Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Manuel Feliciano

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303339
ORCID: 0000-0002-3147-4511
Scopus Author ID: 6603358480


  • Since 2010: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2010: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2010: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Masters in Environmental Technology at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2009: Program Director of the Masters in Environmental Technology at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB)
  • Since 2009: Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2007 - 2009: Coordinator of the Technological Specialization Course in Environmental Quality at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2005 - 2007: Program Director of the first degree in Environmental and Territory Engineering at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2003 - 2009: Member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2002 - 2004: Vice-head of the Department of Forestry at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • 2012 - Post-graduate degree of Pedagogical and Technical-Scientific Competence, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal
  • 2001 - PhD. in Applied Sciences to the Environment, University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal
  • 1993 - Graduation in Environmental Engineering, University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal


  • Atmospheric sciences: emissions inventories of air contaminants and greenhouse gases, outdoor and indoor air quality, air quality monitoring, ozone dynamics and its effects, exchange fluxes of air contaminants and greenhouse gases, carbon dynamics in urban and rural ecosystems, meteorological and climate studies, environmental noise and soundscapes
  • Energy and environmental sustainability: biomass energy, energy efficiency, , environmental sustainability assessment, water footprint analysis, Life Cycle Assessment Methodologies, environmental and energy indicators
  • Water pollution and water quality control: water pollution sources, water and wastewater quality, wastewater treatment analysis and simulation


I-ReWater - Gestão Sustentável dos recursos hídricos em agricultura de regadio no espaço SuDOE
Funding body: Interreg Sudoe
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2024-01-01
End: 2027-12-31
An-Gel Sudoe - Lutar e alertar contra a geada da Primavera
Funding body: Interreg Sudoe
Reference: CMP259
Principal Investigator:António Castro Ribeiro
Start: 2024-01-01
End: 2026-12-31
APAM - Air Pollution in an African Megacity: Source Apportionment and Health Implications
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: 2022.04240.PTDC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2023-03-01
End: 2026-02-28
Sustainolive - Azeite Biológico: implementação de estratégias inovadoras para a produção, valorização e consumo sustentáveis
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000187
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2025-12-30
BioComp_3.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para controlo do jacinto-de-água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000224
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-04-01
End: 2025-09-30
BIOCOMP_2.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para o controlo do jacinto de água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070123
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2021-04-01
End: 2023-06-30
Montclima - Clima e riscos naturais nas Montanhas do SUDOE
Funding body: Interreg Sudoe
Reference: SOE3/P4/E0874
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2019-07-01
End: 2022-12-31
INDNATUR - Mejora del entorno urbano en áreas industriales, adaptación al cambio climático y mejora de la calidad del aire a través de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NBS)
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0599_INDNATUR_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-09-05
CIRCULAR LABs - Promoviendo el espíritu empresarial para la economía circular en el espacio ibérico
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0495_CIRCULAR_LABS_6_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-07-05
0640_ENER_USER_2_E - User empowerment for intelligent management of energy and indoor air quality through innovative forms of consumption and control
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0640_ENER_USER_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2019-07-01
End: 2021-12-31
REhab-Ind - Revitalización y Rehabilitación Sostenible de Áreas Industriales Transfronterizas Interconectadas y Eficientes
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0399_REHAB_IND_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2020-12-31
BIOURB-NATUR - Bioclimatic solutions for Buildings and its surroundings in Natural Parks, including the use of vegetation
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0414_BIOURB_NATUR_2_E
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2019-12-31
WineWATERFootprint - Water Footprint Assessment In Portuguese Wine Chain
Funding body: FCT - SAICT
Reference: SAICT-POL/23360/2016
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2017-06-01
End: 2019-12-01
DOUROZONE - Ozone risk for Douro/s vineyard in present and future climates
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016778
Principal Investigator:António Castro Ribeiro
Start: 2016-07-01
End: 2018-06-30
BIOURB_NATUR - Diversidad Bioconstructiva Transfronteriza, Edificación Bioclimática y su adapatación a la Arquitectura y Urbanismo Moderno
Funding body: POCTEP 2007-2013 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2011-01-01
End: 2015-10-31
EcoDeep - Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de eco-eficiência para o sector agro-alimentar
Funding body: QREN-SIAC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2014-08-31
InovEnergy - Eficiência Energética no Sector Agro-Industrial
Funding body: QREN-SIAC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2014-08-31
- Biomassa lenhosa para produção de energia: desenvolvimento de sistemas sustentáveis de fornecimento de bens e serviços de produção, regulação e conservação
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:João Carlos Martins Azevedo
Start: 2007-05-01
End: 2012-01-31
GreenUrbe - Green Spaces Impacts on the Urban Environmental Quality
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2009-12-31
FOTONET - Photochemical smog in the Northeast Transmontano : origin, transport and dispersion
Funding body: Programa POCI 2010 – Medida V. 4 – Acção V.4.1
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2007-12-31

Total results: 48
Furst L.,Cipoli Y.,Galindo N.,Yubero E.,Viegas C.,Gomes B.,Cervantes R.,Nunes T.,Feliciano M.,Alves C.
Comprehensive analysis of particulate matter, gaseous pollutants, and microbiological contamination in a clothing store from an international chain in Europe
Environmental Pollution, 371, , 2025

Cipoli Y.A.,Vicente E.D.,Evtyugina M.,Figueiredo D.,Pietrogrande M.C.,Lucarelli F.,Feliciano M.,Ryšavý J.,Alves C.
Chemical speciation and oxidative potential of PM10 in different residential microenvironments: Bedroom, living room and kitchen
Building and Environment, 267, , 2025

Serafini L.F.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Feliciano M.,Miguens F.,Oliveira V.,Santos D.,Tuesta J.L.D.D.,Gonçalves A.
The Composting of Water Hyacinth: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 16, 507-523, 2025

Furst L.,Cipoli Y.,Galindo N.,Yubero E.,Viegas C.,Pena P.,Nunes T.,Feliciano M.,Alves C.
Comprehensive analysis of particulate matter, gaseous pollutants, and microbiological contamination in an international chain supermarket
Environmental Pollution, 363, , 2024

Leal L.,Yamanaka V.,Pereira E.,Theodoro J.,Domingues M.d.F.,Fernandes I.,Gabriel M.F.,Feliciano M.
Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gases Throughout Surgical Interventions: A Case Study in a Portuguese Local Health Unit
Atmosphere, 15, , 2024

Alves C.A.,Feliciano M.J.S.,Gama C.,Vicente E.,Furst L.,Leitão A.
First exploratory study of gaseous pollutants (NO2, SO2, O3, VOCs and carbonyls) in the Luanda metropolitan area by passive monitoring
Environmental Pollution, 362, , 2024

Cipoli Y.A.,Rienda I.C.,de la Campa A.M.S.,Kováts N.,Nunes T.,Feliciano M.,Hoffer A.,Jancsek-Turóczi B.,Alves C.
Emission Factors, Chemical Composition and Ecotoxicity of PM10 from Road Dust Resuspension in a Small Inland City
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 235, , 2024

Charres I.,Cipoli Y.,Furst L.C.,Vicente E.D.,Casotti Rienda I.,Lazaridis M.,Feliciano M.,Alves C.
Seasonal variation in exposure to particulate matter among children attending different levels of education: comparison of two dosimetry models
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15, , 2024

Fernandes S.,Tlemçani M.,Bortoli D.,Feliciano M.,Lopes M.E.
The Development of a Novel Nitrate Portable Measurement System Based on a UV Paired Diode–Photodiode
Sensors, 24, , 2024

Perdigão-Lima T.,Diaz De Tuesta J.L.,Feliciano M.,Furst L.C.,Roman F.F.,Silva A.S.,Pereira Wilken A.A.,Silva A.M.T.,Gomes H.T.
Removal of gaseous ammonia released from leachate by adsorption on carbon-based adsorbents prepared from agro-industrial wastes
Global Nest Journal, 26, , 2024

Sosa D.,Alves F.M.,Prieto M.A.,Pedrosa M.C.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.,Feliciano M.,Carocho M.
Lemna minor: Unlocking the Value of This Duckweed for the Food and Feed Industry
Foods, 13, , 2024

Cipoli Y.A.,Furst L.,Feliciano M.,Alves C.
Respiratory deposition dose of PM2.5 and PM10 during night and day periods at an urban environment
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 16, 2269-2283, 2023

Presumido P.H.,Ribeirinho-Soares S.,Montes R.,Quintana J.B.,Rodil R.,Ribeiro M.,Neuparth T.,Santos M.M.,Feliciano M.,Nunes O.C.,Gomes A.I.,Vilar V.J.P.
Ozone membrane contactor for tertiary treatment of urban wastewater: Chemical, microbial and toxicological assessment
Science of the Total Environment, 892, , 2023

Cipoli Y.A.,Alves C.,Rapuano M.,Evtyugina M.,Rienda I.C.,Kováts N.,Vicente A.,Giardi F.,Furst L.,Nunes T.,Feliciano M.
Nighttime–daytime PM10 source apportionment and toxicity in a remoteness inland city of the Iberian Peninsula
Atmospheric Environment, 303, , 2023

Blanco-Ward D.,Ribeiro A.C.,Feliciano M.,Barreales D.,Paoletti E.,Miranda A.I.
Improvement of local ozone phytotoxicity modelling for autochthonous grape cultivars
Atmospheric Environment, 295, , 2023

Fernandes S.,Tlemçani M.,Bortoli D.,Feliciano M.,Lopes M.E.
A Portable Measurement Device Based on Phenanthroline Complex for Iron Determination in Water
Sensors, 23, , 2023

Serafini L.F.,Feliciano M.,Rodrigues M.A.,Gonçalves A.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Use of LCA to Assess the Environmental Impacts of the Composting Process
Sustainability (Switzerland), 15, , 2023

Presumido P.H.,Montes R.,Quintana J.B.,Rodil R.,Feliciano M.,Puma G.L.,Gomes A.I.,Vilar V.J.P.
Ozone membrane contactor to intensify gas/liquid mass transfer and contaminants of emerging concern oxidation
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, , 2022

Cipoli Y.A.,Targino A.C.,Krecl P.,Furst L.C.,Alves C.d.A.,Feliciano M.
Ambient concentrations and dosimetry of inhaled size-segregated particulate matter during periods of low urban mobility in Bragança, Portugal
Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13, , 2022

Presumido P.H.,Santos L.F.d.,Neuparth T.,Santos M.M.,Feliciano M.,Primo A.,Garcia H.,B- Đolić M.,Vilar V.J.P.
A Novel ceramic tubular membrane coated with a continuous graphene-TiO2 nanocomposite thin-film for CECs mitigation
Chemical Engineering Journal, 430, , 2022

D’ávila L.,Feliciano M.,Agustini M.,Baptista P.,Ribeiro T.,de Fátima Domingues M.,Pereira E.L.
Assessment of thermal comfort and indoor air quality in an operating theatre environment
Progress in Industrial Ecology, 15, 183-205, 2022

Feliciano M.,Lira F.,Furst L.C.,Arioli R.
The influence of domestic heating systems in indoor air quality in homes of a region of Northeastern Portugal
Progress in Industrial Ecology, 15, 162-182, 2022

Furst L.,Feliciano M.,Gonçalves A.,Romero F.
Assessment of noise and ozone levels in a small industrial urban area
Revista Facultad de Ingenieria, 76-88, 2022

Blanco-Ward D.,Rocha A.,Viceto C.,Ribeiro A.C.,Feliciano M.,Paoletti E.,Miranda A.I.
Validation of meteorological and ground-level ozone WRF-CHIMERE simulations in a mountainous grapevine growing area for phytotoxic risk assessment
Atmospheric Environment, 259, , 2021

Pereira E.L.,Madacussengua O.,Baptista P.,Feliciano M.
Assessment of indoor air quality in geriatric environments of southwestern Europe
Aerobiologia, 37, 139-153, 2021

Saraiva A.,Rodrigues G.,Mamede H.,Silvestre J.,Dias I.,Feliciano M.,Oliveira E Silva P.,Oliveira M.
The impact of the winery's wastewater treatment system on the winery water footprint
Water Science and Technology, 80, 1823-1831, 2020

Saraiva A.,Presumido P.,Silvestre J.,Feliciano M.,Rodrigues G.,Oliveira e Silva P.,Damásio M.,Ribeiro A.,Ramôa S.,Ferreira L.,Gonçalves A.,Ferreira A.,Grifo A.,Paulo A.,Ribeiro A.C.,Oliveira A.,Dias I.,Mira H.,Amaral A.,Mamede H.,Oliveira M.
Water footprint sustainability as a tool to address climate change in the wine sector: A methodological approach applied to a Portuguese case study
Atmosphere, 11, , 2020

Presumido P.H.,Sousa F.,Gonçalves A.,Bosco T.C.D.,Feliciano M.
Environmental sustainability in beef production and life cycle assessment as a tool for analysis
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 6, 11-25, 2020

Delgado L.,Feliciano M.,Frare L.,Furst L.,Leitão P.,Igrejas G.
Construction and Validation of a Low-Cost System for Indoor Air Quality Measurements in Livestock Facilities
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 315 LNICST, 232-245, 2020

Furst L.C.,Feliciano M.,Gonçalves A.,Romero F.
Noise and Ozone Continuous Monitoring in an Industrial Urban Area of Northeastern Portugal
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1152 CCIS, 256-268, 2020

Blanco-Ward D.,Monteiro A.,Lopes M.,Borrego C.,Silveira C.,Viceto C.,Rocha A.,Ribeiro A.,Andrade J.,Feliciano M.,Castro J.,Barreales D.,Neto J.,Carlos C.,Peixoto C.,Miranda A.
Climate change impact on a wine-producing region using a dynamical downscaling approach: Climate parameters, bioclimatic indices and extreme indices
International Journal of Climatology, 39, 5741-5760, 2019

Rodrigues F.,Feliciano M.
Improving indoor air quality of naturally ventilated classrooms in the northeast of portugal
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 18, 1423-1437, 2019

Blanco-Ward D.,Ribeiro A.,Barreales D.,Castro J.,Verdial J.,Feliciano M.,Viceto C.,Rocha A.,Carlos C.,Silveira C.,Miranda A.
Climate change potential effects on grapevine bioclimatic indices: A case study for the Portuguese demarcated Douro Region (Portugal)
BIO Web of Conferences, 12, , 2019

Gonçalves A.,Ribeiro A.C.,Maia F.,Nunes L.,Feliciano M.
Influence of green spaces on outdoors thermal comfort-structured experiment in a Mediterranean climate
Climate, 7, , 2019

Presumido P.H.,Sousa F.,Gonçalves A.,Dal Bosco T.C.,Feliciano M.
Environmental impacts of the beef production chain in the Northeast of Portugal using life cycle assessment
Agriculture (Switzerland), 8, , 2018

Gonçalves A.,Ornellas G.,Ribeiro A.C.,Maia F.,Rocha A.,Feliciano M.
Urban cold and Heat Island in the City of Bragança (Portugal)
Climate, 6, , 2018

Monteiro A.,Gouveia S.,Scotto M.G.,Lopes J.,Gama C.,Feliciano M.,Miranda A.I.
Investigating ozone episodes in Portugal: a wavelet-based approach
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 9, 775-783, 2016

Dorta D.M.,Fernández L.D.,Peláez J.J.L.,Feliciano L.M.B.,García A.C.,Menéndez S.E.
K-Othrine WG250 (deltamethrine)-based treatment in an area characterized by high infestation rates of Aedes aegypti
Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, 64, 330-334, 2012

Gonçalves A.,Ribeiro A.,Maia L.N.F.,Feliciano E.M.
Green space influence on thermal comfort: Contrasting approaches in the assessment of conditions in Bragança (Portugal)
PLEA 2009 - Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, , 2009

Feliciano M.S.,Pio C.A.,Vermeulen A.T.
Evaluation of SO2 dry deposition over short vegetation in Portugal
Atmospheric Environment, 35, 3633-3643, 2001

Pio C.A.,Feliciano M.S.,Vermeulen A.T.,Sousa E.C.
Seasonal variability of ozone dry deposition under southern European climate conditions, in Portugal
Atmospheric Environment, 34, 195-205, 2000