristics of Californian-style black olives and its assessment using an electronic tongue
Food Control, 117, , 2020

Rodrigues I.,Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Ramos A.C.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Discrimination of sweet cherry cultivars based on electronic tongue potentiometric fingerprints
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, 1-11, 2020

Rodrigues N.,Pinho T.,Casal S.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Chemical characterization of oleaster, olea europaea var. sylvestris (mill.) lehr., oils from different locations of northeast portugal
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10, , 2020

Guilherme R.,Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Ramos A.C.,Peres A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Sweet peppers discrimination according to agronomic production mode and maturation stage using a chemical-sensory approach and an electronic tongue
Microchemical Journal, 157, , 2020

Martín-Vertedor D.,Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Assessing acrylamide content in sterilized Californian-style black table olives using HPLC-MS-QQQ and a potentiometric electronic tongue
LWT, 129, , 2020

Veloso A.C.A.,Rodrigues N.,Ouarouer Y.,Zaghdoudi K.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
A Kinetic-Thermodynamic Study of the Effect of the Cultivar/Total Phenols on the Oxidative Stability of Olive Oils
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 97, 625-636, 2020

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Cruz R.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
GxE Effects on Tocopherol Composition of Oils from Very Old and Genetically Diverse Olive Trees
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 97, 497-507, 2020

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Seeking for sensory differentiated olive oils? The urge to preserve old autochthonous olive cultivars
Food Research International, 128, , 2020

Bobiano M.,Rodrigues N.,Madureira M.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Unmasking Sensory Defects of Olive Oils Flavored with Basil and Oregano Using an Electronic Tongue-Chemometric Tool
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 96, 751-760, 2019

Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Monitoring the debittering of traditional stoned green table olives during the aqueous washing process using an electronic tongue
LWT, 109, 327-335, 2019

Rodrigues N.,Marx Í.M.G.,Casal S.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Application of an electronic tongue as a single-run tool for olive oils’ physicochemical and sensory simultaneous assessment
Talanta, 197, 363-373, 2019

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Pinho T.,Peres A.M.,Bento A.,Baptista P.,Pereira J.A.
Ancient olive trees as a source of olive oils rich in phenolic compounds
Food Chemistry, 276, 231-239, 2019

Fernandes L.,Casal S.,Pereira J.A.,Malheiro R.,Rodrigues N.,Saraiva J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
Borage, calendula, cosmos, Johnny Jump up, and pansy flowers: volatiles, bioactive compounds, and sensory perception
European Food Research and Technology, 245, 593-606, 2019

Rodrigues N.,Oliveira L.,Mendanha L.,Sebti M.,Dias L.G.,Oueslati S.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Olive Oil Quality and Sensory Changes During House-Use Simulation and Temporal Assessment Using an Electronic Tongue
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 95, 1121-1137, 2018

Rodrigues N.,Casal S.,Peres A.M.,Baptista P.,Bento A.,Martín H.,Asensio-S.-Manzanera M.C.,Pereira J.A.
Effect of olive trees density on the quality and composition of olive oil from cv. Arbequina
Scientia Horticulturae, 238, 222-233, 2018

Slim S.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Dias L.G.,Cruz R.,Casal S.,Oueslati S.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Characterization of commercial Tunisian monovarietal olive oils produced from autochthonous olive cultivars
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30, 581-591, 2018

Malheiro R.,Casal S.,Rodrigues N.,Renard C.M.G.C.,Pereira J.A.
Volatile changes in cv. Verdeal Transmontana olive oil: From the drupe to the table, including storage
Food Research International, 106, 374-382, 2018

Prata R.,Pereira J.A.,Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Casal S.,Peres A.M.
Olive Oil Total Phenolic Contents and Sensory Sensations Trends during Oven and Microwave Heating Processes and Their Discrimination Using an Electronic Tongue
Journal of Food Quality, 2018, , 2018

Harzalli U.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Dias L.G.,Pereira J.A.,Oueslati S.,Peres A.M.
A taste sensor device for unmasking admixing of rancid or winey-vinegary olive oil to extra virgin olive oil
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 144, 222-231, 2018

Veloso A.C.A.,Silva L.M.,Rodrigues N.,Rebello L.P.G.,Dias L.G.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Perception of olive oils sensory defects using a potentiometric taste device
Talanta, 176, 610-618, 2018

Souayah F.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Dias L.G.,Pereira J.A.,Oueslati S.,Peres A.M.
Discrimination of Olive Oil by Cultivar, Geographical Origin and Quality Using Potentiometric Electronic Tongue Fingerprints
JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 94, 1417-1429, 2017

Malheiro R.,Rodrigues N.,Bissaro C.,Leimann F.,Casal S.,Ramalhosa E.,Pereira J.A.
Improvement of sensorial and volatile profiles of olive oil by addition of olive leaves
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 119, , 2017

Slim S.,Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Oueslati S.,Peres A.M.
Application of an electronic tongue for Tunisian olive oils’ classification according to olive cultivar or physicochemical parameters
European Food Research and Technology, 243, 1459-1470, 2017

Marx Í.M.G.,Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Drunkler D.A.,Peres A.M.
Assessment of Table Olives’ Organoleptic Defect Intensities Based on the Potentiometric Fingerprint Recorded by an Electronic Tongue
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10, 1310-1323, 2017

Marx Í.M.G.,Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Drunkler D.A.,Peres A.M.
Quantification of table olives' acid, bitter and salty tastes using potentiometric electronic tongue fingerprints
LWT, 79, 394-401, 2017

Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Evaluation of extra-virgin olive oils shelf life using an electronic tongue—chemometric approach
European Food Research and Technology, 243, 597-607, 2017

Marx Í.,Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Drunkler D.A.,Peres A.M.
Sensory classification of table olives using an electronic tongue: Analysis of aqueous pastes and brines
Talanta, 162, 98-106, 2017

Rodrigues N.,Dias L.G.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Monitoring olive oils quality and oxidative resistance during storage using an electronic tongue
LWT, 73, 683-692, 2016

Dias L.G.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Monovarietal extra-virgin olive oil classification: a fusion of human sensory attributes and an electronic tongue
European Food Research and Technology, 242, 259-270, 2016

Veloso A.C.A.,Dias L.G.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Sensory intensity assessment of olive oils using an electronic tongue
Talanta, 146, 585-593, 2016

Limón P.,Malheiro R.,Casal S.,Acién-Fernández F.G.,Fernández-Sevilla J.M.,Rodrigues N.,Cruz R.,Bermejo R.,Pereira J.A.
Improvement of stability and carotenoids fraction of virgin olive oils by addition of microalgae Scenedesmus almeriensis extracts
Food Chemistry, 175, 203-211, 2015

Malheiro R.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.
Olive Oil Phenolic Composition as Affected by Geographic Origin, Olive Cultivar, and Cultivation Systems
Olive and Olive Oil Bioactive Constituents, 93-121, 2015

Malheiro R.,Mendes P.,Fernandes F.,Rodrigues N.,Bento A.,Pereira J.A.
Bioactivity and phenolic composition from natural fermented table olives
Food and Function, 5, 3132-3142, 2014

Fernandes L.,Rodrigues N.,Pereira J.A.,Ramalhosa E.
Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of jellies made from seven grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties
Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 103, 37-48, 2014

Borges T.H.,Rodrigues N.,de Souza A.M.,Pereira J.A.
Effect of different extraction conditions on the antioxidant potential of baru almonds (Dipteryx alata Vog.): Comparison to common nuts from Brazil
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 53, 180-188, 2014

Malheiro R.,Rodrigues N.,Manzke G.,Bento A.,Pereira J.A.,Casal S.
The use of olive leaves and tea extracts as effective antioxidants against the oxidation of soybean oil under microwave heating
Industrial Crops and Products, 44, 37-43, 2013

Rodrigues N.,Malheiro R.,Casal S.,Asensio-S.-Manzanera M.C.,Bento A.,Pereira J.A.
Influence of spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia Med.) essential oil in the quality, stability and composition of soybean oil during microwave heating
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 2894-2901, 2012