Total results: 73
Martins S.,Brito C.,Gonçalves A.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Pereira E.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.,Nunes F.,Correia C.M.
Differential responses of photosynthesis, yield and soil properties 4 years after a single application of zeolites and biochar in a rainfed olive orchardSoil Use and Management, 40, , 2024
Martins S.,Brito C.,Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Arrobas M.,Pereira E.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Nunes F.M.,Correia C.M.
Synergy between Zeolites and Leguminous Cover Crops Improved Olive Tree Performance and Soil Properties in a Rainfed Olive OrchardAgronomy, 13, , 2023
Martins S.,Silva E.,Brito C.,Pinto L.,Martins-Gomes C.,Gonçalves A.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.,Nunes F.M.
Combining Zeolites with Early-Maturing Annual Legume Cover Crops in Rainfed Orchards: Effects on Yield, Fatty Acid Composition and Polyphenolic Profile of Olives and Olive OilMolecules, 28, , 2023
Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Martins S.,Pinto L.,Rocha L.,Ferreira H.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.
Moderate Nitrogen Rates Applied to a Rainfed Olive Grove Seem to Provide an Interesting Balance between Variables Associated with Olive and Oil QualityHorticulturae, 9, , 2023
Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Martins S.,Brito C.,Ferreira H.,Ferreira L.M.M.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.
Olive Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Olives and Oil in Response to Nutrient Application under Rainfed ConditionsMolecules, 28, , 2023
Martins S.,Silva E.,Brito C.,Martins-Gomes C.,Gonçalves A.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.,Nunes F.M.
Zeolites and Biochar Modulate Olive Fruit and Oil Polyphenolic ProfileAntioxidants, 11, , 2022
Lopes J.I.,Arrobas M.,Raimundo S.,Gonçalves A.,Brito C.,Martins S.,Pinto L.,Moutinho‐pereira J.,Correia C.M.,Rodrigues M.Â.
Photosynthesis, Yield, Nutrient Availability and Soil Properties after Biochar, Zeolites or Mycorrhizal Inoculum Application to a Mature Rainfed Olive OrchardAgriculture (Switzerland), 12, , 2022
Brito C.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Pinto L.,Gonçalves A.,Silva E.,Martins S.,Rocha L.,Pavia I.,Arrobas M.,Ribeiro A.C.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Correia C.M.
Grey and black anti-hail nets ameliorated apple (Malus × domestica borkh. cv. golden delicious) physiology under mediterranean climatePlants, 10, , 2021
Lopes J.I.,Gonçalves A.,Brito C.,Martins S.,Pinto L.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Raimundo S.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.
Inorganic fertilization at high n rate increased olive yield of a rainfed orchard but reduced soil organic matter in comparison to three organic amendmentsAgronomy, 11, , 2021
Silva E.,Arrobas M.,Gonçalves A.,Martins S.,Raimundo S.,Pinto L.,Brito C.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Correia C.M.,Rodrigues M.Â.
A controlled-release fertilizer improved soil fertility but not olive tree performanceNutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 120, , 2021
Brito C.,Gonçalves A.,Silva E.,Martins S.,Pinto L.,Rocha L.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Correia C.M.
Kaolin foliar spray improves olive tree performance and yield under sustained deficit irrigationScientia Horticulturae, 277, , 2021
Bernardo S.,Dinis L.T.,Luzio A.,Machado N.,Gonçalves A.,Vives-Peris V.,Pitarch-Bielsa M.,López-Climent M.F.,Malheiro A.C.,Correia C.,Gómez-Cadenas A.,Moutinho-Pereira J.
Optimising grapevine summer stress responses and hormonal balance by applying kaolin in two Portuguese Demarcated RegionsOeno One, 55, 207-222, 2021
Lopes J.I.,Arrobas M.,Brito C.,Gonçalves A.,Silva E.,Martins S.,Raimundo S.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Correia C.M.
Mycorrhizal fungi were more effective than zeolites in increasing the growth of non-irrigated young olive treesSustainability (Switzerland), 12, 1-15, 2020
Gonçalves A.,Silva E.,Brito C.,Martins S.,Pinto L.,Dinis L.T.,Luzio A.,Martins-Gomes C.,Fernandes-Silva A.,Ribeiro C.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Nunes F.M.,Correia C.M.
Olive tree physiology and chemical composition of fruits are modulated by different deficit irrigation strategiesJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100, 682-694, 2020
Pavia I.,Roque J.,Rocha L.,Ferreira H.,Castro C.,Carvalho A.,Silva E.,Brito C.,Gonçalves A.,Lima-Brito J.,Correia C.
Zinc priming and foliar application enhances photoprotection mechanisms in drought-stressed wheat plants during anthesisPlant Physiology and Biochemistry, 140, 27-42, 2019
Brito C.,Dinis L.T.,Luzio A.,Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Meijón M.,Escandón M.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Correia C.M.
Kaolin and salicylic acid alleviate summer stress in rainfed olive orchards by modulation of distinct physiological and biochemical responsesScientia Horticulturae, 246, 201-211, 2019
Rodrigues M.A.,Garmus T.,Arrobas M.,Gonçalves A.,Silva E.,Rocha L.,Pinto L.,Brito C.,Martins S.,Vargas T.,Correia C.M.
Combined biochar and organic waste have little effect on chemical soil properties and plant growthSpanish Journal of Soil Science, 9, 199-211, 2019
Brito C.,Dinis L.T.,Silva E.,Gonçalves A.,Matos C.,Rodrigues M.A.,Moutinho-Pereira J.,Barros A.,Correia C.
Kaolin and salicylic acid foliar application modulate yield, quality and phytochemical composition of olive pulp and oil from rainfed treesScientia Horticulturae, 237, 176-183, 2018
Andrade E.,Pinheiro V.,Gonçalves A.,Cone J.W.,Marques G.,Silva V.,Ferreira L.,Rodrigues M.
Potential use of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) stover treated with white-rot fungi as rabbit feedJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97, 4386-4390, 2017
Andrade E.,Gonçalves A.,Mendes-Ferreira A.,Silva V.,Pinheiro V.,Rodrigues M.,Ferreira L.
A novel feedstuff: ensiling of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) stover and apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) mixtures. Evaluation of the nutritive value, fermentation quality and aerobic stabilityJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97, 4306-4313, 2017
Magalhães P.,Pinto L.,Gonçalves A.,Araújo J.E.,Santos H.M.,Capelo J.L.,Saénz Y.,de Toro M.,Torres C.,Chambon C.,Hébraud M.,Poeta P.,Igrejas G.
Could transformation mechanisms of acetylase-harboring pMdT1 plasmid be evaluated through proteomic tools in Escherichia coli?Journal of Proteomics, 145, 103-111, 2016
Gonçalves A.,Goufo P.,Barros A.,Domínguez-Perles R.,Trindade H.,Rosa E.A.S.,Ferreira L.,Rodrigues M.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), a renewed multipurpose crop for a more sustainable agri-food system: Nutritional advantages and constraintsJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96, 2941-2951, 2016
Carvalho S.,Marinho C.,Gonçalves A.,Sousa M.,Nóvoa M.,Quaresma M.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Vaginal bacterial microbiota of an endangered donkey breed: A comparison between Miranda donkey breed (Equus asinus) jennies with and without reproductive problemsJournal of Integrated OMICS, 6, 18-22, 2016
Santos T.,Capelo J.L.,Santos H.M.,Oliveira I.,Marinho C.,Gonçalves A.,Araújo J.E.,Poeta P.,Igrejas G.
Use of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry fingerprinting to characterize Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli isolatesJournal of Proteomics, 127, 321-331, 2015
Marinho C.,Igrejas G.,Gonçalves A.,Silva N.,Santos T.,Monteiro R.,Gonçalves D.,Rodrigues T.,Poeta P.
Azorean wild rabbits as reservoirs of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coliAnaerobe, 30, 116-119, 2014
Gonçalves A.,Poeta P.,Monteiro R.,Marinho C.,Silva N.,Guerra A.,Petrucci-Fonseca F.,Rodrigues J.,Torres C.,Vitorino R.,Domingues P.,Igrejas G.
Comparative proteomics of an extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli strain from the Iberian wolfJournal of Proteomics, 104, 80-93, 2014
Sousa M.,Gonçalves A.,Silva N.,Serra R.,Alcaide E.,Zorrilla I.,Torres C.,Caniça M.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Acquired antibiotic resistance among wild animals: the case of Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus)Veterinary Quarterly, 34, 105-112, 2014
Marinho C.,Santos T.,Silva N.,Micael J.,Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Antimicrobial resistant bacteria in echinoderms and their ecological consequences
Echinoderms: Ecology, Habitats and Reproductive Biology, 39-56, 2014
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,Santos T.,Monteiro R.,Marinho C.,Pérez M.J.,Canales R.,Mendoza J.L.,Serra R.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) from the captive breeding program as reservoir of antimicrobial resistant enterococci and Escherichia coli isolatesJournal of Integrated OMICS, 3, 138-144, 2013
Santos T.,Silva N.,Igrejas G.,Rodrigues P.,Micael J.,Rodrigues T.,Resendes R.,Gonçalves A.,Marinho C.,Gonçalves D.,Cunha R.,Poeta P.
Dissemination of antibiotic resistant Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli from wild birds of Azores ArchipelagoAnaerobe, 24, 25-31, 2013
Pacheco R.,Correia S.,Monteiro R.,Gonçalves A.,Radhouani H.,Ramos S.,Carvalho E.,Carvalho J.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Multiresistant extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in human urine samples in PortugalJournal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, 46, 399-404, 2013
Radhouani H.,Igrejas G.,Gonçalves A.,Pacheco R.,Monteiro R.,Sargo R.,Brito F.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in Escherichia coli and enterococci from red foxes (Vulpes vulpes)Anaerobe, 23, 82-86, 2013
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,Santos T.,Monteiro R.,Pacheco R.,Alcaide E.,Zorrilla I.,Serra R.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Detection of antibiotic resistant enterococci and Escherichia coli in free range Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus)Science of the Total Environment, 456-457, 115-119, 2013
Carreira R.J.,Nunes-Miranda J.D.,Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.,Gómez-Meire S.,Reboiro-Jato M.,Fdez-Riverola F.,Lodeiro C.,Capelo-Martínez J.L.
Enzymatic protein digests do not assist in E. Coli discrimination at the strain level using mass spectrometryJournal of Integrated OMICS, 3, 44-50, 2013
Marinho C.,Silva N.,Pombo S.,Santos T.,Monteiro R.,Gonçalves A.,Micael J.,Rodrigues P.,Costa A.C.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Echinoderms from Azores islands: An unexpected source of antibiotic resistant Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli isolatesMarine Pollution Bulletin, 69, 122-127, 2013
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,Correia S.,Pacheco R.,Santos T.,Monteiro R.,Guerra A.,Petrucci-Fonseca F.,Brito F.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Antimicrobial resistance in faecal enterococci and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from Iberian wolfLetters in Applied Microbiology, 56, 268-274, 2013
Silva N.,Costa L.,Gonçalves A.,Sousa M.,Radhouani H.,Brito F.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Genetic characterisation of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in Escherichia coli isolated from retail chicken products including CTX-M-9 containing isolates: A food safety risk factorBritish Poultry Science, 53, 747-755, 2012
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,Estepa V.,Pacheco R.,Monteiro R.,Brito F.,Guerra A.,Petrucci-Fonseca F.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Iberian wolf as a reservoir of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli of the TEM, SHV, and CTX-M groupsMicrobial Drug Resistance, 18, 215-219, 2012
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,Estepa V.,Alcaide E.,Zorrilla I.,Serra R.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates in faecal samples of Iberian lynxLetters in Applied Microbiology, 54, 73-77, 2012
Gonçalves A.,Igrejas G.,Radhouani H.,López M.,Guerra A.,Petrucci-Fonseca F.,Alcaide E.,Zorrilla I.,Serra R.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Detection of vancomycin-resistant enterococci from faecal samples of Iberian wolf and Iberian lynx, including Enterococcus faecium strains of CC17 and the new singleton ST573Science of the Total Environment, 410-411, 266-268, 2011
Silva N.,Igrejas G.,Rodrigues P.,Rodrigues T.,Gonçalves A.,Felgar A.C.,Pacheco R.,Gonçalves D.,Cunha R.,Poeta P.
Molecular characterization of vancomycin-resistant enterococci and extended-spectrum b-lactamase-containing Escherichia coli isolates in wild birds from the Azores ArchipelagoAvian Pathology, 40, 473-479, 2011
Araújo C.,Torres C.,Gonçalves A.,Carneiro C.,López M.,Radhouani H.,Pardal M.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Genetic detection and multilocus sequence typing of vanA-containing enterococcus strains from mullets fish (Liza ramada)Microbial Drug Resistance, 17, 357-361, 2011
Almeida T.,Brandaão A.,MuñOz-Atienza E.,Gonçalves A.,Torres C.,Igrejas G.,Hernández P.,Herranz C.,Cintas L.,Poeta P.
Identification of bacteriocin genes in enterococci isolated from game animals and saltwater fishJournal of Food Protection, 74, 1252-1260, 2011
Caleja C.,de Toro M.,Gonçalves A.,Themudo P.,Vieira-Pinto M.,Monteiro D.,Rodrigues J.,Sáenz Y.,Carvalho C.,Igrejas G.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Antimicrobial resistance and class I integrons in Salmonella enterica isolates from wild boars and Bísaro pigsInternational Microbiology, 14, 19-24, 2011
Radhouani H.,Igrejas G.,Carvalho C.,Pinto L.,Gonçalves A.,Lopez M.,Sargo R.,Cardoso L.,Martinho A.,Rego V.,Rodrigues R.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Clonal lineages, antibiotic resistance and virulence factors in vancomycin-resistant enterococci isolated from fecal samples of red foxes (vulpes vulpes)Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 47, 769-773, 2011
Araújo C.,Torres C.,Silva N.,Carneiro C.,Gonçalves A.,Radhouani H.,Correia S.,Da Costa P.M.,Paccheco R.,Zarazaga M.,Ruiz-Larrea F.,Poeta P.,Igrejas G.
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci from Portuguese wastewater treatment plantsJournal of Basic Microbiology, 50, 605-609, 2010
Gonçalves A.,Torres C.,Silva N.,Carneiro C.,Radhouani H.,Coelho C.,Araújo C.,Rodrigues J.,Vinué L.,Somalo S.,Poeta P.,Igrejas G.
Genetic characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Escherichia coli isolates of pigs from a portuguese intensive swine farmFoodborne Pathogens and Disease, 7, 1569-1573, 2010
Gonçalves A.,Poeta P.,Silva N.,Araújo C.,López M.,Ruiz E.,Uliyakina I.,Direitinho J.,Igrejas G.,Torres C.
Characterization of vancomycin-resistant enterococci isolated from fecal samples of ostriches by molecular methodsFoodborne Pathogens and Disease, 7, 1133-1136, 2010
Carneiro C.,Araújo C.,Gonçalves A.,Vinué L.,Somalo S.,Ruiz E.,Uliyakina I.,Rodrigues J.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.,Torres C.
Detection of CTX-M-14 and TEM-52 extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in fecal escherichia coli isolates of captive ostrich in PortugalFoodborne Pathogens and Disease, 7, 991-994, 2010
Silva N.,Felgar A.,Gonçalves A.,Correia S.,Pacheco R.,Araú C.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Absence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates in migratory birds: Song thrush (Turdus philomelos)Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 65, 1306-1307, 2010
Radhouani H.,Pinto L.,Coelho C.,Gonçalves A.,Sargo R.,Torres C.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Detection of Detection of Escherichia coli harbouring extended-spectrum β-lactamases of the CTX-M classes in faecal samples of common buzzards (Buteo buteo)Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 65, 171-173, 2009
Barreto A.,Guimarães B.,Radhouani H.,Araújo C.,Gonçalves A.,Gaspar E.,Rodrigues J.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Detection of antibiotic resistant E. coli and Enterococcus spp. in stool of healthy growing children in PortugalJournal of Basic Microbiology, 49, 503-512, 2009
Poeta P.,Radhouani H.,Pinto L.,Martinho A.,Rego V.,Rodrigues R.,Gonçalves A.,Rodrigues J.,Estepa V.,Torres C.,Igrejas G.
Wild boars as reservoirs of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli of different phylogenetic groupsJournal of Basic Microbiology, 49, 584-588, 2009
Poeta P.,Igrejas G.,Gonçalves A.,Martins E.,Araújo C.,Carvalho C.,Rodrigues J.,Vinué L.,López M.,Torres C.
Influence of oral hygiene in patients with fixed appliances in the oral carriage of antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli and Enterococcus isolatesOral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology, 108, 557-564, 2009
Pinheiro S.,Radhouani H.,Coelho C.,Gonçalves A.,Carvalho E.,Carvalho J.A.,Ruiz-Larrea F.,Torres C.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Prevalence and mechanisms of erythromycin resistance in Streptococcus agalactiae from healthy pregnant women.Microbial drug resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.), 15, 121-124, 2009
Poeta P.,Radhouani H.,Igrejas G.,Gonçalves A.,Carvalho C.,Rodrigues J.,Vinué L.,Somalo S.,Torres C.
Seagulls of the Berlengas natural reserve of Portugal as carriers of fecal Escherichia coli harboring CTX-M and TEM extended-spectrum beta-lactamasesApplied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, 7439-7441, 2008