Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Maria da Conceição Constantino Fernandes

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303309
ORCID: 0000-0003-2873-501X
Scopus Author ID: 23018336600


  • Since 2001: Auxiliary Professor, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal


  • 2007 - PhD. in Environmental Science, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
  • 1996 - MSc. in Science and Food Technology, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal
  • 1987 - First degree in Science of Aquatic Environment, University of Porto, Portugal


  • Ecotoxicology of contaminants, exposure assessment, biomarkers applied to biomonitoring;
  • Cosmetic products safety evaluation
  • Bioremediation, biological treatments, microalgae cultures


BluEnology - Desenvolvimento de um adjuvante proteico de microalgas para uso enológico
Funding body: NORTE 2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-047005
Principal Investigator:Maria da Conceição Constantino Fernandes
Start: 2020-07-16
End: 2023-06-30
QTradiSaus - Integral assessment of risk-based intervention strategies to improve the microbial safety of Portuguese traditional sausages
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-TEC/3107/2012
Principal Investigator:Joaquina Teresa Gaudêncio Dias
Start: 2013-07-01
End: 2015-06-30
SOS - Save Our Species: Threatened Fish and Bivalves of Norhtestern Portugal
Funding body: ON2
Principal Investigator:Amílcar António Teiga Teixeira
Start: 2013-01-01
End: 2014-01-01

Total results: 27
Martins J.C.L.,Gonçalves A.,Fernandes C.,Cabecinha E.,Monteiro S.,Guedes H.,Almeida G.,Garcia J.,da Silva G.J.,Varandas S.,Saavedra M.J.
Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Accumulated by Freshwater Bivalves: An Underestimated Risk for Public Health?
Pathogens, 13, , 2024

Varandas S.,Fernandes C.,Cabecinha E.,Gomes S.,da Silva G.J.,Saavedra M.J.
Escherichia coli Phylogenetic and Antimicrobial Pattern as an Indicator of Anthropogenic Impact on Threatened Freshwater Mussels
Antibiotics, 12, , 2023

Martins de Deus B.,Fernandes C.,Molina A.K.,Xavier V.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mandim F.,Heleno S.A.,Finimundy T.C.,Barros L.
Chemical Characterization, Bioactivity and Toxicity of European Flora Plant Extracts in Search for Potential Natural Origin Preservatives
Plants, 12, , 2023

Saavedra M.J.,Fernandes C.,Teixeira A.,Álvarez X.,Varandas S.
Multiresistant bacteria: Invisible enemies of freshwater mussels
Environmental Pollution, 295, , 2022

Ferreiro N.,Rodrigues N.,Veloso A.C.A.,Fernandes C.,Paiva H.,Pereira J.A.,Peres A.M.
Impact of the Covering Vegetable Oil on the Sensory Profile of Canned Tuna of Katsuwonus pelamis Species and Tuna’s Taste Evaluation Using an Electronic Tongue
Chemosensors, 10, , 2022

Gomes S.,Fernandes C.,Monteiro S.,Cabecinha E.,Teixeira A.,Varandas S.,Saavedra M.J.
The role of aquatic ecosystems (River Tua, Portugal) as reservoirs of multidrug-resistant Aeromonas spp
Water (Switzerland), 13, , 2021

Garcia J.,Afonso A.,Fernandes C.,Nunes F.M.,Marques G.,Saavedra M.J.
Comparative antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Lentinula edodes Donko and Koshin varieties against priority multidrug-resistant pathogens
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35, 98-106, 2021

Ballem A.,Gonçalves S.,Garcia-Meniño I.,Flament-Simon S.C.,Blanco J.E.,Fernandes C.,Saavedra M.J.,Pinto C.,Oliveira H.,Blanco J.,Almeida G.,Almeida C.
Prevalence and serotypes of Shiga toxinproducing Escherichia coli (STEC) in dairy cattle from Northern Portugal
PLoS ONE, 15, , 2020

Cosme F.,Fernandes C.,Ribeiro T.,Filipe-Ribeiro L.,Nunes F.M.
White wine protein instability: Mechanism, quality control and technological alternatives for wine stabilisation—an overview
Beverages, 6, 1-28, 2020

Coelho A.C.,Coelho A.,Quintas H.,Fernandes C.,Saavedra M.J.,Simões J.C.C.
Pathogenesis of Brucella
Brucellosis in Goats and Sheep: An Endemic and Re-Emerging Old Zoonosis in the 21st Century, 99-125, 2019

Saavedra M.J.,Fernandes C.,Queiroga C.
Laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis
Brucellosis in Goats and Sheep: An Endemic and Re-Emerging Old Zoonosis in the 21st Century, 151-180, 2019

Saavedra M.J.,Ballem A.,Queiroga C.,Fernandes C.
Etiology: The genus Brucella
Brucellosis in Goats and Sheep: An Endemic and Re-Emerging Old Zoonosis in the 21st Century, 21-58, 2019

Zanata A.C.,Bertan F.A.B.,Bernardi C.,Dos Santos C.S.,Ferreira G.A.,de Oliveira Junior J.A.,Fernandes M.d.C.C.,Anschau A.
Obtaining microalgae biomass tolerant to herbicides for production of bio-fertilizers: A review based on methodi ordinatio methodology
Orbital, 11, 399-401, 2019

Cadavez V.,Gonzales-Barron U.,Pires P.,Fernandes E.,Pereira A.P.,Gomes A.,Araújo J.P.,Lopes-da-Silva F.,Rodrigues P.,Fernandes C.,Saavedra M.J.,Butler F.,Dias T.
An assessment of the processing and physicochemical factors contributing to the microbial contamination of salpicão, a naturally-fermented Portuguese sausage
LWT, 72, 107-116, 2016

Ribeiro T.,Fernandes C.,Nunes F.M.,Filipe-Ribeiro L.,Cosme F.
Influence of the structural features of commercial mannoproteins in white wine protein stabilization and chemical and sensory properties
Food Chemistry, 159, 47-54, 2014

Peixoto F.P.,Carrola J.,Coimbra A.M.,Fernandes C.,Teixeira P.,Coelho L.,Conceição I.,Oliveira M.M.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.
Oxidative stress responses and histological hepatic alterations in barbel, Barbus bocagei, from Vizela River, Portugal
Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental, 29, 29-38, 2013

Aires A.,Fernandes C.,Carvalho R.,Bennett R.N.,Saavedra M.J.,Rosa E.A.S.
Seasonal effects on bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of six economically important brassica vegetables
Molecules, 16, 6816-6832, 2011

Fernandes C.,Afonso A.,Salgado M.A.
Metabolic and structural role of major fish organs as an early warning system in population assessment
Lagoons: Biology, Management and Environmental Impact, 1-38, 2011

Machado C.,Fernandes C.,Pereira J.,De Fátima Poças M.
Probabilistic simulation of children exposure to migrants from packaging: Photoinitiators from printing inks
6th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry 2010, FOODSIM 2010, 241-243, 2010

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Ferreira M.,Salgado M.A.
Oxidative stress response in gill and liver of Liza saliens, from the Esmoriz-Paramos coastal lagoon, Portugal
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 55, 262-269, 2008

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Rocha E.,Salgado M.A.
Monitoring pollution in Esmoriz-Paramos lagoon, Portugal: Liver histological and biochemical effects in Liza saliens
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 145, 315-322, 2008

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Cabral D.,Salgado M.A.
Heavy metals in water, sediment and tissues of Liza saliens from Esmoriz-Paramos lagoon, Portugal
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 136, 267-275, 2008

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Monteiro S.M.,Salgado M.A.
Changes in plasma electrolytes and Gill Histopathology in Wild Liza saliens from the Esmoriz-Paramos Coastal Lagoon, Portugal
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 79, 301-305, 2007

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Monteiro S.M.,Salgado M.A.
Histopathological gill changes in wild leaping grey mullet (Liza saliens) from the Esmoriz-Paramos Coastal Lagoon, Portugal
Environmental Toxicology, 22, 443-448, 2007

Fernandes C.,Fontaínhas-Fernandes A.,Peixoto F.,Salgado M.A.
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Liza saliens from the Esmoriz-Paramos coastal lagoon, Portugal
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 66, 426-431, 2007