Following a request to ESA/IPB of expert services on soil science, from the Alfândega da Fé Municipality, under the umbrella protocol signed by the two institutions, the terms of the work to be performed were established by the indicated experts (Tomás de Figueiredo and Felícia Fonseca) and agreed by bot parts.
The study comprised reconnaissance field surveys and indoor work to elaborate the legend and the maps required, namely, Soils and Land Suitability in 3 Irrigation Perimeters of Alfândega da Fé Municipality, summing 2246 ha. The base information and soil and land suitability classification was, respectively, the Soil Map of NE Portugal, and the FAO/UNESCO legend (1987), both adapted to local conditions and irrigation purposes. The outcomes were a set of maps (digital and shape file, 8 maps corresponding to soils and land suitability for the 3 perimeters, single and assembled) and a support document, that comprises the methodology applied, the description of soil and land suitability units, their spatial distribution (22 pages).