Project PRIMA coordinated by IPB approved
The project "PAS-AGRO-PAS: The Making of Fragile Agro-ecosystems Productive, Adaptive and Sustainable: Multifunctional Agro-pastoralism", coordinated by the researcher Vasco Cadavez, has been selected for funding by the PRIMA Foundation Section 2. The PAS-AGRO-PAS project has a total budget of over 2 millions euro, and aims to increase productivity, adaptiveness, sustainability and profitability of agro-pastoral systems in 8 Mediterranean countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt), through a systemic approach leveraged on the multifunctionality of resilient agro-pastoralism. The CIMO-IPB approved budget is 238 k euro.
PRIMA Section 2 2022- Multi-topic can be found here.