Total results: 47
Shiraishi C.S.H.,Zbiss Y.,Roriz C.L.,Dias M.I.,Prieto M.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Heleno S.A.,da Cunha Mendes V.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barros L.
Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.): Source of Bioactive Ingredients for Industrial ValorizationProcesses, 11, , 2023
Calhelha R.C.,Shiraishi C.S.H.,Ribeiro L.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.,Coutinho P.,Barros L.,Vaz J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
New trends from fungi secondary metabolism in the pharmaceutical industryNatural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 823-850, 2023
Novais C.,Molina A.K.,Abreu R.M.V.,Santo-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Natural Food Colorants and Preservatives: A Review, a Demand, and a ChallengeJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 2789-2805, 2022
Rodrigues M.J.,Castañeda-Loaiza V.,Monteiro I.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Abreu R.M.V.,Oliveira M.C.,Reis C.,Soares F.,Pousão-Ferreira P.,Pereira C.G.,Custódio L.
Metabolomic profile and biological properties of sea lavender (Limonium algarvense erben) plants cultivated with aquaculture wastewaters: Implications for its use in herbal formulations and food additivesFoods, 10, , 2021
De Oliveira A.,Moreira T.F.M.,Pepinelli A.L.S.,Costa L.G.M.A.,Leal L.E.,Da Silva T.B.V.,Gonçalves O.H.,Porto Ineu R.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht L.,Leimann F.V.
Bioactivity screening of pinhão (: Araucaria Angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze) seed extracts: The inhibition of cholinesterases and α-amylases, and cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activitiesFood and Function, 12, 9820-9828, 2021
Cardoso R.V.C.,Fernandes Â.,Barreira J.C.M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Mandim F.,Gonzaléz-Paramás A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
A case study on surplus mushrooms production: Extraction and recovery of vitamin d2Agriculture (Switzerland), 11, , 2021
Pantuzza Silva G.F.,Pereira E.,Melgar B.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Eggplant fruit (Solanum melongena l.) and bio‐residues as a source of nutrients, bioactive compounds, and food colorants, using innovative food technologiesApplied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, 1-24, 2021
Rocha R.,Pinela J.,Abreu R.M.V.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Saldanha A.L.,Alves M.J.,Nogueira A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Extraction of anthocyanins from red raspberry for natural food colorants development: Processes optimization and in vitro bioactivityProcesses, 8, 1-19, 2020
Ziani B.E.C.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Bachari K.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Talhi O.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phenolic profiling, biological activities and in silico studies of Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne ssp. raddiana extractsFood Bioscience, 36, , 2020
Albuquerque B.R.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,José Alves M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barros L.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Jabuticaba residues (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg) are rich sources of valuable compounds with bioactive propertiesFood Chemistry, 309, , 2020
Vieira V.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Coutinho J.A.P.,Ferreira O.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Hydroethanolic extract of Juglans regia L. green husks: A source of bioactive phytochemicalsFood and Chemical Toxicology, 137, , 2020
Grella Miranda C.,dos Santos P.D.F.,do Prado Silva J.T.,Vitória Leimann F.,Ferreira Borges B.,Miguel Abreu R.,Porto Ineu R.,Hess Gonçalves O.
Influence of nanoencapsulated lutein on acetylcholinesterase activity: In vitro determination, kinetic parameters, and in silico docking simulationsFood Chemistry, 307, , 2020
Palmeira L.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Abreu R.M.V.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Nutritional, chemical and bioactive profiles of different parts of a Portuguese common fig (Ficus carica L.) varietyFood Research International, 126, , 2019
Garcia J.A.A.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Barros L.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Phytochemical profile and biological activities of 'Ora-pro-nobis' leaves (Pereskia aculeata Miller), an underexploited superfood from the Brazilian Atlantic ForestFood Chemistry, 294, 302-308, 2019
Garcia J.A.A.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Barros L.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Alves M.J.,Calhelha R.C.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical composition and biological activities of Juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) fruit by-products, a promising underexploited source of high-added value compoundsJournal of Functional Foods, 55, 325-332, 2019
Mosbah H.,Chahdoura H.,Mannai A.,Snoussi M.,Aouadi K.,Abreu R.M.V.,Bouslama A.,Achour L.,Selmi B.
Biological Activities Evaluation of Enantiopure Isoxazolidine Derivatives: In Vitro, In Vivo and In Silico StudiesApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 187, 1113-1130, 2019
Lockowandt L.,Pinela J.,Roriz C.L.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Barros L.,Bredol M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Chemical features and bioactivities of cornflower (Centaurea cyanus L.) capitula: The blue flowers and the unexplored non-edible partIndustrial Crops and Products, 128, 496-503, 2019
Mandim F.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Pinela J.,Alves M.J.,Heleno S.,Santos P.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull: Chemical characterization, evaluation of its bioactive properties and effect on the vaginal microbiotaFood and Function, 10, 78-89, 2019
Finimundy T.C.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Prieto M.A.,Abreu R.M.V.,Dillon A.J.P.,Henriques J.A.P.,Roesch-Ely M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Multifunctions of Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer: A highly nutritious food and a source for bioactive compoundsFood Chemistry, 245, 150-158, 2018
Finimundy T.C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Bonetto N.,Scariot F.J.,Dillon A.J.P.,Echeverrigaray S.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Henriques J.A.P.,Roesch-Ely M.
Apoptosis induction by Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer extracts on colorectal cancer cell linesFood and Chemical Toxicology, 112, 383-392, 2018
Oliveira F.S.,Ribeiro A.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.C.,Barreira J.C.M.,Junior B.D.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Evaluation of Arenaria montana L. hydroethanolic extract as a chemopreventive food ingredient: A case study focusing a dairy product (yogurt)Journal of Functional Foods, 38, 214-220, 2017
Merski M.,Moreira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ramos M.J.,Fernandes P.A.,Martins L.M.,Pereira P.J.B.,Macedo-Ribeiro S.
Molecular motion regulates the activity of the mitochondrial serine protease HtrA2Cell Death and Disease, 8, , 2017
Liberal Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Adega F.,Barros L.,Dueñas M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
A comparison of the bioactivity and phytochemical profile of three different cultivars of globe amaranth: Red, white, and pinkFood and Function, 7, 679-688, 2016
Machado V.A.,Peixoto D.,Costa R.,Froufe H.J.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Soares R.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.
Synthesis, antiangiogenesis evaluation and molecular docking studies of 1-aryl-3-[(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas: Discovery of a new substitution pattern for type II VEGFR-2 Tyr kinase inhibitorsBioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 23, 6497-6509, 2015
Alves M.J.,Froufe H.J.C.,Costa A.F.T.,Santos A.F.,Oliveira L.G.,Osório S.R.M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Pintado M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Docking studies in target proteins involved in antibacterial action mechanisms: Extending the knowledge on standard antibiotics to antimicrobial mushroom compoundsMolecules, 19, 1672-1684, 2014
Santos S.,Baptista C.S.,Abreu R.M.V.,Bastos E.,Amorim I.,Gut I.G.,Gärtner F.,Chaves R.
ERBB2 in cat mammary neoplasias disclosed a positive correlation between RNA and protein low expression levels: A model for erbB-2 negative human breast cancerPLoS ONE, 8, , 2013
Queiroz M.J.R.P.,Peixoto D.,Calhelha R.C.,Soares P.,Dos Santos T.,Lima R.T.,Campos J.F.,Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Vasconcelos M.H.
New di(hetero)arylethers and di(hetero)arylamines in the thieno[3,2-b]pyridine series: Synthesis, growth inhibitory activity on human tumor cell lines and non-tumor cells, effects on cell cycle and on programmed cell deathEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 69, 855-862, 2013
Soares P.,Costa R.,Froufe H.J.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Peixoto D.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Abreu R.M.V.,Soares R.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.
1-aryl-3-[4-(thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-4-yloxy)phenyl]ureas as VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular modelling studiesBioMed Research International, 2013, , 2013
Rodrigues S.,Calhelha R.C.,Barreira J.C.M.,Dueñas M.,Carvalho A.M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Crataegus monogyna buds and fruits phenolic extracts: Growth inhibitory activity on human tumor cell lines and chemical characterization by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSFood Research International, 49, 516-523, 2012
Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Peixoto D.,Abreu R.M.V.,Vale-Silva L.A.,Pinto E.,Lima R.T.,Alvelos M.I.,Vasconcelos M.H.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.
Aminodi(hetero)arylamines in the thieno[3,2-b]pyridine series: Synthesis, effects in human tumor cells growth, cell cycle analysis, apoptosis and evaluation of toxicity using non-tumor cellsMolecules, 17, 3834-3843, 2012
Abreu R.M.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Calhelha R.C.,Lima R.T.,Vasconcelos M.H.,Adega F.,Chaves R.,Queiroz M.J.R.P.
Anti-hepatocellular carcinoma activity using human HepG2 cells and hepatotoxicity of 6-substituted methyl 3-aminothieno[3,2-b]pyridine-2- carboxylate derivatives: In vitro evaluation, cell cycle analysis and QSAR studiesEuropean Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 46, 5800-5806, 2011
Abreu R.M.V.,Santos D.J.S.L.,Moreno A.J.M.
Effects of carvedilol and its analog BM-910228 on mitochondrial function and oxidative stress
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 295, 1022-1030, 2000