Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Carlos Aguiar

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303260
ORCID: 0000-0001-8643-7112
Scopus Author ID: 8502494200


  • Since 2013: Coordinator Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1993 - 2013: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1987 - 2013: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2014: Principal Investigator (PI) of the Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2014: President of the Portuguese Society of Pastures and Forages (SPPF)
  • Since 2002: Vice-director and member of the board of the Mountain Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO-IPB), Portugal


  • 2002 - PhD. in Agronomic Engineering, University of Lisbon (UL), Portugal
  • 1992 - MSc. in Integrated Pest and Disease Management, University of Lisbon (UL), Portugal
  • 1987 - Graduation in Agronomic Engineering, University of Lisbon (UL), Portugal


  • Azores and Continental Portugal flora and vegetation
  • Pasture ecology
  • Agronomy history


SIPAM-Barroso - Sistema Importante do Património Agrícola Mundial
Funding body: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo
Principal Investigator:Carlos Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar
Start: 2023-03-02
End: 2026-03-01
LIFE MARONESA - Market Awareness and Opportunity Raising for Needed Extensification and Soil-friendly Agriculture
Funding body: LIFE
Reference: LIFE19 GIC/PT/001285
Principal Investigator:Carlos Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar
Start: 2020-10-01
End: 2025-09-30
Sheep 4.0. - Sustainable industry 4.0 for pasture milk sheep
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069892
Principal Investigator:Margarida Maria Pereira Arrobas Rodrigues
Start: 2020-09-01
End: 2023-06-30
ECOLAMB - Holistic Production to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Meat
Funding body: FCT - ERA-NET
Reference: SusAn/002/2016
Principal Investigator:Vasco Augusto Pilão Cadavez
Start: 2017-09-04
End: 2020-08-31
- Sustainable control of olive pests: enchancement of natural enemies' activity through the establishement of native floral vegetation
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-AAM/102908/2008
Principal Investigator:Albino António Bento
Start: 2010-04-01
End: 2013-09-30
- Initial Ecological Characterization Survey- Moncorvo Iron ore Deposite Project
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:José Paulo Mendes Guerra Marques Cortez
Start: 2012-01-01
End: 2013-01-01
- Biomassa lenhosa para produção de energia: desenvolvimento de sistemas sustentáveis de fornecimento de bens e serviços de produção, regulação e conservação
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:João Carlos Martins Azevedo
Start: 2007-05-01
End: 2012-01-31
BioPast - Uma Abordagem Integrada às Pastagens Permanentes Biodiversas Ricas em Leguminosas
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Principal Investigator:Carlos Francisco Gonçalves Aguiar
Start: 2007-08-01
End: 2011-01-31
- Valorização de serviços de ecossistemas - um caso de estudo na cascata da Serra da Estrela
Funding body: Energias de Portugal
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Cristina Maria Marta Rosa Pedroso
Start: 2010-01-01
End: 2011-01-01

Total results: 38
Villa M.,Santos S.A.P.,López-Sáez J.A.,Pinheiro L.,Marrão R.,Aguiar C.,Pereira J.A.
Pollen feeding by syrphids varies across seasons in a Mediterranean landscape dominated by the olive orchard
Biological Control, 156, , 2021

Honrado J.P.,Lomba A.,Alves P.,Aguiar C.,Monteiro-Henriques T.,Cerqueira Y.,Monteiro P.,Barreto Caldas F.
Conservation Management of EU Priority Habitats after Collapse of Traditional Pastoralism: Navigating Socioecological Transitions in Mountain Rangeland
Rural Sociology, 82, 101-128, 2017

Ramírez-Rodríguez R.,Medina L.,de Sequeira M.M.,Aguiar C.,Amich F.
Delphinium fissum subsp. sordidum (Ranunculaceae) in Portugal: Distribution and conservation status
Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid, 74, , 2017

Borges P.A.V.,Gaspar C.,Crespo L.C.F.,Rigal F.,Cardoso P.,Pereira F.,Rego C.,Amorim I.R.,Melo C.,Aguiar C.,Andé G.,Mendonça E.P.,Ribeiro S.,Hortal J.,Santos A.M.C.,Barcelos L.,Enghoff H.,Mahnert V.,Pita M.T.,Ribes J.,Baz A.,Sousa A.B.,Vieira V.,Wunderlich J.,Parmakelis A.,Whittaker R.J.,Quartau J.A.,Serrano A.R.M.,Triantis K.A.
New records and detailed distribution and abundance of selected arthropod species collected between 1999 and 2011 in Azorean native forests
Biodiversity Data Journal, 4, , 2016

Mucina L.,Bültmann H.,Dierßen K.,Theurillat J.P.,Raus T.,Čarni A.,&CScaron;umberová K.,Willner W.,Dengler J.,García R.G.,Chytrý M.,Hájek M.,Di Pietro R.,Iakushenko D.,Daniëls F.J.A.,Bergmeier E.,Santos Guerra A.,Ermakov N.,Valachovič M.,Schaminée J.H.J.,Lysenko T.,Didukh Y.P.,Pignatti S.,Rodwell J.S.,Capelo J.,Weber H.E.,Solomeshch A.,Dimopoulos P.,Aguiar C.,Hennekens S.M.,Tichý L.
Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities
Applied Vegetation Science, 19, 3-264, 2016

Gomes A.,Pimpão R.C.,Fortalezas S.,Figueira I.,Miguel C.,Aguiar C.,Salgueiro L.,Cavaleiro C.,Gonçalves M.J.,Clemente A.,Costa C.,Martins-Loução M.A.,Ferreira R.B.,Santos C.N.
Chemical characterization and bioactivity of phytochemicals from Iberian endemic Santolina semidentata and strategies for ex situ propagation
Industrial Crops and Products, 74, 505-513, 2015

Proença V.,Aguiar C.,Domingos T.
Highly productive sown biodiverse pastures with low invasion risk
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, E1695, 2015

Gomes A.,Fortalezas S.,Pimpão R.,Figueira I.,Maroco J.,Aguiar C.,Ferreira R.B.,Miguel C.,Santos C.N.
Valuing the endangered species Antirrhinum lopesianum: Neuroprotective activities and strategies for in vitro plant propagation
Antioxidants, 2, 273-292, 2013

Azevedo J.C.,Possacos A.,Aguiar C.F.,Amado A.,Miguel L.,Dias R.,Loureiro C.,Fernandes P.M.
The role of holm oak edges in the control of disturbance and conservation of plant diversity in fire-prone landscapes
Forest Ecology and Management, 297, 37-48, 2013

Aguiar C.,Monteiro-Henriques T.,Sánchez-Mata D.
New contributions on flora and vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops
Lazaroa, 34, 141-150, 2013

Coutinho A.P.,Aguiar C.F.,da Bandeira D.S.,Dinis A.M.
Comparative pollen morphology of the Iberian species of Pulicaria (Asteraceae, Inuleae, Inulinae) and its taxonomic significance
Plant Systematics and Evolution, 297, 171-183, 2011

da Silva P.,Aguiar C.,de e Silva I.,Serrano A.
Orchard and riparian habitats enhance ground dwelling beetle diversity in Mediterranean agro-forestry systems
Biodiversity and Conservation, 20, 861-872, 2011

Marques J.E.,Marques J.M.,Aguiar C.
A groundwater system in a mountain environment (Serra da Estrela, Portugal)
Natural Heritage from East to West: Case studies from 6 EU countries, 163-167, 2010

Sequeira E.,Aguiar C.,Meireles C.
Ultramafics of Bragança Massif: Soils, flora and vegetation
Natural Heritage from East to West: Case studies from 6 EU countries, 143-149, 2010

Vanbergen A.J.,Woodcock B.A.,Koivula M.,Niemelä J.,Kotze D.J.,Bolger T.,Golden V.,Dubs F.,Boulanger G.,Serrano J.,Lencina J.L.,Serrano A.,Aguiar C.,Grandchamp A.C.,Stofer S.,Szél G.,Ivits E.,Adler P.,Markus J.,Watt A.D.
Trophic level modulates carabid beetle responses to habitat and landscape structure: A pan-European study
Ecological Entomology, 35, 226-235, 2010

Pinto B.,Aguiar C.,Partidário M.
Brief historical ecology of northern Portugal during the Holocene
Environment and History, 16, 3-42, 2010

Rodrigues M.A.,Gomes V.,Dias L.G.,Pires J.,Aguiar C.,Arrobas M.
Evaluation of soil nitrogen availability by growing tufts of nitrophilic species in an intensively grazed biodiverse legume-rich pasture
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 1058-1067, 2010

Espinha Marques J.,Duarte J.M.,Constantino A.T.,Aguiar C.,Rocha F.T.,Marques J.M.,Samper J.,Borges F.S.,Carvalho J.M.,Chaminé H.I.
In situ measurement of hydraulic conductivity of mountain soils: A case study in Serra da Estrela mountain (Central Portugal)
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 143-164, 2009

Fernández Prieto J.A.,Aguiar C.,Dias E.,Fernández Casado M.D.L.A.,Homet J.
The genus Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae) in the Azores and Madeira
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 158, 522-533, 2008

Prieto J.A.F.,Aguiar C.,Dias E.,Villarías M.I.G.
On the identity of Festuca jubata Lowe (Poaceae) and the description of a new Festuca species in the Azores Islands
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 157, 493-499, 2008

da Silva P.M.,Aguiar C.A.S.,Niemelä J.,Sousa J.P.,Serrano A.R.M.
Diversity patterns of ground-beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) along a gradient of land-use disturbance
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 124, 270-274, 2008

Capelo J.,Masquita S.,Costa J.C.,Ribeiro S.,Arsénio P.,Neto C.,Monteiro-Henriques T.,Aguiar C.,Honrado J.,Espírito-Santo D.,Lousã M.
A methodological approach to potential vegetation modeling using GIS techniques and phytosociological expert-knowledge: Application to mainland Portugal
Phytocoenologia, 37, 399-415, 2007

Costa J.C.,Monteiro-Henriques T.,Neto C.,Arsénio P.,Aguiar C.
The application of the Habitats Directive in Portugal
Fitosociologia, 44, 23-28, 2007

Martins A.,Crespí A.L.,Castro A.,Fernandes C.P.,Rocha J.,Bernardos S.,Aguiar C.,Amich F.
Floristic-environmental approach for the North of Portugal
Botanica Complutensis, 31, 99-111, 2007

Bernardos S.,Amado A.,Aguiar C.,Santos C.,Fernández-Diez J.,González-Talaván A.,Amich F.
Conservation status of the threatened Iberian Peninsula narrow endemic Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. (Scrophulariaceae)
Plant Biosystems, 140, 2-9, 2006

Serrano A.,Aguiar C.
Two new species of Typhlocharis Dieck, 1869 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Portugal and notes on the related species
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 53, 223-234, 2006

Borges P.A.V.,Aguiar C.,Amaral J.,Amorim I.R.,André G.,Arraiol A.,Baz A.,Dinis F.,Enghoff H.,Gaspar C.,Ilharco F.,Mahnert V.,Melo C.,Pereira F.,Quartau J.A.,Ribeiro S.P.,Ribes J.,Serrano A.R.M.,Sousa A.B.,Strassen R.Z.,Vieira L.,Vieira V.,Vitorino A.,Wunderlich J.
Ranking protected areas in the Azores using standardised sampling of soil epigean arthropods
Biodiversity and Conservation, 14, 2029-2060, 2005

Ribeiro S.P.,Borges P.A.V.,Gaspar C.,Melo C.,Serrano A.R.M.,Amaral J.,Aguiar C.,André G.,Quartau J.A.
Canopy insect herbivores in the Azorean Laurisilva forests: Key host plant species in a highly generalist insect community
Ecography, 28, 315-330, 2005

Espinha Marques J.,Marques J.M.,Chaminé H.I.,Afonso M.J.,Carreira P.M.,Fonseca P.E.,Cabral J.,Monteiro Santos F.A.,Vieira G.T.,Mora C.,Gomes A.,Teixeira J.,Samper J.,Pisani B.J.,Aguiar C.,Gonçalves J.A.,Almeida P.G.,Cavaleiro V.,Carvalho J.M.,Sodré Borges F.,Aires-Barros L.,Rocha F.T.
Hydrogeological study of a High Mountain Area (Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal): A multidisciplinary approach
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 145-166, 2005

Amich F.,Bernardos S.,Aguiar C.,Fernández-Diez J.,Crespí A.
Taxonomic composition and ecological characteristics of the endemic flora of the lower Duero Basin (Iberian Peninsula)
Acta Botanica Gallica, 151, 341-352, 2004

Peterson L.R.,Trivett V.,Baker A.J.M.,Aguiar C.,Pollard A.J.
Spread of metals through an invertebrate food chain as influenced by a plant that hyperaccumulates nickel
Chemoecology, 13, 103-108, 2003