Polytechnic Institute
of Bragança



CIMO - Mountain Research Center. See video HERE


Lillian Bouçada de Barros

Principal Researcher
Group: Sustainable Processes and Products
Phone: 273330901
ORCID: 0000-0002-9050-5189
Scopus Author ID: 57194900801


  • Since 2019: Auxiliary researcher in CIMO
  • 2017 - 2019: Researcher (PhD contract) in CIMO
  • 2015 - 2017: Research position (SFRH /BPD /107855/2015) financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology, Mountain Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2013 - 2015: Assistant Researcher "Ciência 2008", Mountain Research Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal


  • 2019 - 2019: Guest editor of the special volume “Natural Additives in Food”. Molecules
  • 2019 - 2019: Guest editor of the special volume “Innovative (micro) extraction techniques to characterize bioactive compounds from traditionally used medicinal plants and mushrooms, foods supplements and plant-derived materials”. Ethnopharmacology, Frontiers
  • Since 2018: Guest editor of the special volume Natural Antioxidants and Human Health Effects. Current Pharmaceutical Design
  • Since 2018: Guest editor of the special volume “Natural Additives in Food II”. Molecules
  • Since 2018: Guest editor of the special volume “Antioxidants Properties of Natural Products: A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira”. Antioxidants
  • 2018 - 2018: International project evaluator: European Programm ERA-NET ARIMNet 2 (2018) and Poland National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki)
  • 2018 - 2018: Guest editor of the special volume “Rediscovering Local Landraces: Shaping Horticulture for the Future”. Frontiers in Plant Science, section Agroecology and Ecosystem Services
  • 2018 - 2018: Coordinator of the research topic “Natural and bio-based ingredients” inserted in the “Sustainable Processes and Products Group”
  • 2017 - 2017: Guest editor of the special volume “Phytochemicals and their effects on human health”. Current Pharmaceutical Design
  • 2016 - 2016: Guest editor of the special volume “Natural Food Additives”, BioMed Research International, published November 4, 2016
  • 2014 - 2014: Guest editor of the special issue on “Bioactive Natural Matrices and Compounds”. BioMed Research International, published January 24, 2014
  • Since 2013: Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Food Composition and Analysis


  • 2008 - PhD. Pharmacy (Nutrition and Bromatology), University of Salamanca, Spain
  • 2006 - MSc. in Nutrition and Bromatology at the Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Salamanca, Spain
  • 2002 - First degree in Biotechnology Engineering, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
  • 2000 - Bachelor degree in Biotechnology Engineering, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal

Awards and Honors

  • 2018 - Highly Cited Researchers (Top 1%) 2016, Thomson Reuteus.
  • 2017 - Highly Cited Researchers (Top 1%) 2017, Clarivate Analytics.
  • 2016 - Highly Cited Researchers (Top 1%) 2016, Thomson Reuteus.
  • 2009 - Extraordinary doctoral Prize 2008/2009 for her PhD, Faculty of Pharmacy


  • Chemistry of Natural Products: Extraction, identification, fractionation and isolation of chemical compounds in natural matrices (mostly food matrices)
  • Nutraceuticals and functional foods: development of nutraceuticals and innovative food formulations with functional properties.
  • MAIN RESEARCH focuses on the chemical characterization and biological evaluation of local natural matrices, namely food products


TRANSCOLAB - Laboratorio Colaborativo Transfronterizo para la transicion verde del sector Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
Funding body: POCTEP 2021-2027
Reference: 0112_TRANSCOLAB_PLUS_2_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2023-10-01
End: 2026-12-31
TextBlueStyle - Obtenção de corantes azuis naturais e sustentáveis para aplicação têxtil
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Principal Investigator:Manuel Ricardo Costa Calhelha
Start: 2023-07-01
End: 2026-06-30
SustainableTrout - Promoção, Valorização e Sustentabilidade da Truta de Boticas
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Reference: PL23-00082
Principal Investigator:Maria Inês Moreira Figueiredo Dias
Start: 2023-07-01
End: 2026-06-30
VIAFOOD - Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação comercial para a Agroalimentar
Funding body: PRR 2020
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2025-12-31
NET4FOOD - Red de INVESTIGACION e innovacion para el sector alimentario en la region transfronteriza
Funding body: POCTEP 2021-2027
Reference: 0033_NET4FOOD_1_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2023-04-01
End: 2025-12-31
Forest2Fabric - Valorização de resíduos florestais para aplicação em têxteis antimicrobianos
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Reference: PV21-00041
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2022-07-01
End: 2025-06-30
BEONNAT - Innovative value chains from tree & shrub species grown in marginal lands as a source of biomass for bio-based industries
Funding body: HORIZON 2020
Reference: BBI-2019-SO1-R1 - 887917 – BEONNAT
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2025-06-30
WOODLANDFUNGI - Valorização e Sustentabilidade dos Cogumelos Silvestres do Barroso
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Principal Investigator:Carla Susana Correia Pereira
Start: 2023-06-30
End: 2025-05-31
Aquavitae - Thermal water as a source of life and health
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Reference: PD20-00003
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-09-01
End: 2024-05-31
Acorn4Med - Enhancement of acorn forest waste for application in biomedicine
Funding body: LA CAIXA
Reference: PV20-00038
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-04-01
End: 2024-03-31
WASTESILK - Silk Sericin as an industrial wastewater with valuable biomedical potential
Funding body: FCT
Reference: PTDC/BTA-BTA/0696/2020
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-03-29
End: 2024-03-28
GreenHealth - Estratégias digitais baseadas em ativos biológicos para melhorar o bem-estar e promover a saúde verde
Funding body: NORTE 2020
Reference: Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000042
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-10-01
End: 2023-09-30
VALUEFARM - VALorization of Mediterranean small-scale FARMs by cropping wild UnExploited species
Funding body: FCT
Reference: PRIMA/0009/2019
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-09-01
End: 2023-08-31
OliveBIOextract - Aproveitamento sustentável do bagaço de azeitona numa cadeia de valorização integrada utilizando processos inovadores
Funding body: NORTE 2020
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-049865
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-02-01
End: 2023-06-30
INTEGRAVALOR - Estratégia integrada de valorização de subprodutos agroalimentares
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-072241
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
Bio4drinks - Obtenção de Ingredientes Naturais Multifuncionais para a Indústria de Bebidas
Funding body: NORTE 2020
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-113508
Principal Investigator:Sandrina Alves Heleno
Start: 2021-09-01
End: 2023-06-30
HealthyPETFOOD - Formulações PetFood para promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047073
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-30
PICAR - Funcionalização de produtos cárneos curados com extratos de córtex de pinheiro-bravo do Minho (Pinus pinaster subsp. atlantica)
Funding body: NORTE 2020
Reference: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-069584
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-30
PreVineGrape - Desenvolvimento de um biofungicida para combate a doenças da videira
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-049695
Principal Investigator:Sandrina Alves Heleno
Start: 2021-01-01
End: 2023-06-29
BIOma - Soluções integradas de BIOeconomia para a Mobilização cadeia Agroalimentar
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-1-0247-FEDER-046112
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-01
End: 2023-06-03
MicoCoating - Valorização dos recursos florestais e micológicos para otimização de revestimentos
Funding body: PDR 2020
Reference: PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-031472
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-05-01
End: 2022-12-31
AllNat - Using natural deep eutectic solvents for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plant material
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030463
Principal Investigator:Olga Ferreira
Start: 2018-06-01
End: 2022-05-31
TRANSCoLAB - Laboratorio Colaborativo Transfronterizo para la sostenibilidad y innovación del sector Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020
Reference: 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-01-01
End: 2022-04-05
PlantCovid - Aplicações de extratos de plantas com ação dirigida ao SARS-CoV-2
Funding body: NORTE 2020
Reference: NORTE-01-02B/-FEDER-054870
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2020-07-14
End: 2021-12-31
MAGLIDUO - MAGnetoLIposomes for DUal cancer therapy
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028020
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2018-07-01
End: 2021-12-31
MobFood - Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market
Funding body: PORTUGAL 2020
Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024524
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2017-12-01
End: 2021-09-30
IBERPHENOL - Red cooperativa de investigación en el ámbito de polifenoles y sus aplicaciones industriales
Funding body: POCTEP 2014-2020
Reference: 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E
Principal Investigator:Lillian Bouçada de Barros
Start: 2015-10-01
End: 2020-12-31
Halófitas Vermelhas - Halófitas vermelhas como nova fonte de biomoléculas com aplicação na indústria alimentar, nutracêutica e medicina
Funding body: Programa bilateral Portugal/Tunísia
Principal Investigator:João Carlos Martins Barreira
Start: 2019-01-01
End: 2020-12-31
BIORRECER - Valorisation of residues from the industrialization of grains to obtain chemicals and energy
Funding body: CYTED
Reference: CYTED P315RT0134
Principal Investigator:Maria Filomena Barreiro
Start: 2016-01-01
End: 2019-12-31
AROMAP - Preservation of aromatic condiment plants
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-05-01
End: 2016-10-31
- Portuguese Lavander Honey: a functional food and a source of nutraceuticals
Funding body: PAN - Programa Apícola Nacional
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2014-01-31
End: 2016-08-31
SteamRadSter - Food ingredients decontamination by steam and irradiation
Funding body: EUREKA
Reference: No. 9147
Principal Investigator:Albino Bento
Start: 2014-05-01
End: 2016-05-01
PlantLact - New functional dairy products without synthetic preservatives
Funding body: PRODER - Medida 4.1
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2015-12-31
- Influence of the radiation process in bioactive compounds in edible flowers
Funding body: Bilateral action FCT-CNP, Portugal/Brazil
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2014-01-01
End: 2015-12-31
CHESTNUTSRAD - Ionizing radiation as an alternative treatment for preservation of chestnut fruits
Funding body: EUREKA
Reference: Nº. 7596
Principal Investigator:Albino Bento
Start: 2012-01-01
End: 2014-01-01
- Portuguese wild mushrooms: chemical characterization and functional study of antiproliferative and proapoptotic properties in cancer cell lines
Funding body: PTDC - Projectos em todos os domínios científicos
Reference: PTDC/AGR-ALI/110062/2009
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2010-12-24
End: 2013-12-24
CHESTNUTSRAD - Tratamento alternativo para a Conservação da Castanha
Funding body: QREN- Sistemas de Incentivos de I&DT- Projectos em Co-Promoção
Principal Investigator:Albino Bento
Start: 2010-06-01
End: 2013-11-30
- Determination of microfungi metabolites with antimicrobial and antioxidative activity
Funding body: FCT/Portugal-Sérvia 2011
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2011-09-01
End: 2012-08-31
- Eficácia da própolis no controlo de loque Americano: Avaliação em zonas controladas
Funding body: PAN 2008-2010
Reference: AFBControl
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2008-09-01
End: 2010-10-30
- Bioactive properties of wild edible mushroomes
Funding body: Programa POCI 2010 – Medida V. 4 – Acção V.4.1
Reference: POCI/AGR/56661/2004 and PPCDT/AGR/56661/2004
Principal Investigator:Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira
Start: 2005-10-01
End: 2008-09-30
- Promotion of the production of organic honey
Funding body: AGRO - Programa Operacional Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
Reference: AGRO, projecto nº 746
Principal Investigator:Miguel José Rodrigues Vilas Boas
Start: 2003-01-01
End: 2007-01-01

Total results: 762
Añibarro-Ortega M.,López V.,Núñez S.,Petrović J.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.
Phenolic composition and in vitro bioactive and enzyme inhibitory properties of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plant extracts
Industrial Crops and Products, 214, , 2024

Rodrigues M.,Rosa A.,Almeida A.,Martins R.,Ribeiro T.â.,Pintado M.,Gonçalves R.F.S.,Pinheiro A.C.,Fonseca A.J.M.,Maia M.R.G.,Cabrita A.R.J.,Barros L.,Caleja C.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish by-products: Innovative extraction and application in food and feed
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 145, 32-41, 2024

de Oliveira I.,Chrysargyris A.,Finimundy T.C.,Carocho M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Calhelha R.C.,Tzortzakis N.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
Magnesium and manganese induced changes on chemical, nutritional, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the pansy and Viola edible flowers
Food Chemistry, 438, , 2024

Albuquerque B.R.,Finimundy T.C.,Pinela J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Vaz J.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Exploring the bioactive compounds from berry biowaste: Eugenia involucrata DC. as a study case
Food Bioscience, 58, , 2024

Mandim F.,Pinela J.,Marcelino S.,Dias M.I.,Barracosa P.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barros L.
Insights into the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of cardoon capitulum: A nutraceutical-oriented valorization study
Food Chemistry, 435, , 2024

Caroline Paz Gonçalves G.,Lizandra Gomes Rosas A.,Carneiro de Sousa R.,Regina Rodrigues Vieira T.,César de Albuquerque Sousa T.,Ramires T.,Ferreira Ferreira da Silveira T.,Barros L.,Padilha da Silva W.,Renato Guerra Dias Á.,da Rosa Zavareze E.,Dillenburg Meinhart A.
A green method for anthocyanin extraction from Clitoria ternatea flowers cultivated in southern Brazil: Characterization, in vivo toxicity, and biological activity
Food Chemistry, 435, , 2024

Silva A.R.,Ayuso M.,Oludemi T.,Gonçalves A.,Melgar B.,Barros L.
Response surface methodology and artificial neural network modeling as predictive tools for phenolic compounds recovery from olive pomace
Separation and Purification Technology, 330, , 2024

Liberal Â.,Almeida D.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.,Barros L.
Nutritional, chemical, and antioxidant screening of selected varieties of lentils (Lens culinaris spp.) from organic and conventional agriculture
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 104, 104-115, 2024

Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Reis F.S.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Value-Added Lipids from Plant Foods and Respective Applications
Food Byproducts Management and Their Utilization, 91-126, 2024

Azevedo T.,Silva J.,Faustino-Rocha A.I.,Valada A.,Anjos L.,Moura T.,Ferreira R.,Santos M.,Pires M.J.,Neuparth M.J.,Peixoto F.,Silvestre-Ferreira A.C.,Gama A.,Seixas F.,Finimundy T.C.,Barros L.,Matos M.,Oliveira P.A.
The role of natural compounds in rat mammary cancer: the beneficial effects of Santolina chamaecyparissus L. aqueous extract
Veterinarska Stanica, 55, 45-61, 2024

Ames-Sibin A.P.,Chagas A.C.,Ferreira S.B.S.,Mandim F.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Peralta R.M.,Sá-Nakanishi A.B.,Bracht L.,Bruschi M.L.,Bracht A.,Barros L.,Comar J.F.
Characterization and bioactivity of copaiba essential oil carried in a self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 91, , 2024

Santos Filho J.R.d.,Santos É.d.S.,Mandim F.,Molina A.K.,Barros L.,Correia Gonçalves R.A.,Braz de Oliveira A.J.,Ferreira I.C.P.
Evaluation of antitumoral and antioxidant activities of the hydroalcoholic extract and fractions obtained from the fruit pericarp of Sapindus saponaria L.
Natural Product Research, 38, 1002-1006, 2024

Barros D.,Fernandes É.,Jesus M.,Barros L.,Alonso-Esteban J.I.,Pires P.,Vaz Velho M.
The Chemical Characterisation of the Maritime Pine Bark Cultivated in Northern Portugal
Plants, 12, , 2023

Oliveira D.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Custódio L.,Oliveira R.
Antigenotoxic properties of the halophyte Polygonum maritimum L. highlight its potential to mitigate oxidative stress-related damage
Scientific Reports, 13, , 2023

Pereira A.G.,Cassani L.,Oludemi T.,Chamorro F.,Calhelha R.C.,Prieto M.A.,Barros L.,Simal-Gandara J.,Lucini L.,Garcia-Perez P.
Untargeted metabolomics and in vitro functional analysis unravel the intraspecific bioactive potential of flowers from underexplored Camellia japonica cultivars facing their industrial application
Industrial Crops and Products, 204, , 2023

Moldovan C.,Frumuzachi O.,Babotă M.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Rocchetti G.,López V.,Lucini L.,Crișan G.,Mocan A.
Untargeted phytochemical profiling and biological activity of small yellow onion (Allium flavum L.) from different regions of Romania
Food Chemistry, 426, , 2023

Vega E.N.,Ciudad-Mulero M.,Fernández-Ruiz V.,Barros L.,Morales P.
Natural Sources of Food Colorants as Potential Substitutes for Artificial Additives
Foods, 12, , 2023

Liava V.,Chaski C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pereira A.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
The Effect of Biostimulants on Fruit Quality of Processing Tomato Grown under Deficit Irrigation
Horticulturae, 9, , 2023

Leichtweis M.G.,Molina A.K.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pavli O.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.,Pereira C.
Variability in Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of the Flesh of Greek Pumpkin Landraces
Horticulturae, 9, , 2023

Larbi S.,Aylanc V.,Rodríguez-Flores M.S.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Rezouga F.,Seijo M.C.,Falcão S.I.,Vilas-Boas M.
Differentiating between Monofloral Portuguese Bee Pollens Using Phenolic and Volatile Profiles and Their Impact on Bioactive Properties
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Ueda J.M.,Griebler K.R.,Finimundy T.C.,Rodrigues D.B.,Veríssimo L.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Gonçalves J.,Fernandes I.P.,Pereira E.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.
Polyphenol Composition by HPLC-DAD-(ESI-)MS/MS and Bioactivities of Extracts from Grape Agri-Food Wastes
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Santos de Carvalho A.,de Oliveira A.,Fernandes Moya Moreira T.,Gustavo Médice Arabel Costa L.,Donato Marcatto G.,da Silva Castilhos de Melo A.,Hess Gonçalves O.,Inês Dias M.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Valderrama P.,Cardozo Filho L.,Vitória Leimann F.
In situ extraction/encapsulation of olive leaves antioxidants in zein for improved oxidative stability of edible oils
Food Research International, 173, , 2023

Leimann F.V.,de Souza L.B.,de Oliveira B.P.M.,Rossi B.F.,da Silva P.S.,Shiraishi C.S.H.,Kaplum V.,Abreu R.M.,Pereira C.,Barros L.,Peron A.P.,Ineu R.P.,Oechsler B.F.,Sayer C.,de Araújo P.H.H.,Gonçalves O.H.
Evaluation of berberine nanoparticles as a strategy to modulate acetylcholinesterase activity
Food Research International, 173, , 2023

Barreales D.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Capitão S.,Castro Ribeiro A.
Effects of regulated deficit irrigation and foliar kaolin application on quality parameters of almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb]
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103, 7227-7240, 2023

Correa V.G.,Garcia-Manieri J.A.A.,Silva A.R.,Backes E.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Barros L.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Exploring the α-amylase-inhibitory properties of tannin-rich extracts of Cytinus hypocistis on starch digestion
Food Research International, 173, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Pinela J.,Pereira C.,Mandim F.,Heleno S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Recovery of anthocyanins from Eugenia spp. fruit peels: a comparison between heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction
Sustainable Food Technology, 2, 189-201, 2023

Mandim F.,Santos-Buelga C.,C.F.R. Ferreira I.,Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.
The wide spectrum of industrial applications for cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. Altilis DC.): A review
Food Chemistry, 423, , 2023

Mansour R.B.,Falleh H.,Nefzi N.,Dakhlaoui S.,Selmi S.,Hammami M.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.,Tarchoun N.,Ksouri R.
Improved Recovery of Antioxidant Compounds from Refined Pumpkin Peel Extract: A Mixture Design Method Approach
Horticulturae, 9, , 2023

Lopes A.I.,Melo A.,Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Finimundy T.C.,Afonso T.B.,Silva S.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Tavaria F.K.,Barros L.,Pintado M.
Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Alginate Edible Coatings Incorporated with Plant Extracts
Coatings, 13, , 2023

Cerino M.C.,Pinela J.,Caleja C.,Saux C.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Dynamic Maceration of Acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) Fruit Waste: An Optimization Study to Recover Anthocyanins
Agronomy, 13, , 2023

Menezes B.,Caleja C.,Calhelha R.C.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Use of Bio-Waste of Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil. (Yerba mate) to Obtain an Extract Rich in Phenolic Compounds with Preservative Potential
Foods, 12, , 2023

Plasencia P.,Heleno S.A.,Finimundy T.,Carocho M.,Calhelha R.C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Alves M.J.,Oludemi T.,Quidiongo N.,Barreiro F.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Recovery of High Valuable Bioactive Molecules from Vaccinium myrtillus L. Bioresidues
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14, 2873-2884, 2023

da Silva P.S.,Viell F.L.G.,Ineu R.P.,Bona E.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Gonçalves O.H.,Leimann F.V.,Cardozo-Filho L.
Determination of an optimum extraction region for the recovery of bioactive compounds from olive leaves (Olea europaea L.) using green dynamic pressurized liquid extraction
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 40, 843-861, 2023

Kessler J.C.,Vieira V.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Ferreira P.,Calhelha R.C.,Afonso A.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.E.,Dias M.M.
The potential of almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts SFE-CO2 extracts as sources of bread flavouring ingredients
Food Chemistry, 417, , 2023

Roriz C.L.,Carocho M.,Alves M.J.,Rodrigues P.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.
Betacyanins obtained from alternative novel sources as natural food colorant additives: incorporated in savory and sweet food products
Food and Function, 14, 8775-8784, 2023

Martins de Deus B.,Fernandes C.,Molina A.K.,Xavier V.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mandim F.,Heleno S.A.,Finimundy T.C.,Barros L.
Chemical Characterization, Bioactivity and Toxicity of European Flora Plant Extracts in Search for Potential Natural Origin Preservatives
Plants, 12, , 2023

de Oliveira I.,Chrysargyris A.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Calhelha R.C.,Dias M.I.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Petropoulos S.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Tzortzakis N.,Barros L.
Effects of the extraction techniques on the chemical composition and bioactive properties of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) plants grown under different cropping and irrigation regimes
Food Research International, 170, , 2023

Vega E.N.,García-Herrera P.,Ciudad-Mulero M.,Dias M.I.,Matallana-González M.C.,Cámara M.,Tardío J.,Molina M.,Pinela J.,C.S.P. Pires T.,Barros L.,Fernández-Ruiz V.,Morales P.
Wild sweet cherry, strawberry and bilberry as underestimated sources of natural colorants and bioactive compounds with functional properties
Food Chemistry, 414, , 2023

Silva A.M.,Preto M.,Grosso C.,Vieira M.,Delerue-Matos C.,Vasconcelos V.,Reis M.,Barros L.,Martins R.
Tracing the Path between Mushrooms and Alzheimer’s Disease—A Literature Review
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Sabença C.,Costa E.,Sousa S.,Barros L.,Oliveira A.,Ramos S.,Igrejas G.,Torres C.,Poeta P.
Evaluation of the Ability to Form Biofilms in KPC-Producing and ESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Clinical Samples
Antibiotics, 12, , 2023

Rodrigues D.B.,Veríssimo L.,Finimundy T.,Rodrigues J.,Oliveira I.,Gonçalves J.,Fernandes I.P.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.
Chemical and Bioactive Screening of Green Polyphenol-Rich Extracts from Chestnut By-Products: An Approach to Guide the Sustainable Production of High-Added Value Ingredients
Foods, 12, , 2023

Correia E.E.M.,Figueirinha A.,Rodrigues L.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Fernandes C.,Salgueiro L.,Gonçalves T.
The Chemical Profile, and Antidermatophytic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant and Antitumor Activities of Withania chevalieri A.E. Gonç. Ethanolic Extract
Plants, 12, , 2023

Pires E.d.O.,Di Gioia F.,Rouphael Y.,García-Caparrós P.,Tzortzakis N.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.,Caleja C.
Edible flowers as an emerging horticultural product: A review on sensorial properties, mineral and aroma profile
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 137, 31-54, 2023

Fernandes I.d.A.A.,Maciel G.M.,Ribeiro I.S.,Pedro A.C.,Bortolini D.G.,Ribeiro V.R.,Barros L.,Haminiuk C.W.I.
Biosorption of bioactive compounds in bacterial nanocellulose: Mechanisms and physical-chemical properties
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 240, , 2023

Liberal Â.,Almeida D.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Vivar-Quintana A.M.,Barros L.
Nutritional, chemical and antioxidant evaluation of Armuña lentil (Lens culinaris spp): Influence of season and soil
Food Chemistry, 411, , 2023

Brandão A.S.,Caleja C.,Dias M.I.,Ben Salha A.,Rezouga F.,Rodrigues P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Santos J.M.R.C.A.
Valorization of pomace from craft cider: Nutritional value, chemical composition, and phenolic and mineral profiles
eFood, 4, , 2023

Tamayo-Vives C.,García-Herrera P.,Sánchez-Mata M.C.,Cámara-Hurtado R.M.,Pérez-Rodríguez M.L.,Aceituno L.,Pardo-de-Santayana M.,Días M.I.,Barros L.,Morales P.
Wild Fruits of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. and Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz: From Traditional Foods to Innovative Sources of Pigments and Antioxidant Ingredients for Food Products
Foods, 12, , 2023

Mansour R.B.,Falleh H.,Hammami M.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.,Tarchoun N.,Ksouri R.
The Use of Response Surface Methodology to Optimize Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Cucurbita maxima Fruit By-Products
Processes, 11, , 2023

Esteban L.S.,Mediavilla I.,Xavier V.,Amaral J.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,López C.,Barros L.
Yield, Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Essential Oils from Common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) from Different Spanish Origins
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Oliveira T.C.G.,Caleja C.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Reuse of fruits and vegetables biowaste for sustainable development of natural ingredients
Food Bioscience, 53, , 2023

Inumaro R.S.,Casalvara R.F.A.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Barros L.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.M.,Heleno S.A.,Pimentel T.C.,Gonçalves J.E.,Cardozo-Filho L.
Supercritical fluid-assisted extraction of hop cone residue from craft breweries
Journal of CO2 Utilization, 72, , 2023

Pinela J.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.
Editorial: Functional foods processing and preservation
Food Bioscience, 53, , 2023

Bastos C.,Liberal Â.,Moldão M.,Catarino L.,Barros L.
Ethnomycological prospect of wild edible and medicinal mushrooms from Central and Southern Africa—A review
Food Frontiers, 4, 549-575, 2023

Castillo A.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Rodrigues P.,Fernandes F.A.,Pereira S.,Lores M.,Barros L.,Garcia-Jares C.
The generally recognized as safe (GRAS) microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis (wet) as a multifunctional additive for coloring and improving the organoleptic and functional properties of foods
Food and Function, 14, 6023-6035, 2023

Ceccanti C.,Finimundy T.C.,Barros L.
Nutritional Value of Wild and Domesticated Sanguisorba minor Scop. Plant
Horticulturae, 9, , 2023

Madureira J.,Gonçalves S.,Santos-Buelga C.,Margaça F.M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Cabo Verde S.
Microbiota Assessment of Fresh-Cut Apples Packaged in Two Different Films
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

Mediavilla I.,Bados R.,Barros L.,Xavier V.,Finimundy T.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Amaral J.S.,Rizzo A.M.,Casini D.,Lombardi G.,Chiaramonti D.,Cámara M.,Suárez A.,Ardid T.,Esteban L.S.
Assessment of the Use of Common Juniper (Juniperus communis L.) Foliage following the Cascade Principle
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Madureira J.,Melgar B.,Alves V.D.,Moldão-Martins M.,Margaça F.M.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barros L.,Cabo Verde S.
Effect of Olive Pomace Extract Application and Packaging Material on the Preservation of Fresh-Cut Royal Gala Apples
Foods, 12, , 2023

Serrano C.,Sapata M.,Oliveira M.C.,Soares A.,Pereira C.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barros L.
Encapsulation of Sorghum Leaf Red Dye: Biological and Physicochemical Properties and Effect on Stability
Foods, 12, , 2023

Shiraishi C.S.H.,Zbiss Y.,Roriz C.L.,Dias M.I.,Prieto M.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Alves M.J.,Heleno S.A.,da Cunha Mendes V.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.M.V.,Barros L.
Fig Leaves (Ficus carica L.): Source of Bioactive Ingredients for Industrial Valorization
Processes, 11, , 2023

Ribeiro J.,Silva V.,Monteiro A.,Vieira-Pinto M.,Igrejas G.,Reis F.S.,Barros L.,Poeta P.
Antibiotic Resistance among Gastrointestinal Bacteria in Broilers: A Review Focused on Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli
Animals, 13, , 2023

Leichtweis M.G.,Molina A.K.,Petropoulos S.A.,Carocho M.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Valorization of Pumpkin Peel as a Source of Bioactive Compounds: Optimization of Heat- and Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Pinela J.,Montoya C.,Martins V.,Nunes M.E.,Rocha F.,Lopes V.R.,Barata A.M.,Carvalho A.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Diversity assessment in the Portuguese genebank collection of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) accessions: Insights for breeding and sustainable conservation
Scientia Horticulturae, 313, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Finimundy T.C.,Pinela J.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mandim F.,Vaz J.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Brazilian berry waste as a source of bioactive compounds: grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) as a case study
Food and Function, 14, 3994-4005, 2023

Marcelino S.,Mandim F.,Taofiq O.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Finimundy T.C.,Prieto M.A.,Barros L.
Valorization of Punica granatum L. Leaves Extracts as a Source of Bioactive Molecules
Pharmaceuticals, 16, , 2023

Moliner C.,Núñez S.,Cásedas G.,Valero M.S.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,López V.,Gómez-Rincón C.
Flowers of Allium cepa L. as Nutraceuticals: Phenolic Composition and Anti-Obesity and Antioxidant Effects in Caenorhabditis elegans
Antioxidants, 12, , 2023

Dridi A.,Reis F.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Calhelha R.C.,Pereira C.,Zaghdoudi K.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.
Aesculus hippocastanum L.: A Simple Ornamental Plant or a Source of Compelling Molecules for Industry?
Separations, 10, , 2023

Silva B.N.,Cadavez V.,Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Calhelha R.C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Finimundy T.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Teixeira J.A.,Barros L.,Gonzales-Barron U.
Phytochemical Composition and Bioactive Potential of Melissa officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L. and Mentha spicata L. Extracts
Foods, 12, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Alves M.J.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Insights into the Chemical Composition and In Vitro Bioactive Properties of Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pericarp
Foods, 12, , 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Calhelha R.C.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Valorization of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) peel: Chemical composition, biological activity, and optimized recovery of anthocyanins
Food Research International, 165, , 2023

Halabura M.I.W.,Avelino K.V.,Araújo N.L.,Kassem A.S.S.,Seixas F.A.V.,Barros L.,Fernandes Â.,Liberal Â.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Linde G.A.,Colauto N.B.,do Valle J.S.
Light conditions affect the growth, chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of the white-rot fungus Lentinus crinitus mycelial biomass
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 22, 669-686, 2023

Madureira J.,Albuquerque B.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Santos-Buelga C.,Margaça F.M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Cabo Verde S.,Barros L.
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol from olive pomace treated by gamma radiation: process optimization and bioactivity assessment
Food and Function, 14, 3038-3050, 2023

Carocho M.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 1-965, 2023

Pereira E.,Fernandes F.A.,Mandim F.,Ayuso M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Non-alkaloid nitrogen containing compounds
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 331-362, 2023

Liberal Â.,Cardoso R.V.C.,Heleno S.A.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Martins A.
Phenolic Acids from Fungi
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 475-495, 2023

de Oliveira I.,Albuquerque B.,Ueda J.M.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Heleno S.A.
New challenges and opportunities from secondary metabolites
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 925-965, 2023

Pedrosa M.C.,Lima L.,Aloso-Esteban J.I.,Roriz C.L.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Carocho M.
History of secondary metabolites: From ancient myths to modern scientific validation
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 3-18, 2023

Silva J.,Garcia J.,Guimarães R.,Palito C.,Lemos A.,Barros L.,Alves M.J.
Alkaloids from fungi
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 529-554, 2023

Pascoalino L.A.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Taofiq O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Reis F.S.
Biochemistry of secondary metabolism of fungi
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 437-474, 2023

Calhelha R.C.,Shiraishi C.S.H.,Ribeiro L.,Carocho M.,Abreu R.,Coutinho P.,Barros L.,Vaz J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
New trends from fungi secondary metabolism in the pharmaceutical industry
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 823-850, 2023

Carocho M.,Heleno S.A.,Barros L.
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, v, 2023

Xavier V.,Spréa R.,Finimundy T.C.,Heleno S.A.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry, 107-156, 2023

Calhelha R.C.,Haddad H.,Ribeiro L.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Barros L.
Inflammation: What’s There and What’s New?
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13, , 2023

Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Reis F.S.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Pintado M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Plant Extracts and SARS-CoV-2: Research and Applications
Life, 13, , 2023

Pereira A.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Kostić M.,Nogueira A.,Soković M.,Pinela J.,Barros L.
Upcycling Quince Peel into Bioactive Ingredients and Fiber Concentrates through Multicomponent Extraction Processes
Antioxidants, 12, , 2023

Babotă M.,Frumuzachi O.,Nicolescu A.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Stojković D.,Carević T.,Mocan A.,López V.,Crișan G.
Thymus Species from Romanian Spontaneous Flora as Promising Source of Phenolic Secondary Metabolites with Health-Related Benefits
Antioxidants, 12, , 2023

Essoh A.P.,Cassiano G.C.,Mandim F.,Barros L.,Gomes I.,Medeiros M.M.,Moura M.,Cravo P.V.L.,Romeiras M.M.
Antimalarial and Cytotoxic Activity of Native Plants Used in Cabo Verde Traditional Medicine
Plants, 12, , 2023

Marques M.P.,Neves B.G.,Varela C.,Zuzarte M.,Gonçalves A.C.,Dias M.I.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.,Magalhães M.,Cabral C.
Essential Oils from Côa Valley Lamiaceae Species: Cytotoxicity and Antiproliferative Effect on Glioblastoma Cells
Pharmaceutics, 15, , 2023

Calheiros D.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernandes C.,Gonçalves T.
Antifungal Activity of Spent Coffee Ground Extracts
Microorganisms, 11, , 2023

Molina A.K.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Prieto M.A.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Bioactive Natural Pigments’ Extraction, Isolation, and Stability in Food Applications
Molecules, 28, , 2023

da Silva T.B.V.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Mandim F.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Seixas F.A.V.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Purple tea: chemical characterization and evaluation as inhibitor of pancreatic lipase and fat digestion in mice
Food and Function, 14, 1761-1772, 2023

Antonio A.L.,Fernandes Â.,Pereira E.,Barreira J.C.M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Gamma and electron beam for food processing
Food Packaging and Preservation: Antimicrobial Materials and Technologies, 187-213, 2023

Lima L.,Pereira A.I.,Pintado M.,Carocho M.,Barros L.
Multivariate Analysis in Accelerated Shelf-Life Assessment—An Overview †
Engineering Proceedings, 56, , 2023

Pereira A.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Nogueira A.,Barros L.,Pinela J.
Optimization of Dietary Fiber Extraction from Quince Peel †
Engineering Proceedings, 37, , 2023

Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.
Editorial: Rediscovering local landraces: shaping horticulture for the future, volume II
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, , 2023

Medeiros C.,Silva A.R.,Ferreira T.,Barros L.,Neuparth M.J.,Peixoto F.,Bastos M.M.S.M.,Medeiros R.,Gil da Costa R.M.,Pires M.J.,Faustino-Rocha A.I.,Gama A.,Oliveira P.A.
Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. extract effects in an animal model of papillomavirus-induced neoplasia
Veterinarska Stanica, 54, 637-653, 2023

Albuquerque B.R.,Pinela J.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Oliveira I.,Heleno S.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Barros L.
Optimization and comparison of heat- and ultrasound-assisted extraction methods for anthocyanin recovery from Sicana odorifera fruit epicarp
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, , 2023

Mediavilla I.,Barros L.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Corredor R.,Esteban L.S.
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 1038-1042, 2023

Nicolescu A.,Babotă M.,Barros L.,Rocchetti G.,Lucini L.,Tanase C.,Mocan A.,Bunea C.I.,Crișan G.
Bioaccessibility and bioactive potential of different phytochemical classes from nutraceuticals and functional foods
Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, , 2023

Barros L.,Heleno S.A.,Prieto M.A.
Natural Products as Health Promoters
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 29, 803, 2023

Ueda J.M.,Milho C.,Heleno S.A.,Soria-Lopez A.,Carpena M.,Alves M.J.,Pires T.,Prieto M.A.,Simal-Gandara J.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Emerging Strategies to Combat Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): Natural Agents with High Potential
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 29, 837-851, 2023

Catarino L.,Barros L.,Romeiras M.M.
Editorial: Edible wild plants and fungi - resource to explore, preserve, and valuate
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, , 2023

Caleja C.,Pereira E.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
High-added-value compounds from agro-food industry wastewater
Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment: Food Processing Industry, 1-24, 2023

Kostić M.,Ivanov M.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Glamočlija J.,Barros L.,Soković M.,Ćirić A.
A Comparative Study of Lactarius Mushrooms: Chemical Characterization, Antibacterial, Antibiofilm, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity
Journal of Fungi, 9, , 2023

Paschoalinotto B.H.,Polyzos N.,Compocholi M.,Rouphael Y.,Alexopoulos A.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
Domestication of Wild Edible Species: The Response of Scolymus hispanicus Plants to Different Fertigation Regimes
Horticulturae, 9, , 2023

Igual M.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,García-Segovia P.,Martínez-Monzó J.,Barros L.
The In Vitro Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion Affects the Bioaccessibility and Bioactivity of Beta vulgaris Constituents
Foods, 12, , 2023

Aylanc V.,Larbi S.,Calhelha R.,Barros L.,Rezouga F.,Rodríguez-Flores M.S.,Seijo M.C.,El Ghouizi A.,Lyoussi B.,Falcão S.I.,Vilas-Boas M.
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activity of Mono- and Polyfloral Moroccan Bee Pollen by Characterizing Phenolic and Volatile Compounds
Molecules, 28, , 2023

Pinela J.,Fuente B.d.l.,Rodrigues M.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Mandim F.,Almeida A.,Dias M.I.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Upcycling Fish By-Products into Bioactive Fish Oil: The Suitability of Microwave-Assisted Extraction
Biomolecules, 13, , 2023

de Araujo I.G.,Pattaro-Júnior J.R.,Barbosa C.G.,Philippsen G.S.,Silva A.R.,Ioshino R.S.,Moraes C.B.,Freitas-Junior L.H.,Barros L.,Peralta R.M.,Fernandez M.A.,Seixas F.A.V.
Potential of plant extracts in targeting SARS-CoV-2 main protease: an in vitro and in silico study
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 41, 12204-12213, 2023

Cavichi L.V.,Liberal Â.,Dias M.I.,Mandim F.,Pinela J.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Kalschne D.L.,Fernandes Â.,Canan C.,Barros L.,Amaral J.S.
Chemical Composition and Biological Activity of Commelina erecta: An Edible Wild Plant Consumed in Brazil
Foods, 12, , 2023

Celia J.A.,Resende O.,Carocho M.,Finimundy T.,de Oliveira K.B.,Gomes F.P.,Quequeto W.D.,Barros L.,Junior W.N.F.
Drying kinetics of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum J. Presl) leaves: effects on individual volatile compounds and external color
Journal of Essential Oil Research, 35, 117-127, 2023

Fischer T.E.,Marcondes A.,Zardo D.M.,Nogueira A.,Calhelha R.C.,Vaz J.A.,Barros L.,Zielinski A.A.F.,Alberti A.
Bioactive Activities of the Phenolic Extract from Sterile Bracts of Araucaria angustifolia
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

Azevedo T.,Ferreira T.,Ferreira J.,Teixeira F.,Ferreira D.,Silva-Reis R.,Neuparth M.J.,Pires M.J.,Pinto M.d.L.,Gil da Costa R.M.,Bastos M.M.S.M.,Medeiros R.,Félix L.,Venâncio C.,Dias M.I.,Gaivão I.,Barros L.,Oliveira P.A.
Supplementation of an Anthocyanin-Rich Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) Extract in FVB/n Mice: A Healthier Alternative to Synthetic Colorants
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12, , 2022

Hernández-López I.,Ortiz-Solà J.,Alamprese C.,Barros L.,Shelef O.,Basheer L.,Rivera A.,Abadias M.,Aguiló-Aguayo I.
Valorization of Local Legumes and Nuts as Key Components of the Mediterranean Diet
Foods, 11, , 2022

Leichtweis M.G.,Molina A.K.,Pires T.C.S.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.,Bachari K.,Ziani B.E.C.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Biological Activity of Pumpkin Byproducts: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Zaier M.M.,Heleno S.A.,Mandim F.,Calhelha R.C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Achour L.,Kacem A.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.
Effects of the seasonal variation in the phytochemical composition and bioactivities of the wild halophyte Suaeda fruticosa
Food Bioscience, 50, , 2022

Durazzo A.,Carocho M.,Heleno S.A.,Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Barros L.,Souto E.B.,Santini A.,Lucarini M.
Fermented food/beverage and health: current perspectives
Rendiconti Lincei, 33, 729-738, 2022

Youssef S.,Custódio L.,Rodrigues M.J.,Pereira C.G.,Calhelha R.C.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Jekő J.,Cziáky Z.,Ben Hamed K.
Nutritional anti-nutritional chemical composition and antioxidant activities of the leaves of the sea cliff dwelling species Limonium spathulatum (Desf.) Kuntze
Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, , 2022

Pereira C.,Barros L.,Santos-Buelga C.,Prieto M.A.
Editorial: Natural bioactives used as additives in food applications
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

Carocho M.,Barros L.,Morales P.,Petropoulos S.A.,Soković M.
Editorial: The chemistry of food in the advent of sustainable diets
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

Polumackanycz M.,Petropoulos S.A.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Plenis A.,Viapiana A.
Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Common and Lemon Verbena
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

de Cássia Spacki K.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Uber T.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Peralta R.A.,de Fátima Peralta Muniz Moreira R.,Helm C.V.,de Lima E.A.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Full Exploitation of Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth): State of the Art and Perspectives
Plants, 11, , 2022

Silva A.S.,Costa E.C.,Reis S.,Spencer C.,Calhelha R.C.,Miguel S.P.,Ribeiro M.P.,Barros L.,Vaz J.A.,Coutinho P.
Silk Sericin: A Promising Sustainable Biomaterial for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Applications
Polymers, 14, , 2022

Rugolo M.,Mascoloti Spréa R.,Dias M.I.,Pires T.C.S.P.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Barroetaveña C.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Nutritional Composition and Bioactive Properties of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Native Nothofagus Patagonian Forests
Foods, 11, , 2022

de la Fuente B.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Heleno S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barba F.J.,Berrada H.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus aurata) head oils recovered by microwave-assisted extraction: Nutritional quality and biological properties
Food and Bioproducts Processing, 136, 97-105, 2022

Mascoloti Spréa R.,Caleja C.,Pinela J.,Finimundy T.C.,Calhelha R.C.,Kostić M.,Sokovic M.,Prieto M.A.,Pereira E.,Amaral J.S.,Barros L.
Comparative study on the phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity of medicinal and aromatic plants from the Lamiaceae family
Food Research International, 161, , 2022

Garcia-Manieri J.A.A.,Correa V.G.,Corrêa R.C.G.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bracht A.,Peralta R.M.
Polyphenolic profile and pharmacological activities of whips horse (Luehea divaricata) bark extracts studied using in vitro and in vivo systems
Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 45, , 2022

Kissanga R.,Liberal Â.,Diniz I.,Rodrigues A.S.B.,Baptista-Ferreira J.L.,Batista D.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Catarino L.
Biochemical and Molecular Profiling of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Huila, Angola
Foods, 11, , 2022

Babotă M.,Frumuzachi O.,Mocan A.,Tămaș M.,Dias M.I.,Pinela J.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Bădărău A.S.,Crișan G.,Barros L.,Păltinean R.
Unravelling Phytochemical and Bioactive Potential of Three Hypericum Species from Romanian Spontaneous Flora: H. alpigenum, H. perforatum and H. rochelii
Plants, 11, , 2022

Polyzos N.,Paschoalinotto B.H.,Compocholi M.,Pinela J.,Heleno S.A.,Calhelha R.C.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
Fertilization of Pot-Grown Cichorium spinosum L.: How It Can Affect Plant Growth, Chemical Profile, and Bioactivities of Edible Parts?
Horticulturae, 8, , 2022

Othman S.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Dias M.I.,Ćirić A.,Mandim F.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pinela J.,Barros L.
Valorization of quince peel into functional food ingredients: A path towards “zero waste” and sustainable food systems
Heliyon, 8, , 2022

Garcia-Oliveira P.,Carreira-Casais A.,Pereira E.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Simal-Gandara J.,Prieto M.A.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
From Tradition to Health: Chemical and Bioactive Characterization of Five Traditional Plants
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Molina A.K.,Gomes L.C.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Barros L.
Extraction of chlorophylls from Daucus carota L. and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme crop by-products
Food Chemistry Advances, 1, , 2022

Dias M.I.,Albiston C.,Añibarro-Ortega M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pinela J.,Barros L.
Sonoextraction of phenolic compounds and saponins from Aesculus hippocastanum seed kernels: Modeling and optimization
Industrial Crops and Products, 185, , 2022

da Silva Santos É.,Savam A.,Cabral M.R.P.,Castro J.C.,de Oliveira Collet S.A.,Mandim F.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,da Silva Machado M.d.F.P.,de Oliveira A.J.B.,Gonçalves R.A.C.
Low-cost alternative for the bioproduction of bioactive phenolic compounds of callus cultures from Cereus hildmannianus (K.) Schum
Journal of Biotechnology, 356, 8-18, 2022

Silva S.C.,Almeida T.,Colucci G.,Santamaria-Echart A.,Manrique Y.A.,Dias M.M.,Barros L.,Fernandes Â.,Colla E.,Barreiro M.F.
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) protein-rich extract as a natural emulsifier for oil-in-water emulsions: Optimization through a sequential experimental design strategy
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 648, , 2022

Moreira B.,Pereira E.,Finimundy T.C.,Pinela J.,Calhelha R.C.,Carocho M.,Stojković D.,Sokovic M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Pineapple by-products as a source of bioactive compounds with potential for industrial food application
Food and Function, 13, 9959-9972, 2022

Durazzo A.,Carocho M.,Heleno S.,Barros L.,Souto E.B.,Santini A.,Lucarini M.
Food dyes and health: Literature quantitative research analysis
Measurement: Food, 7, , 2022

P. Essoh A.,Liberal Â.,Fernandes Â.,Dias M.I.,Pereira C.,Mandim F.,Moldão-Martins M.,Cravo P.,Duarte M.P.,Moura M.,Romeiras M.M.,Barros L.
Evaluation of the Polyphenolic Composition and Bioactivities of Three Native Cabo Verde Medicinal Plants
Pharmaceuticals, 15, , 2022

Ayuso M.,Carpena M.,Taofiq O.,Albuquerque T.G.,Simal-Gandara J.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Fig “Ficus carica L.” and its by-products: A decade evidence of their health-promoting benefits towards the development of novel food formulations
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 127, 1-13, 2022

Vieira D.M.,Pereira C.,Calhelha R.C.,Barros L.,Petrovic J.,Sokovic M.,Barreiro M.F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Castro M.C.R.,Rodrigues P.V.,Machado A.V.
Evaluation of plant extracts as an efficient source of additives for active food packaging
Food Frontiers, 3, 480-488, 2022

Pinto S.M.,Campos S.,Oliveira L.,Atilano J.,Barros L.,Pereira e.C.
Environmental and economic assessment of food additive production from mushroom bio-residues
Cleaner Environmental Systems, 6, , 2022

Alonso-Esteban J.I.,Carocho M.,Barros D.,Velho M.V.,Heleno S.,Barros L.
Chemical composition and industrial applications of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) bark and other non-wood parts
Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, 21, 583-633, 2022

Pinela J.,Petropoulos S.A.,Barros L.
Editorial: Advances in tomato and tomato compounds research and technology
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

de la Fuente B.,Pinela J.,Mandim F.,Heleno S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barba F.J.,Berrada H.,Caleja C.,Barros L.
Nutritional and bioactive oils from salmon (Salmo salar) side streams obtained by Soxhlet and optimized microwave-assisted extraction
Food Chemistry, 386, , 2022

Nicolescu A.,Babotă M.,Ilea M.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Gavrilaș L.,Rocchetti G.,Crișan G.,Mocan A.,Barros L.,Pârvu A.E.
Potential therapeutic applications of infusions and hydroalcoholic extracts of Romanian glutinous sage (Salvia glutinosa L.)
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13, , 2022

Rodrigues J.P.B.,Liberal Â.,Petropoulos S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.
Agri-Food Surplus, Waste and Loss as Sustainable Biobased Ingredients: A Review
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Kessler J.C.,Vieira V.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Ferreira P.,Calhelha R.C.,Afonso A.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.E.,Dias M.M.
Chemical and organoleptic properties of bread enriched with Rosmarinus officinalis L.: The potential of natural extracts obtained through green extraction methodologies as food ingredients
Food Chemistry, 384, , 2022

Ceccanti C.,Finimundy T.C.,Melgar B.,Pereira C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Sequential steps of the incorporation of bioactive plant extracts from wild Italian Plantago coronopus L. and Cichorium intybus L. leaves in fresh egg pasta
Food Chemistry, 384, , 2022

López-Hortas L.,Caleja C.,Pinela J.,Petrović J.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Torres M.D.,Domínguez H.,Pereira E.,Barros L.
Comparative evaluation of physicochemical profile and bioactive properties of red edible seaweed Chondrus crispus subjected to different drying methods
Food Chemistry, 383, , 2022

Moldovan C.,Frumuzachi O.,Babotă M.,Barros L.,Mocan A.,Carradori S.,Crişan G.
Therapeutic Uses and Pharmacological Properties of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum): A Systematic Review
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

Fernandes F.A.,Pedrosa M.C.,Ueda J.M.,Ferreira E.,Rodrigues P.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Improving the physicochemical properties of a traditional Portuguese cake - “económicos” with chestnut flour
Food and Function, 13, 8243-8253, 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Effect of Harvesting Time on the Chemical Composition of Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis Blades
Agronomy, 12, , 2022

Petropoulos S.A.,Fernandes Â.,Finimundy T.C.,Polyzos N.,Pinela J.,Ivanov M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
The Bioactivities and Chemical Profile of Turnip-Rooted Parsley Germplasm
Horticulturae, 8, , 2022

Fernandes Â.,Chaski C.,Pereira C.,Kostić M.,Rouphael Y.,Soković M.,Barros L.,Petropoulos S.A.
Water Stress Alleviation Effects of Biostimulants on Greenhouse-Grown Tomato Fruit
Horticulturae, 8, , 2022

Fernandes F.A.,Heleno S.A.,Pinela J.,Carocho M.,Prieto M.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Recovery of Citric Acid from Citrus Peels: Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Optimized by Response Surface Methodology
Chemosensors, 10, , 2022

Ciudad-Mulero M.,Pinela J.,Carvalho A.M.,Barros L.,Fernández-Ruiz V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Sánchez-Mata M.d.C.,Morales P.
Bioaccessibility of Macrominerals and Trace Elements from Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Farmers’ Varieties
Foods, 11, , 2022

Moliner C.,Cásedas G.,Barros L.,Finimundy T.C.,Gómez-Rincón C.,López V.
Neuroprotective Profile of Edible Flowers of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) in Two Different Models: Caenorhabditis elegans and Neuro-2a Cells
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

de Oliveira A.,Moreira T.F.M.,Pepinelli A.L.S.,Costa L.G.M.A.,da Silva T.B.V.,Coqueiro A.,Fuchs R.H.B.,Dias M.I.,C.F.R. Ferreira I.,Barros L.,Gonçalves O.H.,Bracht L.,Leimann F.V.
Optimization of Pinhão Extract Encapsulation by Solid Dispersion and Application to Cookies as a Bioactive Ingredient
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 15, 1517-1528, 2022

Bortolini D.G.,Barros L.,Maciel G.M.,Brugnari T.,Modkovski T.A.,Fachi M.M.,Pontarolo R.,Pinela J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Haminiuk C.W.I.
Bioactive profile of edible nasturtium and rose flowers during simulated gastrointestinal digestion
Food Chemistry, 381, , 2022

Almeida D.,Cardoso R.V.C.,Pereira C.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zied D.C.,Vieira Junior W.G.,Caitano C.E.C.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.
Biochemical Approaches on Commercial Strains of Agaricus subrufescens Growing under Two Environmental Cultivation Conditions
Journal of Fungi, 8, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical composition of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) petioles as affected by plant growth stage
Food Research International, 156, , 2022

Granato D.,Carocho M.,Barros L.,Zabetakis I.,Mocan A.,Tsoupras A.,Cruz A.G.,Pimentel T.C.
Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the dairy sector: Perspectives on the use of agro-industrial side-streams to design functional foods
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 124, 128-139, 2022

Mocan A.,Fernandes Â.,Calhelha R.C.,Gavrilaş L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Ivanov M.,Sokovic M.,Barros L.,Babotă M.
Bioactive Compounds and Functional Properties of Herbal Preparations of Cystus creticus L. Collected From Rhodes Island
Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Kostic M.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Santos-Buelga C.,Barros L.
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxic, and Antimicrobial Activities of Cardoon Blades at Different Growth Stages
Biology, 11, , 2022

Ueda J.M.,Pedrosa M.C.,Heleno S.A.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Food Additives from Fruit and Vegetable By-Products and Bio-Residues: A Comprehensive Review Focused on Sustainability
Sustainability (Switzerland), 14, , 2022

Bertéli M.B.D.,de Souza M.M.M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Glamočlija J.,Soković M.,Dragunski D.C.,do Valle J.S.,de Souza Ferreira E.,Pinto L.C.,de Souza C.O.,Ruiz S.P.,Linde G.A.,Colauto N.B.
Basidiocarp structures of Lentinus crinitus: an antimicrobial source against foodborne pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38, , 2022

Alonso-Esteban J.I.,Pinela J.,Ćirić A.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Torija-Isasa E.,Sánchez-Mata M.d.C.
Chemical composition and biological activities of whole and dehulled hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds
Food Chemistry, 374, , 2022

Besrour N.,Oludemi T.,Mandim F.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Soković M.,Stojković D.,Ferreira O.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Article Valorization of Juglans regia Leaves as Cosmeceutical Ingredients: Bioactivity Evaluation and Final Formulation Development
Antioxidants, 11, , 2022

Derbassi N.B.,Pedrosa M.C.,Heleno S.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Plant volatiles: Using Scented molecules as food additives
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 122, 97-103, 2022

Roriz C.L.,Heleno S.A.,Alves M.J.,Oliveira M.B.P.P.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Morales P.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Red pitaya (Hylocereus costaricensis) peel as a source of valuable molecules: Extraction optimization to recover natural colouring agents
Food Chemistry, 372, , 2022

Vieira Junior W.G.,Centeio Cardoso R.V.,Fernandes Â.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Pardo-Giménez A.,Mendel Soares D.M.,Stevani C.V.,Zied D.C.
Influence of strains and environmental cultivation conditions on the bioconversion of ergosterol and vitamin D2 in the sun mushroom
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 102, 1699-1706, 2022

Novais C.,Molina A.K.,Abreu R.M.V.,Santo-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Pereira C.,Barros L.
Natural Food Colorants and Preservatives: A Review, a Demand, and a Challenge
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 70, 2789-2805, 2022

Silva B.N.,Cadavez V.,Ferreira-Santos P.,Alves M.J.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Teixeira J.A.,Gonzales-Barron U.
Correction: Silva et al. Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of Extracts from Edible Plants Readily Available in Portugal. Foods 2021, 10, 673
Foods, 11, , 2022

Ribeiro J.,Silva V.,Aires A.,Carvalho R.,Barros L.,Gaivão I.,Igrejas G.,Poeta P.
Platanus hybrida’s Phenolic Profile, Antioxidant Power, and Antibacterial Activity against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Horticulturae, 8, , 2022

Babotă M.,Frumuzachi O.,Gâvan A.,Iacoviță C.,Pinela J.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Zhang L.,Lucini L.,Rocchetti G.,Tanase C.,Crișan G.,Mocan A.
Optimized ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Thymus comosus Heuff. ex Griseb. et Schenk (wild thyme) and their bioactive potential
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 84, , 2022

Ghirro L.C.,Rezende S.,Ribeiro A.S.,Rodrigues N.,Carocho M.,Pereira J.A.,Barros L.,Demczuk B.,Barreiro M.F.,Santamaria-Echart A.
Pickering Emulsions Stabilized with Curcumin-Based Solid Dispersion Particles as Mayonnaise-like Food Sauce Alternatives
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Kessler J.C.,Vieira V.A.,Martins I.M.,Manrique Y.A.,Afonso A.,Ferreira P.,Mandim F.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.,Rodrigues A.E.,Dias M.M.
Obtaining Aromatic Extracts from Portuguese Thymus mastichina L. by Hydrodistillation and Supercritical Fluid Extraction with CO2 as Potential Flavouring Additives for Food Applications
Molecules, 27, , 2022

Silva A.R.,Ayuso M.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Kostić M.,Calhelha R.C.,Soković M.,García P.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Evaluation of parasite and host phenolic composition and bioactivities − The Practical Case of Cytinus hypocistis (L.) L. and Halimium lasianthum (Lam.) Greuter
Industrial Crops and Products, 176, , 2022

Mandim F.,Petropoulos S.A.,Pinela J.,Dias M.I.,Giannoulis K.D.,Kostić M.,Soković M.,Queijo B.,Santos-Buelga C.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Chemical composition and biological activity of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) seeds harvested at different maturity stages
Food Chemistry, 369, , 2022

Teixeira V.M.C.,da Silva R.F.G.,Gonçalves O.H.,Pereira C.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Bona E.,Leimann F.V.
Chemometric approaches to evaluate the substitution of synthetic food dyes by natural compounds: The case of nanoencapsulated curcumin, spirulina, and hibiscus extracts
LWT, 154, , 2022

Stojković D.,Drakulić D.,Dias M.I.,Zengin G.,Barros L.,Ivanov M.,Gašić U.,Rajčević N.,Stevanović M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Soković M.
EXCLI Journal, 21, 387-399, 2022

Liberal Â.,Molina A.K.,Pereira C.,Dias M.I.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Solid-liquid extraction of polyphenols
Technologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes, 73-112, 2022

Mediavilla I.,Bados R.,Barros L.,Xavier V.,Finimundy T.C.,Amaral J.S.,Rizzo A.M.,Casini D.,Lombardi G.,Cámara M.,Suárez A.,Ardid T.,Esteban L.S.
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 1035-1041, 2022

Faria A.S.,Coelho-Fernande S.,Santos-Rodrigue G.,Fernandes Â.,Barros L.,Cadavez V.,Gonzales-Barro U.
12th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry, FOODSIM 2022, 46-53, 2022

Kostić M.,Ivanov M.,Markovic T.,Sanković Babić S.,Barros L.,Calhelha R.,Sokovic M.,Ciric A.
An in vitro study of the origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz & P. H. Davis and Coriandrum sativum L. essential oils as chronic tonsillitis therapeutics: antibacterial, antibiofilm, antioxidant, and cytotoxic activities
Journal of Essential Oil Research, 34, 533-543, 2022

Borges De Oliveira K.,Carocho M.,Finimundy T.,Resende O.,Célia J.A.,Gomes F.P.,Quequeto W.D.,José De Campos Bastos F.,Barros L.,Ferreira Junior W.N.
Analysis of Volatiles of Rose Pepper Fruits by GC/MS: Drying Kinetics, Essential Oil Yield, and External Color Analysis
Journal of Food Quality, 2022, , 2022

Añibarro-Ortega M.,Pinela J.,Alexopoulos A.,Petropoulos S.A.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
The powerful Solanaceae: Food and nutraceutical applications in a sustainable world
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 100, 131-172, 2022

Derbassi N.,C. Pedrosa M.,Heleno S.,Fernandes F.,Dias M.I.,Calhelha R.C.,Rodrigues P.,Carocho M.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barros L.
Arbutus unedo leaf extracts as potential dairy preservatives: case study on quark cheese
Food and Function, , 2022

Petrović J.,Fernandes Â.,Stojković D.,Soković M.,Barros L.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Shekhar A.,Glamočlija J.
A Step Forward Towards Exploring Nutritional and Biological Potential of Mushrooms: A Case Study of Calocybe gambosa (Fr.) Donk Wild Growing in Serbia
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 72, 17-26, 2022

Teixeira L.G.,Rezende S.,Fernandes A.,Fernandes I.P.,Barros L.,Barreira J.C.M.,Leimann F.V.,Ferreira I.C.F.R.,Barreiro M.F.
Water-in-Oil-in-Water Double Emulsions as Protective Carriers for Sambucus nigra L. Coloring Systems
Molecules, 27, , 2022