Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


LA SusTEC - Associated Laboratory for Sustainability and Technology in Inland Regions approved

The Mountain Research Center (CIMO) and the Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics Research Center (CeDRI), research units based at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), were awarded the Associated Laboratory (LA) statute, with the maximum classification (100%) for a 10-years period. The approved LA, Associated Laboratory for Sustainability and Technology in Inland Regions (LA SusTEC), is the only LA wholly based on the Polytechnic System and inland regions.
LA SusTEC intends to approach, in a holistic, transversal and multidisciplinary way, and in total alignment with the national and European research and innovation policies and agendas, the societal challenges to promote the sustainable development of inland regions.
LA SusTEC is organized in 3 thematic lines (TL): TL1 - Natural Resources, Agriculture and Climate Change; TL2 - Food and bio-based solutions; and TL3 - Innovative and Technology-Based SMEs. The three lines will contribute synergistically to:
(i) improve agricultural systems and the management of natural resources in an integrated approach with climate change;
(ii) increase the interest in the bio-based economy, namely by contributing to the consolidation of a zero-waste economy and the creation of new value chains; and
(iii) foster the modernization of the industrial sector, by applying emerging and clean digital technologies and green and sustainable processes, in alignment with the digital transformation and circular economy.
SusTEC comprises 96 researchers and will be reinforced by the hiring of new career researchers. It is a multidisciplinary team benefiting from the complementarity and synergies between CIMO and CeDRI in the planned transdisciplinary areas, corroborating the successful past cooperation in national and international projects.
More information can be consulted here: