Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Artur Gonçalves

Group: Socio-Ecological Systems
Phone: 273303339
ORCID: 0000-0002-4825-6692
Scopus Author ID: 57195970669


  • Since 2014: Auxiliary Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2007 - 2014: Similar to Assistant (2nd Triennium) at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • 2000 - 2006: Assistant Professor at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • Since 2015: Head of the Environment and Natural Resources Department at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2015: Program director of first degree in "Environmental Engineering" at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal
  • Since 2014: Member of the FAO Silva–MED Work Group 7 – Urban and Periurban Forest
  • 2013 - 2015: Vice-head of the Environment and Natural Resources Department at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (ESA-IPB), Portugal


  • 2013 - PhD. in Sustainable Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Portugal
  • 2003 - MSc. in Landscape and environmental Planning, New University of Lisbon (UNL), Portugal
  • 1998 - Graduation in Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon (UNL), Portugal


  • Urban Planning focusing on Environmental Quality: Green Infrastructure; Urban Climate; Sustainable Neighborhoods
  • Eco-Efficiency in Organizations, Eco-efficiency indicators and Life Cycle Analysis


I-ReWater - Gestão Sustentável dos recursos hídricos em agricultura de regadio no espaço SuDOE
Funding body: Interreg Sudoe
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2024-01-01
End: 2027-12-31
APAM - Air Pollution in an African Megacity: Source Apportionment and Health Implications
Funding body: FCT - PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: 2022.04240.PTDC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2023-03-01
End: 2026-02-28
Sustainolive - Azeite Biológico: implementação de estratégias inovadoras para a produção, valorização e consumo sustentáveis
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000187
Principal Investigator:Nuno Miguel de Sousa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2025-12-30
BioComp_3.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para controlo do jacinto-de-água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PRR 2020 - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Reference: PRR-C05-i03-I-000224
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2023-04-01
End: 2025-09-30
BIOCOMP_2.0 - Produção de compostos orgânicos biológicos para o controlo do jacinto de água e para a valorização de subprodutos agropecuários, florestais e agroindustriais
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020 - COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070123
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ângelo Rosa Rodrigues
Start: 2021-04-01
End: 2023-06-30
INDNATUR - Mejora del entorno urbano en áreas industriales, adaptación al cambio climático y mejora de la calidad del aire a través de Soluciones Basadas en la Naturaleza (NBS)
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0599_INDNATUR_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-09-05
CIRCULAR LABs - Promoviendo el espíritu empresarial para la economía circular en el espacio ibérico
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0495_CIRCULAR_LABS_6_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-07-05
0640_ENER_USER_2_E - User empowerment for intelligent management of energy and indoor air quality through innovative forms of consumption and control
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0640_ENER_USER_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2019-07-01
End: 2021-12-31
REhab-Ind - Revitalización y Rehabilitación Sostenible de Áreas Industriales Transfronterizas Interconectadas y Eficientes
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0399_REHAB_IND_2_E
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2020-12-31
BIOURB-NATUR - Bioclimatic solutions for Buildings and its surroundings in Natural Parks, including the use of vegetation
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Reference: 0414_BIOURB_NATUR_2_E
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2019-12-31
WineWATERFootprint - Water Footprint Assessment In Portuguese Wine Chain
Funding body: FCT - SAICT
Reference: SAICT-POL/23360/2016
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2017-06-01
End: 2019-12-01
BIOURB_NATUR - Diversidad Bioconstructiva Transfronteriza, Edificación Bioclimática y su adapatación a la Arquitectura y Urbanismo Moderno
Funding body: POCTEP 2007-2013 - Programa de Cooperação Transfronteiriça Portugal – Espanha
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2011-01-01
End: 2015-10-31
InovEnergy - Eficiência Energética no Sector Agro-Industrial
Funding body: QREN-SIAC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2014-08-31
EcoDeep - Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de eco-eficiência para o sector agro-alimentar
Funding body: QREN-SIAC
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2014-08-31
GreenUrbe - Green Spaces Impacts on the Urban Environmental Quality
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Manuel Joaquim Sabença Feliciano
Start: 2005-01-01
End: 2009-12-31
- Bragança City Green Plan
Funding body:
Provision of Services
Principal Investigator:Artur Jorge de Jesus Gonçalves
Start: 2006-01-01
End: 2009-01-01

Total results: 22
Rosado-García M.J.,Gonçalves A.
Model for the integration of constructions into the urban environment: Plaza Elíptica (Madrid)
Ciudad y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56, 709-716, 2024

Serafini L.F.,Arrobas M.,Rodrigues M.Â.,Feliciano M.,Miguens F.,Oliveira V.,Santos D.,Tuesta J.L.D.D.,Gonçalves A.
The Composting of Water Hyacinth: A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective
Waste and Biomass Valorization, , 2024

Rodrigues de Almeida C.,Garcia N.,Campos J.C.,Alírio J.,Arenas-Castro S.,Gonçalves A.,Sillero N.,Teodoro A.C.
Time-series analyses of land surface temperature changes with Google Earth Engine in a mountainous region
Heliyon, 9, , 2023

Errea C.L.,Almeida C.R.d.,Gonçalves A.,Teodoro A.C.
Remote Sensing Analysis of the Surface Urban Heat Island Effect in Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1985 to 2021
Remote Sensing, 15, , 2023

De Almeida C.R.,Alírio J.,Gonçalves A.,Teodoro A.C.
Analysis of the Urban Heat Island in Bragança-Portugal, using MODIS data (2003-2022)
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 12734, , 2023

Rosado-Garcia M.J.,Garcia-Garcia M.J.,Gonçalves A.
The perception of artistic values within civil engineering. A survey from the Iberian Peninsula
Cogent Engineering, 10, , 2023

Serafini L.F.,Feliciano M.,Rodrigues M.A.,Gonçalves A.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Use of LCA to Assess the Environmental Impacts of the Composting Process
Sustainability (Switzerland), 15, , 2023

Almeida C.R.d.,Furst L.,Gonçalves A.,Teodoro A.C.
Remote Sensing Image-Based Analysis of the Urban Heat Island Effect in Bragança, Portugal
Environments - MDPI, 9, , 2022

Sá M.M.,Oliveira‐silva C.,Cunha M.P.,Gonçalves A.,Diez J.,Méndez‐tovar I.,Izquierdo E.C.
Integration of the Circular Economy Paradigm in Companies from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula
Sustainability (Switzerland), 14, , 2022

Furst L.,Feliciano M.,Gonçalves A.,Romero F.
Assessment of noise and ozone levels in a small industrial urban area
Revista Facultad de Ingenieria, 76-88, 2022

de Almeida C.R.,Teodoro A.C.,Gonçalves A.
Study of the urban heat island (Uhi) using remote sensing data/techniques: A systematic review
Environments - MDPI, 8, , 2021

Brandão A.S.,Gonçalves A.,Santos J.M.R.C.A.
Circular bioeconomy strategies: From scientific research to commercially viable products
Journal of Cleaner Production, 295, , 2021

Saraiva A.,Presumido P.,Silvestre J.,Feliciano M.,Rodrigues G.,Oliveira e Silva P.,Damásio M.,Ribeiro A.,Ramôa S.,Ferreira L.,Gonçalves A.,Ferreira A.,Grifo A.,Paulo A.,Ribeiro A.C.,Oliveira A.,Dias I.,Mira H.,Amaral A.,Mamede H.,Oliveira M.
Water footprint sustainability as a tool to address climate change in the wine sector: A methodological approach applied to a Portuguese case study
Atmosphere, 11, , 2020

Presumido P.H.,Sousa F.,Gonçalves A.,Bosco T.C.D.,Feliciano M.
Environmental sustainability in beef production and life cycle assessment as a tool for analysis
U.Porto Journal of Engineering, 6, 11-25, 2020

Furst L.C.,Feliciano M.,Gonçalves A.,Romero F.
Noise and Ozone Continuous Monitoring in an Industrial Urban Area of Northeastern Portugal
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1152 CCIS, 256-268, 2020

Cariñanos P.,Grilo F.,Pinho P.,Casares-Porcel M.,Branquinho C.,Acil N.,Andreucci M.B.,Anjos A.,Bianco P.M.,Brini S.,Calaza-Martínez P.,Calvo E.,Carrari E.,Castro J.,Chiesura A.,Correia O.,Gonçalves A.,Gonçalves P.,Mexia T.,Mirabile M.,Paoletti E.,Santos-Reis M.,Semenzato P.,Vilhar U.
Estimation of the allergenic potential of urban trees and urban parks: Towards the healthy design of urban green spaces of the future
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, , 2019

Gonçalves A.,Ribeiro A.C.,Maia F.,Nunes L.,Feliciano M.
Influence of green spaces on outdoors thermal comfort-structured experiment in a Mediterranean climate
Climate, 7, , 2019

Presumido P.H.,Sousa F.,Gonçalves A.,Dal Bosco T.C.,Feliciano M.
Environmental impacts of the beef production chain in the Northeast of Portugal using life cycle assessment
Agriculture (Switzerland), 8, , 2018

Gonçalves A.,Ornellas G.,Ribeiro A.C.,Maia F.,Rocha A.,Feliciano M.
Urban cold and Heat Island in the City of Bragança (Portugal)
Climate, 6, , 2018

Gonçalves A.,Ribeiro A.,Maia L.N.F.,Feliciano E.M.
Green space influence on thermal comfort: Contrasting approaches in the assessment of conditions in Bragança (Portugal)
PLEA 2009 - Architecture Energy and the Occupant's Perspective: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, , 2009