Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Kópóti pa cudji nô futuro - Agricultura, Saúde e Desenvolvimento

Project Type
Internacional / Público
Financial Program
EuropeAid - Programas de Cooperação Externa
Global Funding Value
501452.03 €
Type of project
Research Project
Principal Investigator
Isabel de Maria Cardoso Gonsalves Mourão
The UBOMAL - Association of Women of Suzana (São Domingos sector in Cacheu region of Guinea-Bissau), made up of 112 members, united by the common goal of improving the living conditions of their families and the community, is the driving Association and co-applicant in this action. Headquartered in Suzana, this association developed with the ONG VIDA (as an informal group of women) over the past 11 years, a number of community development activities related to the community, maternal and child health, water and sanitation. It consists of a set of people who live and share the same values and the same ideal of promoting the development based on the balance between man and nature, not just on economic growth. The UBOMAL Association over the years has shown not only a strong dedication and commitment to women's of Suzana village, as always encouraged, participated and streamlined activities that could support the development of women in neighboring villages spread throughout the São Domingos sector. Specific results to be achieved with the development of activities proposed in the action plan will respond in an integrated manner to a set of identified problems and constraints that are linked together. The extreme poverty in which many families live, the low technical training for farmers, the absence of a value chain developed for the marketing of agricultural products and the lack of technical support for agricultural extension and agricultural research directed to the needs of the women farmers, are structural problems that impede their development, as well as their families and communities.

Project Team

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