Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Alfredo Teixeira

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
ORCID: 0000-0003-4607-4796
Scopus Author ID: 56195849200


  • Since 1992: Coordinator Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1988 - 1992: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1986 - 1988: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 1985 - 1986: Monitor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal


  • 1996 - "Agregação" in Animal Science (Sheep and Goat Production), University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal
  • 1991 - PhD. in Animal Science, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal
  • 1987 - MSc. in Animal Science, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza, Spain
  • 1984 - Graduation in Animal Science Engineering, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal


  • Sheep and goat production
  • Body and carcass "in vivo" evaluation by Real Time Ultrasonography
  • Carcass and meat quality video image analysis
  • Meat and meat products quality


InnoMeatEdu - Innovative digital tools applied to sustainable Meat Science and Technology higher education: a link between industry and academia
Funding body: Erasmus +
Reference: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000087202
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2022-09-01
End: 2025-08-31
Bis+Olive - Uso de bagaço de azeitona na alimentação de suínos da raça Bísa. Avaliação do efeito no crescimento e qualidade da carne
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-072234
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
Healthy Meat - Red Productos cárnicos más saludables
Funding body: CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Reference: CYTED-119RT0568
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2019-01-01
End: 2022-12-31
OPEN2PRESERVE - Sustainable management model for the preservation of open mountain spaces with high environmental value
Funding body: Interreg Sudoe
Reference: SOE1/PS/E0804
Principal Investigator:Marina Maria Pedrosa Meca Ferreira de Castro
Start: 2018-03-01
End: 2021-12-30
- Assistência técnica à Associação Nacional de Criadores de Suínos da Raça Bísaro
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2017-10-19
End: 2019-01-31
MARCARNE - Marcas de Qualidade de Carne e Produtos Cárneos Ibero Americanos
Funding body: CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2018-06-18
End: 2018-06-20
IBEROVINOS - Desarrollo y transferencia de tecnología para la producción ovina en pequeña y mediana escala en iberoamerica
Funding body: CYTED -
Reference: CYTED-111RT0410
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2017-12-31
BISOVICAP - Processamento de carnes de suíno, ovino e caprino, para a produção de novos produtos. Presunto e paté
Funding body: QREN - Projectos em Co-Promoção
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2011-10-01
End: 2015-05-31
- Caracterização de ovinos naturalizados Sul-Mato-Grossenses e Pantaneiros
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2013-01-01
End: 2014-12-31
- Obtenção produtos transformados de carne ovinos/caprino
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Reference: PRODER CMP026
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2010-01-01
End: 2012-12-31
- Integral study of Spanish "Cabrito lechal". One protected origin designation proposal
Funding body: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria
Reference: RTA 2006-00177-00-00
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2007-01-01
End: 2011-12-31
- Characterization of products with origin denomination protection: Cabrito Transmontano and Borrego Terrincho
Funding body: Ministério da Agricultura Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2002-04-01
End: 2006-03-31
- Improvement in milking conditions of sheep and goat farms in Trás-os-Montes
Funding body: Ministério da Agricultura Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira
Start: 2002-04-01
End: 2005-05-31

Total results: 120
Paié-Ribeiro J.,Pinheiro V.,Guedes C.,Gomes M.J.,Teixeira J.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Teixeira A.,Outor-Monteiro D.
Exploring the Potential of Olive By-Products in Bísaro Pig Feed: Effects on the Chemical Compositions and Fatty Acid Profiles of Three Different Muscles
Foods, 14, , 2025

Rodrigues S.S.Q.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Pereira E.,Seixas N.L.,Estevinho L.,Teixeira A.
Use of Black Pepper Essential Oil to Produce a Healthier Chicken Pâté
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 15, , 2025

Sbardelotto P.R.,da Trindade Alfaro A.,Teixeira A.,Mitterer-Daltoé M.L.
Consumers' Sensory Profile and Understanding of Clean-Label Sausage. An Approach Using Ultra-Flash Profile and Check-All-That-Apply
Journal of Sensory Studies, 40, , 2025

Paié-Ribeiro J.,Baptista F.,Gomes M.J.,Teixeira A.,Pinheiro V.,Outor-Monteiro D.,Barros A.N.
Exploring the Variability in Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Olive Oil By-Products: A Path to Sustainable Valorization
Antioxidants, 13, , 2024

Rodrigues S.S.Q.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Teixeira A.
Exploring the Nexus of Feeding and Processing: Implications for Meat Quality and Sensory Perception
Foods, 13, , 2024

Ferreira I.,Caro I.,Mateo J.,Kasaiyan A.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Quality changes due to refrigerated storage in a traditional dry-cured pork belly salted with glasswort or KCl as partial substitutes for NaCl
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104, 8748-8755, 2024

García-Infante M.,Castro-Valdecantos P.,Delgado-Pertíñez M.,Teixeira A.,Guzmán J.L.,Horcada A.
Effectiveness of machine learning algorithms as a tool to meat traceability system. a case study to classify Spanish mediterranean lamb carcasses
Food Control, 164, , 2024

Fraqueza M.J.,Alfaia C.M.,Rodrigues S.S.,Teixeira A.
Strategies to Reduce Salt Content: PDO and PGI Meat Products Case
Foods, 13, , 2024

Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Lopez S.,Outor-Monteiro D.,Pinheiro V.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Incorporating Olive By-Products in Bísaro Pig Diets: Effect on Dry-Cured Product Quality
Foods, 13, , 2024

Paié-Ribeiro J.,Baptista F.,Teixeira J.,Guedes C.,Gomes M.J.,Teixeira A.,Barros A.N.,Pinheiro V.,Outor-Monteiro D.
From Waste to Resource: Compositional Analysis of Olive Cake’s Fatty Acids, Nutrients and Antinutrients
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14, , 2024

Afonso J.J.,Almeida M.,Batista A.C.,Guedes C.,Teixeira A.,Silva S.,Santos V.
Using Image Analysis Technique for Predicting Light Lamb Carcass Composition
Animals, 14, , 2024

Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira E.,Domínguez-Valencia R.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.
Effect of Olive Cake in Bísaro Pig Feed on Physicochemical Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Three Different Muscles of Dry-Cured Shoulder
Animals, 14, , 2024

García-Infante M.,Castro-Valdecantos P.,Delgado-Pertiñez M.,Teixeira A.,Guzmán J.L.,Horcada A.
Machine learning strategy for light lamb carcass classification using meat biomarkers
Food Bioscience, 59, , 2024

Vasconcelos L.,Dias L.G.,Leite A.,Pereira E.,Silva S.,Ferreira I.,Mateo J.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Contribution to Characterizing the Meat Quality of Protected Designation of Origin Serrana and Preta de Montesinho Kids Using the Near-Infrared Reflectance Methodology
Foods, 13, , 2024

Argemí-Armengol I.,Álvarez-Rodríguez J.,Tor M.,Salada L.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.S.Q.
A Preliminary Evaluation of Sex and Dietary Field Pea Effects on Sensory Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loins
Animals, 14, , 2024

Sbardelotto P.R.R.,Mitterer-Daltoé M.L.,Balbinot-Alfaro E.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Alfaro A.d.T.
Clean label fresh sausage: characteristics throughout its shelf life
Scientia Agricola, 81, , 2024

Vasconcelos L.,Dias L.G.,Leite A.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Bona E.,Mateo J.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Can Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Replace a Panel of Tasters in Sensory Analysis of Dry-Cured Bísaro Loin?
Foods, 12, , 2023

Botella-Martínez C.,Fernández-López J.,Ferreira I.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Domínguez R.,Pérez-Álvarez J.Á.,Teixeira A.,Viuda-Martos M.
Alheiras with animal fat replacement: application of a gelled emulsion based on hemp oil (Cannabis sativa L.) and buckwheat
European Food Research and Technology, 249, 2273-2285, 2023

Rodrigues S.S.Q.,Vasconcelos L.,Leite A.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
Novel Approaches to Improve Meat Products’ Healthy Characteristics: A Review on Lipids, Salts, and Nitrites
Foods, 12, , 2023

Jovanovichs M.R.C.,Pinton M.B.,Correa L.P.,Pedro D.,Mallmann C.A.,Wagner R.,Cichoski A.J.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Campagnol P.C.B.,dos Santos B.A.
Replacing Animal Fat with Gels of Psyllium Fiber and Combined Linseed Oil–Psyllium Fiber in Salamis: Impacts on Technological, Nutritional, Oxidative, and Sensory Properties
Foods, 12, , 2023

Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Ferreira I.,Domínguez R.,Pateiro M.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira E.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Pérez-Alvarez J.A.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.
Did the Addition of Olive Cakes Obtained by Different Methods of Oil Extraction in the Finishing Diet of Bísaro Pigs Affect the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loin and “Cachaço”?
Foods, 12, , 2023

Silva S.R.,Teixeira A.,Guedes C.
Sheep and Goat Meat Processing and Quality
Foods, 12, , 2023

Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Ferreira I.,Domínguez R.,Pereira E.,Rodrigues S.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.
Effect of the Inclusion of Olive Cake in the Diet on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loin and Dry-Cured “Cachaço” of Bísaro Pig
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13, , 2023

Vasconcelos L.,Dias L.G.,Leite A.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Silva S.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
SVM Regression to Assess Meat Characteristics of Bísaro Pig Loins Using NIRS Methodology
Foods, 12, , 2023

Fernández-López J.,Pateiro M.,Perez-Alvarez J.A.,Santos E.M.,Teixeira A.,Viuda-Martos M.
Salt reduction and replacers in food production
Strategies to Improve the Quality of Foods, 65-86, 2023

Sichetti Munekata P.E.,Cittadini A.,Domínguez R.,Teixeira A.,Fernández-López J.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Pateiro M.
Natural alternatives and use of nitrate and nitrate salts
Strategies to Improve the Quality of Foods, 145-169, 2023

Bermúdez R.,Rangel-Vargas E.,Lorenzo J.M.,Rodríguez J.A.,Munekata P.E.S.,Teixeira A.,Pateiro M.,Romero L.,Santos E.M.
Effect of Partial Meat Replacement by Hibiscus sabdariffa By-Product and Pleurotus djamor Powder on the Quality of Beef Patties
Foods, 12, , 2023

Ferreira I.,Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Rodrigues S.,Mateo J.,Munekata P.E.S.,Teixeira A.
Sodium Reduction in Traditional Dry-Cured Pork Belly Using Glasswort Powder (Salicornia herbacea) as a Partial NaCl Replacer
Foods, 11, , 2022

Ferreira I.,Vasconcelos L.,Leite A.,Botella-Martínez C.,Pereira E.,Mateo J.,Kasaiyan S.,Teixeira A.
Use of Olive and Sunflower Oil Hydrogel Emulsions as Pork Fat Replacers in Goat Meat Burgers: Fat Reduction and Effects in Lipidic Quality
Biomolecules, 12, , 2022

Leite A.,Vasconcelos L.,Ferreira I.,Sarmiento-García A.,Domínguez R.,Santos E.M.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Rodrigues S.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.
Chemical, Physicochemical and Sensorial Characterization of Nitrite-Free Dry-Cured Bísaro Shoulders
Foods, 11, , 2022

Nagai N.F.,Lorenzo J.M.,Ranalli N.,Pérez-Álvarez J.Á.,Sepulveda N.,Domínguez R.,Santos E.M.,Teixeira A.,Andrés S.C.
Use of seaweed powder (Undaria sp.) as a functional ingredient in low-fat pork burgers
Algal Research, 67, , 2022

Afonso J.,Guedes C.,Teixeira A.,Rema P.,Silva S.
In Vivo Ultrasound Prediction of the Fillet Volume in Senegalese Sole (Solea senegalensis)
Animals, 12, , 2022

Santiesteban-López N.A.,Gómez-Salazar J.A.,Santos E.M.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Teixeira A.,Lorenzo J.M.,Sosa-Morales M.E.,Domínguez R.
Natural Antimicrobials: A Clean Label Strategy to Improve the Shelf Life and Safety of Reformulated Meat Products
Foods, 11, , 2022

Leite A.,Domínguez R.,Vasconcelos L.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Pinheiro V.,Outor-Monteiro D.,Rodrigues S.,Lorenzo J.M.,Santos E.M.,Andrés S.C.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Teixeira A.
Can the Introduction of Different Olive Cakes Affect the Carcass, Meat and Fat Quality of Bísaro Pork?
Foods, 11, , 2022

Sirini N.,Munekata P.E.S.,Lorenzo J.M.,Stegmayer M.Á.,Pateiro M.,Pérez-álvarez J.Á.,Sepúlveda N.,Sosa-Morales M.E.,Teixeira A.,Fernández-López J.,Frizzo L.,Rosmini M.
Development of Healthier and Functional Dry Fermented Sausages: Present and Future
Foods, 11, , 2022

Lima H.B.,Costa R.G.,Dias-Silva T.P.,da Cruz G.R.B.,de Carvalho F.F.R.,Guerra R.R.,Ribeiro N.L.,de Araújo Filho J.T.,Teixeira A.J.C.
Performance and ruminal and intestinal morphometry of Santa Inês sheep submitted to feed restriction and refeeding
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 54, , 2022

Purriños L.,Pateiro M.,Rosmini M.,Domínguez R.,Teixeira A.,Munekata P.E.S.,Campagnol P.C.B.,Lorenzo J.M.
Descriptive sensory analysis as an analytical tool for the sensory characterization of meat products: Fundaments, panel training, and descriptors of meat products
Sensory Analysis for the Development of Meat Products: Methodological Aspects and Practical Applications, 51-76, 2022

Santos B.A.D.,Cichoski A.J.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.,Santos E.M.,Sepúlveda N.,Campagnol P.C.B.
Check-all-that-apply method to develop low-sodium sausages: A case study
Sensory Analysis for the Development of Meat Products: Methodological Aspects and Practical Applications, 121-135, 2022

Campagnol P.C.B.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.,Santos E.M.,Andrés S.C.,Dos Santos B.A.,Pinton M.B.,Vaz Leães Y.S.,Cichoski A.J.
The nutritional characteristics and health-oriented advances of meat and meat products
Meat and Meat Replacements: An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Current Status and Future Directions, 111-144, 2022

Agregán R.,Echegaray N.,Pateiro M.,Teixeira A.,Pérez-Álvarez J.Á.,Domínguez R.,Aleu G.,Lorenzo J.M.
Lipid oxidation of marine oils
Food Lipids: Sources, Health Implications, and Future Trends, 105-125, 2022

de Almeida Rego F.C.,Savio P.L.O.,Pertile S.F.N.,dos Santos J.S.,Eleodoro J.I.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Zundt M.,da Cunha Filho L.F.C.,Barreto J.V.P.
Viability of the use of mycotoxin adsorbent in the finishing of Texel lambs in confinement
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53, , 2021

Botella-Martinez C.,Lucas-González R.,Lorenzo J.M.,Santos E.M.,Rosmini M.,Sepúlveda N.,Teixeira A.,Sayas-Barberá E.,Pérez-Alvarez J.A.,Fernandez-Lopez J.,Viuda-Martos M.
Cocoa coproducts-based and walnut oil gelled emulsion as animal fat replacer and healthy bioactive source in beef burgers
Foods, 10, , 2021

Rangel-Vargas E.,Rodriguez J.A.,Domínguez R.,Lorenzo J.M.,Sosa M.E.,Andrés S.C.,Rosmini M.,Pérez-Alvarez J.A.,Teixeira A.,Santos E.M.
Edible mushrooms as a natural source of food ingredient/additive replacer
Foods, 10, , 2021

Teixeira A.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Vasconcelos L.,Leite A.,Rodrigues S.
Physicochemical composition and sensory quality of goat meat burgers. Effect of fat source
Foods, 10, , 2021

Batista A.C.,Santos V.,Afonso J.,Guedes C.,Azevedo J.,Teixeira A.,Silva S.
Evaluation of an image analysis approach to predicting primal cuts and lean in light lamb carcasses
Animals, 11, , 2021

Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.
Consumer perceptions towards healthier meat products
Current Opinion in Food Science, 38, 147-154, 2021

Teixeira A.,Domínguez R.,Ferreira I.,Pereira E.,Estevinho L.,Rodrigues S.,Lorenzo J.M.
Effect of nacl replacement by other salts on the quality of bísaro pork sausages (Pgi chouriça de vinhais)
Foods, 10, , 2021

Teixeira A.,Silva S.R.,Hasse M.,Almeida J.M.H.,Dias L.
Intramuscular fat prediction using color and image analysis of bísaro pork breed
Foods, 10, , 2021

Rodrigues S.,Oliveira I.,Vasconcelos L.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
Sensory attributes of bísaro pork loin, fed with and without chestnut, vs. Commercial
ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, 117, 44-51, 2021

Teixeira A.,Silva S.,Guedes C.,Rodrigues S.
Sheep and Goat Meat Processed Products Quality: A Review
Foods, 9, , 2020

Morais C.A.R.S.,Santana T.P.,Santos C.A.,Passetti R.A.C.,Melo J.F.B.,de Assis Fonseca de Macedo F.,Vieira J.S.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Del Vesco A.P.
Effect of slaughter weight on the quality of Nile tilapia fillets
Aquaculture, 520, , 2020

Santos C.A.,de Assis Fonsecade Macedo F.,de Arruda Santos G.R.,Santos A.D.F.,Melo M.J.A.F.,Passetti L.C.G.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Mora N.H.A.P.
Allometric growth of ½ Dorper + ½ Santa Inês lambs slaughtered with different subcutaneous fat thicknesses
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 55, , 2020

Antão-Geraldes A.M.,Hungulo S.R.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.
Sensory quality and consumers’ acceptance towards wild and farmed brown-trout (Salmo trutta) and farmed rainbow-trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 23, , 2020

Rodrigues P.,Silva D.,Costa P.,Abrunhosa L.,Venâncio A.,Teixeira A.
Mycobiota and mycotoxins in Portuguese pork, goat and sheep dry-cured hams
Mycotoxin Research, 35, 405-412, 2019

Passetti R.A.C.,do Prado I.N.,de Assis Fonseca de Macedo F.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Cardoso C.A.L.,de Arruda Santos G.R.,Santos C.A.
Physicochemical characteristics of dry aged beef from younger Nellore bulls slaughtered at different body weights
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 51, 2635-2640, 2019

Afonso J.,Guedes C.M.,Teixeira A.,Santos V.,Azevedo J.M.T.,Silva S.R.
Using real-time ultrasound for in vivo assessment of carcass and internal adipose depots of dairy sheep
Journal of Agricultural Science, 157, 650-658, 2019

Álvarez-Rodríguez J.,Teixeira A.
Slaughter weight rather than sex affects carcass cuts and tissue composition of Bisaro pigs
Meat Science, 154, 54-60, 2019

Argemí-Armengol I.,Villalba D.,Ripoll G.,Teixeira A.,Álvarez-Rodríguez J.
Credence cues of pork are more important than consumers' culinary skills to boost their purchasing intention
Meat Science, 154, 11-21, 2019

Teixeira A.,Almeida S.,Pereira E.,Mangachaia F.,Rodrigues S.
Physicochemical characteristics of sheep and goat pâtés. differences between fat sources and proportions
Heliyon, 5, , 2019

Vargas Junior F.M.,Martins C.F.,Feijó G.L.D.,Teixeira A.,Leonardo A.P.,Ricardo H.d.A.,Fernandes A.R.M.,Reis F.A.
Evaluation of genotype on fatty acid profile and sensory of meat of indigenous Pantaneiro sheep and Texel or Santa Inês crossbred finished on feedlot
Small Ruminant Research, 173, 17-22, 2019

Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.
Meat Quality, Brands and Consumer Trends
More than Beef, Pork and Chicken - The Production, Processing, and Quality Traits of Other Sources of Meat for Human Diet, 21-29, 2019

Passetti L.C.G.,De Assis Fonseca De MacEdo F.,Teixeira A.J.C.,Santos A.D.F.,Backes A.A.,Barbosa L.T.,Lima A.V.O.,Passetti R.A.C.
Performance and body composition of young Nellore bulls slaughtered at different body weights
Semina:Ciencias Agrarias, 40, 2453-2467, 2019

Rodrigues S.,Almeida S.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
How does the added fat source affect sensory quality of sheep and goat pâtés?
Ciencia Rural, 49, , 2019

Teixeira A.,Silva S.,Rodrigues S.
Advances in Sheep and Goat Meat Products Research
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 87, 305-370, 2019

Silva S.R.,Afonso J.,Monteiro A.,Morais R.,Cabo A.,Batista A.C.,Guedes C.M.,Teixeira A.
Application of bioelectrical impedance analysis in prediction of light kid carcass and muscle chemical composition
Animal, 12, 1324-1330, 2018

Antão-Geraldes A.M.,Hungulo S.R.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.
Body composition and sensory quality of wild and farmed brown-trout (Salmo trutta) and of farmed rainbow-trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Ciencia Rural, 48, , 2018

Teixeira A.,Fernandes A.,Pereira E.,Manuel A.,Rodrigues S.
Effect of salting and ripening on the physicochemical and sensory quality of goat and sheep cured legs
Meat Science, 134, 163-169, 2017

Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.,Dias T.,Estevinho L.
Sheep and goat fermented meat products-health aspects
Fermented Meat Products: Health Aspects, 78-94, 2017

Tolentino G.S.,Estevinho L.M.,Pascoal A.,Rodrigues S.S.,Teixeira A.J.
Microbiological quality and sensory evaluation of new cured products obtained from sheep and goat meat
Animal Production Science, 57, 391-400, 2017

Teixeira A.
Quality labels of sheep and goats meat. A fact or a fiction?
Archivos de Zootecnia, 65, 303-308, 2016

Ortega A.,Chito D.,Teixeira A.
Comparative evaluation of physical parameters of salted goat and sheep meat blankets “mantas” from Northeastern Portugal
Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 10, 670-675, 2016

Amorim A.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
Physicochemical composition and sensory quality evaluation of capon and rooster meat
Poultry Science, 95, 1211-1219, 2016

Amorim A.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira E.,Valentim R.,Teixeira A.
Effect of caponisation on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of chickens
Animal, 10, 978-986, 2016

Leite A.,Rodrigues S.,Pereira E.,Paulos K.,Oliveira A.F.,Lorenzo J.M.,Teixeira A.
Physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile and sensory characteristics of sheep and goat meat sausages manufactured with different pork fat levels
Meat Science, 105, 114-120, 2015

Teixeira A.,Oliveira A.,Paulos K.,Leite A.,Marcia A.,Amorim A.,Pereira E.,Silva S.,Rodrigues S.
An approach to predict chemical composition of goat Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle by Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy
Small Ruminant Research, 126, 40-43, 2015

Vargas F.M.,Martins C.F.,Pinto G.S.,Ferreira M.B.,Ricardo H.A.,Leonardo A.P.,Fernandes A.R.M.,Teixeira A.
Carcass measurements, non-carcass components and cut production of local Brazilian Pantaneiro sheep and crossbreeds of Texel and Santa Inês with Pantaneiro
Small Ruminant Research, 124, 55-62, 2015

Paulos K.,Rodrigues S.,Oliveira A.F.,Leite A.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
Sensory Characterization and Consumer Preference Mapping of Fresh Sausages Manufactured with Goat and Sheep Meat
Journal of Food Science, 80, S1568-S1573, 2015

Oliveira A.F.,Rodrigues S.,Leite A.,Paulos K.,Pereira E.,Teixeira A.
Short communication: Quality of ewe and goat meat cured product mantas. an approach to provide value added to culled animals
Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 94, 459-462, 2014

de Vargas Junior F.M.,Martins C.F.,dos Santos Pinto G.,Ferreira M.B.,de Almeida Ricardo H.,Leão A.G.,Fernandes A.R.M.,Teixeira A.
The effect of sex and genotype on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of local sheep group Pantaneiro and Texel or Santa Inês crossbred finished on feedlot
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 46, 869-875, 2014

Girón-Pérez K.,Oliveira A.L.,Teixeira A.F.,Guedes R.N.C.,Pereira E.J.G.
Susceptibility of Brazilian populations of Diatraea saccharalis to Cry1Ab and response to selection for resistance
Crop Protection, 62, 124-128, 2014

Pascoal A.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.,Feás X.,Estevinho L.M.
Biological activities of commercial bee pollens: Antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Food and Chemical Toxicology, 63, 233-239, 2014

Teixeira A.,Rodrigues S.
Pork meat quality of preto alentejano and commercial largewhite landrace cross
Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 12, 1961-1971, 2013

Souza D.A.,Selaive-Villarroel A.B.,Pereira E.S.,Osório J.C.S.,Teixeira A.
Growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of lambs produced from Dorper sheep crossed with Santa Inês or Brazilian Somali sheep
Small Ruminant Research, 114, 51-55, 2013

Panea B.,Ripoll G.,Horcada A.,Sañudo C.,Teixeira A.,Alcalde M.J.
Influence of breed, milk diet and slaughter weight on carcass traits of suckling kids from seven Spanish breeds
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10, 1025-1036, 2012

Horcada A.,Ripoll G.,Alcalde M.J.,Sañudo C.,Teixeira A.,Panea B.
Fatty acid profile of three adipose depots in seven Spanish breeds of suckling kids
Meat Science, 92, 89-96, 2012

Ripoll G.,Alcalde M.J.,Horcada A.,Campo M.M.,Sañudo C.,Teixeira A.,Panea B.
Effect of slaughter weight and breed on instrumental and sensory meat quality of suckling kids
Meat Science, 92, 62-70, 2012

Panea B.,Ripoll G.,Albertí P.,Joy M.,Teixeira A.
Atlas of dissection of ruminant's carcass
ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, 108, 3-105, 2012

Teixeira A.,Pereira E.,Rodrigues E.S.
Goat meat quality. Effects of salting, air-drying and ageing processes
Small Ruminant Research, 98, 55-58, 2011

Teixeira A.,Jimenez-Badillo M.R.,Rodrigues S.
Effect of sex and carcass weight on carcass traits and meat quality in goat kids of Cabrito Transmontano
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 9, 753-760, 2011

Peres A.M.,Dias L.G.,Joy M.,Teixeira A.
Assessment of goat fat depots using ultrasound technology and multiple multivariate prediction models
Journal of Animal Science, 88, 572-580, 2010

Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Consumers' preferences for meat of Cabrito transmontano. effects of sex and carcass weight
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, 936-945, 2010

Jiménez-Badillo M.R.,Rodrigues S.,Sañudo C.,Teixeira A.
Non-genetic factors affecting live weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids
Small Ruminant Research, 84, 125-128, 2009

Ripoll G.,Joy M.,Alvarez-Rodriguez J.,Sanz A.,Teixeira A.
Estimation of light lamb carcass composition by in vivo real-time ultrasonography at four anatomical locations
Journal of Animal Science, 87, 1455-1463, 2009

Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
Effect of sex and carcass weight on sensory quality of goat meat of Cabrito Transmontano
Journal of Animal Science, 87, 711-715, 2009

Álvarez-Rodríguez J.,Sanz A.,Joy M.,Carrasco S.,Ripol G.,Teixeira A.
Development of organs and tissues in lambs raised on Spanish mountain grassland
Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 89, 37-45, 2009

Teixeira A.
Basic composition: Rapid methodologies
Handbook of Muscle Foods Analysis, 291-314, 2008

Teixeira A.,Joy M.,Delfa R.
In vivo estimation of goat carcass composition and body fat partition by real-time ultrasonography
Journal of Animal Science, 86, 2369-2376, 2008

Teixeira A.
Basic Composition: Rapid Methodologies
Handbook of Muscle Foods Analysis, 288-291, 2008

Cadavez V.,Rodrigues S.,Teixeira A.
The use of ultrasonography to predict carcass composition in kids
Poljoprivreda, 13, 213-217, 2007

Cortez P.,Portelinha M.,Rodrigues S.,Cadavez V.,Teixeira A.
Lamb meat quality assessment by Support Vector Machines
Neural Processing Letters, 24, 41-51, 2006

Teixeira A.,Matos S.,Rodrigues S.,Delfa R.,Cadavez V.
In vivo estimation of lamb carcass composition by real-time ultrasonography
Meat Science, 74, 289-295, 2006

Cortez P.,Portelinha M.,Rodrigues S.,Cadavez V.,Teixeira A.
Lamb meat tenderness prediction using neural networks and sensitivity analysis
2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, ESM 2005 - Proceedings, 177-181, 2005

Teixeira A.,Batista S.,Delfa R.,Cadavez V.
Lamb meat quality of two breeds with protected origin designation. Influence of breed, sex and live weight
Meat Science, 71, 530-536, 2005

Sañudo C.,Alfonso M.,Sánchez A.,Delfa R.,Teixeira A.
Carcass and meat quality in light lambs from different fat classes in the EU carcass classification system
Meat Science, 56, 89-94, 2000

Delfa R.,Gonzalez C.,Teixeira A.
Use of cold carcass weight and fat depth measurements to predict carcass composition of Rasa Aragonesa lambs
Small Ruminant Research, 20, 267-274, 1996

Teixeira A.,Azevedo J.,Delfa R.,Morand-Fehr P.,Costa C.
Growth and development of Serrana kids from Montesinho Natural Park (NE of Portugal)
Small Ruminant Research, 16, 263-269, 1995

Delfa R.,Teixeira A.,Gonzalez C.,Blasco I.
Ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness and Longissimus dorsi muscle depth for predicting carcass composition of live Aragon lambs
Small Ruminant Research, 16, 159-164, 1995

Teixeira A.,Delfa R.,Colomer-Rocher F.
Relationships between fat depots and body condition score or tail fatness in the Rasa Aragonesa breed
Animal Production, 49, 275-280, 1989