Press Release
September 2024
The 4th Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the competitive InnoMeatEdu European Project (KA220-HED Cooperation Partnerships Erasmus +), was successfully held in Olsztyn (Poland), on September 9-10th 2024, organised by the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The meeting was attended by all the partners: University of Parma (Italy), University of Thessaly (Greece), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal), Centro Tecnológico de la Carne (Ourense, Spain), University of León (project coordinator, Spain), and 4obs Accounting and Consulting (Greece). Prof. Jakub Sawicki, Vice Rector of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn for Science and International Cooperation and Prof. Justyna Zulewska, Dean of the Faculty of Food Science, from the hosting University, welcomed the partnership. During the meeting the participants meet the industrial partners - representatives of the Mielewczyk company and visited Animex meat processing plant.
InnoMeatEdu is based on the cooperation of different academic institutions and industries, with many
meat-related businesses and organizations, connecting the academic community with the meat
industry, initially through the associated partners and also through the interactive platform that will
act as a tool for the dissemination of educational material to all interested parties. Currently there are
37 Associated Partners, mainly industries and associations related to meat and food science and
technology, from the participating countries.
During the 4th TPM, which took place at the beginning of the 3rd and last year of the project, the
advances in work packages 3 and 4,
related to the training material
preparation and the digitalisatión, were
shown and discussed. More specifically, it
was concluded that most of the material
(manuals, slides, videos, case studies,
etc.) has been produced and is currently
under the last review. The digital material
that is being developed concerns meat
production and processing, safety,
quality and entrepreneurship and
sustainability in the meat sector. In the next few weeks, the translation to the five languages of the
consortium (Italian, Greek, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish) will start. In addition, the moodle that will
host the material has been developed and only some small modifications are needed to finish it. At
the end of the project, the material will be freely accessible. Finally, during the meeting, the planning
of the activities to be carried out in 2025 were discussed (train the trainees, train the trainers, summer
school), and dissemination and publicity actions were updated (including the organisation of multiplier
events and a connection with the industry event).
More information about the Project can be found on the website or in the Newsletter - volume 2.
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