Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


José António Silva

Group: Sustainable Processes and Products
Phone: 273303125
ORCID: 0000-0003-1778-3833
Scopus Author ID: 7403023684


  • Since 1998: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESTiG-IPB), Portugal


  • 1998 - PhD. in Chemical Engineering, University of Porto (UP), Portugal
  • 1994 - Graduation in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal


  • Adsorption engineering
  • Alkane/alkene isomers separation
  • Carbon capture and storage
  • Biogas purification
  • Green hydrogen purification


- Separação de Hidrogénio Verde de redes de Gás Natural
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/EQU-EPQ/0467/2020
Principal Investigator:José António Correia Silva
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-12-31
VALORCOMP - Valorisation of compost and other residues resulting from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0119_VALORCOMP_2_P
Principal Investigator:Hélder Teixeira Gomes
Start: 2017-06-01
End: 2020-12-30
TIP_MOFs - Upgrading of Total Isomerization Processes with Metal-Organic Frameworks
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/QEQ-PRS/3599/2014
Principal Investigator:José António Correia Silva
Start: 2016-07-01
End: 2020-03-31
TIPMEM - Total Isomerization processes with zeolitic membranes for the octane improvement of gasoline
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/EQU-EQU/69731/2006
Principal Investigator:José António Correia Silva
Start: 2008-01-06
End: 2011-12-31
BETA_HEX - Separation of branched hexane isomers with zeolite BETA
Funding body: POCTI - Programa operacional Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Reference: POCTI/EQU/60828/2004
Principal Investigator:José António Correia Silva
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2008-12-31
Al_GAR - Study of the dehydration and allicin's level of garlic
Funding body: POCTI - Programa operacional Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Reference: POCTI/AGG/45674/2002
Principal Investigator:José António Correia Silva
Start: 2004-01-01
End: 2007-12-31

Total results: 73
Aly E.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Gleichmann K.,Rodrigues A.E.,Freitas F.A.D.S.,Silva J.A.C.
Vacuum pressure swing adsorption process using binder-free K(23)Y zeolite for post-combustion CO2 capture
Separation and Purification Technology, 361, , 2025

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Aly E.,Henrique A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Dual-stage vacuum pressure swing adsorption for green hydrogen recovery from natural gas grids
Separation and Purification Technology, 360, , 2025

Aly E.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Gleichmann K.,Rodrigues A.E.,Da Silva Freitas F.A.,Silva J.A.C.
Separation of CO2/N2 in Ion-Exchange binder-free beads of zeolite NaY for Post-Combustion CO2 capture
Separation and Purification Technology, 348, , 2024

Silva A.S.,Diaz de Tuesta J.L.,Henrique A.,Roman F.F.,Omralinov D.,Steldinger H.,Gläsel J.,Etzold B.J.M.,Silva J.A.C.,Silva A.M.T.,Pereira A.I.,Gomes H.T.
3D printed photopolymer derived carbon catalysts for enhanced wet peroxide oxidation
Chemical Engineering Journal, 499, , 2024

Karimi M.,Siqueira R.M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Nouar F.,Silva J.A.C.,Serre C.,Ferreira A.
Biogas upgrading using shaped MOF MIL-160(Al) by pressure swing adsorption process: Experimental and dynamic modelling assessment
Separation and Purification Technology, 344, , 2024

Karimi M.,Siqueira R.M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Nouar F.,Silva J.A.C.,Serre C.,Ferreira A.F.P.
Separation of CO2/N2 onto Shaped MOF MIL-160(Al) Using the Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for Post-combustion Application
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 63, 8772-8785, 2024

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Aly E.,Henrique A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Mouchaham G.,Silva J.A.C.
Green Hydrogen Recovery from Natural Gas Grids by Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 63, 6333-6346, 2024

Zhou L.,Brântuas P.,Henrique A.,Reinsch H.,Wahiduzzaman M.,Grenèche J.M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.,Maurin G.,Serre C.
A Microporous Multi-Cage Metal–Organic Framework for an Effective One-Step Separation of Branched Alkanes Feeds
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 63, , 2024

Aly E.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Silva J.A.C.,Da Silva F.A.,Rodrigues A.E.
Post-combustion CO2 capture using ion-exchanged binder-free NaY zeolites
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV - Selected papers from the 6th International Conference Wastes, 2023, 69-74, 2024

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Aly E.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Purification of green hydrogen from natural gas grids using zeolite 13X
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV - Selected papers from the 6th International Conference Wastes, 2023, 63-68, 2024

Henrique A.,Steldinger H.,de Tuesta J.L.D.,Gläsel J.,Rodrigues A.E.,Gomes H.T.,Etzold B.J.M.,Silva J.A.C.
Separation of alkane isomers in a hierarchically structured 3D-printed porous carbon monolith
Chemical Engineering Journal, 472, , 2023

Karimi M.,Shirzad M.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Carbon dioxide separation and capture by adsorption: a review
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 21, 2041-2084, 2023

Zhao H.,Silva J.A.C.,Henrique A.,Nouar F.,Serre C.,Maurin G.,Ghoufi A.
Adsorption and dynamics of linear and mono-branched hexane isomers in MIL-140 metal-organic frameworks
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25, 12057-12064, 2023

Karimi M.,Ferreira A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Nouar F.,Serre C.,Silva J.A.C.
MIL-160(Al) as a Candidate for Biogas Upgrading and CO2 Capture by Adsorption Processes
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 62, 5216-5229, 2023

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Aly E.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
A novel cryogenic fixed-bed adsorption apparatus for studying green hydrogen recovery from natural gas grids
Separation and Purification Technology, 307, , 2023

Shirzad M.,Karimi M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Biochar in Carbon Sequestration
Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials, Part F1442, 73-105, 2023

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Aly E.,Henrique A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Simulation of Fixed-Bed Adsorption for Biogas Upgrading
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 77-87, 2023

Brântuas P.F.,Henrique A.,Wahiduzzaman M.,von Wedelstedt A.,Maity T.,Rodrigues A.E.,Nouar F.,Lee U.H.,Cho K.H.,Maurin G.,Silva J.A.C.,Serre C.
Separation of Branched Alkanes Feeds by a Synergistic Action of Zeolite and Metal-Organic Framework
Advanced Science, 9, , 2022

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Steldinger H.,Diaz de Tuesta J.L.,Gläsel J.,Rodrigues A.E.,Gomes H.T.,Etzold B.J.M.,Silva J.A.C.
3D-printed activated carbon for post-combustion CO2 capture
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 335, , 2022

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Letter to the editor
Adsorption, 28, 97-99, 2022

Aly E.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Golini Pires M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Gleichmann K.,Silva J.A.C.
Fixed Bed Adsorption of CO2, CH4, and N2and Their Mixtures in Potassium-Exchanged Binder-Free Beads of Y Zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, 15236-15247, 2021

Karimi M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Biomass as a source of adsorbents for CO2 capture
Advances in Bioenergy and Microfluidic Applications, 255-274, 2021

Karimi M.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Almeida J.P.P.,Ströher G.R.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Novel Insights into Activated Carbon Derived from Municipal Solid Waste for CO2Uptake: Synthesis, Adsorption Isotherms and Scale-up
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8, , 2020

Henrique A.,Maity T.,Zhao H.,Brântuas P.F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Nouar F.,Ghoufi A.,Maurin G.,Silva J.A.C.,Serre C.
Hexane isomers separation on an isoreticular series of microporous Zr carboxylate metal organic frameworks
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 17780-17789, 2020

Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Henrique A.,Karimi M.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Single- A nd Multicomponent Fixed Bed Adsorption of CO2, CH4, and N2in Binder-Free Beads of 4A Zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 13724-13734, 2020

Karimi M.,Diaz de Tuesta J.L.,Carmem C.N.,Gomes H.T.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Compost from Municipal Solid Wastes as a Source of Biochar for CO2 Capture
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 43, 1336-1349, 2020

Henrique A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Fixed bed dynamics of single and multicomponent adsorption of pentane and hexane isomers in ZIF-8
Separation and Purification Technology, 238, , 2020

Karimi M.,Zafanelli L.F.A.S.,Almeida J.P.P.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Ströher G.R.
Capture of Co2 in activated carbon synthesized from municipal solid waste compost
Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities III - Selected papers from the 5th International Conference Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 2019, 49-54, 2020

Shirzad M.,Karimi M.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Moving Bed Reactors: Challenges and Progress of Experimental and Theoretical Studies in a Century of Research
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 9179-9198, 2019

Henrique A.,Karimi M.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Analyses of Adsorption Behavior of CO 2 , CH 4 , and N 2 on Different Types of BETA Zeolites
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 42, 327-342, 2019

Henrique A.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Separation of Hexane Isomers in ZIF-8 by Fixed Bed Adsorption
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 378-394, 2019

Karimi M.,Silva J.A.C.,Gonçalves C.N.D.P.,Diaz De Tuesta J.L.,Rodrigues A.E.,Gomes H.T.
CO2 Capture in Chemically and Thermally Modified Activated Carbons Using Breakthrough Measurements: Experimental and Modeling Study
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, 11154-11166, 2018

Mendes P.A.P.,Rodrigues A.E.,Almeida J.P.,Silva J.A.C.
Dynamics of a fixed bed adsorption column in the kinetic separation of hexane isomers in MOF ZIF-8
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 224, 257-271, 2018

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Limitations of the Zero-Length Column Technique to Measure Diffusional Time Constants in Microporous Adsorbents
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 38, 2335-2339, 2015

Silva J.A.C.,Ferreira A.,Mendes P.A.P.,Cunha A.F.,Gleichmann K.,Rodrigues A.E.
Adsorption Equilibrium and Dynamics of Fixed Bed Adsorption of CH4/N2 in Binderless Beads of 5A Zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 6390-6399, 2015

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Fixed bed adsorption dynamics of CO2/CH4 mixtures in zeolite 13X for biogas upgrading
Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities - Selected Papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 2015, 317-322, 2015

Mendes P.A.P.,Horcajada P.,Rives S.,Ren H.,Rodrigues A.E.,Devic T.,Magnier E.,Trens P.,Jobic H.,Ollivier J.,Maurin G.,Serre C.,Silva J.A.C.
A complete separation of hexane isomers by a functionalized flexible metal organic framework
Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 7666-7673, 2014

Mendes P.,Rodrigues A.,Horcajada P.,Eubank J.,Devic T.,Serre C.,Silva J.
Separation of hexane isomers on rigid porous metal carboxylate-based metal-organic frameworks
Adsorption Science and Technology, 32, 475-488, 2014

Silva J.A.C.,Cunha A.F.,Schumann K.,Rodrigues A.E.
Binary adsorption of CO2/CH4 in binderless beads of 13X zeolite
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 187, 100-107, 2014

Mendes P.A.P.,Rodrigues A.E.,Horcajada P.,Serre C.,Silva J.A.C.
Single and multicomponent adsorption of hexane isomers in the microporous ZIF-8
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 194, 146-156, 2014

Mendes P.A.P.,Ragon F.,Rodrigues A.E.,Horcajada P.,Serre C.,Silva J.A.C.
Hexane isomers sorption on a functionalized metal-organic framework
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 170, 251-258, 2013

Silva J.A.C.,Schumann K.,Rodrigues A.E.
Sorption of carbon dioxide on binderless beads of 13X Zeolite
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, , 2012

Silva J.A.C.,Schumann K.,Rodrigues A.E.
Sorption and kinetics of CO 2 and CH 4 in binderless beads of 13X zeolite
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 158, 219-228, 2012

Bárcia P.S.,Nicolau M.P.M.,Gallegos J.M.,Chen B.,Rodrigues A.E.,Silva J.A.C.
Modeling adsorption equilibria of xylene isomers in a microporous metal-organic framework
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 155, 220-226, 2012

García-Pérez E.,Barcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Calero S.
Influence of the sodium and calcium non-framework cations on the adsorption of hexane isomers in zeolite BEA
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 128, 695-703, 2011

Bárcia P.S.,Guimarães D.,Mendes P.A.P.,Silva J.A.C.,Guillerm V.,Chevreau H.,Serre C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Reverse shape selectivity in the adsorption of hexane and xylene isomers in MOF UiO-66
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 139, 67-73, 2011

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Octane upgrading of C5/C6 light naphtha by layered pressure swing adsorption
Energy and Fuels, 24, 5116-5130, 2010

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Adsorption dynamics of C5-C6 isomerate fractions in zeolite beta for the octane improvement of gasoline
Energy and Fuels, 24, 1931-1940, 2010

Bárcia P.S.,Ferreira A.,Gascon J.,Aguado S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Kapteijn F.
Zeolite Beta membranes for the separation of hexane isomers
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 128, 194-202, 2010

Nicolau M.P.M.,Bárcia P.S.,Gallegos J.M.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Chen B.
Single- and multicomponent vapor-phase adsorption of xylene isomers and ethylbenzene in a microporous metal-organic framework
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 13173-13179, 2009

Bastin L.,Bárcia P.S.,Hurtado E.J.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Chen B.
A microporous metal-organic framework for separation of CO 2/N2 and CO2/CH4 by fixed-bed adsorption
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 1575-1581, 2008

Barcia P.S.,Bastin L.,Hurtado E.J.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Chen B.
Single and multicomponent sorption of CO2, CH4 and N2 in a microporous metal-organic framework
Separation Science and Technology, 43, 3494-3521, 2008

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Multicomponent sorption of hexane isomers in zeolite BETA
AIChE Journal, 53, 1970-1981, 2007

Bárcia P.S.,Zapata F.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.,Chen B.
Kinetic separation of hexane isomers by fixed-bed adsorption with a microporous metal - Organic framework
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111, 6101-6103, 2007

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Separation of branched hexane isomers on zeolite BETA
Adsorption Science and Technology, 25, 169-183, 2007

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Separation of branched hexane isomers using zeolite BEA for the octane improvement of gasoline pool
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 170, 955-960, 2007

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Separation by fixed-bed adsorption of hexane isomers in zeolite BETA pellets
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, 4316-4328, 2006

Bárcia P.S.,Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of branched hexane isomers in pellets of BETA zeolite
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 79, 145-163, 2005

Brandani S.,Silva J.A.C.,Da Silva F.A.,Rodrigues A.E.
Comments on "An analytical solution for the analysis of zero-length-column experiments with heat effects" (multiple letters)
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, 2033-2034, 2003

Garcia A.,Silva J.,Ferreira L.,Leitão A.,Rodrigues A.
Regeneration of fixed-bed adsorbers saturated with single and binary mixtures of phenol and m-cresol
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 41, 6165-6174, 2002

Silva J.,Da Silva F.,Rodrigues A.
Separation of n/iso paraffins by PSA
Separation and Purification Technology, 20, 97-110, 2000

Silva J.A.C.,Mata V.G.,Dias M.M.,Lopes J.C.B.,Rodrigues A.E.
Effect of coke in the equilibrium and kinetics of sorption on 5A molecular sieve zeolites
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 39, 1030-1034, 2000

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Multisite Langmuir model applied to the interpretation of sorption of n- paraffins in 5A zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 38, 2434-2438, 1999

Da Silva F.,Silva J.,Rodrigues A.
General package for the simulation of cyclic adsorption processes
Adsorption, 5, 229-244, 1999

Silva J.,Rodrigues A.
Separation of n/iso-paraffins mixtures by pressure swing adsorption
Separation and Purification Technology, 13, 195-208, 1998

Silva J.,Rodrigues A.
Fixed-bed adsorption of two linearly adsorbed components in presence of an inert
Chemical Engineering Science, 53, 3513-3520, 1998

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Equilibrium and Kinetics of n-Hexane Sorption in Pellets of 5A Zeolite
AIChE Journal, 43, 2524-2534, 1997

Silva J.A.C.,Rodrigues A.E.
Fixed-Bed Adsorption of n-Pentane/Isopentane Mixtures in Pellets of 5A Zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 36, 3769-3777, 1997

Silva J.A.C.,Rodriguez A.E.
Sorption and Diffusion of n-Pentane in Pellets of 5A Zeolite
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 36, 493-500, 1997

Silva J.,Rodrigues A.
Analysis of ZLC technique for diffusivity measurements in bidisperse porous adsorbent pellets
Gas Separation and Purification, 10, 207-224, 1996

Fargues C.,Mathias A.,Silva J.,Rodrigues A.
Kinetics of vanillin oxidation
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 19, 127-136, 1996